Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  In high school, she’d talked about her obsession with handbags and shoes and that she one day hoped to own a shop like it in town. Unfortunately, Ruby got to own a shop before Tessie even could.

  Pulling out of the memory, he watched as she walked toward them, carrying dishes.

  “I’m not waiting anymore, Brant. We’ve wasted a long time as it is. Do you really want to have to deal with her being with another man and watching another man claim what’s ours?” Markus asked.

  No, he couldn’t wait any longer. His nights were filled with fucking his fist in an attempt to dull the ache in his body. He craved her like an alcoholic craves his next shot.

  “Here you go, guys, full house breakfast with everything, and I’ll get the coffee for another refill.” She put the plates in front of them. Before she got chance to move away, Markus grabbed her wrist. “What’s the matter, honey?” she asked.

  “Are you doing anything this weekend?”

  Smooth, Markus, real smooth.

  “Erm, not really.”

  “How about I take you out, then? Movie, some good food, and we’ll make a date of it.”

  Brant wondered when he’d figure into the equations. Tessie’s cheeks were flaming red as she looked at Markus. She took a quick glance at him, but nothing more than a fleeting awareness appeared on her face.

  “I can’t, Markus. I’m really sorry.” She rubbed at her temples. “I would love to, really, but…er…my dad’s anniversary is this weekend. My Mom always bakes up a storm for it, and I don’t like to leave her alone. After all these years, he’s still her number one man.”

  He saw the anger inside Markus, but it wasn’t directed at Tessie. Brant knew Markus was cursing himself in his mind.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. Maybe another time.”

  “Yeah, maybe. I got to go. Let me know if you need anything else.” Tessie left the table with a watery smile.

  “I’m the biggest fucking idiot in the history of this town,” Markus said. His gaze followed Tessie’s sweet ass.

  “You couldn’t have known.” Brant picked up his fork and dived into the food in front of him. His stomach turned, thinking about the coming weekend. Lillian’s baking was well known around this time. Once she baked up a storm and realized there was more than either herself or daughter could manage, she had a bake sale out on the front porch. It wasn’t really a sale. She sat out with the cakes on a table, waiting for people to eat them.

  At least the town was filling with tourists and there would be plenty to go around.

  “I couldn’t have known? Brant, I was the guy whose shoulder she cried on when it happened. I remember every year and the first time I forget, I try to get her to go on a date.” Markus shook his head.

  Looking at his brother, Brant’s heart went out to him. There was a ten-year age gap between them, but they got each other more than anyone else. Brant loved his brother so damn much, which was another reason he couldn’t imagine leaving him. Also, they had a connection, and that connection extended into sharing a woman. Their two fathers shared their mother and their fathers were brothers. In fact, throughout the history of the Stone family, the brothers had shared one woman.

  Markus and Brant were not different from them. Checking out Tessie’s ass as she walked by, Brant knew she was the woman for them. He’d known in high school. Unlike Markus, he’d gotten every excuse to be near her, as he was in the same year.

  “It doesn’t matter. Tessie’s not going to make a deal out of it. She’s hurting because it’s her Dad. Lillian hasn’t moved on. Ask her after this weekend.”

  “Okay. How is the purchase of the ranch coming?” Markus asked.

  They’d come to an agreement to buy the ranch where Tessie grew up, repair it, and bring it back to its former glory for a wedding gift. They were going to marry Tessie. No other woman called to them like she did. She was their present and future and would be the mother of their children. He and Markus wanted a whole load of babies, sons and daughters.

  “There’s something wrong with it. Our lawyer said the deeds had been given to someone else, but here is the shocker. The deeds were handed over a week prior to Frank’s death. Tessie’s father gave the ranch to someone else.” Brant brought his brother up to speed on everything he’d found out.

  Frank Holland loved his ranch and would never have sold it or given it away. From what their lawyer found out, Tessie’s father had practically given the ranch away. A week later, he’d ended up dead in one of the far fields where no one would find him for a couple of days.

  Brant didn’t think it was a coincidence, but he was going to do everything he could to find out the truth.

  Tessie walked by and he inhaled her delicious vanilla scent that always surrounded her. He’d find out the truth for his woman.

  Chapter Two

  “Breakfast is always the hardest shift of them. That and the dinner menu,” Tate said, taking a seat at the counter and sipping on a milkshake. Tessie chuckled, filling the salt pots ready to put on the table.

  “Tate, honey, it’s busy all day, every day. We’re having a quiet few minutes of peace before the next rush. I can already see the bus leaving the tourists in the town square.” She pointed out of the window where the bus had stopped across the street.

  “Why do people want to visit this place? It sucks and is downright depressing at times.” Tate dropped her head into her hand and sipped at her drink.

  “Excuse me, there is nothing boring about Stone Valley. This town is full of rich history. Besides, the tourists are not here to see the town, they’re here to see the surrounding areas. The lakes, the forests and all that crap that people love. It’s good for the town, good for little shops like us that keep you in jobs, Tate Clark,” Bessie said, leaning through the partition separating the diner from the kitchen.

  “Sorry, Bess. I just don’t get it.”

  “The tourism industry was set up by Brant and Markus’s late fathers. They saw a way to keep the town thriving. No one knows our business, but we keep a good flow of cash into town. There’s nothing wrong with it, if you ask me. Stone Valley is still the peaceful town it was and always will be.” Bessie left them then to go and cook.

  “You pissed her off,” Tessie said, warning her friend.

  “I’m sorry. When’s Darla due to get here? Dinner is always such a rush.”

  Darla was a part-time waitress. She had her son to look after during the day and the babysitter could only deal with him in the afternoon.

  “Afternoon, and I’ve got to agree with Bessie. I need this job and if that means dealing with tourists, then so be it.”

  She left the counter to place the filled salt pots on the table. Tessie arranged the menus and set the table ready for more customers.

  “Speaking of this job, I saw the Stones eyeing you up. Every time they come here, they’re eye-fucking you.”

  “Eye-fucking?” Tessie shook her head, chuckling. “You’re imagining it, Tate. The Stones are lovely men and would never settle for me.”

  “Why not? Last time I checked, you were a fine piece of ass.”

  Tate always told it like it was. Her friend didn’t seem to have a filter from her brain to her mouth. Most time, not having a filter was funny, but when it was directed at her, Tessie didn’t like it.

  “I tutored Brant through high school. He thinks I’m the reason he got into college when it’s not. Good grades and working hard got him into college.”

  “And having plenty of money helped, as well.”

  Shaking her head, Tessie moved back to stand next to her friend. “Markus did ask me out today.”

  “Really? When are you going out with him? I bet he’s a fit one in the sack.” Tate got a dreamy look in her eye. Her friend loved being with men, but Tate didn’t like staying with them. She was a committed commitmentphobe.

  Tessie wasn’t about to tell her friend she’d never been with a man before. She must be the only twenty-five-year-old virgin in the history of Stone V
alley. The town was very open and didn’t turn anyone away. She couldn’t just give her virginity to any guy.

  Shaking her head, she pushed all her negative thoughts to the back of her mind.

  “I couldn’t go out with him.”

  “What? Why not? Hello, Markus is like the biggest of the two brothers. He’s butch and everything. All those hours spent working the ranch has done wonders for his bod. I’ve not seen it or anything but I bet his cock is huge.”

  “Tate! Enough with the size of his manhood, please.”

  “Manhood? Tessie, you need to get out more. So, why didn’t you agree to go out with him?” Tate asked.

  “It’s the anniversary of my Dad’s death. Mom has already been storing the baking goods. She’s going a little crazy and I’m not leaving her alone.”

  She’d gotten over her father’s death a long time ago, but her mother still spent the weekend that he died baking. Tessie never questioned it. She stood by her mother’s side through it all.

  “I’m so sorry, sweetie. I completely forgot.” Tate wrapped her arms around Tessie. She accepted the comfort offered. The sound of the bell going above the door signaled the start of the next rush meal. “After this weekend, you’re free. Take him up on his offer, Tessie.”

  Before Tate could start ranting at her again, Bessie appeared through the partition again.

  “I don’t pay you two to stand around chatting. Get to work.” Their boss gave them a wink, letting them know she was putting on a show for the tourists.

  Throughout her serving, Tessie couldn’t get the image of Markus’s intense blue eyes staring at her out of her mind. Both of the Stone brothers gave her a rush of pleasure whenever she was in their company. Markus and Brant turned her on in ways that no other guy had been able to do. She’d gone on dates and kissed a couple of guys, but none of the other men sent tingles down her spine from a touch alone.

  Markus’s hand on her wrist earlier had sent a pool of warmth between her thighs. She loved waiting on them and the fact they always sat in her section gave her a thrill. Her feelings for Markus were the same for Brant.

  Tutoring through high school had been the worst. Whenever he touched her, she felt her insides go all giddy. He’d been the hottest guy in her class and all the girls wanted him.

  Did both men want her?

  Only Markus had asked her out, but what did it mean?

  Her thoughts were a jumbled mess, and then she remembered the box of shoes on the floor at home. She couldn’t agree to go out with them until she found the culprit for the box.

  Pushing thoughts of hard, muscled bodies, tempting voices and tingling thoughts to back of her mind, Tessie continued to work.

  * * * *

  “I don’t like it here. They serve cheap beer and the music is distasteful. Why did you bring me out here? I’ve got a perfectly respectable club with better taste in everything,” Donald Mitchell said, complaining about everything. He owned a respectable BDSM club and everything was expensive. The only problem with the club was that you entered at your own risk. There were always men and women all in different stages of undress being taught a thing or two by their Doms.

  “I heard you dissing my place, Don. I’ll beat you down if you start,” Luke Willis, the owner, warned him.

  Markus raised his beer to the owner before turning his attention back to the man at his side. Brant sat on the other side of Donald, waiting to speak with him. They were best friends with the Willis crew, three brothers who owned the only bar in town, The Dancin’ Donkey.

  “I’m sorry for dissing your place. There’s nothing wrong with it.” Donald raised his glass and saluted him.

  Luke shook his head and left them to it.

  “Could you be civil for two seconds?” Markus asked. His friends took a great deal of pride in their bar. He knew, Luke, Jon, and Ryan Willis worked damned hard to get this place back to running properly. Their stepdad had taken over and ran it into the ground. He didn’t know the ins and outs of what happened, but from what he’d heard, the three brothers suffered at the hands of their stepfather.

  “I’m being civil. You wanted to meet somewhere that wasn’t in my club. I’m here to listen to you.” Donald raised the glass of scotch to his lips and took a sip. “The decent stuff. Who would have known?”

  Rolling his eyes, Markus couldn’t help but chuckle. Donald hadn’t lived in Stone Valley for long. He’d turned up about four years ago and opened up his club. There were a lot of men in town who needed the BDSM place. Markus wasn’t one of them, even if he did like watching from time to time.

  “We need your help,” Brant said.

  “The little Stone speaks. What could you need my help for?” Donald could be a dick at times, but Markus had learned early on it was to keep people at bay. The older man had been hurt a time or two and refused to let anyone get close to him.

  Brant handed over the file. “We know you’ve got people who work for you. I need you to do a little digging for us.”

  Donald let out a sigh, flipped open the file, and frowned. “This is about Lillian’s husband?” He had a thing for Tessie’s mother. Markus knew this, and he also knew Donald would do anything for Lillian. She was the one weakness the other guy possessed.

  “We need to know some details about the ranch being given to an unknown someone. Our lawyer can’t find the details, but we figured you’d know some people who could.”

  “Is this about Lillian, or her daughter?”

  “Our only interest is with Tessie. She’s our woman. Lillian’s all yours,” Markus said.

  A cold, harsh laugh left Donald. “Lillian is my woman, but she fights me at every turn. The ghost of Frank Holland still lives with her. There is no getting through to the woman without it.”

  “Either way, can you help us?” Markus waited for an answer.

  “I’ll help, on the one condition.” Donald stared between them.

  “What?” both brothers asked in unison.

  “When I claim Lillian as my own, you keep Tessie away and stop her interfering.”

  “Deal.” Markus intended to have Tessie as his wife before that happened.

  “Good. This could take a couple of weeks. I’ll speak to my guys and have an update on something soon.” Donald downed his scotch and left a bill with a large tip on the side.

  Brant moved into Donald’s empty seat. “Do you think we’re doing the right thing?”

  “I’ve got no clue. That information you gave me at breakfast has left a bad taste in my mouth. I think there’s more to it than simple coincidence.” Markus raised his empty bottle for a new beer.

  “Yeah, I have to agree with you. There’s something off about the whole thing. Who dealt with the sale of the ranch if it was already owned by someone else?” Brant asked.

  “I’m guessing the same someone who doesn’t want their friendship with her father to be known. There’s something not right, but we’re going to get to the bottom of it.”

  Luke walked over, carrying a new bottle of beer. “Do I want to know what you’ve been up to, and why Donald is part of it?”

  “You really don’t want to know,” Brant said.

  “You do know Donald’s the devil, right?”

  Markus burst out laughing. The Willis brothers had disliked Donald from day one.

  “He owns a BDSM club, Luke. He’s no threat to this place.”

  “Yeah, until every guy realizes having a woman tied by their side to spank and have a lot of fun with is better than this place.” Luke let out a huff.

  “Your place will never be a threat. Donald has a specific clientele. They only get through the door if they pass his tests.” Markus knew the truth, as he’d seen it done.

  “Whatever. So, how’s things going with Tessie?” Luke asked.

  “It’s going slow. Markus asked her out this weekend, which upset her.”

  “It’s the anniversary.” Luke nodded in agreement.

  “How’s it going with Darla?” Markus ask
ed, changing the subject.

  Luke glared at him.

  “Ignore him. He’s in a bad mood.” Brant threw down some notes, pulled the beer from Markus’s hands and they stood to leave.

  “See you this weekend. We always pass Lillian’s house to get some of her baked goods,” Luke called out across the bar.

  Brant led him out to the truck. “Stop beating yourself up about it. Tessie didn’t mind.”


  Markus was silent on the journey home. There was nothing more for him to say. The one time he asked her out, and it was on one of the most important weekends of the year. It just summed his life up real good.

  * * * *

  Brant left his brother to storm around the house when they returned. Markus would be brooding for the remainder of the night until he fell asleep. In the morning, everything would be different. He’d gone through the routine a million times before and imagined he’d go through it again.

  Going through to his office, he checked that the order of lingerie was dispatched to Tessie’s address before making two cups of coffee and searching for his brother. He couldn’t stop buying things for Tessie. She deserved the best, and he intended to give her the best.

  He found Markus sat in the main bedroom. When he returned home one summer from college, he and Markus agreed to their love for Tessie. They decorated the main bedroom in the house that was large enough to take a big-ass bed, with a walk-in wardrobe. The bedding was made with the finest silk.

  Their parents before them had made the room big enough to take one woman and several men. Their two fathers and mother had slept in this room. They removed their bed and ordered a new one. That weekend, they spent a great deal of time decorating the room to match their own tastes and that of Tessie.


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