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Something Real

Page 24

by Ariadne Wayne

  Andrew poked his head around the door as he opened it. “You ready?”

  “I guess so.”

  “You know, it’s never too late to make a break for it.” He gave me that cheeky grin that Maddy adored, and I was struck by just how many good people I was surrounded by now. As difficult as it had been, I still maintained a wary distance with Maddy. Maybe I’d give in and be closer friends with her, let Logan win that one.

  “As if that’s going to happen.”

  I stood and he crossed the room, coming toward me. “You look gorgeous. Logan is one lucky man.”

  “I like to think so.”

  “Well, you can’t get any better than him either. Except for me, of course.”

  I laughed. “Oh, of course.”

  “Let’s get you married, then.”

  “Thank you, Andrew. Thanks for helping me out today.”

  He nodded. “It’s no problem at all. I wasn’t too sure about Logan at first, given how close he’d been with Maddy once upon a time, but he’s a good guy. And you two seem really happy.”

  I smoothed down my dress with my palms, making any final adjustments. This was it.

  “We are. You know, he told me he knew it was love when he realised he looked at me the same way Maddy looks at you.”

  He held out his arm for me to take, and I looped mine around his.

  “Maddy is rather hard to miss. She did kind of stand in my way when I first met her.”

  I cocked my head. “Do I want to know?”

  Andrew laughed. “As I once told Logan, I never stood a chance. She has been all I see since I met her.”

  The tears were creeping back and he shook his head. “Don’t you start crying now. At least, not until your husband is there to wipe your tears for you. Me doing it would be weird.”

  Laughing so hard I snorted wasn’t part of the plan, but that just got Andrew laughing too. Hopefully everyone was too far away to hear us laughing over something so silly.

  “Come on,” he said gently.

  Arm in arm, he led me down the stairs and out across the road. Under a tree near the pond, Logan stood, Jack and Thomas at his side.

  Maddy was right up the front with Carly beside her, my mother next to her, Chloe in her arms. Logan’s mother stood there too, beaming at me as I walked toward them. The only person who hadn't made it was Logan's brother. He was overseas and had already booked his return later in the year. We hadn't wanted to wait.

  I met Logan’s gaze, and his eyes told me how he was feeling. Andrew stayed with me all the way to Logan’s side before patting my hand and letting me go.

  “You look beautiful,” Logan said, taking hold of my hand and squeezing it tight. I looked down at my dress. Cream in colour and flowing to my ankles, it clasped in at my reclaimed waist and swept up into a halter neck covered in lace. I felt amazing in it.

  “Thank you.” I squeezed back, and snuggled up to his side as we exchanged our vows.

  Everything was perfect.

  * * *

  Our honeymoon would wait a few weeks until the school holidays when we could all go away together. Nothing seemed more perfect than a family trip for us.

  After photos in the park, we all walked back across the road to the house, our big, extended family on our way to celebrate with a barbecue dinner in the back yard. It seemed the perfect end to a perfect day.

  I’d taken Chloe from Mum, and Logan walked across the road hand in hand with the boys. Seeing him warmed my heart the same way it had all that time ago when we’d crossed a different road.

  Andrew had already lit up the barbecue, and the smell of steak and lamb chops hit us as we walked in the door.

  “I’m hungry,” Jack moaned.

  “From the smell of that, dinner’s not far away,” Logan said, ruffling his hair.

  Jack took off toward the backyard, Thomas close behind him. Chloe was nearly asleep, her head flopping onto my shoulder.

  “I’ll take her upstairs and feed her. I think she’s out for the count,” I said.

  Logan leaned over and kissed me. “I think once these boys have something to eat, they’ll be the same. Then we can get on with our night.”

  “The best part,” I murmured.

  “Night, night, sweetheart,” Logan said, stroking Chloe’s hair. Her eyes fluttered as if saying goodnight, and I stole one last kiss before ascending the stairs.

  I placed Chloe on the change mat, fussing over her as I changed her nappy and pulled her pyjamas on. She yawned, her cherubic little face screwing up, and her hands flapped as she grumped. She was so tired.

  “Time for sleep, little one,” I whispered.

  I nestled into the rocking chair, lifting her to my breast to feed and closing my eyes as she suckled hungrily.

  “Did you know, today was one of the best days of my life?” I whispered. “Right up there with you being born, and your brothers. We’re all going to live happily ever after, Chloe. You, me, your father, the boys … I never thought I’d ever be this happy.”

  Her body slumped in my arms as sleep took over, and I rocked, nearly falling asleep myself. This was my bliss.

  After tucking her into her cot, I went back downstairs and looked out onto the deck. Andrew and Logan stood by the barbecue, drinking beer and flipping the food. My mother sat at the table with Logan’s mother, deep in conversation.

  And Maddy? Maddy was lying out on the grass getting tickled by Carly and my boys, their laughter a joy to listen to. She was giving as good as she was getting, and I watched as she grabbed Thomas, pulling him into a bear hug.

  “She’s so good with the kids.” Logan walked towards me, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me in to kiss my temple.

  “They are just going to crash tonight.”

  “I believe that’s why she’s playing with them. Wearing them out so we get zero disturbance. Not that Chloe will care."

  I snuggled into him. “Maybe I should spend some more time getting to know her. It’s always just been a bit weird, with her being your ex.”

  His chest vibrated with laughter. “I understand. But I think you know now more than ever how much I love you, Mrs Mitchell.”

  As I met his gaze, I couldn’t help but grin. “Love you calling me that.”

  “Mrs Olivia Mitchell.”

  I giggled, and Maddy looked over at me with one eyebrow raised, a grin on her face a mile wide and a look in her eye that told me just how happy she was for us.

  Someone was missing, and I looked around, counting everyone. “Where’s Rebecca?”

  “She said she was going to leave us in peace. I pointed out everyone else was staying for dinner, but she said she didn’t want to get in the way of …” Logan paused, leaning in to murmur in my ear. “… your sexy times.”

  I let out a loud laugh, and Mum looked back over her shoulder at me. It was still unusual to have her in my life again, but we were slowly adjusting and getting to know one another again. It took time to rebuild a collapsed bridge.

  Here we were though, surrounded by the people who loved us the most, and this was the best wedding present of all. To know we had their support felt better than I ever could have described. My heart was fulfilled. And the best thing of all?

  The love of my life, my soul mate, my every-other-descriptive-word-I-could-come-up with stood by my side, and I knew that he’d be with me for the rest of our lives.

  * * *

  We had sat at the table, feeding each other, completely oblivious to everyone around us and when dinner was over, I tucked my tired boys into bed with hugs and kisses.

  “Today was awesome, Mum,” Jack said.

  “It sure was, baby.”

  “Now Logan really is our dad.”

  I took a deep breath. “You guys are really lucky. You have two dads.”

  “Other dad doesn’t visit us, though.”

  I smiled. “You didn’t want to see him. Remember? But if one day you want to, that’s fine too.” I kissed him goodnight and
went next door to Thomas’s room.

  Logan sat on the bed, pulling the blankets over him and leaning over to give him a kiss.

  “Night, night, Thomas. Love you.” He straightened up, and reached to brush the hair off Thomas's face.

  “I love you too, Dad.”

  I watched as my husband’s eyes filled with tears, and Thomas pushed off the blankets to sit up and hug him. His arms wrapped around Logan’s neck, and Logan rubbed his back as Thomas squeezed him tight.

  “Hey, got any of those hugs for me?” I asked.

  Logan looked up at me, and held out an arm for me to go to. I leaned over and kissed Thomas’s forehead.

  “Love you, buddy. Night, night.”

  “Love you, Mum.” Thomas let go of Logan, and laid back in the bed, pulling the blankets back up, his eyes so tired. Logan left the room first, and after another kiss I followed.

  Logan stood outside the bedroom, leaning against the wall.

  “Liv, I didn’t tell him to call me that.”

  I rubbed his arm, pulling him into my embrace. “I know. He just loves you so much. So does Jack. If that’s what he wants to call you, I don’t have a problem with it. The door is always open for them to see Evan.”

  He nodded, hugging me tight. “I guess. Let’s go get rid of our guests now so we can have some sexy newlywed times.”

  “I’ve got a present for you.”

  His jaw dropped. “I thought we decided no presents.”

  “I know. But I had this awesome idea, and I think you’ll love it.”

  His mouth twisted into a sly smile. “Does it involve lots of lace and frilly things?”


  Now his eyes narrowed. “Getting naked?”

  “Eventually, but no.” I grinned, feeling his body against mine and realising that our little cuddle was having an effect on him.

  He growled, waggling his eyebrows. “Whatever it is, let’s go empty the house.”

  By the time we returned to the living room, our guests had anticipated our wishes and were on the verge of leaving. Andrew had Carly falling asleep on his shoulder, and he and Maddy stood as we walked into the room.

  “We are going to go and get her to bed. Besides, we figure now the kids are asleep, you’ll be wanting to be alone,” Andrew said.

  Logan nodded. “Thank you so much for coming, you two.”

  Maddy flung her arms around his neck, hugging him tight. “I’m so proud of you. Who ever thought we’d end up with the right people and still be friends?”

  Logan laughed, kissing her hair. “Thanks, Maddy.”

  She stepped back, a knowing look on her face, and I wondered what was coming as she hugged me. “You best get your mothers out of here." She gave me the thumbs up, and I didn't even have to ask what she was referring to. Only Maddy could come out with that.

  “Roger that,” I whispered, chuckling as she let go.

  Andrew led Maddy out, waving as he went, and Logan and I went in search of our mothers. They were in the kitchen, one washing dishes, the other drying, still talking.

  “Hey you two,” Logan said.

  “We thought we’d get these done before we went. So you don’t have to do them in the morning,” Mum said.

  I went over to her and kissed her cheek. “Thanks, Mum, but we were just going to stick them in the dishwasher.”

  “There’s a dishwasher?” Beth said.

  Logan and I looked at each other, laughing as I hugged my mother. “Oh well, we’re nearly finished,” she said.

  “Don’t worry about drying the last ones. Just leave them to drain,” I said.

  “Someone’s anxious to start their wedding night,” Beth said.

  “Yeah. I am. So hurry up.” Logan leaned in and kissed his mother on the temple. “Thank you for being here today. Both of you. We really loved that you were part of it."

  “I’m very proud to be here,” Mum said, and Beth nodded in agreement.

  When we got to the door, Mum hugged me. “I love you, Olivia. I’m sorry I didn’t say that enough when you were younger.”

  “I know, Mum. I love you too. I’m glad we worked things out.”

  “You’ve got a good man there. One who’ll stay with you for a lifetime. I can’t ask for anything more for you than that.” I teared up as she gave me one last kiss.

  “Have a good night,” she whispered.

  Oh, I will.

  * * *

  Logan waited for me while I was in the bathroom, taking off my dress and slipping on my nightgown. Nothing too over the top, but it was frilly and lacy, even though I knew I’d only be in it for about five seconds once he got his hands on me.

  I picked up the parcel I’d taken in with me hidden among my other things. Hugging it tight, I kissed the ribbon around it.

  “Our story,” I whispered.

  I’d sold stories to total strangers, had praise and not so good feedback. But there was only one person whose opinion mattered. One person who would ever read this.

  Taking a deep breath, I opened the door. Logan sat in bed, and seeing him made my heart beat faster, the way it always did.

  “Wow. You … you always did take my breath away, Olivia.”

  Don’t. You’ll make me cry.

  “Come here. Let me get that nightgown off you.”

  The urge to cry vanished as I laughed and I approached the bed, holding the gift out in front of me.

  Logan cocked his head. “What’s that?”

  “I made you a thing.”

  “What kind of thing?”

  “Open it and see.”

  I handed it over, slipping between the sheets beside him as he pulled at the bow, tearing open the wrapping paper..

  When the paper came off, he turned it over in his hands. “You wrote another book? It’s got your new name on it. Babe, that’s awesome. Something Real by Olivia Mitchell.”

  “I wrote you a book,” I said gently. “A one-off, never-to-be-repeated deal. Just like us.”

  He started to flick through the pages. “What is this?”

  “Us. Our story. From the day we met through to now.”

  I watched his Adam’s apple move as he swallowed hard. “Thank you. I love it,” he whispered.

  “I love you, Logan,” I bent over to kiss his cheek.

  He turned his head, dropping the book on the bed and pressing his lips to mine. “I love you too,” he said.

  His lips burned a trail down my neck as he pulled me close. “Why the hell did you wear that damn nightgown?”

  I laughed. “Well, we are married now. We’re not supposed to do the naughty stuff anymore.”

  Logan sat up, his eyes wide in mock horror. “What? No one told me that.”

  And he kissed me again, harder this time, stroking my body, bringing me the joy I always felt when I was with him.

  And now I make the vow to love him for the rest of my life. The man who will always love me, will never desert me, will never leave me feeling stranded and wondering what to do.

  With all my heart, I know that forever, we have something real.


  I am so grateful to everyone who has helped me on this story. With this book I celebrate two years since I first started self-publishing, and it has been such an amazing journey of self-discovery that I never thought would happen.

  The first person I want to thank is Lauren McKellar. Working with you has been blessing, I have grown so much. How can I not just adore someone who tells me via edit notes that it’s not sad to drink wine alone, but therapeutic.

  Sarah, who always does an amazing job with my covers, puts up with my indecision and isn’t afraid to do something radical like using pink for this cover. Love your work!

  To Christine and The Hype PR. I love that I have you on my side, spending all the time I don’t have getting my name out there and just being awesome.

  And for this book, thank you to Jess, who very kindly helped me out with some research that let me finish my story.

  Also by Ariadne Wayne

  Chances Series

  Another Chance

  Taking Chances

  The Friends Series

  Loving Rowan

  Three Days

  Something Real

  The Sultan’s Bride

  Hot for the Boss

  After the Fall

  About the Author

  Ariadne Wayne loves books and lives in Auckland, New Zealand with her husband and two children. Having always had a prolific imagination she now writes the words down instead of storing them in her head where she can't share them. When she's not writing she works in Telecommunications, frequently banging her head on the desk with the random things that can happen to the ordinary phone line.

  Visit me online:






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