Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “I liked those,” she said.

  “I’ll buy you a new pair.”

  He wished he could tear the dress from her body to see what Brant was doing. Instead, Markus watched her face. She was so transparent with her emotions. Her eyes gave away everything she was feeling.

  “She’s so wet, Markus. Her cream has drenched my hand. I can’t wait to get my tongue on her sweet, beautiful pussy.”

  “Taste her on your fingers,” Markus said. He didn’t break eye contact with her. He kept looking at her as his brother continued to fondle her pussy.

  His hand came up to the light and Markus saw Brant’s hand glistened with her arousal. In the next breath, Brant was sucking on his digits. The scent of her arousal permeated the air.

  “How does she taste?”

  “Like a dream.”

  “What are you doing to me?” she asked. Her body shook within his arms.

  “We’re giving you pleasure.” Markus pushed the fabric of the dress down past her hips until it pooled on the floor. He took a step back, admiring the hot, curvy body before him. She made to cover her breasts, but he stopped her. “Never cover yourself, baby. You’re so fucking beautiful you make me ache with need to take you here and now.”

  Running a hand around her body, he squeezed her ass, tightening his hold on the round flesh. He rubbed his cock against her stomach and watched her eyes widen. “That’s all for you, Tessie. No other woman makes me hard. The thought of you alone makes me ache for hours, days at a time.”

  She rested her head against his. “I never knew this. We’ve wasted so much time.”

  “No more time will be wasted, Tessie. You’re our woman and we intend for all of Stone Valley to know it,” Brant said, brushing his lips against her shoulder.

  Taking Tessie down to the floor, Markus went down next to her.

  “Wait, why am I the only one naked? That doesn’t seem fair at all. I want you both naked along with me, otherwise I’m not going to be happy. You can see me, but I can’t see you?” She shook her head, folding her arms over her large tits. “Nothing else happens until you give me something to look at.”

  “You’re a fiery little vixen.”

  “You bet your ass I am.”

  Markus chuckled. He wouldn’t have his woman any other way. Standing up, he unbuttoned his jeans, pulled his shirt over his head, and let the denim drop to the floor. Stepping out of them, he left his boxer shorts on.

  Tessie was a virgin and he didn’t want to terrify her with his arousal. She gazed up at him and Markus saw her visibly swallow when she looked at his length.

  “Don’t worry about him, baby. We’re not doing anything more today than touching you,” Markus said.

  “We’re not?” Brant asked.

  Shooting his brother a glare, Markus returned his attention to Tessie. “It’s not because we don’t want to. We’ve not got any condoms and I don’t want to risk a little Stone coming right away. I want to take the time to enjoy you.”

  * * * *

  Brant silently cursed himself. With Tessie naked, he hadn’t given any thought to making her pregnant. He was of the same mindset as Markus. No children until they each got the chance to enjoy her.

  “We can touch each other, though, right?” she asked.

  “Of course. Do you really think I’ll have you naked and not touch you?” Markus teased her.

  Tessie chuckled. She turned her head to look at Brant. He was struck by her dark-brown gaze. She seemed to see past the surface of who he was to the man underneath. “Are you going to get naked, Brant?”

  Without answering or breaking eye contact, he unsnapped the button, lowered the zipper, and stepped out of his jeans. Next, he pulled his shirt off and lay down beside her. “Does that answer your question?”

  “I think that has to be the speediest undress known to man.”

  Laughing, Brant lowered his gaze to take in all of her body. She was such a beautiful woman. For many years, he’d been fantasizing about what lay underneath all the clothes she wore. He loved to see her in body-hugging or tight clothing, as it gave him an idea of what she’d look like naked. The reality of what she looked like far outweighed the fantasy.

  She lay between them. Each of her palms was rested against their chests. Brant rested a hand on her chest as Markus pressed a palm to her stomach.

  “There go my thoughts,” she said, sighing.

  Leaning closer, Brant licked the closest nipple to him, her left one. He circled the areola before sucking her into his mouth. Next, he nibbled down on the tight bud.

  “I don’t know what to do,” she said, catching his attention. Markus was there, looking at her.

  Gazing down her body, he saw Markus’s hand between her thighs, teasing her clit.

  “Touch me,” he said.

  Still sucking on her nipple Brant watched his brother move her hand down to where his shaft was covered by the boxers.

  Tessie stroked him through the material of his boxers, which didn’t last long. She pushed them down his waist until she stroked the firm flesh. Removing his own boxers required him to leave the exquisite taste of her breast.

  Seeing the pleasure on Markus’s face would be worth the few seconds of leaving her body.

  Ridding himself of his boxers should be entered in the world record books for the fastest time a pair was removed. He was by her side within the next second and wrapping her small fingers around his aching shaft.

  She gasped, turning toward him.

  “That’s right, Tessie, touch both of us. Feel how hard we are for you and only you,” Markus said.

  Brant went back to sucking her nipple into his mouth. When he couldn’t take it anymore, he kissed his way down her body.

  Tessie released his cock as he moved further out of her reach. He didn’t care about the lack of touch. He needed to taste her. The small taste he’d gotten earlier was not nearly enough.

  Markus opened the lips of her pussy, revealing her to him.

  “She’s so fucking perfect.”

  “You’re going to have her screaming the rooftop off in no time. She’s so wet.” Markus licked his fingers, moaning.

  Brant understood his pleasure. She really was a juicy woman.

  “Brant’s right, you’re so tasty. When he’s done, I’m going to lick your pussy out and bring you to orgasm. Have you ever come before, baby?”

  “Only by my own hand.”

  “You’re going to be in for a rude awakening today. Brant and I are going to bring you off with our tongues.” Markus knelt beside her head. His cock stood out close to her lips.

  Moving down between her spread thighs, Brant stared at her creamy slit. Her lips, coated with a layer of pubic hair, were slick with arousal. The swollen nub of her clit was peeking out of its hood, begging for attention.

  He couldn’t believe she was still a virgin. She was so damn sexy and he knew there were guys during high school who’d wanted to date her. Her virginity didn’t bother him. He would still have loved her even if she’d been with a hundred men before him. There was something primal and satisfying in knowing he and Markus would be the only men inside her. They would be the only two men who knew the intimate touch of their woman.

  The thought alone had him aching to spill his seed all over her. He felt like some kind of animal wanting to soak her with his seed. A possessive need to claim her consumed him.

  All his needs rushed through him at the creamy sight of her cunt alone. He hadn’t even gotten inside her yet and he wanted to marry her and have lots of children. Shaking his head, he glanced up to see Markus running his cock along the lips of her mouth.

  God, she looked so tempting with her plump lips opening ready to receive his brother. He wasn’t turned on by Markus. Brant was turned on by the sight of Tessie and the pleasure on her face. Sharing her with his brother would be a heady experience. He couldn’t wait to see where that led.

  Running his fingers up the inside of her thighs, Brant teased the lips
of her pussy open. He didn’t pay any more attention to what was happening above him. The only thing he cared about was her response to him.

  He slicked his fingers with her wetness and knelt close to her flesh. Inhaling her sweet, spicy scent, Brant took a tentative lick. Her essence exploded on his tongue. Circling her clit, Brant nibbled on the sweet nub before smashing his tongue against her.

  She cried out. Her legs went to close around his head and he stopped her, holding her in place.

  Closing his eyes, he listened to the sounds he created by sucking on her as Markus made her moan. Her sounds were muffled around his brother’s cock.

  Going down to her entrance, he circled the rim but didn’t penetrate her virgin hole. He moved back up and nibbled on her sweet center of pleasure.

  Pressing a hand to her stomach, Brant held her down as he licked and sucked on her flesh.

  He wasn’t letting her go until he had her screaming in orgasm. Her juices coated his lips and he licked off as much as he could.

  Chapter Six

  With Markus in her mouth and Brant between her thighs, Tessie couldn’t think past the rioting of sensations both men were creating. Markus’s cock smeared his pre-cum all over her tongue and the sound of Brant slurping at her center turned her on further. There was no stopping the pleasure she was gaining from both giving and receiving pleasure.

  A hand pressed to her stomach, holding her down. She knew it was Brant in the way he held her open to him. His shoulders practically rested on her inner thighs, keeping her accessible to his lips. Brant’s tongue was doing wicked things to her. It would only be a matter of time before she reached climax.

  Markus, on the other hand, held her hair in his grip and was feeding his cock into her mouth. He was long, thick, and spilling his seed into her mouth. She swallowed down the pre-cum that erupted on her tongue. He was musky and salty. Tessie couldn’t believe she was laid on their sitting room carpet with one Stone in her mouth and the other licking her pussy. Twenty-four hours ago, she would have laughed at someone if they suggested she would be in this predicament. Even more, she would have laughed at the person if they told her the Stone brothers were the ones responsible for giving her those gifts. If it had been anyone else, she would have sent the gifts back to them.

  She never understood why, but her feelings were always different when it came to these two men.

  The happiness at knowing what they were doing for the last five years was indescribable. She couldn’t put words to their actions. On the one hand, it freaked her out a little bit, as it seemed to have “stalker” written all over it. On the other hand, she was charmed and found their actions sweet.

  Her two men had sent her gifts without any intention of claiming anything back for their own. They sent them to simply make her happy. Looking back, Tessie knew if she’d known who’d sent the packages, she would have felt obliged to do or be something for them. She’d never been able to accept gifts face-to-face. On the last day of high school, before graduation, Brant presented her with a thank-you gift for tutoring him. She’d given him back the charm bracelet and kissed his cheek. Accepting gifts took a lot out of her and she felt it came back to her father. Frank Holland had always warned her never to accept anything unless she knew the terms that would be required of her. It was cynical approach but that had put her in good stead.

  Markus and Brant had shown her the complete opposite of what her father had instilled in her. She wished he was alive so he could see two men who loved her. Tessie didn’t see a reason to question their love. Their emotions were plain to see on their faces, and she was more than happy to love them enough for all three of them.

  “Your mouth looks so beautiful with my cock inside you,” Markus said.

  She closed her eyes, relishing the feel of him sinking inside her mouth. He took her mouth slow. He didn’t thrust deeply. She sucked in her cheeks, making it tighter for him.

  He let out a curse and she clawed at the floor beneath her. She was so turned on from the pleasure he was creating. There was no stopping it.

  “She’s close, Markus. Her stomach’s quivering and she’s so wet she’ll be soaking the carpet.”

  “I’m close. Bring her off. I want to see her lose control. Open your eyes, baby.” His grip tightened in her hair.

  Doing as he instructed, she looked up to see him smiling down at her. “Brant’s going to bring you off. I’ll warn you when I’m close to coming.”

  She nodded and then screamed around the cock in her mouth.

  Brant flicked her clit repeatedly with his tongue. His strokes didn’t let up as he licked, sucked, and nibbled on her flesh. She cried out. The sound was muffled by Markus.

  Her orgasm was so close to the surface. She didn’t have any clue what to hold onto. Her hands searched for something. Markus grabbed one of her hands and then Brant reached for the other, her two men holding her ground against them.

  With a few strokes of Brant’s tongue, she was soaring towards climax. Her body tightened and she met Markus’s strokes, taking his cock to the back of her throat. Throughout her release, she was able to take more of him, swallowing him down.

  “Fuck, baby, let up or I’m going to cum in your mouth. If you don’t want that, let me go,” Markus said.

  His words made her curious, and she’d always been a curious person.

  Brant’s touches eased on her pussy. Markus thumped the ground as he cursed. She felt his cock kick inside her mouth seconds before his seed flooded her mouth.

  Tessie had no choice, other than to swallow. She took his release and saw the wonder in his eyes. He tasted weird, but she wasn’t going to ruin the experience for him by making a horrid noise.

  She milked his cock for every drop of seed. Only when there was no more left did she let him go.

  “You’re so fucking perfect.” He claimed her lips once again.

  When he came up for air, Markus wrinkled his nose.

  “I taste like your cum,” she said, smiling.

  He nodded. Brant moved up beside her, kissing her head. “I’ll pass on the kiss.”

  Tessie found the moment comical and started laughing.

  “Thank you.” She spoke seconds later after her laughter stopped.

  “When it comes to you, it’s always a pleasure,” Brant said. “I could spend hours down there lapping up your cream.”

  She groaned. The thought alone was tempting. Brant’s lips and tongue were sinful. The pleasure he created with his tongue alone should be banned. She didn’t know how she’d ever be able to survive a prolonged period of time under his onslaught of pleasure.

  “I think I need to be getting back,” she said. It was still light outside. She didn’t know how much time had passed.

  “You’re kidding, right?” Markus spoke up. “Brant has yet to find release and I’ve still got to taste your pussy.”

  Tessie shook her head. “I couldn’t survive another orgasm.”

  “You better get used to having more than one a day. I intend to watch you come multiple times.” He turned to his brother. “Brant, let’s swap places.”

  She tried to argue, but her two men were already in place. Then she figured, what the hell, and lay back, waiting for their attention.

  * * * *

  Markus didn’t want to take her home. He’d spent all his time into the late afternoon loving her pussy. After he’d brought her to another orgasm, he and Brant had taken her upstairs to the main bathroom and showered her. They threw away her ruined underwear and helped her back into the yellow sundress.

  Before taking her home, he’d made sure to feed her. He and Brant had both begged for her to stay the night. Tessie refused. She needed space to clear her head.

  “We’re here,” she said, stopping at her door.

  Brant stood on one side while he stood on the other. She turned to face them. Her gaze kept going to her locked hands, then back up to them.

  “Today has been fantastic.”

  Brant reached out,
stroking her cheek. Her skin was soft to the touch. “You better get used to it, honey. I intend to have a lot more of these afternoons.” He’d even be willing to cut back his hours, hire more men to spend time with her.

  “Maybe even with some condoms?” she asked. Her cheeks went bright red.

  “Does my little virgin want sex?” Markus asked.

  “Please don’t say that.”

  “He loves it, Tessie. Markus is purring like a cat who got his cream, and all this afternoon, he did get his cream.” Brant winked at him.

  Markus couldn’t stop his chuckle as Tessie lashed out. She slapped his brother, then slapped him.

  “You two better behave. I’m not having either of you badmouthing me. It’s not fair.”

  Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her close, inhaling her intoxicating scent. “There is nothing to badmouth you about. I love everything about you.”

  “Like what?” she asked.

  “The color of your hair, the scent of your skin, and the way you smile when you’re happy.”

  “Okay, I forgive you.”

  Brant chuckled.

  Leaning in close, Markus kissed her lips. “And let’s not forget the way you scream when you orgasm, and the scent of your pussy, and how wet you become.”

  She shoved him away, playfully. Brant took control and pulled her close to him. His lips were on her in the next second. When his brother was done kissing her, Markus pulled her back against him.

  During his kiss, the front door opened, revealing her mother. Lillian stood with her arms folded. She glared at both of them before landing her gaze on her daughter.

  “You didn’t call to let me know you were going to be out for most of the day.”

  “I’m sorry. I got distracted.” Tessie pulled free of Markus and moved closer to her mother.

  Lillian glanced at Markus and nodded her head.

  “Thank you for returning her home safely.”

  The door closed shutting them out.

  “Okay, I don’t think Lillian likes us very much anymore,” Brant said, smiling.

  “I don’t think I care. She’s probably pissed at us for stealing her daughter away and leaving her with Donald. The old bastard can be pretty persuasive when he wants to be. I bet you fifty bucks he’s got a date out of today.” Markus headed toward his truck. He couldn’t wait for the following morning when he’d see his woman again.


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