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MINE! [New World Book 8]

Page 9

by C. L. Scholey

  Higher he rose covering her. “There will be no pain,” he whispered.

  The tip of his cock pressed against her and Becky waited for an earth shattering thrust. His penetration was inch by inch. Her insides strained against the invasion, but there was no pain. Gentle rocking drove him deeper, his slick smoothness rose higher until she was panting in short gasps. She wrapped her legs around him, her thighs brushing against his solid heat. Eyes wide, her hands held tight to his powerful forearms. She wished he would lower closer against her. He did, instantly.

  There was a thought on Becky’s mind. She wished he would pull out and begin again. Huck did. She thought him to be in charge. In an instant, the need for him to kiss her flickered and Huck lowered to claim her lips. When the kiss ended, he grinned at her. Somehow he knew where her thoughts took her and then took him. Becky’s breath caught when he thrust up; his entire thick length impaled her.

  That he did on his own.

  Keeping most of his weight from her, but settling closer, she was pinned until she couldn’t move. Huck’s teasing was done. His rock hard hips crashed against her making her scream. For an instant she was scared shitless, he was a warrior with a warrior’s strength, until Huck whispered no. No fear in bonding. His essence was speaking to her, seeking only her release. The sweat on their bodies mixed, her skin tingled. There was something in his secretions taking a message to her veins, her heart and her mind. Becky knew they were bonding, joining. She had no idea the act would be so powerful. She gasped as a wave of desire washed over her and Huck groaned.

  “We run through each other’s veins,” Huck said. “Your body accepted me.”

  Each thrust thumped her deeper into his embrace until her face buried into his chest. Her cheek pressed to his skin, her knees slid across his hips. There had been no pain until her insides strained to accept more of him, she couldn’t.

  How can there be more?

  “Huck,” she groaned as her confusion intensified.

  “I’m in must, Becky. When in must, a Tonan cock will enlarge with my seed to mix with a piece of my shield. I can’t stop.”

  “You’re hurting me.”

  “Becky I need to give you part of my shield. If there’s even the slightest chance of a baby you both must be protected at all cost.”

  “Or Cobra will be angry?” Becky whispered.

  “No. My asshole father never gave me a piece of his shield, my mother and I weren’t important enough. You and my son are. It has nothing to do with Cobra. If my stepfather hadn’t fallen in love with my mother we would’ve been in danger, no doubt died, murdered by a Tonan bastard the same as my father. A pregnant female smells so receptive she’s too hard to refuse and why would a bastard Tonan refuse? My stepfather saved our lives. I won’t risk yours.”

  “Blow your load out of me.”

  “I can’t, we need to bond. My essence needs to mix with yours. My shield is driving me to do what’s right. Some of my seed has already entered you, if it found its mark you may already have conceived. I won’t risk your lives. A female with no shield spends her pregnancy in danger and risk of death. Females I mated with weren’t in heat, I wasn’t in must. I told you I would be a good father to my son. It begins with my first unselfish act toward him.”

  She hadn’t been mistaken, he had mentioned a son. “Huck, a baby? No, not out here.”


  Becky was so surprised she gasped. He asked. He—begged. Oh, my God. He was being truthful. The pressure between her thighs was growing to be too much.

  “Huck, it hurts.”

  “I can make the hurt stop.”

  “Make it stop.”

  Becky gasped and stifled a scream when his fangs grew. Two dripping glistening points descended toward her vulnerable throat. Before she could protest he buried those two pointed teeth into her. Becky stilled instantly. She was completely awash feeling submissive. The pain was gone. Huck moved slower. Warm wetness filled her; her need to thrash when she came was stifled. She couldn’t move. Huck stilled and lay his head off to the side, more of his weight pinned her.

  When Huck rolled to her right, Becky lay staring at the ceiling. For a moment, there wasn’t any part of her touching him. She was detached from her lifeline. Fear thundered into her. She was helpless, wondering if he’d done something to paralyze her for life.

  “Huck?” her word was a mere whisper.

  In seconds, he pulled her to his chest. “I’m sorry, Becky. Don’t be afraid. The feeling will wear off. I’m a very powerful warrior, and I’m older. My shield is determined to create only the best part of it and me for a child. I’ve never tried to give a piece of it away before. I’m worn out, give me a second to recover, and I’ll help you.”

  You’re worn out?

  Huck chuckled. “We’ve bonded. Your annoyance is amusing and cute. I’m still the warrior I’m meant to be, but not with you. Can you feel me?”

  Becky wondered what he meant until her fingers twitched, the tips touching him. Huck was flowing secretions into her, helping her. She gasped when she was gripped with a need to hold him and never let go. She was pulled into his arms.

  “Sleep,” he said. “You’re tired. You’re safe.”

  The sensation was strange but she knew she was safe. There was no place safer—or more confusing.

  * * * *

  Huck was again staring up at Becky ass kicker from his prone position. Only this time, he grinned. He had talked her into showing him a few of her ass kicking moves. For some reason after they joined, he felt an insane sense of play. Huck hadn’t wanted to play since he was a child. The night before, she slept well, except for one nightmare. The frustration he experienced about not being able to go to her in her dreams was annoying.

  Huck jumped up and in a move sent Becky onto her back wanting to prove his dominance. His hips thrust up pushing her knees apart but her hands shot up to either shoulder and she locked her elbows. She was grinning.

  “By the way, thanks for fixing my arm it hardly hurts at all,” she said.

  Huck couldn’t heal her completely unless they mated, but bonding gave him the ability to help small hurts better than before. He was happy she was in no pain.

  She then twisted, her left foot came up onto his thigh, she grabbed his elbows and shoved her other foot onto his other thigh. He moved slightly back in confusion and faster than he thought possible, both her palms shot up connecting with his chin. Huck went flying back.

  Becky sat up. “Oops, sorry, that was a bit much, did I hurt you?”

  “No, but you surprised the hell out of me, little ass kicker. Will these moves work on anyone?”

  “I’m not sure if the moves take your weight into consideration; I know you were being careful. An attacker moves fast so you need to move faster. A lot has to do with the element of surprise. The first time I sent my dad flying I was eight. Again, he was being careful. He always was. So when I was eleven, I went looking for trouble.”

  Huck went to sit beside her. She lifted her hand to brush a few locks of hair from her face. Dark brown expressive eyes gazed at him.

  “What did you do?” Huck asked.

  “I knew of a bad ass who hung out on a street corner. He was sixteen and a bully. He was bullying another girl. For the most part, he left children like me alone. I mean, he’d jump at us or shout ‘boo,’ but no contact. This girl was around seventeen and small and cute. He was feeling her up and she was scared. I was pissed.

  “I was feeling full of myself, cocky. I told him to leave her alone and what happened next was kinda a blur. Let’s just say there was an ambulance involved with very stunned paramedics. The cops couldn’t charge me; I was too young and one of them winked at me. The boy was known to police so I’m guessing they figured he had it coming, and by a little girl was priceless. My dad was mad at me. He said I did the right thing for the wrong reasons and hurt the boy pretty bad. I had no idea I was so dangerous. I learned that day it’s okay to protect yourself and oth
ers but you needed, well I needed, to have control. I broke a few bones on him. His family moved away shortly after, because he was razed about being beaten up by a kid, a girl no less.

  “A month after the incident is when I was almost killed by the cupcake. Karma maybe. I don’t like to hurt anyone, but I know how. I made a name for myself which was both good and bad.”

  “Becky fucking ass kicker,” he teased.

  “Well, I kinda added the fucking.”

  Huck laughed. He traced the back of her hand with a finger. She was soft and smooth and Huck detected a strange emotion.

  “Why do I sense fear? You are and yet aren’t afraid of me.”

  “I’m not afraid you’ll hurt me, physically. Since we bonded, my emotions are mixed.”

  “I can tell because my shield is trying to analyze what you need. Frankly, there are so many emotions if it could, I think my shield would toss its hands up and say, ‘dude, I got nothing.’”

  Becky laughed, and he liked the sound. “And that’s why chocolate is a life saver.”

  Huck jumped up and went to the replicator, sensing the hint when she winked at him. He brought her back a cold glass of chocolate milk. While she drank, he centered his thoughts on all the different moves she taught him. Warriors battled, but he believed some actions were a boon. The element of surprise was priceless. Becky went to return the glass when she was finished. Huck pulled her into his lap when she returned. The last move she taught him was from a position he’d seen other human females in, unwilling females. The idea made him thoughtful.

  “Did you ever use that move on any of the men on your shuttle?”

  “Jack. Once. He and the others learned a valuable lesson. I knocked Jack out, and when he came to I warned them joking was one thing, but if they ever meant what they did for real, I’d kill them. I meant it.”

  “It must have been hard living with those men day after day, always on guard.”

  “They were bored mostly when they teased. It wasn’t all bad.”

  Huck lay them back on the thick comforter. He stroked a lock of hair from her eyes. Being gentle wasn’t something he was used to. She was gazing up at him.

  “Thank you for teaching me battle moves,” Huck said. “I have to admit that is one sentence I never thought I’d say to any female.”

  “I think I like you.”

  Huck smiled, because he could sense she was fonder of him than she realized. It was because of the bond. In time, the feeling would grow stronger.

  “Each time we join, we’ll grow closer,” Huck said.

  “Is that a hint?”

  “Only if you want it to be. We joined, you did as I asked. You know what to expect. I’m in must and since we bonded, my body is crazy to have you again. You’re a drug.”

  She snorted. “You should talk.”

  “My fangs create a substance to soothe and relax. I can immobilize an enemy in a second if I come into contact with exposed flesh.”

  “One word about disembowelling and I’m out of here.”

  “Not one word,” he promised. “While in the midst of an orgasm, I’d be annoyed with you bellowing ‘Oh, cupcake, you feel so good.’”

  Becky laughed and so did he. “Why do I feel so close to you?”

  “I think it has to do with you being human. Your emotions. Tonan females have emotion but not to your extent. My shield figures out one emotion then gets jumped on by another. I’m cruel enough to say I’m finding my shield’s perplexed frustrations funny.”

  “Is your shield a separate entity?”

  “Yes and no. It’s part of me and not. I stopped trying to figure out what we mean to each other long ago. My shield takes care of me, protects me. It will protect you when we mate—if we mate.”

  “You said before I’d die if we mated, if you died.”

  “I’m afraid that’s part of the deal. We become intertwined. If you lost half of you, you’d die. My shield can protect you if we mate. It can close around you to keep you safe, to keep me safe. We would be so close I could enter your dreams. I would know where you are at all times. Sense what you are feeling.”


  “I like that word so much better than cupcake.”

  A hesitant finger rose and she traced his lips. Huck captured the finger between his teeth. His sense of play returned. She pulled back but he refused to release her.

  “Huck, let go.”

  “Un-uh.” He winked at her.

  “If I agree to kiss you, will you let go?”

  Huck let go. Leaned down and pressed his mouth over hers. The emotion of excitement wafting from her encouraged him. She wanted him; he sensed she did which made him excited to have her. Huck pinned her beneath him.

  “Have you ever wanted a warrior?” he asked.

  “I did. I do.”

  “No fear.”

  Her breath was expelled in a whoosh. “No fear.”

  Huck gripped her shirt in a fist and watching her, he tore it slowly down. She continued to watch him. He could see her pulse in her throat. He slid one finger into her shorts and shielding a single talon he sliced up ripping the material. Her breath stopped as she stared at the razor sharp talon.

  Shielded, he would crush her and he scooped her up around the waist, pulling her onto him. Her legs were on either side of his waist. Almost all of his shield went up. He lay back as she straddled him and though his desire to turn her and bury within her was strong, he wanted her to see him. Many hours a day he spent shielded. This was part of who and what he was. He knew she thought the shield was ugly but when they mated, this ugly shield would become one of her best friends.

  “If we joined like this, is it you taking me or your shield?” she whispered.

  Huck knew she couldn’t see him grinning. “My cock is mine. My shield can mix with my essence only if I allow. If we were mated, I could pull you into my shield while we joined.”


  “If you call me cupcake, I swear I’ll program chocolate out of the replicator.”

  “You want me to know all of you.”

  “You are never to fear anything about me.”

  Becky placed both hands onto his hard grey chest. She glanced at his talons resting on her hips. She leaned forward and watching his expression, she kissed his shield. Overdrive didn’t begin to describe the shield’s reaction. Acceptance was something a Tonan rarely experienced. A shield was feared. In that single kiss was both acceptance and not a trace of fear.

  There was no shield between her hips and his and she gasped when he thrust up and entered her. He used no calming fluid this time. His talon hands kept her firmly in place while he gazed at her.

  “What do you see, Becky?”

  “I see you.”

  Huck dropped his shield and flipped her over. She cried out when he thrust as deeply as he could.

  “Let me be your warrior.”

  She gripped his neck and pulled him lower. She lifted her legs to wrap them around his waist and began to move to meet his thrusts. Huck’s power built with each touch. Her moisture flowed through his veins and since she gave him permission last time, he sank his fangs into her throat when his size grew.

  Inside his shield was buzzing to create everything strong, everything loving and perfect his son would need. His son would be given the best of Huck and the best of his shield. The child and the shield wouldn’t have the same issues as Huck did in the beginning. He wanted to love his child, and this time the shield was going to the right son, the wanted son.

  Happiness washed over Huck when Becky came, her warmth and acceptance seeped into his being. She lay limp in his arms.

  Chapter 7

  “What is that strange noise you’re making?”

  Huck watched Becky wash in the stall. There were words coming from her mouth, but they sounded linked together. The tone wasn’t unpleasant but foreign.

  “Humming and singing,” she replied. She turned to gaze at him. “Don’t Tonans sing?”
br />   “I’ve never heard anyone sing or hum.”

  “Not even your mother?”

  Huck thought hard. “Nope. Nowhere in my history do I remember sounds like those. Make them again.”

  Huck crossed his arms and leaned against the stall, head cocked, his ear tuned to listen. Becky began with the words, words he knew, but strung together to make a story with a tune. There were lines she repeated and soon Huck was repeating them with her. Becky was grinning at him.

  “You should sing more often.” She stepped from the shower as the door opened on her command as Huck recently programmed it.

  A large warm towel was draped on a chair, he handed it to her. The towel molded to her, drying her and soon she was dressing. When finished, she came to him and wrapped her arms around his middle; her chin rested on his chest, she gazed up at him. Enough of her bare flesh was against his skin, telling him she was hungry and tired. He needed no words.

  Since the couple’s bonding, his shield and Huck came to an understanding. He was allowed to be a bad ass warrior and kill, or want to kill, but he was always to be gentle with Becky. He could live with that. She shifted to press her cheek against him and her tummy rumbled. With a gentle nudge, Huck set her from him and went to replicate some food. In the last three days, he had come to understand her passion for chocolate.

  He set the steaming plate of food in her hands, along with a mug of hot chocolate. With hands on her shoulders, he turned her.

  “Go eat and then lay down. I know you’re tired, I sense it.”

  “Of course you do,” she mumbled as she walked away.

  Huck knew theirs was a strong bond; with him being over a thousand years old, he thought it might be. Her innocence aided the connection by handing over the ultimate trust. Many warriors of his father’s kind felt the need to mate after turning a thousand. Most fought the urge. A mate made them vulnerable; if Becky died after he mated with her, he would die. His father’s kind of Tonan was loath to give up a piece of shield; selfishness was killing their breed.


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