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Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 13

by Sam Crescent

  It was an ongoing project for both him and Markus.

  “We can’t pull out of it, Brant. We’re close to having everything set up for the hospital. I’m not wasting valuable time getting this thing up and running for you to quit on me.”

  “I’m not going to quit, okay? This is important to me as well.” Shaking his head, Brant thought over the event and how best to get the men talking without making it look suspicious.

  “We can do this during the fair. There’s a way to get you talking with the Sheriff and for it to be quiet, but we’re going to have to plan in advance. There needs to be a reason David’s in town and it has to be known locally that he’s here for good. It will help if there’s a public meeting between you and Donald,” Brant said. “The Flippin’ Tasty would be a good place to start. You could take Lillian for breakfast and that’s where it can happen.”

  “Brant is right. The only way to do this without suspicion is by pretending nothing is amiss. Donald can introduce us all and we can take it from there. People already know we’re talking with him,” Markus added, pointing at Donald.

  They spent the next couple of hours talking through everything that would need to happen. Brant didn’t like the thought of lying to Tessie, but he’d do everything in his power to keep her safe.

  “I need to get to Lillian’s place,” Donald said several hours later. “I think this meeting should commence this Friday. You and Markus, be at the diner, and that way Tessie will be there and everything will be fine.”

  Brant followed the men to the door.

  “Just so you know, no one was watching us earlier. I wanted us inside so we could plan on how best to deal with this situation,” David said. “I promise to reach out and let you know when the meet is going down.”

  “We’ll be waiting for your call.” Markus shook his hand. Brant watched them leave, staring at the car even as it travelled away.

  “What are you thinking?” Brant asked.

  “That we need to keep an eye on our woman and not let her out of our sight. We’ve waited so long to claim her and I’m not going to let her be taken from me because I didn’t take the warning.”

  He watched his brother run his fingers through his hair. The action showed how agitated he was.

  “We’ll keep her safe, Markus.” He placed a hand on Markus’s shoulder, trying to offer support.

  “I hope so, because I don’t even want to consider life without Tessie.”

  Both brothers went their different directions. Brant spent most of the day in the office, and when he’d done all the business side of running the Stone ranch, he went to check on his horse in the stable. He didn’t get much time to ride Polly like he used to. He got one of the ranch hands or Markus to take her out. She was getting old and had been a present for his tenth birthday.

  “How are you doing, girl?” He stroked a hand down her back and felt a deep calm settle over him.

  Brant blocked out all of the other sounds surrounding him. The only people in the world were him and his horse.

  “I can’t lose her, Polly. I should have asked her out back in high school. I was too afraid to scare her away. My dads warned me she might not like two men taking an interest. I knew when I was younger that Tessie Holland was the woman for me.”

  Brant unloaded on his horse, knowing in his heart there was nothing more he could do. Polly was the only one, beside Markus and Tessie, who understood him.

  Chapter Twelve

  Tessie finished her shift and walked the distance home. The sun was still up and she nodded to the people she passed. Several of the locals stopped to ask how she was doing and to talk about her relationship with the Stones. This morning, they’d claimed her as their own. The whole town knew she was seeing Markus and Brant. What she loved about Stone Valley was the lack of judgment. No one looked at her as if she was some kind of slut. She didn’t know if she could handle people seeing her as a slut.

  Grabbing the spare key her mother kept in the flower pot by the door, she let herself inside. She was hit by wave upon wave of smells. Garlic, onion, and steak hit her the moment she walked in the door.

  “Hello?” she called out to see who would answer. Lillian wasn’t due to finish work for another hour. Tessie had hoped to get cleaned up before then.

  Donald stood in the kitchen doorway. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and he dried his hands on a towel draped over his shoulder. “Hello, Tessie. Lillian said you’d be stopping by. Come on, sit down. I imagine you’re famished from a hard day on your feet.”

  He left her standing there. She couldn’t believe she’d seen Donald without a shirt. For a fifty-year-old man, he looked really good for his age.

  Gross. He’s into my mother. He could be my stepfather in a few months.

  Tessie shook her head and walked into the kitchen. She never thought of Donald being in the kitchen. He was a Dom and owned the only BDSM club in town. Did a Dom cook?

  Shit, why was she even thinking about this?

  “Does Mom know you’re here?” she asked, taking a seat at the counter.

  “She gave me a spare key. Lillian is always tired after a long shift at the supermarket. I thought it would be nice to cook her dinner. She deserves to be treated,” he said.

  She smiled. “Yeah, she does need to be treated. I’m sorry about being rude. Mom can be hard to work with sometimes. I struggled to get her to agree to talk to you.”

  “I know. She still loves your father. I’ll never replace him, I know that, but I refuse to let her live the rest of her life lonely. She seems to think she has to be alone. I’m not going to back away. I’m here, and I intend to stay here.” He turned to hand her a tall glass of orange juice.

  “I like you,” she said, taking the drink and having a sip.

  “Good. I got three steaks, and I’m a decent cook, as well. So, is there anything you can tell me about how to get on your mother’s good side?”

  Tessie started laughing. “You’re going to use me to charm my mother?”

  “Of course. I need all the help I can get.” Donald smiled at her.

  Taking a sip of her drink, she watched for several minutes as he worked around her mother’s kitchen. He knew his way around the stove, and the scents alone were making her stomach rumble.

  “Dinner will be served when Lillian gets in.”

  “Okay, so you want me to talk about my mom?” she asked.


  “She loves red roses and chocolate,” Tessie said. She really wanted her mother to be happy.

  “I’ve got them in my head. She’ll be getting plenty of that as well as something more tempting to me.”

  Tessie cringed, knowing what he was talking about. “Please, I can help you with certain gifts, but I don’t need to know about your love life with her.”

  Donald chuckled. “Point taken.”

  She went through a whole list of things her mother liked. Donald continued to cook while she talked. Tessie knew he was listening. She saw it in the way he held himself as she spoke.

  “I think it’s really great you’re prepared to wait for her. I’m pleased you’ll be around to see her.” Tessie knew it was only a matter of time before Markus and Brant demand she move in with them. The filled closet and the fact they’d built their life around hers confirmed it.

  “Markus and Brant are good men. They’ll take care of you, and I’ll take care of Lillian.”

  Glancing at the clock, Tessie saw the hour had almost passed. Lillian would be walking through the door at any moment.

  “I know this is going to be a little invasive, but are you planning on bringing in another man?” She cringed even as she said the words.

  “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  “Hi, I’m home,” her mother called out.

  “We’re in here, sweetheart,” Donald said, winking at Tessie.

  Tessie turned to watch her mother enter. There was a flush in her cheeks and a sparkle in her eyes when she saw Donald was waiting for h

  “Here you go, my lady. Drink up.” Donald handed Lillian a drink before returning to the stove.

  “Hello, honey, did you have a nice night with your men?” she asked, kissing her head.

  Tessie nodded. “Yeah, it was good.”

  They made small talk until Donald ushered them toward the dining room table. Tessie had forgotten what it was like to have dinner with a man in the house. Donald was so attentive of Lillian and Tessie loved watching them together. They would make a wonderful couple, if only her mother would open her heart to him.

  When Donald left the room to handle desert, Tessie asked her mother questions.

  “Are you two an item now?” Tessie asked.

  “No, we’re friends. I got to know him and he’s not bad at all.”

  She stayed silent throughout dessert. Watching Donald and Lillian together relaxed Tessie. When she left them to live with Brant and Markus, she knew Lillian would be in good hands.

  The knock at the door let her know Brant, or Markus, or both, were here to pick her up.

  “I better get that.” She left them at the table. Markus stood at the door, waiting for her.

  “Where’s Brant?” she asked.

  “He’s at home, preparing.” One of his eyebrows rose in the air, making her chuckle. The suggestive way he looked at her made her pussy heat.

  Her mother and Donald saw her out of the house. She climbed into Markus’s truck and took his hand.

  * * * *

  Markus had agreed to collect their woman while Brant prepared the bedroom for some serious loving. They were both going to love her tonight and prepare her ass with a bigger plug. He looked forward to getting her home.

  After hearing what Donald and David had to say, all he wanted to do was get Tessie and run like hell. He’d never run from a fight, but Tessie hadn’t been in danger during those fights. With Tessie’s life at risk, it made him vulnerable. He didn’t like being vulnerable.

  He squeezed her hand tighter.

  “Is Donald dating your mom?” he asked, changing the subject.

  “I think he’s trying. If anyone is going to get my mom to date them, it’s Donald. He’s persistent. I guess that has to do with his dominant lifestyle.” She shrugged and tightened her grip on his hand.

  “What do you know about the dominant lifestyle?” Until Donald came to town with his kinks and club, Markus hadn’t known much about BDSM. He never thought anything about what others wanted outside of his own needs. Markus knew he wasn’t a Dom. He liked tying women up and giving them an occasional smack to the ass, but that was it.

  From what he’d seen in the club, Markus would never be a Dom. He was a straight-laced guy who liked imaginative sex. When he visited the club, he liked to watch. He would never participate, and he appreciated all forms of sex.

  “I know enough. I’ve heard there are several subs in this town who have visited the place. Women talk, and there are plenty of books and the internet to help fill a curious mind. I’m curious.”

  “So, are you a submissive? Do you want to be tied up and spanked?”

  He felt her eyes roll.

  “Donald would totally kick your ass if he heard you say that. There’s so much more to the lifestyle than that. No, I don’t want to be tied up and spanked. I was curious and I found stuff out.”

  Markus drove some more before talking. He liked hearing her speak and would do anything to pull her into a conversation.

  “So, what do you think about Donald being in your life as your stepdad?” he asked.

  “Wow, you really don’t hold anything back, do you?”

  “Sorry, I’ve not got a filter.” He squeezed her hand tight.

  “I wouldn’t mind. I loved my dad. He played such a big role in my life. He was always busy on the ranch, but when he could make time for me, he did. Dad helped me with my homework and helped me to make sense of the world around me.” Markus heard the sadness in her voice. “When he died, I thought I wouldn’t be able to move on. I have, and I hope Mom can, too. She deserves someone like Donald. The Dom thing aside, he’s a good, caring man.”

  Even Markus couldn’t fault him on his ability to care. He’s seen the love Donald held for Lillian and it had nothing to do with the need to dominate or control.

  He parked up outside of the ranch, shut off the engine, and climbed out of the truck. Tessie opened the passenger door. He got to her before she climbed down. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he helped her out of the truck, slamming the door closed. He’d never been one to lock his truck. Stone Valley was usually a good, safe town. Since hearing about the potential coke operation taking place inside his town, Markus didn’t feel it was safe any longer. He hated feeling that, and knew his dads would have gotten just as angry.

  “Have you and Brant got some seduction planned for me?” she asked, banding her hands around his neck, pressing her body against his.

  The mounds of her tits pressed to his front and he wished their clothing was out of the way.

  “Maybe? You’ll have to come into our den and see for yourself,” he said, teasing.

  “You’re doing everything you can to get me inside.”

  “Absolutely. I want to be inside you, sweet Tessie.” He kissed the corner of her lips and felt them lift with her smile.

  “God, I love you,” she said.

  “As I do you.” He locked the truck, then took her hand, leading her toward the house. Markus locked the front door and kept a firm grip on her hand.

  The scent of vanilla permeated the air. Brant had gotten the scented candles from town earlier in the day. The only way they could both think of taking their mind of the imminent threat was making sweet, long love to Tessie.

  Brant had turned the lights off and Markus followed the path he knew by heart.

  “I smell the candles,” she said.

  Moving toward the main bedroom, Markus opened the door. Brant sat on the bed in a pair of boxers. Candles were on every surface and away from anything that could cause a flame.

  “You’re back, finally. I thought you’d left me here to deal with these candles,” Brant said, standing up.

  Markus eased Tessie into the center of the room. Brant stood and moved toward her. “There’s our woman.” Brant sank his fingers into her hair, pulling her close for a searing kiss.

  He used the time to pull his shirt from his body. Brant deepened the kiss, controlling her with a grip in her hair.

  Brant only pulled away when Markus was as naked as him.

  “You’re both too much sometimes,” she said, leaning in close to rest her head on Brant’s chest.

  “We’re only getting started, baby. We forgot the plug today, so before the fun even begins, we’ve got to get you prepared and ready,” Brant said.

  Markus tugged on her hand, spinning her back to face him. “Before we get you ready for the plug, you need a shower. You’ve been working all day.”

  “A shower would be nice. I didn’t have time to take one at home. Donald was grilling me about Mom.”

  He led her through to the shower. Markus noticed Brant tensing up and he shook his head. They were not here to discuss the problems arising from David’s words. They had a month to keep Tessie safe and Marcus was determined to see to it that she was protected.

  * * * *

  Brant loved showering Tessie. She was so responsive and he enjoyed washing her hair, watching his fingers glide through the dark strands. When they were finished, they both rubbed her down with a towel, drying every part of her body with silken caresses.

  “That feels nice. You both take care of me so well.” She let out a moan.

  “We’re not done yet, babe.” Brant took the lead, taking her back through to the main master bedroom. Some of the candles flickered as they passed, casting a glow on the lights. They were all naked and the real fun could begin. “Markus and I are going to make love to you tonight, Tessie, one after the other. Do you think you can handle that?” Brant asked.

“What will the other be doing while one of you does me?”

  “Brant’s making love to you first. I’m going to watch. I love watching.” Markus took her in his arms and claimed a kiss before going to the chair by the wall.

  “He likes to watch as much as I do. I get to watch the pleasure on your face when Markus fucks you. First, I get to press a plug into your ass and fuck you first.” Brant brushed his lips across hers before escorting her to the bed. He made sure she climbed up on her knees with her glorious ass in the air.

  The plug and the lube were already waiting on top of the drawer beside the bed. He’d picked a bigger one from the one Markus used last night.

  He unsnapped the cap off the lube and started spreading a generous amount on his fingers. Placing the tube on the bed, he caressed the cheeks of her ass. He loved them round and full.

  She let out a moan as he slapped her ass lightly, watching her cream leak from her pussy. His woman was turned on.

  Pressing his lubed fingers against her puckered entrance, Brant waited to penetrate her ass. He stroked the area, only applying the smallest of pressure.

  When he worked his fingers inside her tight hole, Brant started squirting more of the lube above her ass.

  Throwing the tube away, he reached for the butt plug and, working her ass with his fingers, he smeared the plug in all the lube he’d placed on her.

  Her moans and gasps of pleasure were filling the room, echoing off the walls. His cock thickened at the thought of fucking her. Tessie was a natural and he knew it wouldn’t be long before they both claimed her together.

  “Please stop teasing me, Brant. I want it.”

  Her words spurred him on. Removing his fingers from her ass, he wiped them on a towel, at the same time pressing the tip of the plug into her ass. She didn’t tense and the plug eased inside her.

  Brant made sure to give her time with each inch he pressed in.


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