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MINE! [New World Book 8]

Page 12

by C. L. Scholey

  Little minx.

  Becky had no doubt he would jump after her. She was right and in that instant, Huck sensed the emotion of trust, real trust. Becky gave him that. He could trust, because she showed him the emotion.

  If she can love me, she can show me how to love.

  The revelation floored him. She must love him. But how? Huck had no idea how to make her love him. Can you make someone love you? His shield was telling him it was possible through action, action was more trustworthy than words. Huck grinned as he dragged her closer. She taught him how to trust, she gave him the blueprints for love.

  Her small arms wrapped around his back as best as she could to hang on. He knew she was feeling emotions as he wrapped his head around so many ideas at once. Huck gripped a hand into her hair and held her still. His hips rose and fell until she was weeping his name. Her exhaustion rolled over her with each orgasm.

  Their body secretions told him her story of fulfilment. She lay immobile, not wanting to be anywhere else; he knew that. Slick wet warmth saturated his cock and he wanted to absorb all of her.

  A slight bump made Huck tense and he looked over the side of the flower bed. They were on the ground. Huck lay his head against the petals for a brief moment before gathering Becky into his arms. Shielded he jumped from the flower to the ground and raced to their new home. He was disappointed he couldn’t shield her, but vowed one day he would. There was a bath with healing waters in their place to wash. He wanted to feel how smooth she would be.

  Chapter 10

  Becky gazed at her naked form in a mirror. She scowled. With her head cocked to the side she turned left then right. The bath Huck had taken her in swirled around her making her dizzy until it settled. When Huck slipped his fingers over her mound she tensed. Without thought she dipped her hand and felt fine smoothness greet her touch.

  Standing and staring at her mound void of hair, she wasn’t sure what to think. Huck had no coarse hairs anywhere on his body. Becky never once thought it odd. To see herself naked with no body hair, she was feeling more exposed. Nothing was hidden. Finally, she shrugged.

  “The ultimate alien wax,” she muttered. Huck mentioned the hair would never grow back.

  On the bed was her tiny pile of clothes. A shirt and shorts. The material was fine as she slipped her tube top over her head. The shorts were body hugging but flexible, grey. Her ass was well defined and she placed a hand over her tummy wondering when she would show. She smiled imagining she caressed her baby’s small rump.

  Huck was with Cobra. A sentry of eight warriors came to collect him. Becky had frowned, not wanting Huck to leave but was assured he wouldn’t be injured. With enough warriors to subdue him if necessary, there would be no need to battle. Huck took her hands and told her no matter what she was safe; Cobra would never hurt her or a child once their son was born. A warrior who called himself Jago assured her Huck would be back. His statement was backed up by another warrior named Raiden.

  The inside of their home was airy, neither small nor big but she was bored. She’d wanted to go with Huck, but wasn’t allowed. A knock on her door and Becky flew to open it. Cobra’s mate, Leah was there with another woman.

  “Becky, this is Jinx. She stopped by for a brief moment.”

  Becky smiled at the beautiful woman. “I’m happy to meet you.”

  The women entered the home and remained standing.

  “We can’t stay,” Leah said. “But I thought you might like to meet Jinx for a reason.”

  “I would have come with my sister or Macey but both have their hands full.” Jinx groaned. “Little monkey has gone again.”

  “What?” Becky asked when Leah laughed.

  “I’m sorry, Becky, but my son, Ryker, and the son of a Zargonnii warrior seem to have developed a friendship. Zell is Titus’s son; Titus is leader of the southern Zargonnii. His mate Zabbie and I have given birth to two very headstrong male children who disappear at will.”

  “They what? Holy heck, do all Castian babies do that?” Becky was certain her heart skipped a beat.

  “No. Lucky me, I seem to have the only one,” Jinx said. “I’m afraid I have to go. Zabbie will be showing up to bring him back soon. My mate, Roam, will be frantic. I wanted to tell you my life on Earth was hard. Like you, my dad died. I hope you don’t mind Leah told me. My sister was taken by a Castian warrior the night dad was killed by a Tonan warrior.”

  “I see,” Becky wasn’t certain she wanted to hear the rest of this conversation.

  “No, you don’t see, yet.”

  Jinx’s tone was kind and from the way she looked at her, Becky knew she expected to be told the worst and prepared herself when Huck never returned.

  “Becky,” Jinx said. “I was found by a Tonan warrior who kept his identity from me and a few others for years. It wasn’t to be cruel but kind. Taz is a Tonan warrior who warrior-mated my mate. Taz is one of the most loving men I’ve ever had the honor to meet. One day I’m sure Taz and Macey will sit you down and tell you their story. It’s a beautiful tale and worth listening to. It’s hard, mated to a Tonan, but you’re not alone.”

  “Cobra says Huck is the only half breed here. By that he means both types of Tonan,” Becky said.

  “Cobra will sort this out,” Leah said, but from her tone it was plain to see she was uncertain, and Huck was right, it was a good thing humans didn’t grow tails when they lied.

  Jinx reached to squeeze Becky’s hand. “Taz told me it’s extremely rare for a Tonan to give a piece of his shield to a child and almost unheard of for one of half of Huck’s kind to want his child safe. You’ve won most of the battle. I better go. I can feel Roam’s annoyance, which means I’m guessing there’s a baby Zargonnii in our midst. This is going to prove to be very interesting. Heaven help us when those two little males are full grown.”

  Becky closed the door quietly behind the women when they left. Cobra had his hands full. She hoped he made time for Huck.

  * * * *

  Huck was led into a quiet room. Cobra was alone and motioned everyone but Huck to leave. The tension was thick.

  “The Zagonnii have decided a Tonan vessel roaming is one vessel too many. I agree. I have little time for you and your mate. All I want from you are answers. No matter what you answer you may return to your bond mate until I decide what to do with you. I expect the truth.”

  “Of course.”

  “Do you know the ship hovering?”

  “Yes, it’s my old captain.”

  Simple yes or no answers. Huck knew Cobra did this for a reason. A Tonan could stretch the truth without his tail growing. Cobra wanted none of that.

  “Do you plan on rejoining your captain?”


  “Until you mate, I won’t accept you or any pledge of allegiance. If the war were to shift, you would go with the side you considered to be the winner.”

  Huck swallowed hard. Cobra was right. All he had was Becky and his son; their safety was all that mattered. The idea was enlightening; Cobra knew Huck better than he knew himself.

  “I want what’s best for my…”

  “You want what’s best for you,” Cobra thundered. “You were raised by bastards who have no loyalty to anything. A human female tempers a Tonan through her emotion. The type of Tonan I have allowed can feel that emotion. You can never.”

  Huck was distressed. “But my shield is from my stepfather.”

  “I can’t take the risk of you turning traitor with so many lives at risk.”

  “Becky has agreed to mate me in time.”

  “In time? Was it you or your secretions coercing her?”

  “That’s not fair. Tell me a Castian has never aided in taming a female with their ability. Becky trusts me.”

  “You risk endangering your bond mate and your son when you can’t decide on a side. The winning side isn’t enough. You can’t commit, it’s no wonder she won’t mate you.”

  A feeling in Huck enveloped him, devastation. Cobra would give Bec
ky to another. When she jumped from the flower, his heart hurt, this was far worse. All Huck wanted was a home and to belong. Now he didn’t belong anywhere. But Becky and his son could belong, if he left them. He had been right; his type of Tonan couldn’t handle too many emotions. Part of him was geared only to hate and kill, nothing more. The ability to become a machine of loathing was no longer in his grasp. Bonding had given him too many of Becky’s emotions. Emotions stressing what was best for his bond mate and child. His movements stiff, Huck turned.

  “I will tell Becky I’m leaving. I won’t go to my old captain, though. Yours is still the winning side, but if I lose my son and Becky, I’ve already lost.”

  Cobra gripped his arm and spun him around. Face to face the warriors stood. Cobra gazed back behind Huck; there was no lying tail, no deceit. Cobra gave a slight smile.

  “Unconditional sacrifice is impossible for an evil Tonan,” Cobra said. “Your bond mate must be very special.”

  “She is.”

  “Tell her I’m still thinking on what action to take. For now, go to her. I have more pressing issues I need to take care of. One lone, semi-volatile Tonan can wait.”

  There was still hope. Cobra had been testing him, to see his reaction. Yes, he wanted his bond mate safe by any means, even if it meant leaving her. Cobra was a great leader. A leader who made a warrior think. As he left, Huck found there were things he never knew about himself.

  Imagine that.

  The shield was being cocky, but Huck could only grin. The eight warriors who originally escorted him followed only until they were clear of the main hive. Becky was waiting, her worried expression split into a full smile. She walked into his arms, and Huck held her. Her skin was warm, she smelled sweet. Her emotions were everywhere and too many to center on just one. Huck let all of them in.

  “Well, what did Cobra say?” she asked.

  “We have time. Time to spend together, to get to know each other without all the hassle. The Tonans won’t hover for long. I’m guessing my leaving has rattled a few. My being half evil has placed a conundrum on the situation. If a volatile Tonan can mate and belong, maybe others can. I don’t think it’s that simple. I think my having my stepfather’s shield makes the difference. I’m unique.”

  Becky snorted. “I could have told you that.”

  “When I first set out to find a mate, everything was about me. Me belonging, me being cared about. It’s not so simple anymore. Bonding was more than I thought it would be. When I touch you I sense my child, part of me is already within you.”

  Becky stared past him. “It’s getting dark outside.”

  Huck frowned. “Castians control the weather here. It shouldn’t get dark.”

  “Do children see in the dark?” Becky asked.

  “I could, but I’m a full-blooded Tonan. Why do you ask?”

  “When I was a child, I needed it to be dark outside to get to sleep.”

  Huck thought about that. So had he. He had forgotten about that. The hive was filled with children and from the warriors’ talk some were full-blooded human children. Cobra literally dimmed the planet lights for bedtime. The idea was—cute.

  “Come on,” Becky said and took his hand.

  She led him outside and pointed up toward the sky. “Twinkle, twinkle little star,” she sang.

  “What are you doing?”

  “A song all children are taught. We have adored the skies for a very long time. Sing with me.”

  “I don’t know the song.”

  “I’ll teach it to you.”

  Becky began to sing again. As Huck listened to her, he realized mating a human would open up so much to his son. The song was short and Huck was soon singing along with her. The lyrics made him smile. He knew what a star was. A diamond was a mere mineral, but the words were appropriate. When Becky stood gazing quietly Huck turned her to press her face against his chest.

  “You’re the little star, Becky, the twinkling diamond. In some ways, I still don’t know what you are. But your emotion burns bright enough to affect me.”

  “Huck, that’s the sweetest thing any man has ever said to me.”

  “I’m a warrior.”

  “I can’t see in the dark, warrior. Is anyone around?”

  “No. The hive has been tucked in. I can’t see the Tonan vessel overhead or feel any threat. My shield has been monitoring everything.”

  “It’s so beautiful out here. It’s been so long since I saw stars in the sky that weren’t surrounded by meteors, or blocked by volcanic ash. They look like the stars I would see on Earth. Before everything went to hell.”

  The wistfulness in her tone bothered Huck. “Are you sad to be here?”

  “No. The past is gone. This is our present. The stars are presents. The little one inside of me is a gift. More than a week ago, I wandered onto a shuttle and ate chocolate for the first time in years. If you hadn’t taken me hostage, I’d be trapped on that godforsaken planet and not myself. The others would have no peace. The idea is scary as hell.”

  Huck realized she was right. He had saved her. The idea of his bond mate suffering for eternity made his heart flip.

  “Is that why you agreed to bond mate?” Huck asked.

  “I was alone. But not trapped. When you gave me a choice I knew I wanted to choose you. You are life. You have been all along.”

  Becky cupped his jaw. Huck dipped his head to meet her lips in a soft kiss. A slight breeze ruffled his hair; the scent of rain was in the air. A tilt of his head and he could hear the foliage dance not too far from them. The Castians controlled where and when and how much rain would fall. The deluge was often rough.

  “It’s going to pour soon,” he warned her.

  She smiled. “Really? Real rain? Not grey rain or polluted rain or acid rain?”

  “Real rain.”

  Becky gripped his neck and pulled him lower to claim his lips as the first spatters fell.

  * * * *

  The relief Becky had felt when Huck came into view was twice as sweet with no warriors following him. Waiting for Cobra’s decision drove her crazy. Now here he was. It would seem more waiting was in store, but it didn’t matter. Wherever Huck went she would go. If Cobra wouldn’t accept Huck, there was no hope for any child she carried. Her father meant the world to her; there was no way she would take an opportunity away from him, or Huck. For a half-evil Tonan, there was integrity within the warrior. Losing him would be Cobra’s loss, not hers.

  Huck gripped her to him and dragged her toward a flower struggling with the rain saturating everything. Huck flipped the flower over and tugged it half under a bush where it stuck, to shield them. She fell to her knees tugging him down and wrapped her hand around the back of his neck drawing him close for a kiss. His body was slippery and cool.

  Becky wasn’t certain he would come back. Now that he had, she realized there was so much more to what they had or could have. Huck slipped her shirt off over her head and massaged her bared breasts. Becky kissed his shoulders, his rock hard chest, going lower. Since conceiving, he no longer grew huge; he no longer needed to create a piece of his shield. The idea made her wonder.



  “The baby shield protects me and your son. When he reaches a certain age, the shield will only protect him?”


  “Why doesn’t a warrior simply give a female part of his shield?”

  “We give a female a baby shield, but it wears off. We grow too big in must. Even if I bit you, your mouth, though noisy at times, wouldn’t accommodate my size.”

  Becky punched him. “I’m not noisy.”

  “You were headed somewhere before you rudely interrupted yourself.”

  Huck flipped her onto her back and straddled her shoulders. With her hands pinned he guided his hard cock into her mouth. Becky figured he had a point. He was big enough without expanding. She thought it was a shame it had to be this way. Females were so vulnerable.

can feel your emotions.” Huck groaned and rocked in a careful way. “A female can be shielded up to the age of twenty-one by any Tonan or Castian and healed. It makes them receptive to mating. I can shield you when we mate. Females should always be ours to protect, little ass kicker.”

  Becky didn’t think so, but the satin feel of him riding her mouth was too pleasant to argue. He released her hands and she gripped him, working his hardness until he was moving too fast for her to catch her breath. The second her worry intensified he pulled from her, moved lower and impaled her.

  “You have the power to send me flying,” Huck said.

  “I did before,” she drawled as she gasped.

  Huck flipped them over and Becky lay pressed against him. He thumped into her, and she writhed; her face tilted until her neck arched. She caught a glimpse of her long hair behind, touching his thighs. As she came, she screeched when the flower above gave way and water drenched her, saturating her in less than a second. Becky gasped, mouth wide while Huck grinned up at her.

  “You knew that was going to happen,” Becky squealed.

  “Well duh. I’m evil remember?”

  Becky punched him in the guts. Huck laughed. He had them both off the ground while shielded and he raced for their home. At least Becky hoped with all her heart it would be theirs.

  * * * *

  Becky stood holding the Zargonnii baby. He was heavy for his age and huge. Beautiful green eyes shone brightly at her and a warm glow bathed her face. His mother, Zabbie was smiling at her. The boy was incredible to look at. Half human, half Zargonnii with thick flowing ebony hair to his waist and four horizontal lines of white fur across his arms. He would be a powerhouse one day.

  At a slight movement, her one hand pressed against her belly. She could envision her son with his hands splayed against the inside of her belly peeking out her belly button. Zell, the Zargonnii baby laughed, and she was surprised to see a mouthful of human teeth.

  “I bet those made breastfeeding interesting,” Becky said.


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