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Page 14

by Vivienne Savage

  “No, no, I get that.” She chuckled softly and turned her head to nuzzle his throat. “He kidnaps officers and forces them to have a good time.”

  “I had a horrible time,” he muttered. “Some little tart from logistics tried to rub her tits in my face.”


  “In this day and age, there’s no excuse for obviously false tits.”

  Snickers turned to full-blown laughter. “Oh, you mean, um, Keita. I was on the Armstrong with her six years back when she first joined up. The girls were much smaller then, yes.”

  “She should have paid a few more quid to get it done right. Yours, on the other hand…” He cupped one breast in his palm and brushed his thumb back and forth across her nipple. The stiffened peak stood out against her top. “Yours are perfect.”

  The soft hitch in Thandie’s breath sent his pulse racing. He leaned in close, but she raised a single finger and set it against his lips. Xander went still.

  “We don’t have to rush,” she said in a soft voice. “I know I was eager before—”

  Xander stiffened. “It’s all right. No need to explain.”

  “Hey, no, it’s not like that.” She pushed up on one elbow and looked down at him. “I am not put off by your differences, trust me. But I’m not sure how to, uh… I need time to work up to two dicks. I’m trying to figure out how to make that physically work.”

  The tension in his chest eased. Able to breathe again, Xander nodded and tried to view the situation through her eyes. “I guess when you put it that way, it makes sense. I’m not going to rush you. I don’t want you to ever feel pressured to have sex with me. Okay? Let’s agree on that now before we take this anywhere else. I’m happy to wait.”

  “Well, I don’t want to keep you waiting too long. Hell, I don’t want to wait too long.” Her cheeks flushed. “I downloaded half-Lexar porn once. It’s… hot. I just never thought I’d be in the position to experience it myself.”

  He blinked. “I didn’t even know that was a thing.”

  “It’s not exactly easy to find. I was really determined and had just moved out of my parents’ house to join the Royal Navy, so the galactic web was a fresh new place full of unmonitored, forbidden mysteries.”

  He chuckled. “Well, guess we both hit the jackpot then. I can be at ease, and you don’t need to search the web anymore for obscure porn. There’s something else I need to tell you before we go any further with this.”

  “Pretty sure nothing can be more shocking than two penises, so let’s have it.”

  Xander laughed again despite the serious matter. “What else do you know about the Lexar when it comes to sex?”

  “Not much, really. They don’t exactly spill their secrets to us.”

  “Lexar males sometimes go into a sort of, hell, a rut, I guess you could say. They meet a woman and they can’t focus on anything else but them. They’d do anything to protect her. To claim her as their own.”

  He watched her face as his words sank in. Thandie’s golden eyes widened and her lips parted. “You’re…”

  “The first time I ever experienced the Mating Frenzy, you were on my exam table, and it took all of my concentration not to humiliate myself.”

  “Is that why I’m here? Because you got hit by genetics?”

  He shook his head. “No. It’s why I tried so hard to resist you. I didn’t want some genetic sexual urge to be why I got to know you. But everywhere I turned, there you were, like fate had intervened, and when we did get to know one another, I realized I didn’t want to be without you.”


  “I’m sorry, that was a bit much, wasn’t it?” Fuck. What if he scared her away? He bit his tongue and held the rest in.

  “I just didn’t realize… I mean, I know you mentioned it before, but I thought you were exaggerating.”

  “Sweetie, I was so anxious to see you again this evening that Kathleen spent most of our shift making fun of me.”

  “I, uh, ran into her this morning. In your bathroom.”

  He tilted his head back to look at her. “You didn’t lock the door?”

  Thandie giggled and turned her face against his arm. “Sorry. I’m not used to locking doors. We still use a shared space in the enlisted section. A bunch of women fighting over three showers.”

  “The bint didn’t even tell me. She played it dumb the entire time she questioned me.”

  “Well, we didn’t talk or anything. She sort of blinked at me a few times then backed out again mumbling about not seeing anything.”

  “Of course not. That isn’t her style. She must have expected me to offer it up to her.”

  “That was nice of her.” Light pecks traveled up his shoulder and neck, little kisses that wormed their way into his heart and filled him with warmth.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” Xander said impulsively. “I mean it, Thandie. I enjoy when we’re together. It’s about more than your beauty...and, uh, how much the alien half of my genes really wants to dick you. I admire your strength and your perseverance, the work that got you here on the Jemison.”

  “I like you, too. And…” Her gaze dropped downward then back up to his face. “Not just because you have two really impressive cocks, though that’s definitely a bonus.”

  “A bonus, eh?”

  “Uh huh. Definitely a two-for-one deal. I’m just not ready to turn in my coupon yet.”

  Chapter Twelve

  After a quiet two weeks of dating in supposed secret, Xander invited Thandie to join him for tea at a small cafe-slash-pub tucked beside the crew lounge. The invitation took her by surprise, but at the same time, brought an instant gratification. Hiding wasn’t her strong suit.

  And neither was deciding what to fucking wear on a date with a hot guy, because the last seven years of her life had been fatigues and boots. The time preceding that was lace dresses, petticoats, and corsets—the life of a virginal southern belle from Tallulah.

  If her parents knew how much she’d cut loose after leaving their home, they’d be appalled.

  Thandie spent the hour prior to their scheduled meeting tearing through what little wardrobe she’d acquired over the years of military life. Most of her purchases landed in a military storage container somewhere on Albion with her name on it, but she stuffed the rest into a small trunk beside her rack.

  Elizabeth glanced up from her book. “What are you doing?”

  “Failing at ‘Woman 101,’ apparently. I need to look nice for a date, but not too nice.”

  “Please tell me you didn’t say yes to O’Reilly. Jean-Claude is such a bore.”

  “No, not with him. Someone else from medical.”

  “Really?” Elizabeth’s brows drew together. “Who? That freckled ginger in the pharmacy? He’s a bit of a cutie, even if he does lisp.”

  “Um, no. I’m actually meeting Doctor Vargas.” Since it was going to get around anyway, she figured she should be the one to tell her friend. Elizabeth stared at her as if she’d grown two heads.

  “No fucking way.”

  “It’s true. We’ve been seeing each other on the sly.”

  Elizabeth hurled a pillow from their little futon at her. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me. How long?”

  “Since Athena.”

  A second pillow flew through the air. “That’s been weeks! Oh my God, tell me everything. Is the sex good? He’s gotta be hung, right?”

  “We haven’t had sex yet, but I can say that he is very well endowed. And that’s all I’m gonna say about it.”

  “Oh God, I’ll never be able to look at him the same way in medical again. I can’t fantasize if you’re dating him. You’ve ruined it.”

  “Sorry.” She laughed and pulled out a long skirt. Elizabeth helped her put together an acceptable outfit that fit the shipboard dress code. The commodore allowed them to dress out of uniform during their non-duty hours, as long as they met professional standards. Jem had even locked Saskia in their room once when she’d tried to hea
d out in cut-off shorts and a tank top.

  “Should I put on—”

  “No makeup unless you want to. We make fun of the corpsmen in medical who shellac on the bloody foundation prior to shift. I don’t think he cares for it.”

  “Right. Good, I’m crap with it anyway. It makes me feel like a clown.”

  She headed out with ten minutes to spare, wearing a calf-length swing skirt and a fitted, off the shoulder ivory sweater—the maximum amount of skin their commanding officer allowed if they weren’t in PT gear. Xander met her at the lounge door.

  “You look…”

  “Different? I know it’s not a dress, but I don’t have any ship-appropriate ones.”

  Xander leaned in and kissed her cheek. “I was going to say you look great. Ready to go public?”

  “No time like the present.”

  The tranquil atmosphere allowed them to slip in unnoticed, though it lasted mere seconds before the first whispers and elbow nudges began. Xander took her hand and led her over to the counter.

  A small menu rotated each month, featuring baked goods, various coffee flavors, and an assortment of teas from across the galaxy. The cafe also stocked a limited amount of wine, beer, and spirits, from which all crewmen were allowed a two-drink allotment every 24 hours.

  The young woman behind the counter had to be sixteen or seventeen, likely some officer’s daughter. Thandie couldn’t be bothered to learn everyone’s relatives yet. “What will it be?”

  “It’s harvest season, which means pumpkin everything. I’ll take a pumpkin cheesecake and a spiced hard cider, please,” Thandie said. Once harvest season arrived in Bromwicham, the Jemison’s homeport, the monthly supply ships inundated them with squash and other fresh goods.

  “I’ll take a muffin and an Eloran whiskey.”

  Once they both scanned their identchips, they collected their order and moved to an empty table near the viewport.

  More stares fixed on them. Xander took the attention in stride, ignoring the lookie-loos in favor of biting into his pumpkin seed muffin.

  “Are they really so shocked to see you with someone?” she asked.

  “Pretend they’re not there. That’s what I’m doing. People have spotted you in the corridor outside of my room, so you’d think the news would be well spread by now.”

  “The news that Hottie Vargas is currently off the market?”

  “Very much off the market and completely happy with that.”

  “Me, too.” Thandie leaned in and stole a bite of his snack.

  He offered the rest to her. “If it wasn’t so late, I’d get a pumpkin pie latte. You want the rest of this? I’m getting a slice of cake instead.”

  “Ask for a decaf.”

  “Then it isn’t coffee. It’s just dirty water masquerading as coffee.”

  Thandie nearly choked on the cider she sipped to wash down his muffin. “Right. If I ever bring you coffee to medical, it won’t be decaf.” She took the muffin and nibbled it thoughtfully. “I told Elizabeth Fairchild today. We share a room. My other bunkmate is across the room staring daggers at us. I’m guessing I’ll be getting the silent treatment for a while, which, frankly, I am perfectly content with. Can’t wait.”

  Xander glanced. “Ah. Daksha Bains. I heard she’s pro human-human. I’m surprised she’d even show me an ounce of interest unless it was all some diabolic plot to reclaim me for our race. Of course, the joke would be on her.”

  She swallowed down a bite of cheesecake and considered her next words. “You’re talking about the alien you used to date, right?”

  “You heard?”

  “She and a couple others were pretty quick with the dish on you when I first arrived, after my appointment with you. Said a cousin or someone like that served with you and that you dumped your fiancée for an alien.”

  “There’s only a hair of truth to that rumor.”

  “You don’t have to talk about it.”

  “No, I’ve been meaning to.” He leaned close, voice barely a whisper. “I was engaged to a human once, but when she learned about my true nature, she wasn’t as accepting as you.”

  Thandie reached across the table and laid her hand over his. “Her loss.”

  “She wanted me to have a surgery. I considered it. I scheduled an appointment.”

  Thandie blinked at him across the table, a flash of rage sending heat to her face. “That bitch.” When a marine at an adjacent table glanced at them, she lowered her voice. “Sorry.”

  He put on an uncertain smile and continued in his low voice. “I backed out at the last minute, a few days before I was supposed to go under the knife. Told her I couldn’t do it, said we were done. About a week after we split, I met Ylona while drinking at a bar in Pacifica Cove. We crossed paths again about seven months later when our ship docked on Elora. Hannah just assumed her to be at the source of our breakup all along. Too convenient, she said.”

  “The Elorans are very pretty…”

  “They are,” he agreed.

  “She must have been special.”

  Xander nodded quietly at first. “Special enough for me to marry.”

  “Oh…” That tidbit had somehow missed the rumor rounds.

  “I just want you to understand that I don’t have a thing for aliens, as the gossip claims. I had a thing for her. I didn’t care that she was an alien. Like you said, there’s more to a relationship than sex.”

  “If you were married, what happened to make you two part ways?”

  “She died.”

  Thandie took Xander’s hand for a supportive squeeze. “I’m sorry, Xander.”

  “No, it’s quite all right. I… well, it’s about time that I… So, okay. I’m getting a slice of cake and a latte. You want anything else?”

  “I’m good. I don’t see how you stuff yourself with sweets and look this great. I should count myself lucky.”

  “When I’m not dragged into a raid in Spellbound, I spend the rest of my free time exercising at the gym.”

  “I’ll have to challenge you to pull-ups one day.”

  “You’re on.” He grinned at her and strolled to the counter to make his next order.

  And then she stole a piece of his pumpkin pound cake, too.

  “Are you one of those girls who will never order anything of her own, but picks meager bites belonging to everyone else?

  “Hey, I got myself a cheesecake, but you’re putting tempting, delicious things in my path. I caved. But I promise to eat a full meal and not peck like a bird if you ever take me out.”

  “When I take you out,” he corrected her. “We’re coming up on our next port soon.”

  “You, me, and a beach? Sounds like heaven.”

  Their date ended with an affectionate kiss that Xander willingly initiated. Before leaving the area, he bought a mug of Ethan’s favorite Earl Grey, made to his preferences.

  A quick trip to the bio-farm for a treat to sweeten the pot. Ethan had a weakness for the gene-spliced chapples grown in the bio-farm. The juicy fruits had a delicious cherry-flavored center within their crisp apple flesh.

  Una won’t care if I take just one… Technically, they were supposed to visit her for a Harvest Badge, but Xander only planned to pluck one. I’ll have Jem let her know in the morning. Sure, Una wouldn’t recognize a single missing apple from her beloved tree, but it was the polite thing to do.

  “Oh shit! Rank coming!”

  Several shadowed figures darted off and a group of over a half dozen men and women quickly scattered down the different paths. Xander raised a brow and proceeded forward and down the darkened path leading to the rear of the bio-farm’s starboard side. There, Una, the farm’s Chief Botanist, kept a 500-gallon tank filled to the brim with organic trash. The evening’s dinner leftovers from all three mess halls and the civilian deck glistened wetly. The lid was off and a pair of legs angled out of the steamy slop pile. A hand clutched at the rim beside a long rubber oxygen line passed along the floor for air exchange.

sp; Xander scanned to the left to follow the hose. A young man in evening dress attire, perhaps hoping to go unseen, crouched beside the source of the oxygen line. His fingers were on a bold yellow sign announcing their unfortunate captive’s plight. Busted, he leapt up and snapped to attention.


  “Name and rank.”

  “Corporal Danyl Speirs, sir.”

  Xander sighed and set the lidded mug of tea on the nearby bench. “Who’s in the compost?”

  “Etherington, sir,” the young man admitted.

  “Assault of an officer is a dischargeable offense, but you’re the only one who didn’t flee when I approached. Why’s that?”

  “I’m not prone to cowardice, sir. I’m willin’ to face disciplinary measures for my part. I know what I did was wrong.”

  Etherington remained in the compost muck during their discussion. Under normal circumstances, Xander would have hauled the officer out first before resuming the conversation, but something bothered him about Etherington’s predicament.

  “How’d you catch him?” Xander asked the young man.

  The freckle-faced kid rubbed the back of his neck and cleared his throat awkwardly. “Well…”

  “It’s okay, you can tell me.”

  “With his pants around his ankles, sir.”

  Holding back his snicker became an exercise in control. “What? I need details, Speirs. Start from the beginning.”

  “I won’t name names.”

  Xander raised one brow. Years of practice with his subordinates gave him the edge required to keep a strict poker face. “It’s admirable that you’re protecting your mates. Tell me why you did it. I want the honest truth from you and only that. Don’t sugarcoat it and don’t feed me a load of bullshit you believe I want to hear.”

  “To be frank, sir, we all got tired of his demeaning attitude. I mean, I know we’re enlisted, but that doesn’t make us lazy or stupid. A bunch of us got together and found a rank-tagger to lure him to the bio-farm. She did it happily.”

  Ah. Xander maintained his stern countenance despite the desire to double over with laughter. “You’re dismissed.”


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