Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Licking his tongue along the seam of her lips, he teased her until she opened wide enough for him to plunge his tongue in deep.

  No words were necessary. He sensed his brother’s need to claim her lips, and when he could bear to let her go, Markus pulled away. Before she could say anything, Brant’s lips were on hers.

  Markus removed the clip binding her hair up. He hated her hair trapped in the confines of a clip.

  Pocketing the clip, he stroked her brown locks, wishing he could do more. In the open, with his fear with regards to her house, Markus wasn’t prepared to do anything with her until he was certain about his suspicions.

  Her hand reached out to grip his as Brant continued to kiss her.

  She pushed Brant away. “No, I’ve got to stop you. This isn’t right,” Tessie said. She jumped off the swing, pulling away from them.

  “Don’t go,” Markus said, moving around, ready to stop her if she tried to run.

  “I can’t kiss you like this. It’s not fair.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because…because it’s stupid why I can’t,” she said. Her cheeks were aflame with passion.

  Markus chuckled when she looked down at her feet. She wore a pair of pumps. Out of all the pair of shoes they’d bought her, she was wearing ugly-ass pumps.

  “Why can’t you kiss us back?” He knew she was attracted to them. The evidence was clear to see. Her nipples were rock hard and he’d bet money her pussy was lovely and wet.

  “Because there is someone out there who has been leaving me clothing, shoes and handbags, and I’m hoping against hope that it’s down to infatuation rather than me being a charity case,” she said.

  * * * *

  Brant would never forget the taste of her on his lips. There was something totally magical about having her near him and knowing his brother felt the same way for her. They’d shared a couple of women when they were both younger, but never since realizing Tessie was the one for them. The moment they did realize what Tessie meant to them, the sharing of faceless women stopped.

  There was no need to love another woman when they had one waiting for them.

  Glancing at his brother, he saw the sheepish look pass across his face.

  “We need to tell her. It’s only fair we come forward,” Markus said, reading his thoughts.

  “What are you two talking about?” Her hands rubbed down the front of her dress. Brant stared at her wonderful body. The yellow summer dress clung to her skin, highlighting her firm, high breasts, large hips, and narrow waist. She was so much smaller than them. Even stood in front of her, they crowded her space.

  A wave of protectiveness swamped him. Tessie could be hurt so easily. He’d do everything in his power to protect her and make sure no harm came to her.

  Markus moved closer, reaching out toward her. Brant watched as she took his brother’s offered hand.

  “There is something we need to tell you.” He tugged her close. Brant used his chance to wrap an arm around her waist and rub himself against her back. They surrounded her once again, with Markus to the front and him to the back.

  She let out a sigh. “I can’t think when you’re both that close.”

  “Good, I don’t want you to think when we’re around,” he said. Markus remained quiet. They both worked together in their seduction.

  “No, please, stop. I need to know what you were going to say.”

  Letting out a sigh, Brant nodded his head over her shoulder.

  “Brant and I have been in love with you for a long time.” Markus was the one who started off. His brother never gave her the chance to digest the information. “We never wanted to see you go without, and I, for one, loved the way your face lit up whenever you received a pair of shoes you loved.”

  “What are you trying to say?” she asked. Her voice was the merest whisper. Brant imagined it was only because he was so close that he was able to hear her speak. Markus was close as well.

  “We’re the ones who sent you those packages. The shoes, the bags, the clothes, the underwear,” Brant said, fingering the edge of the yellow sundress. “Even this sundress. We bought it all with the intention of making you happy. There’s no other reason why we bought you them. We only wanted to make you happy.”

  Markus cupped her face and brushed his lips along hers.

  Running his fingers through her hair, Brant sucked on the delicate curve of her neck. Her body shuddered underneath their touch. There was no stopping his reaction. He ground his cock against her back, loving the feel of her squirming against him.

  “No, stop,” Tessie said, pulling away from them.

  She tugged free.

  Staring at her, Brant was struck by how sexy she looked. Her face was flushed from heat and arousal. Her nipples were rock hard. All he wanted to do was rid her body of the offending clothing.

  If he ever got his way, Tessie would walk around all day naked without a stitch of clothing on. Her body would be stunning in this light. Brant imagined spending the time to take pictures of her in all of her glory.

  “You two were the ones who’ve been leaving me those…those…things?” She looked shocked and a little outraged.

  “We wanted you to have the best. Both of us know how you’ve been struggling to make ends meet.”

  Brant wished there was some way he could get Markus to shut up. Markus’s words were not making her feel better. They were clearly making her feel worse.

  “I really was just some charity case.”

  “No, you were never that,” Brant said.

  “No? Poor Tessie Holland, lost the ranch, her dad, and her home. She has nothing and all she can do for a living is wait tables. There’s no college in my future. The funeral put that dream to bed.” Tears were running down her cheeks.

  He didn’t know what to do to make their words better. Her tears were like a punch to the gut. Each droplet was a failure on his part.

  “We never thought that.”

  Before he said anything more, Markus moved forward. His brother advanced on their woman before Tessie got the chance to get away.

  Markus cupped her face, tilted her head back to look at them, and stared. Brant watched the moment, awestruck by the power and control his brother exhibited. If it was him, he’d be on his hands and knees begging for her to forgive him.

  He was younger, and not as wise as his brother.

  “Look at me,” Markus said, when she made to break eye contact.

  She jerked up to look at him.

  “You were never a charity case to me. I never thought of making your life easier for the clothes and crap we bought you. The only reason I bought you stuff was to make you happy. When I sat in the diner waiting for you to serve me, I’d see the happiness cross your face and I’d know I did the right thing in buying them for you.” Markus stroked a thumb across her bottom lip. “Let me tell you something, Tessie Holland. If I want to buy you the most expensive handbags, shoes, clothes, and underwear that money can buy then I’m going to do it, because I love you.”

  She shook her head. Her gaze moved toward Brant.

  “He’s telling the truth, Tessie.” Brant walked toward them. Her eyes glistened with more tears. Taking her hand, he kissed her knuckles. Her skin was soft and all he wanted to do was take her down onto the soft grass and make love to her.

  Instead, he stared into her eyes, never breaking contact, letting her know how much he wanted her with his gaze alone.

  “You’re both telling the truth. You really want me?” Tessie asked.

  He pressed her hand against his chest and nodded. Words were not necessary at a time like this.

  * * * *

  The Stone brothers really needed to learn a lesson in privacy and security. How did they expect to care for Tessie when they were so loose on everything important? He stared across the Valley through his binoculars and watched everything that acted out between the two men and the little Holland girl. Seeing her, even through binoculars, threatened to open up memori
es he buried down.

  Being a good lip reader, he read the entire conversation taking place. The part of him that still had a heart was touched by the beauty of the words. Tessie really deserved the love of a good man and seeing how happy she was filled him with joy. Even as he thought about all of this, the side of him that had known the desire to kill was firmly in place. The Stone brothers were too close to finding out the truth and neither he nor his boss could allow that to happen. The mission was too important. It was up to him to keep their operation working smoothly, and the only way to make that happen was for the two Stones and the Holland girl to have an accident. The very thought sickened him. Maybe an accident was too severe, perhaps a warning would suffice.

  Either way, he was going to make sure no damage came to his mission.

  Chapter Five

  Tessie stared between the two men. Markus and Brant Stone had been part of her life for so long. She remembered tutoring Brant through high school. Her mother had warned her that she might not be able to go to college straight away, but maybe in the future. Tessie recalled her mother mentioning that her father was hoping to increase their income or something. She couldn’t remember the major detail of what her mother said.

  The long summers were spent chasing Brant around. They were the same age. She also remembered Markus looking out for them. There was a stream down past the forest, and it usually took a couple miles of hiking to get there. She’d spent many days down at the stream with Brant and Markus. There were several other kids around their age and older, but in her mind, she was always with the two Stones. Some of the girls wanted to get on the good side of the two brothers because of their position within Stone Valley. Tessie had never thought about her place in the scheme of things. She just liked spending time with two guys who knew what it was like to live and grow up on a ranch.

  “You’re the two who sent me those packages?”

  Over the last couple of years, they’d drifted apart. Brant went to college and Markus took over the ranch when their parents passed. She’d attended the funeral of their parents and seen the grief written on their faces. No words could describe the pain they must have been feeling. She understood what it was like to lose one parent, but not all of them. At least she still had her mother.


  She wasn’t angry anymore. They hadn’t given her the gifts because they thought she was a charity case.

  “And you’re in love with me?”

  Staring between the two, Tessie saw the similarities of both men, but also the differences between them. They both had the Stone good looks and hard, chiseled faces. Markus possessed more muscle than Brant. His arms were thicker and bulkier from the years of hard work. Brant worked behind the computer more often than not. He was well muscled, but he wasn’t as defined as Markus.

  Then there was their general differences. Markus had intense blue eyes and dark, messy blond hair. The combination of the muscles and good looks made her pussy melt every time he turned his gaze her way. Markus took after George Stone in every way.

  Brant, on the other hand, possessed dark-brown eyes and hair that was darker than hers, but not black. Intelligence sparkled in his eyes, and Brant was always thinking about something. She loved watching the way his eyes flickered as he worked something out. Brant took after Daniel Stone.

  It never mattered who their father was. They were one big, happy family.

  “Yes, totally, absolutely in love with you,” Markus said.

  Each man touched her. Brant held her hand as Markus held her face. The warmth spread throughout her body at the simple contact.

  She’d been in love with them her whole life. They were two of the nicest and sweetest men to know.

  “Please, say something,” Markus said.

  “I love you both as well. I don’t know how to say it. I love you both.” The tears fell down her cheeks and she let out a gasp, followed by a chuckle.

  “You’ve made me the happiest man alive.” Markus claimed her lips once again. She moaned as Brant placed her hand on his body while she kissed his brother.

  “I’ve wanted you for so long,” Brant whispered against her ear.

  Breaking the kiss, she glanced over at Brant, seeing the same yearning in his eyes.

  Within seconds, Brant’s lips were on hers and taking a kiss of his own.

  “I think we need to move this inside,” Markus said. “This is not the most private of places and I don’t like the thought of one of the ranch hands finding us like this.”

  Tessie was led inside the large house. It had been a good three years since she’d been inside. The last time she recalled being inside the ranch was their parents’ funeral. Brant closed the door behind them and Markus led her through the house, down to the sitting room.

  Markus didn’t give her chance to sit down. The instant they were inside the large sitting room, he pulled her close, his hand sinking into her hair. He tilted her head back, slammed his lips down on hers, and gave her a kiss that was deeper and more passion-filled than he’d ever given her.

  This kiss made the few she received outside pale in comparison.

  “I love you so much.” He muttered the words against her lips and then plundered his tongue inside her mouth.

  She moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. Her body became a riot of sensation. Her nipples hardened and her pussy felt soaked to the touch. The wetness leaking from her pussy soaked the thin panties she wore.

  “So passionate and sensitive,” Brant said, coming to stand behind her.

  Throughout the kiss, she’d been conscious of him standing close, watching.

  An arm banded around her waist, tugging her close. She felt the hard length of his shaft press close to her body. There was no stopping the ache that fired through her veins, igniting a dark, craving need.

  She was a virgin, but that didn’t stop her from craving their touch. In that moment, she was desperate to know more and to feel them rub against her.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful,” Brant said.

  Markus pulled away, looking into her eyes. She was struck by the intensity of his blue gaze. Eyes had never been a thing for her, but seeing the spark in Markus’s gaze made her rethink her decision.

  His hand left her hair, going to rest on her collarbone. He went further down, stopping above her breast.

  Her breathing increased. The pants she took made her chest rise and fall.

  Markus’s palm covered her breast.

  “I’m a virgin.” She blurted the words out.

  Men who were going to make love to her had the right to know the truth. She felt passion, but didn’t have a single clue on how to give back the kind of pleasure they were evoking inside her body.

  * * * *

  Markus paused, staring into her eyes. The brown depth of her eyes never failed to capture him. She truly was a beauty, and her admission moved him. He would have guessed she never knew the true feel of a man. The men around town were not the type to brag about conquests, and he’d never seen her go on a date or show any particular interest in a man around town.

  Glancing over her shoulder, he saw the lust in his brother’s eyes. Brant was turned on like him by the truth that had spilled from her lips.

  “I’m sorry if I’ve spoilt the moment. I thought all guys would like to do a virgin.” Her cheeks were flaming red and Markus found it the best kind of red he’d ever seen.

  “Don’t say any more, baby. It hasn’t spoilt the moment.” His hand was still on her breast. He felt the hard pebble of her nipple brushing against his palm. She was aroused, and by the end of the day, he wanted to know what it felt like to have her screaming in pleasure.

  “It has only enhanced it, Tessie. There is nothing you can say that will make us change our minds. You’re our woman and nothing you say will repulse us. We both want you,” Brant said.

  Markus couldn’t even find the correct words to voice his thoughts. His cock was hard as rock. He needed he
r so damn bad.

  She turned her head to look over her shoulder and that brought her attention back to him. “Is that your thought as well?” she asked.

  “I love you, Tessie. I don’t love parts of you, I love all of you.” He possessed her lips once again. Whenever he was around her, Markus found it a struggle not to touch her with a passion.

  “I can’t believe you feel this way about me.” She let out a moan as he brushed his lips against hers.

  “Believe it.”

  Markus pressed his palm against her breast once again and felt her nipple tighten further.

  The sound of her zipper being lowered echoed throughout the small room. Her gaze stayed on him as Brant lowered the first strap of her dress, and then the other strap. Markus didn’t drop his gaze even when her glorious, full, round tits were displayed. He fought the battle, but his desire to see how red and tight her nipples were was too strong to deny.

  “I need to see you,” he said.

  She nodded her head. Her gaze never left his, even when he looked down and entered heaven.

  Her nipples were hard red buds and nicely rounded. He circled one bud then the other feeling them instantly tighten against him.

  “So beautiful,” he said.

  Brant reached around, lifting her breasts up for him to gaze at and admire. “They’re so perfect. They fill my hand perfectly. I can’t think of a better pair of breasts to devote my time to.”

  “You’re killing me. What you’re doing is unfair.” She gasped as Markus lowered his head and took one hard bud between his teeth.

  Markus skimmed his fingers up the inside of her thigh. She looked so lost with pleasure. Her sundress was pulled down to her waist to reveal her breasts and he pulled the hem of her dress up her creamy thighs.

  Letting go of her breast, he looked over her shoulder.

  “See how wet she is for us.”

  The sound of tearing filled the room. Markus glanced down to find her panties torn and on the floor.


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