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Two Stone Brothers for Tessie [Love in Stone Valley 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 17

by Sam Crescent

  “This is beautiful,” she said, giving a twirl and rubbing her palms down the side of the dress.

  “You look stunning.”

  She moved to them and stopped to kiss Brant first and then him. Once she’d kissed them both, her gaze moved around the room.

  “Did you plan all this for me?” she asked.

  “Yes, we wanted tonight to be special for you.” Markus eased her into her seat before taking his own. Brant took the seat opposite him so they were on either side of her.

  “This looks delicious.”

  They ate their meal, talking about the day, and Tessie told them about Darla refusing to serve Luke. Markus couldn’t take his eyes off Tessie. She looked so enchanting. The time they’d wasted he would never get back but he wasn’t going to let another second go by with regrets.

  Tessie was going to feel like the luckiest woman on the planet, and he was going to make sure of it.

  Brant took care of the plates and Tessie kept smiling. Markus held her hand, waiting for his brother to return.

  “You keep staring at me like that, you’re going to make me nervous,” Tessie said.

  “I can’t help it. I could have lost you. I’m not going to hold back how I feel about you, Tessie Holland. You’re my woman and the love of my life.”

  “And mine,” Brant said, taking a seat.

  They handed her the box with the shoes and handbag. She accepted them with a smile. “Why do I get the feeling that’s not the real surprise?” she asked.

  “Because it’s not,” Brant said, taking the lead. His brother took her hand and led her upstairs. “The real surprise is in here.”

  Markus followed them up. He left the door to the bedroom open and wrapped an arm around Tessie’s waist. “No more waiting, baby.” He pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

  “You’re both going to make love to me together,” she said. Her voice came out breathless. Brant was already stroking her naked pussy.

  Working the dress up over her head, Markus threw it aside. “We’ve worked your ass with the plugs so it won’t be too painful, and we’ve waited for the right time. Now is the right time.”

  “It’s about fucking time,” Tessie said, turning toward them and yanking their shirts open. Buttons sprayed everywhere. “I’ve been waiting for you both to make love to me again. I thought something was wrong and instead you’ve done nothing but keep me waiting. You’ve both been unfair to me.”

  “We’ll change that right now,” Markus said, slamming his lips down on hers.

  * * * *

  Brant tore at his clothing until he was butt-ass naked for Tessie. Taking her out of Markus’s arms, he pressed her to the bed, opened her legs wide and started to lick her dripping cunt. She was soaking wet and her juices wet his chin. He didn’t care. Plunging two fingers inside her heat, he licked her clit, stroking it continuously.

  There was no stopping the pleasure mounting inside him. He felt like a beast had finally opened up and all he wanted to do was claim his woman.

  Within minutes, he brought her to orgasm. Her body shook with the aftereffects.

  “I needed that,” she said, gasping.

  “It won’t be your only one tonight, baby.” Brant moved out of the way as Markus took over loving her pussy.

  Brant grabbed a condom, ripped the foil, and placed the latex over his rock-hard cock. Tessie’s moans echoed around the room. Her sounds made him move faster. Opening the tube of lube, he smeared plenty onto his waiting cock.

  “Give me a condom. I need to be inside her,” Markus said, reaching for one.

  He slapped a condom into his brother’s hand.

  “Yes, please. I need to feel you both inside me.”

  When Markus had the condom on, he sat at the head of the bed and crooked his finger for Tessie to come to him.

  Brant watched as his brother got Tessie to straddle his waist and take his cock into her tight cunt.

  Both of them cried out and Brant wanted in on the action. He crawled up the bed, the tube of lube in his hand, and settled behind Tessie.

  “She’s so fucking tight. Are you sure you want this, baby?” Markus asked.

  “I’ve had multiple plugs up my ass to prepare me. If you don’t fuck my ass, you’re going to have one very pissed-off woman,” Tessie warned.

  Chuckling, Brant applied more of the lubrication to his fingers and started preparing her anus to receive him.

  He pressed his fingers to her rosette and Markus moved her up and down his shaft at the same time.

  Her pleasured gasps were the only sounds to be heard. Brant’s arousal intensified and his hands shook as the pleasure started to build. He wasn’t even inside her and he was close to coming.

  When she was well lubricated, Brant moved in close and pressed the tip of his cock to her anus.

  Markus stopped his movements so Brant could start penetrating her.

  “I want you to breathe out and relax like you did when you were taking the plug.”

  Tessie did as he asked and relaxed her muscles.

  He pressed the tip against her ass but the tight ring of muscles kept him out.

  “Push out,” he said.

  She pushed out and he slid the tip of his cock passed the muscles. Tessie screamed and Brant paused where he was.

  “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” He stopped waiting for her to respond.

  “I feel full,” she said. “It feels amazing. Please don’t stop.”

  He stroked a hand down her back, caressing one ass cheek and then then other.

  “I won’t stop. I’ll make it better for you. I promise.”

  “She’s going to get tighter,” Markus said.

  “I know.”

  Brant took his time easing his cock in an inch at a time. Each time he pushed forward, she squirmed. Markus’s grip on her hips stopped her from slamming down on him. She could hurt herself if she pushed down on him. This was supposed to be about pleasure, not pain.

  “Please, fuck me,” she begged.

  He went slow, feeding her his cock until he was fully embedded inside her. They stayed still and Brant felt every pulse of her ass.

  “Fuck, she’s tighter than I imagined,” Markus said, groaning.

  Placing a hand on her hip, Brant leaned in close. “Are you ready to be fucked?”

  “Yes, please yes,” she said, begging.

  Looking at his brother, Brant waited for Markus to pull out. When Markus started to plunge inside, Brant eased out of her tight ass. They built up a pace where they each fucked inside her body as the other pulled out.

  They kept the pace for several strokes, letting Tessie grow accustomed to their touch. Brant reached around her and started to stroke her clit. Her nub was tight, swollen, and the moment he started to caress her, Tessie splintered apart between them.

  Soon, Brant and Markus fucked her together, easing inside her at the same time, stretching her. The pleasure intensified and Brant felt her tightening around his stiff prick. Brant made love to her, relishing her cries of pleasure. He stroked her clit, bringing her to orgasm twice more as they fucked her.

  “Fuck, I’m not going to last, Brant. She’s so fucking tight. I can feel every flutter.”

  Brant brought her to a third orgasm and she collapsed between them. Markus cried out first and Brant pressed inside her, feeling the pleasure he kept at bay. With one final thrust, Brant threw his head back as his release poured out of him into his waiting condom.

  He held Tessie throughout. Her vanilla scent calmed his nerves.

  All three of them collapsed on the bed.

  Tessie lay between them, the Stones’ woman, and Brant wrapped an arm around her, holding her close.

  “Can we do that again?” she asked, breaking the silence. Brant laughed. Pulling the hair off her shoulder, he pressed a kiss to her shoulder.

  “I’d love to do it again.” He cupped the cheek of her ass and gave it a gentle squeeze.

  “I can’t wait to marry you,” Markus said,
claiming her lips once again.

  Tessie laughed. “I thought you were the patient one.”

  “Baby, I’ve never been patient. I can wait for kids because I’m a selfish bastard and I want you all to myself.” Markus kissed a path down to her breast.

  Brant watched her face as she moaned. Her ass tightened around his flaccid cock.

  “How did I get so lucky?” she asked. “And who would have thought those anonymous gifts could have brought us to this?”

  “My only regret is that we didn’t do this sooner,” Brant whispered, turned her head and claimed her lips for himself.

  He would be happy when the truth was out about Daniel and when he and Markus had their ring on her finger. Once they could call Tessie Holland their wife, Brant didn’t care about anything else.


  One month later

  Today was the day when Tessie Holland would become a Stone. She stared at her reflection in the mirror as her mother finished placing the veil over her head. The last month had been a revelation for her. She’d found out the truth about her father and their family. Tessie would never forget the dinner date Markus and Brant had taken her to at her mother’s house. There, Donald, David, Lillian, and the mysterious stranger had been present.

  Her father’s brother was alive. The man who’d actually fathered her was staying in Stone Valley. Only, Patrick Holland was dead, the uncle she’d never known, and the new man moving into town was Daniel Jackson.

  He was trying to pull her into a relationship. Daniel wanted to get to know her, but Tessie wasn’t ready. Brant and Markus wouldn’t push her either, which she was thankful for. Her relationship with Lillian had also been strained. What made it easier for her to forgive her mother was knowing she hadn’t known about Patrick or Daniel. The name change was confusing as hell.

  Donald was walking her down the aisle today. She didn’t know if Daniel liked it or not, but she couldn’t have a mysterious stranger giving her away. From what she knew as far as the locals of Stone Valley were concerned, Patrick Holland was dead.

  “You look so beautiful, Tessie. Brant and Markus will not know what to do with you today.”

  Tessie smiled at Lillian through their reflections.

  “Did Dad love his brother?” Tessie found herself asking.

  Lillian froze. “Frank loved his brother. I think he would have been angry to know the truth.”

  “Did you love Patrick?”

  “Yes, I did. I loved both of the Holland men. I was going to be dedicated to both of them.” Tears were shining in Lillian’s eyes.

  “It must have hurt, hearing about his death,” Tessie said.

  “You were so young. I didn’t know what to do. Frank was broken as well. We got through it because of you. Frank thought it was better for you to grow up thinking of Patrick as an uncle instead of a dad. He didn’t want to confuse you or hurt you.”

  Tessie nodded. She’d never given much thought to the uncle who died young. There were pictures, but because she’d never met him, she’d not given him much thought.

  “Do you still love Patrick?” Tessie asked. She hadn’t even thought about how his appearance might affect her mother.

  “I really don’t know, honey. I wish I had an answer for you.” She held her mother and kept the tears at bay. Tessie really hoped her mother found some peace. She felt in her heart that, with Daniel’s presence, Lillian was in for a rollercoaster ride.

  “No more talking about the past. This is your big day. Everything else can wait. I demand that it waits.”

  Tessie laughed.

  She finished getting ready and then there was a knock at the door. Donald stood on the other side.

  “We’re all waiting for you, princess,” he said.

  Taking a deep breath, Tessie stared at her reflection. She was more than ready for this day.

  Grabbing her bouquet of red roses, she took Donald’s arm and followed him down the stairs. The church was full with most of the townsfolk. She tightened her grip on his arms when she caught sight of Patrick or Daniel—she really couldn’t think what to call him—sitting at the front.

  “He has every right to be here,” Donald whispered.

  She turned her gaze to the front of the church where her men stood. Markus and Brant helped her to focus. The music started up, and she made her way down the aisle to become Mrs. Tessie Stone.




  Sam Crescent is passionate about fiction. She loves a good erotic romance and so it only made sense for her to spread her wings and start writing. She began writing in 2009 and finally got that first acceptance in 2011.

  She loves creating new characters and delving into the worlds that she creates. When she’s not panicking about a story or arguing with a character, she can be found in her kitchen creating all kinds of havoc. Like her stories, the creations in the kitchen can be just as dubious but sometimes things turn out great.

  For all titles by Sam Crescent, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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