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Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 9

by Sam Crescent

Brant wasn’t saying a word, while Markus spent a great deal of time looking at everything but his brother.

  Piercing a piece of pastry, Tessie placed it to her lips. The food started to taste rubbery, and it was because of the company rather than her cooking.

  Slamming her hand on the table, she glared between the two. Both men didn’t jump. They turned their attention to her, and neither said a word.

  “What the hell is wrong with you two?” she asked. Her voice rose with every word. A muscle tensed in Markus’s jaw and Brant looked down at the table. “You’re behaving like babies. Take a good, long look in the mirror, boys, because that’s all I see.”

  She stood, grabbed her plate, and threw the contents into the trash bin.

  “You wasted good food,” Markus said, speaking for the first time.

  “No, I had no appetite, because two men who claim to love me are fighting like immature morons. This is infuriating.” Throwing her hands in the air, she stormed to the table and grabbed each of their plates.

  “Hey, I wasn’t finished with that,” Brant said.

  “Finally, he speaks. I don’t care what you like or not. You’re not eating my food until you sort out your problem.” She placed their food out of the way, then grabbed the cake stand with the chocolate cake on top. “If you don’t figure out what’s wrong with you, you’re not getting a slice of this.”

  She grabbed a knife and cut herself a nice, big slice. Tessie made sure both men saw it as she placed it on a plate. It was a good cake. Chocolate sponge with chocolate cream in between each layer, then swamped in a chocolate fudge frosting. Sinful and full of calories.

  Picking up her fork, she took a decent-sized bite and placed it in her mouth. She was sure to make all relevant moaning noises. It was a good cake and had come from her mother’s stash of recipes. She also knew the guys had a sweet tooth. They loved anything with chocolate on it.

  “This is so damn good.” She licked the prongs of her fork before going for another piece.

  “I’m not being blackmailed to talk about my feelings.” Markus folded his arms. Out of the two brothers, he was the most stubborn.

  Turning her attention toward Brant, she waited for him to cave.

  He shook his head.

  “Okay, I need to up the stakes.” She took a second to ponder what else would gain their attention.

  Lifting the edge of her shirt she pulled it all the way off. She wasn’t wearing a bra. Putting the shirt on the edge of her chair, she sat back, taking another bite of cake.

  A moan came from Markus. Hiding her chuckle around another piece of cake, she waited for them to speak.

  Nothing else happened.

  “Fine, you want to play dirty.” Standing, she pushed the pants around her ankles and stepped out of them. She wasn’t wearing any underwear either.

  Sitting back down, she finished off the cake.

  “You were out of line,” Markus said. She swallowed down the last piece of cake and waited.

  “I’m sorry for what I said. I still think you need to come clean.” Brant glanced her way.

  “I’ve got everything covered. You need to stop thinking I don’t. Trust me like we trusted Dad.”

  “Look where that got us! Our family is dead. We’re the only ones around. Do you really think I’m not trying?” Brant asked.

  “Being without them hurts like hell. I get that. I understand it, and I’m sorry. We’re in this together and we’ll…discuss it in time. Just give me time,” Markus said.

  “I’m sorry for bringing up your dyslexia.”


  “What? She knows. She already knew about it, Markus.”

  “I did know about it.” She shrugged, leaning back to give him a better view of her chest. They were alone inside their house, and she was naked and horny. Today could be the day to give up her v-card. She hoped it was. Nights were the worst. Dreaming about these two men and not knowing how they would feel inside her was killing her.

  “How did you know?” he asked. There were tears in his eyes.

  She got up and went to Markus. Sitting in his lap, she wrapped her arms around his neck. He pulled her into his arms.

  “I’ve watched you at the diner. I know when you’re trying to hide something. I try to help you when I can.” She kissed his cheek, hoping he wouldn’t be mad at her for knowing. Markus was one of those guys who hated others knowing about his weaknesses.

  Tessie didn’t see his dyslexia as a weakness. She saw it as being part of him.

  “I never wanted you to know,” he said.

  She slapped him on the arm. “We’re not supposed to keep secrets from each other.”

  His fingers caressed along her thigh.

  Becoming conscious of her naked state, she looked into his piercing blue eyes and froze.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You’re naked in my lap.”

  She felt him thrust his hips against her thigh. His hard cock was like a brand pressed to her thigh. “You’re hard.”

  “I am, baby. I’m hard and I got condoms.”

  Her pussy tightened at his words.

  “You’ve got a one-track mind, brother,” Brant said.

  Glancing up, she saw Brant moving toward them from around the table. His eyes were filled with passion.

  Their eyes were different colors, but the passion was the same.

  “What about the cake?” she asked.

  “With you to keep me entertained, I don’t give a shit about the cake.” Markus slammed his lips down on hers, silencing any protest she might have had. Not that she had any protest to begin with.

  All thoughts left her as her mind focused on one thing, getting fucked by her sexy men.

  * * * *

  Markus’s cock was hard as rock. If he didn’t get inside his woman quickly, he was going to orgasm inside his pants.

  “What about the cake?” she asked again when he released her mouth.

  “Fuck the cake. I don’t care about the cake.” He picked her up in his arms.

  “Master bedroom?” Brant asked.

  “You’ve got it. I’ll meet you there.” He watched his brother take off ahead of him. Markus relied on Brant to grab the condoms on the way. Once he was naked, there was no way he was stopping long enough to go and fetch the condoms.

  “Where are we going?” she asked. Her legs wrapped around his waist. He felt the heat of her pussy even through the denim of his jeans.

  “To the master bedroom.”

  “The Master bedroom? Is it kinky?”

  He chuckled at her, waggling eyebrows. “No, it’s our room.”

  “Our room?” She never dropped her gaze.

  “Yes. You don’t think we’re letting you go, do you?”

  “I’ve got my Mom to think about,” she said.

  “Donald will take care of her if you let him.”

  “What about your friends? Won’t they think it’s a little weird, you moving me in here in less than a week since we voiced our feelings for each other?”

  He walked up the stairs without breaking eye contact. Markus had lost count on the number of times he’d walked around this house. Even when he grew up, he didn’t think of leaving his home. His parents always made him feel welcome.

  “You know my friends. They’ll support any decision I make, even if that decision involves one hot woman. I’ve got a few kinky thoughts to play out, baby. Do you think you can keep up?” he asked.

  She let out a gasp. “A virgin I may be, but you’ve got ten years on me. Do you think you can keep up with me, what with your old age and all?”

  Markus couldn’t resist and slapped her ass. She let out a yelp. He did it again, loving the little sparkle in her eyes.

  “You’ve been spending way too much time with Donald,” she said, whining.

  “I’m not a Dom, Tessie. Don’t you worry about a thing. Your ass is too tempting to leave alone.” The cheek he slapped, he now grabbed.

  She let out a gro
an and her legs tightened around him. “You’re not playing fair. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Your heady scent and the way you’re holding me is more than enough.”

  He followed the corridor down to the main bedroom. Brant was already naked. Candles were lit and Markus spotted the box of condoms on the drawer next to the bed. He also noticed the tube of lubricant and the butt plug he’d purchased along with the condoms.

  Donald also supplied plenty of sex toys within the club as there was no sex shop in town. Markus couldn’t help but frequent the place within the club. The naughty lingerie and toys would all look good on Tessie.

  Dropping her on the bed, Markus stepped back. Without breaking eye contact with her, he unbuckled his belt and stepped out of his jeans. She licked her lips. The sight made his cock ache to sink inside her welcoming warmth.

  “You’re so big,” she said.

  He’d heard the words so many times in porn movies, but coming from her lips, it sounded like an original come-on.

  “No need to be frightened,” he said.

  Brant moved on the bed behind her. Tessie sank against his brother. She looked so happy. “Do I look frightened? I’m so horny. I think I’m the only twenty-five-year-old virgin in the history of Stone Valley. It’s unfair.”

  Kneeling on the bed, he beckoned her closer. She shuffled closer. Dipping a hand to her waist, Markus pulled her close. They were pressed together, breast to breast. He was struck by how soft and round she was.

  Working on the ranch required hard hours and hard labor. Markus didn’t mind working hard, as the work kept him in shape. With that hardness came appreciation of everything Tessie was.

  So many women were intent on diets. He couldn’t be done with women who cared more about what food they didn’t eat or who was too fat or thin. Markus had been turned on by watching Tessie eat that chocolate cake. She never complained about her size and didn’t even look phased about them knowing her dress size. Her breasts were full and ripe. His mouth watered for a taste of her. There was nothing about Tessie that turned him off. He liked her attitude and her as a person.

  Even without sex, he liked her company. She was fun to be with. When he thought of their future together, he saw happiness. Ideally, he saw Tessie swollen with his and Brant’s children, but he wasn’t going to push just yet.

  First, he wanted the time to explore her.

  Licking a trail along her lips, Markus plunged his tongue deep into her mouth.

  Her nails sank into the flesh of his arms, making him moan.

  Brant moved behind her, moving her hair over one shoulder as he nibbled on her neck.

  Breaking from the kiss, Markus trailed his lips down to her neck, then down further until he settled above her breast.

  Tessie became quiet as he followed a path to her other breast. With his hands, he pushed open her legs and started caressing her inner thighs.

  Glancing down, he saw Brant’s hand open the lips of her pussy.

  She jerked when Brant stroked her clit.

  “I can’t think,” she said, whimpering.

  “Good. We don’t want you to think.” Markus circled her nipple with his tongue, coating the hard bud with his saliva. Once her nipple was wet, he blew air on her skin.

  She gasped, arching up to his touch. “Please, touch me or stroke me, but do something, please.”

  Her begging was adorable.

  Staring at his brother, Markus nodded his head. He waited until Brant settled between her spread thighs before continuing her torment.

  “What’s going on? Why is Brant between my thighs?” She let out a squeal as Brant attacked her pussy.

  “What’s he doing, baby?” Markus whispered against her ear.

  “He’s licking, um, my, erm…clit.” Her head was flung back and a cry escaped her lips.

  “How does he feel?”

  “So good.”

  Taking her nipple between his teeth, Markus gnawed down on the tender flesh. He placed both hands on her hips, keeping her in place as he loved first one breast, then the other.

  Her body shook under his touch. There was no stopping the pleasure in her. Markus wanted her to orgasm at least once before he did anything else.

  He wanted this first time to be something she would remember for the rest of her life. The first time was usually the most important. He didn’t want her to lose her virginity and wish she hadn’t wasted it on them.

  The sound of slurping filled the room.

  Tessie rocked on his brother’s face. The sight alone made his cock leak more pre-cum out of the tip.

  “Do you want me to take care of that?” she asked. She pointed at his raging erection.

  “Yeah.” He’d let her suck on him for now, but Markus didn’t have any intention of coming in her mouth.

  Stepping off the bed, he watched her lean forward. Brant didn’t stop his licking, and Markus didn’t want him to.

  She went down until her mouth was level with his cock. He took a step forward, presenting his cock to her waiting lips. “Are you ready?” he asked.

  Tessie nodded her head, moaning.

  He sank the tip of his shaft into her mouth. She took him inside, licking along the edge as she did.

  Her mouth felt good around his shaft. The sounds she made vibrated up the length. He stroked a line down her back, encouraging her to take more of him.

  Wrapping her hair around his fist, he controlled her movements as she bobbed on his length.

  Markus groaned when he bumped the back of her throat.


  Her movements became more hurried and he sensed a change in her. He watched the erratic motions of her hips as she fucked Brant’s face.

  Within seconds, she stopped sucking him. He pulled out with enough time to hear her cry out. Her body was taut, like a bow.

  He wondered if he could get her to orgasm a couple more times before he claimed her precious virginity.

  * * * *

  Brant moved away from her after her release ebbed away. He licked his lips and wiped the excess cream from his face. She tasted so damn sweet. Tessie lay on the bed, panting. He moved around her back as Markus took her front. They both caressed her body until she opened her eyes, staring at them.

  “You’re both going to be the death of me,” she said.

  “Did you enjoy that?” he asked.

  “Couldn’t you tell? I’m soaking wet.” Tessie opened her legs, showing the copious amounts of cream soaking her cunt.

  “You should be thankful,” Markus said, tucking her hair behind her ear.


  “Being soaking wet is a sign of a good orgasm. I imagine Brant would feel pretty crappy if you were bone dry. He wants and needs you to be soaking wet, don’t you, brother?”

  He nodded. “I wouldn’t have you any other way.” He dropped a kiss to her naked shoulder.

  “Okay, who is going to be fucking me?” Her question took them both by surprise. Brant saw the shock on his brother’s face and imagined he looked the same.

  “Don’t be so startled. I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time. I feel like it’s a world record or something.”

  Brant laughed. “You’re only twenty-five. I doubt any world record has been set by that time.”

  “When did you lose your virginity?” she asked, firing her question back at him. Her eyebrows were raised, waiting for an answer.

  He looked toward Markus for help.

  “Don’t look at him, look at me.”

  Brant returned his gaze to her.


  “I’m not answering your question. You weren’t available back then, and I’m pleased we’re together now.” To stop any more questions, he took her lips in the same way Markus had to stop her talking. He plundered her mouth, consuming her thoughts with a kiss.

  Kisses seemed to be the one thing that distracted her and Brant was all about distractions.

  She gripped his cock firmly and started to
pump the length.

  Groaning, he broke the kiss watching her hand instead.

  “Please, I need you both.”

  Brant hated her begging. Whenever she begged, he always gave in.

  Markus reached for the condom.

  “We both agreed Markus was going to take you first. He’s the oldest and knows what he’s doing,” Brant said, explaining everything.

  “You talked about me even while I wasn’t here?” she asked.

  She pouted, but he saw the thrill in her eyes. Tessie liked the thought of them talking about her without her being present.

  Kissing her head, Brant watched as his brother prepared the condom over his shaft. In the next instant, he tugged her down the bed until he had her open and was between them. Kneeling beside her head, Brant stroked his erection, watching Markus tease open her slit.

  “You got her nice and wet for me. This will make it easier to fuck her.”

  “I hope you’re prepared for a night of passion, baby. Markus and I have plenty planned for you.” A quick look at the plug had Brant all excited for the coming night’s activities.

  “I’m ready for whatever you can throw at me.”

  Brant didn’t like the challenge in her tone, but let it slide anyway. He leaned down, brushed his lips against her temple, and watched.

  Markus rubbed his condom-covered cock all over her wet pussy, getting himself ready to take her. Brant ran his hand down to stroke her nipples. They were rock hard and he pinched the tips, watching her cry out.

  “I’m going to go slowly at first, Tessie. Tell me if it hurts too much.” Markus gripped himself and placed the tip next to her dripping cunt.

  He couldn’t turn away. This moment was vital for each of them. After years of knowing each other, Tessie would be their woman. They lay on the master bed, in the master bedroom where generations of Stones had loved a woman before.

  Brant couldn’t help the emotion flooding him. He and his brother had finally found the woman for them. They were going to lavish her with love and then when the time was right, they were going to give her their children. The needs that gripped him were primal.

  He wasn’t even between her sweet thighs and he felt like thumping his chest as a victor of some great debate.


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