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The Year I Met August

Page 6

by Renea Porter

  “Thankfully, I did pack clothes,” I joked.

  He playfully swatted my butt, and I squealed on the way to the bathroom. Stripping out of my pajamas, I stepped into the shower. The heat felt good against my skin.

  After the shower, I put a sun dress on with a pair of wedge sandals. The weather was supposed to be hot this weekend. I pulled my hair back and put it in a low side bun. Forgetting my makeup at the dorm, I dug for my must have mascara in my handbag. That was one thing I couldn’t live without. I thickened my lashes and stepped out into the room.

  “Okay, I’m ready.”

  August stopped in his tracks.

  “I don’t think I’ve seen you in a dress since your birthday. You look really pretty, Murph.” He pulled me into him and hugged and kissed me.


  I picked up my purse and loaded into the car. The bags were already loaded in the trunk.

  This would be the first time we were actually traveling some distance. But I loved being around him.

  “Road trip,” I stated, sliding into the passenger seat.

  He tossed a bag to me. “I stocked up on some of your faves.”

  I looked inside, and the fact that he remembered made me smile wide. “You got me laffy Taffy,” I said, stunned. I also noticed a single bag of Doritos, Hershey’s chocolate and Dum Dums. “You remembered.”

  “Did you really think I had forgotten? You wound me, Murphy.” He placed his hand over his heart, joking.

  I laughed. “I’ll definitely eat these later.”

  My song I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At the Disco came on. Turning up the volume, I lip synced to the song while August laughed at me dancing in my seat. We ended up having a lip sync contest, and he was not the winner at that. I knew my music. He was more of a metal guy, even though that genre wasn’t as popular as it used to be.

  Four hours passed by so quickly. We were at his place by noon. However, I had to keep a low key since my parents didn’t know I was in town. Not that I cared that much. I didn’t want to hurt my mom’s feelings, though. Mom knew I talked to August, and that we kept in touch. I never divulged any more than that. They didn’t need to know unless things got serious between us.

  In actuality, the relationship between August and I was still new. And we were still figuring things out as we went along.

  August pulled into his half circular driveway and parked in front of the house. Taking my hand, we walked inside. I immediately went over and hugged his mom. “Thank you for getting August to come see me. It means a lot.”

  “Sure. You know we love seeing your pretty face around here.” She winked.

  With his hand on the small of my back, August guides us to his room. It was still as I had remembered it. I noticed a picture of us from the summer on his nightstand. Picking it up, I smiled at the beaming looks we were giving each other. It made me sigh, but it also made my heart happy. “I love this picture of us.”

  “It’s my favorite one,” he said.

  I dropped my bag onto the floor. “Thanks again for coming to get me.”

  “Anytime. You know I’d come for you day or night.” He bent down to kiss me while he kicked the door shut.

  “Are we just hanging out here all weekend?” I sat on the edge of his bed.

  “Yeah. Unless you want to go see the fireworks.”

  “That sounds like fun. I’m so used to being busy, I don’t know what to do with myself.”

  He sat down next to me. “Just try and relax. Try to enjoy the little bit of time we have together.” He rubbed my back reassuringly. “You hungry? I could order pizza.”

  “Pizza sounds great.”

  Taking his phone from his back pocket, he called for delivery, ordering my favorite a large pepperoni pizza.

  After hanging up the phone, we laid back on his bed. “So what do you do while I’m at school?”

  “I go to work, sometimes the gym, and then I come home, eat, and sleep.”

  “No girlfriend or lady company at night?” My curiosity got to me, especially since we didn’t put a label on us and we lived hours away from one another.

  Turning his head, he looked at me and smiled. “The only ladies in my life are you and my mom. You mean so much to me; I’d never do you that way. Even though we haven’t discussed what we are yet. What we have is still new, and I don’t want to ruin a good thing. We don’t have to rush and put a label on this. I want you to worry about going to school and doing what you have to do. I’m fine being second to that. And I’m fine seeing you whenever the time allows.”

  “Sounds perfect to me.”

  He kissed my nose. He was being sweet and making my insides turn to mush. Without looking at me, he asked, “What about you? Any guys hitting on you?”

  I laughed. “No. I don’t have time for boys. Except you, of course.”

  “Good, because I’d hate to have to kick someone’s ass.”

  I giggled. His mom yelled up that the pizza was delivered. Meeting her in the kitchen, she had grabbed some paper plates and set them out for us.

  Taking the money out of his pocket, August paid his mom back for paying for the pizza. I couldn’t help but notice the large amount of cash he had.

  How did he get that much cash? Why did he have so much on him? She never gave him that money to come see me. I wasn’t an idiot. But I also didn’t feel like it was my place to ask. At least not right now. Besides, my mom always said it was never polite to ask a man how much money he had.

  His mom asked me about school and my grades. The conversation was light and easy between the three of us. After eating a few slices, I was already full.

  “Looks like we have some leftover if we get hungry later or tomorrow,” August mentioned. “Do you want to sit out back for a little bit?”

  “Sure. And thank you, Helena, for allowing me to come here and stay.” I hugged her again.

  “Murphy, you are welcome here anytime, dear.” She cupped my face and gave me a smile. A smile that showed she appreciated me, and how I made her son happy.

  August handed me a soda and we headed outside.

  Chapter Thirteen

  August took my hand and gave me one of his cheesy grins as soon as we were stepping outside. I knew he was up to something. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw my sister, Melanie. I looked to August.

  “You know I had to tell her you were coming. She misses you.”

  I immediately went to her and hugged Melanie tight. Then brushed her blonde hair behind her shoulder.

  “I’m so glad you two are hanging out,” she squealed with excitement.

  We sat on the deck furniture and she and I talked.

  “How’s school?”

  “It’s going good. The accelerated program is grueling and tough, but so far, I’ve been able to manage it. I do a lot of studying, and I talk to this guy sometimes.” I nudged August.

  “Y’all are too cute together. Anyway, I don’t want to keep you from your alone time.” She turned to leave before telling me, “I just wanted to see you for a minute. Call me, okay?”

  “I will.”

  She blew me a kiss then rounded the corner.

  “My sister is crazy,” I told August.

  He came over, wrapping his arms around my waist, his chin on my shoulder. “She misses you. And she misses how close you guys used to be.”

  “I know. I should call her more,” I noted.

  It was no surprise he would know these things since he and Melanie’s boyfriend, Brandon, hung out. Sometimes, it was all three of them. I felt a twinge of feeling left out. Me being four hours away made it impossible to hang out as much as I’d like. But I should have made the effort to communicate with her more.

  “I hope you liked your surprise.”

  I smiled wide. “I did. Thanks for telling her I was here. I have no idea how you did it, but thanks.”

  “Anytime.” He pulled away from my body. “Are you ready for another surprise?”

ot another. I can’t take it. You are spoiling me.”

  He disappeared into the house for several minutes before coming back out with his hands full.

  My eyes lit up when I saw he had everything to make s’mores. “You did not.”

  “I did. We can light a fire and make a few if you want.”

  “I want.” I nodded.

  Sitting back down, he handed me a stick to assemble my s’more. He started the fire and I held my stick over the open flame.

  “You are too much, August.”

  “Get used to it. Cuz, I’ll do anything for you.” He planted a kiss on my lips.

  After making two s’mores, we headed inside, putting the leftover remnants away. We headed back up to his room. August sat on the edge of the bed and motioned for me. I moved and stood in front of him.

  His hungry eyes met mine while he moved his hands up my legs and pushed my dress up to reveal my yellow panties. He kissed my bare stomach just above my panty line. Hooking his fingers on each side, he pushed them down. My hands went to his barely-there hair. Sex was still new for me, and us, but August always made me feel comfortable, and it came natural for us. I never felt uneasy about being naked in front of him.

  Standing, he dropped his shorts and pulled me onto him. My hair fanned around us as we made love.


  Sunday came too quick. I woke up in August’s arms, feeling the best I’d ever felt.

  “What are we doing today?” I asked.

  “I thought we could lounge around until we leave to go see the fireworks.”

  “Sounds good. Are my sister and Brandon coming, too?”

  “I can text them if you want,” he said.

  “Only if you don’t mind,” I confessed.

  “Not at all. I’m sure you could use some sister time. We just have to be careful and make sure your parents aren’t going to be there.”

  I definitely didn’t want to get caught being here when I straight up lied. But I hadn’t expected to see August.

  In a way, I did love August. I already knew that. And I was willing to give us a chance to see where the relationship would go. If it got serious, then I would have no choice but to tell my parents. I still had time before that happened, though.

  “Melanie said that they would meet us here,” August told me. “Apparently, your parents are meeting some business associates for dinner. So we are clear.”

  “Excellent. I can’t wait.”

  The rest of the day was spent eating cold left over pizza and watching cheesy movies. It was literally the most perfect weekend. That evening, we got dressed and headed out to see the fireworks.

  My sister and Brandon were walking up the drive when August and I came outside. The four of us loaded into August’s car. My sister and I sat in the back so we could talk.

  “Is it weird being home and sneaking around?” Melanie asked.

  “So weird. How are things with you? I didn’t get to ask yesterday.”

  “Good. Brandon and I have enough saved to get our own place to rent. And our jobs are secure enough, so we thought it was time.”

  “That’s amazing. I’m so happy for you guys.” I squeezed her hand.

  My sister was an ER nurse at the Dragon’s Bay trauma center. Dragon’s Bay didn’t have a hospital; just a trauma center department. Brandon was a computer tech at a prestigious firm. They came a long way from where they started. “We’re probably just going to rent an apartment until we figure out what we are doing. Plus, we aren’t in any rush.

  “I don’t blame you.”

  “So have you been enjoying your weekend?” She winked.

  “It’s probably one of the best weekends I’ve ever had.”

  August caught my eye from the rearview mirror, and I smiled at him.

  “I love that you two are giving it a shot. You guys are cute together,” Melanie said.

  August parked the car, and we carried a blanket to sit on to watch the fireworks. We found a spot not far from the water, and I ohhed and ahhed as soon as the fireworks started.

  While we were watching the display of colors and shapes bursting in the sky, I saw my sister digging in her purse. I saw her popping a small white pill into her mouth, but I pretended not to see. I didn’t say anything, because I hoped it wasn’t an everyday thing. I knew it wasn’t a prescription type drug. It was a drug that could be found on the street, though. It gave you the same effects as marijuana. The name of the drug was Mary. I saw the M on the pill. And here I thought she had gotten her act together.

  Melanie had been through a lot. Of course, that wasn’t any type of excuse to take drugs. When the time was right, I’d ask her about it.

  After the fireworks finale, we folded the blanket and loaded back into the car, heading to August’s house. I wanted to ask Melanie about the pill, but refrained, knowing it wasn’t the right time; not in front of the guys.

  We arrived back at the house, and Mel hugged me tight. “I love you, sis. And be careful with his heart. He really loves you, even though he won’t admit it.”

  I told her I loved her back and pondered what she said as she walked with Brandon, hand in hand, as they walked home.

  “I’m worried about her,” I told August.


  “She’s been through a lot. I’m just worried.” I didn’t want to admit I saw her taking M just moments earlier.

  Putting his arm around my shoulder, we walked into the house. “Whatever it is, she’s a big girl. She’ll figure it out. Don’t worry so much,” he said.

  Just as August was about to close the door, he saw someone approaching us. August looked to me and then back to the guy before he spoke. “That’s my buddy, Lonnie. Lonnie, this is Murphy.”

  He looked at me and gave me a nod.

  “Hey,” I replied.

  We all went inside the house, and August turned to me. “You want to grab us a soda while I take Lonnie upstairs to borrow a DVD?”

  Borrow a DVD, my ass. “Sure.” I gave him the sincerest smile I could muster. Lonnie didn’t look like the type to pop by to borrow a DVD. No; something bigger was at play here. I wasn’t going to admit what kind of guy he did look like, because I could be wrong. I needed facts before jumping to any conclusion. But he seemed like bad news. For now, I’d give him the benefit of doubt.

  Grabbing the sodas, I lingered in the kitchen long enough for them to come back down.

  “Nice to meet you, Murphy,” Lonnie said, passing the kitchen on the way out.

  “You, too, Lonnie.”

  August shut the door behind him and took the soda I handed him.

  “New friend?”

  “Yeah. I worked on his dad’s car a few weeks back. He’s cool.”

  I gave a nod and made a mental note that Lonnie didn’t seem like such a cool guy to me. Shoving the thought to the back of my mind, I focused on now, here with August. Maybe I was just being over protective.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Sorry for that little interruption,” August said, putting an arm around my shoulder. He kissed the side of my head.

  “No worries.”

  I followed him to the living room. “Mom’s gone for the night. Another night shift at the diner.”

  We sat on the couch, and he flipped the T.V on with the remote.

  “Your mom works a lot,” I confessed.

  “Hopefully, someday, she won’t have to.” He offered me a weak smile. “Come here.”

  Settling against him, we watched a movie. I couldn’t tell you what movie it was. It was late and I was dreading the drive back home. Tomorrow. I didn’t want to leave. It would be back to the daily grind until Thanksgiving.

  August pulled me into his lap, my feet stretched over the couch. Gripping the back of my neck, he kissed me. Lust filled his eyes. “What do you say we head upstairs?”


  Standing up, he carried me up the stairs. Our eyes never left the other’s. His were easy to get lost in. The moment we were in th
e room, his lips captured mine. Lying me on the bed, we couldn’t get undressed fast enough. I needed him. I needed to get lost in him, in his kiss, and in his touch. We were kissing fast, deep, and hard. I had never experienced such a primal desire and need.

  Whatever this was between us, it was right. I was sure of that one thing. The flesh of our skin was pressed so tight, nothing could get in between. I relished in the feeling. Feeling wanted, desired, and loved. It was unfathomable that this was actually happening, that August was the only one I’d ever love. Yes. Things were going fast between us, but wasn’t that the best kind?

  My skin prickled with goosebumps as he gave me sweet pleasure. We made love most of the night, then showered together, making love once more before heading to bed. I fell into his embrace, and my eyes suddenly felt heavy.


  The sun beamed through the crack of the curtains. Shielding my eyes, I looked at August who was already looking at me.

  “Good morning, beautiful. Do you always wake up looking so sexy?”

  “Do you always wake up with a smile on your face?”

  “Only when you’re next to me. Unfortunately, we have to get going if we have to get you back on campus.”

  I groaned, throwing my arm across his waist. “I don’t want to go. I want to stay here with you.”

  He chuckled. “I wish you could. Soon, Murphy. Soon.”

  We got out of bed. Okay. Maybe August had to drag me out. I pulled my hair out from the messy bun I had put it in last night before bed. Shaking it out, I fixed it and packed my bag.

  “Before we leave, I got you something.”

  He held an arm behind his back. “August, you have done absolutely too much already.”

  He presented me with a long black box. Opening it, I pulled the long silver chain out, and it had the most intricate locket attached.

  “Open it,” he encouraged.

  The locket held a picture of the two of us that was taken on my eighteenth birthday. I was beaming at him, and he had thrown his arm around my shoulders.

  “It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I will treasure this and wear it every single day. But it’s too much.”


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