Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Love in Stone Valley 1

  Two Stone Brothers for Tessie

  Tessie Holland has dealt with some loss in the last five years. Her father is dead and she had to move out of her family ranch with her mother. She works at the local diner as a waitress to help pay the bills. The only highlights in her life are the mystery packages that are left on her doorstep. Who could be sending her these gifts?

  Markus and Brant Stone have been in love with Tessie for a long time. They never want to see her without and have made sure she gets everything she wants by leaving her gifts, anonymously. However, they cannot wait anymore. They intend to tell her the truth and to claim her as their woman.

  When the Stone brothers try and buy back Tessie’s home ranch they stumble upon some distressing revelations. Soon they are diving into something that neither brother can protect her from.

  It’s a race against time to protect Tessie from the truth and to also protect her from the man who wants to end it.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 52,767 words


  Love in Stone Valley 1

  Sam Crescent


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2014 by Sam Crescent

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-267-6

  First E-book Publication: September 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  About the Author


  Love in Stone Valley 1


  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Tessie Holland stared down at the square box on her front porch. Her mother, Lillian, was buzzing around the kitchen like she always did on a Saturday. For the past few years, every once in a while she’d see a box on her steps or have a package posted to her in the mail. Most of the time, the box contained shoes, but there were times she’d seen underwear, or the sheerest, sexiest negligees she’d ever laid eyes on.

  Stone Valley was a large enough town, and in the middle of nowhere. Nothing happened in the small hick town, but Tessie had lived in Stone Valley her whole life. She loved the people and how they accepted everyone the way they came. The town was known for ménage couples, along with dominant men. There was a BDSM club owned by one very eligible bachelor known as Donald Mitchell. She’d never been inside the club and never wanted to. The idea of someone tying her up and spanking her repulsed her a little.

  “Honey, is there anything important out there, or are you planning on camping out there the entire day?” Lillian asked, shouting through the small house they owned.

  Tessie allowed herself a few seconds to remember her old life on the ranch on the outskirts of town. Her father, Frank Holland, owned one of the best cattle ranches around. The dip in the market didn’t even seem to stop the Holland Cattle from flourishing. Then, out of nowhere, her father suffered from a heart attack while she and her mother were away for the weekend. One of the ranchers called it in. All the money her mother thought they had was taken up with taxes, expenses, and her father’s funeral. They lost the ranch, their home, and could only afford the small house near the center of the Stone Valley town.

  “Are you daydreaming again?”

  She turned to see her mother wiping her hands on a towel and staring at her with concern.

  “No, I’m fine,” Tessie said, glancing down at the package in her hands.

  “Is that another pair of shoes?”

  “I don’t know.” Brushing past her mother, she moved toward the kitchen. Tessie didn’t put the shoes on the counter. She hated the thought of bad luck and she’d had enough bad luck in the last five years to last her a lifetime. Her childhood home was lost and the last time she saw her old home, it was falling into disrepair. At least she had her waitressing job at the Flippin’ Tasty. She made decent tips and with her mother’s job at the supermarket out of town, they made enough to get by.

  Stone Valley was her home, and she wouldn’t dream of living anywhere else. Her mother talked about life in the big cities and how things were different in the world. Tessie liked living in a town where a woman could be seen smooching up with two men. It probably made her a bi
t of a freak, but she’d rather see love conquering all instead of people fighting all the time. She’d been to the big cities to shop and look around. Not one thing stood out to her at all. The cities didn’t have any beauty to them. They were full of tall buildings and were filled with people wearing black, gray, and the occasional blue dress suit. In their small town, a suit was rare, but then, their town had some decent history.

  Opening the lid of the shoebox Tessie gasped as she looked at the stylish, designer stiletto-heeled shoes she’d been admiring the other day at the local shoe box. A small town they may be, but they catered to many tastes. They had a BDSM club, but they deserved a shoe and handbag store.

  “They’re the shoes you were looking at in Ruby’s place,” Lillian said.

  A plate filled with pancakes and syrup was placed in front of her. Toeing off her sneakers, Tessie placed the heels on for size.

  They were a perfect fit.

  “I’m telling you, honey, someone has got it bad for you.”

  “I don’t think so, Mom. If someone had it bad for me, you’d think they would come and talk to me, at least. I mean, the last couple of years they’ve gone through a lot of shoes and clothes.” The underwear she’d gotten a year ago, she was wearing now. Most of her wardrobe was supplied through these anonymous packages.

  In five years, she hadn’t had to buy a single personal item of clothing. Her money went to the bills and food they needed to survive.

  “Baby, no man goes out and spends hundreds of dollars on shoes if they’ve not got a thing.” Lillian kissed her head and moved around the counter to flip more pancakes.

  Letting out an aggravated sigh, Tessie pulled the heels off her feet. “Well, I’m done. I’m sick and tired of being left boxes and not knowing who delivers them.”

  “You’re giving them away?”

  Stroking the side of the shoe, Tessie fought an inner battle. They were nice shoes. Beautiful, even. Could she let the shoes be taken off her because she didn’t know who left them?

  “Ugh, I don’t know.” She returned them to the box then put the box on the floor. “This is so hard. I mean, they’re beautiful, and leaving me stuff is really sweet, but now I’m starting to feel like a charity case.”

  “Eat your pancakes and stop stressing. I’ll drop you off at work before heading to the supermarket.”

  Piercing a pancake, Tessie shoveled it in her mouth. Syrup dribbled down her chin.

  “Just because you don’t know who is leaving your gifts doesn’t give you cause to eat like a pig, Tessie Holland. You remind me of your father when you do that.” Lillian sipped her coffee and smiled at her.

  Five years was a long time, but her mother was finally moving on. Lillian had been talking about a certain BDSM club owner stalking around.

  “So, erm, do you think Donald will be paying you a visit today?” Tessie asked.

  The blush filling her mother’s cheeks was adorable.

  “You’re a pain in the ass. Eat nicely and then we’ll go.” Lillian smiled, even as her cheeks were bright red and her tone didn’t come out half as harsh as Tessie imagined she’d like it to.

  * * * *

  Markus sat in his usual booth, waiting for Tessie to enter the diner. The Flippin’ Tasty was busy for the morning and the owner, Bessie Richards, knew that he was waiting for Tessie. Opening the morning paper, he saw there was nothing of importance for him to worry about.

  Bessie walked up to the table holding a cup and some coffee. “I know, I know, no one is to serve you but the beautiful Tessie Holland. Honey, she’s not here yet, and if you’re taking up one of my tables then you’re having a drink of coffee.”

  “I think I pay more than enough into the town to keep this seat taken without being forced to drink coffee.”

  “Listen here, Markus Stone, you may be the great-great-great and even more great grandbaby of the original families of Stone Valley, but my diner wasn’t around back then. When you eat here, you abide by my rules, otherwise I’ll make sure Tessie’s little ass never sets foot near this table, are we clear?”

  Markus chuckled. “Of course we’re clear.” He loved the fact the townspeople didn’t treat him any differently. They saw him as a local rather than the one who ran the town. He hated the fact he was one of the living descendants that the town was named after. His parents had died in a car crash a couple of years, back leaving him and his brother, Brant, to deal with everything.

  “I see my brother is causing trouble again,” Brant said, taking a seat opposite him. Bessie gave his brother a mighty big grin before grabbing another cup and filling it with coffee.

  “You know, Markus, he likes to push my buttons. Last time I checked, Bessie Richard’s name was on the deeds to this place. Not a single Stone in sight.”

  She turned and walked away as Tessie entered the diner. Markus sensed his brother looking at their woman at the same time as him. There was a ten-year age gap between him and Brant, and Tessie was the same age as his brother. Despite being older than her, Markus couldn’t stop the way she left him feeling. Whenever she entered a room, he felt like it was Christmas all over again, not to mention her perfect smile.

  He watched as she leaned over the counter to grab her apron and notepad. Markus had seen her do that several times in all the years she’d been working at the diner. Each time she leaned over the counter, he couldn’t help but check out her fine ass. Tessie had a body to die for. She was small compared to him, with large breasts and full, round hips. He spent many nights imagining holding onto her hips while riding her tight, hot body.

  Her ass was also to die for. Markus couldn’t stop the thoughts of seeing her ass before him, her cheeks spread as he fucked her ass. He should be shot for all the sinful things he wanted to do for her. There were plenty of sexual fantasies on the list of things he wanted to do to Tessie.

  “Earth to Markus,” Brant said, waving a hand in front of his face.

  “Sorry, distracted by our woman.”

  Tessie stopped at a table near them. She was talking with Ruby, the owner of the shoe and handbag place.

  Markus shushed his brother and listened into the conversation.

  “Ruby, you know the heeled stilettos I asked you about the other day?”

  “Yeah, expensive and designer, but you’ve always had that kind of taste.”

  He watched as his woman nodded her head. “Yeah, I, erm…was wondering who bought them?”

  Watching his brother tense amused Markus.

  “I’ve told you time and again, I get the call to bag them and send them to the postal office. I really don’t know,” Ruby said. Brant let out a sigh of relief.

  “Okay, what can I get you?”

  He tuned out for the rest of the order.

  “You’re sending shoes again? I thought we agreed two weeks ago not to send her any more stuff,” Markus said, trying his hardest not to raise his voice.

  “This is coming from the guy who bought a sexy purple lingerie set for her three days ago. I saw the order on the internet. You can’t deny it.”

  Ruby cleared her throat, gaining their attention. “Heads up, guys, either you start your little seduction or I’m coming clean about who keeps buying her shoes and handbags. I’ve kept up the charade long enough. I’m no longer going to be your silent partner in crime.”

  They all turned away from each other as Tessie approached.

  “Hey, guys, how are you today?” She gave them both a beaming smile.

  “The very reason I got through college.” Brant stood, wrapping his arms around her. Markus watched, wishing he had the same kind of easy relationship with her that his brother had. He was ten years older and hadn’t been tutored by her through high school. The only reason his brother got the chance to go to college was because of her.

  There was nothing Tessie could do to help his situation. He suffered with dyslexia and he’d learned at an early age he could make a living through hard work. The Stone ranch was the most successful ranch in t
he town and the surrounding area. They raised cattle and horses and invested a great deal of money into local businesses. Without Brant in his life, Markus would have had to withdraw his investment. Numbers and words always muddled up his mind. He tried to hide it from everyone, but he believed Tessie knew his trouble. She always helped him count his exact change and she never treated him like he was stupid. His love for her had grown over the years. Markus had always thought she was attractive. Glancing over at her, he saw her long, waist-length brown hair was wrapped up in a messy bun.

  He would always imagine wrapping the length around his fist as he fucked her hard. There was no stopping his imagination. She sparked the lust inside him.

  For five years he’d waited to claim her, and he wasn’t waiting around a moment longer.

  * * * *

  Brant saw the possessive gleam shining in his brother’s eyes. He understood the need churning away inside Markus, as he felt it every morning and night. Looking over to where Tessie was serving another couple, he couldn’t help but feel the yearning deep inside his chest. He’d fallen in love with her during high school. She was intelligent, funny, and kind. Asking for Tessie’s help had never been a problem. Spending time with her had never been a problem, either.

  After graduation, he went to college, and he and Markus agreed to wait until he returned to pursue her. During that time, her father passed and she suffered huge financial losses to the point she had to leave her childhood home. Getting close to her seemed so far out of their reach.

  Brant recalled coming home from college. He’d graduated and was walking through town, seeing his future and feeling complete. Going away to college helped make his final decision to stick by his brother, run the ranch, and deal with their businesses within the town where their history was placed. During that walk into town, he’d seen Tessie, wrapped in a thick coat, as it was winter at the time, staring through a window. Her hand pressed to the glass and he’d approached her, only to have her turn before she saw him. When he got to the window, he’d seen the single pair of shoes she’d been looking at.


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