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Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance)

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by BWWM Club

  “It’s going,” Kymonia said with a shrug. “How are you?”

  “I am as well as can be considering,” she answered. “I made a whole dish of lasagna enough to feed the entire neighborhood and I was wondering if you wanted some?” There was a hopeful look on the woman’s elderly face.

  “Of course, you know I cannot say no to your delicious cooking. I will be right over.”*****

  “Do you know whose restaurant this is?” Gabrielle exclaimed looking at the embossed invitations for the opening. They were at their usual restaurant having lunch together where they tried to meet once every week. Gabrielle had just left court and looked cool and attractive in an expensive dark blue skirt suit with a white silk inside blouse. Her chic bob brushed against her cocoa brown face and her make-up was flawless.

  “Whose?” Kymonia asked indifferently, digging into her fries which she had smothered ketchup all over.

  “Girlfriend you are killing me,” Marla sighed theatrically shaking her flamboyant blonde wig. She was wearing something she had designed and it was in bright colors and fitted her tall voluptuous body like a glove. “This is one of Julian Robinson’s projects. You do know who Julian Robinson is don’t you?”

  “Isn’t he the guy who went to space?” Kymonia said with a straight face as her friends looked at her as if she was from space. “I am kidding! I have heard of Julian Robinson, billionaire extraordinaire who makes money with everything he touches.”

  “Oh thank goodness!” Gabrielle exclaimed. “There is hope for you yet.”

  “Thank you,” Kymonia said dryly. “So you guys up for it?”

  “You don’t need to ask me twice,” Gabrielle said with a sigh, digging into her salad with a lack of enthusiasm. She had put herself on a strict diet because boyfriend of the month had told her that she had put on a little weight. “I need to unwind and forget about men and work and the fact that the prosecutor is kicking my black ass in court.”

  “That bad huh?” Marla said sympathetically. “I myself need to get laid. Ever since I broke up with Tyler a month ago I have not had any action and I am beginning to feel withdrawals in that direction and the fashion line I am doing now is going quite well. How is the book coming along?” she turned to Kymonia.

  “Not very well,” she answered with a shrug. After a very filling dinner with Mrs. Willows yesterday she had gone back over to the house and tried again but had come up with zero, so instead she had taken out a book from her well stocked bookcase and curled up on the couch and read until almost midnight. She told her friends what Sylvia had said to her.

  After the general laughter Gabrielle said, “I think she is right. You have not had a relationship since that creep at the school you used to teach and you need to experience it in order to write it, don’t you?”

  “You are siding with Sylvia by agreeing that I need to have sex?” Kymonia looked at her friend incredulously.

  “I just think you need to find someone, girlfriend,” Gabrielle told her. “You are too buried in your work and believe me when I say it; work is not all you need to get out there.”

  “I agree, we are not getting any younger.” Marla said with a grin revealing white teeth spaced at the front.

  “Speak for yourself,” Kymonia threw a fry in her direction. “I have a vivid imagination and I will make it work.


  “I know Mom and I am sorry but I promise to come over as soon as I can.” Kymonia promised mopping her face that was dripping with sweat after her thirty minute run in the neighborhood.

  She had been doing a lot of different techniques to get her creative juices flowing but so far it has been four days and she was still stuck right where she had been Sunday.

  “Honey your dad and I have not seen you in three weeks and we miss you.” Gloria exclaimed.

  “I know mom, I miss you too.” Kymonia sank down on the shiny hardwood floor and started doing her stretches.

  “How is the book coming?” she asked.

  Kymonia flopped back against the pillows she had piled on the floor and closed her eyes. She wished people would stop asking her that.

  “It’s going Mom, that’s one of the reasons why I have not been around; you know how it is when I get caught up.”

  “I know dear and I do hope you are not still going up to that old abandoned place, I worry about you.” Her mother said in concern.

  “Mom, don’t worry about me.” She said reassuringly. “I promise I will drop by as soon as I can. Where is Pops?” she asked fondly.

  “In the garden tinkering.” There was a smile in her mother’s voice. “He just reaped some carrots and tomatoes yesterday and has gone out to look at the cucumbers he had planted.”

  “I knew he had a green thumb,” Kymonia said with a laugh. “Tell him that thanks to him my tomatoes are looking healthy. Are you guys okay? I mean do you need anything?”

  “Honey we are fine!” Her mother told her. “You have done so much already and we are so grateful.”

  “My pleasure Mom,” Kymonia told her sincerely.

  “All right dear, I love you and make sure you eat.”

  “I will and I love you too, kiss Pops for me.”

  She stretched out her legs wearily to get rid of the sudden cramp in her thigh and lay there for a minute thinking.

  She was still trying to get used to her trim svelte body after being called chubby all through high school and then hitting college where the running up and down from one class to another and eating on the run had slimmed her down considerably. She had exchanged her old fashioned glasses for contact lenses that actually highlighted her dark brown eyes. She had suddenly gained chiseled cheekbones or killer cheekbones as her friends had called them and teamed with her full lips and her oval shaped face she had turned into a raving beauty almost overnight that had been called: ‘The Beauty with the power of the pen’ by the press.

  She let her mind drift for a while and then she got up and headed for the bathroom. She had to get some work done today.


  Julian Robinson dragged his fingers through his already tousled dark hair and sat on the side of the bed. He was getting tired of waking up beside a strange woman each time. He had met her at a cocktail function and he had taken her home with him because he had been attracted to her at the moment. But after the sex, he had found that he was not interested any more. He had told her politely that he would be in touch but they both knew that was not true.

  It was two a.m. on a Monday morning and he needed to get some sleep because he wanted to be in the office first thing. Both his mother and father expected him to find someone suitable and settle down but so far he had not adhered to their wish. His father was the CEO of Robinson’s Holdings and he was second in command. The press referred to him as the billionaire playboy whose looks and wealth gave him easy access to life. He knew he had to change that image if he wanted to be taken seriously in the business world, he knew it without his father constantly drumming it into his head.

  He had been born with the veritable silver spoon in his mouth and had been spoiled by both parents who had discovered that he was going to be it in terms of them reproducing and they had showered everything on him. He had gone through life with a careless persona which had not been helped because he also happened to have a brilliant mind. He had never known hardship in his life and women fought over themselves to be with him. He had also never been in a serious relationship. His ‘love affairs’ usually lasted two weeks at the most but when he had touched his twenty-seven years in June he had realized that he needed more and he was getting tired of women who made it so easy for him to be with them, he wanted a challenge.

  He switched on the light and booted up his laptop. He had seen a half demolished hotel in a prime location downtown just last week and had spoken to his father about acquiring it. He just needed to do the background check and find out more about the ownership side of it before he put it to the board. He could already see in his mind’s eye the so
rt of majestic building it would be already and he was determined to get it. Besides it would be an excellent source of employment for the people in that area. Maybe a family hotel? No the location was not right. More like a hotel to house business men and a section for their wives to shop and do the necessary things women seemed to be interested in. He quickly made a note to himself in order to be reminded of the idea he had just had.

  Chapter 2

  Kymonia applied her make-up carefully, paying special attention to the eye shadow she was putting on her lids. She had chosen to wear a clinging green dress with a modest neckline and a deep cut down the center of her back that restricted her from wearing a bra and even panties. It had been an impulse buy and she had never worn it yet but felt the material touched her body like a loving hand. She wore gold accessories and slid her feet into black high heels. She had piled her unruly curls in a careless bun on top of her head and allowed a few tendrils to drift along her cheeks and at the back of her neck.

  She was meeting her friends at the restaurant and a quick glance at the clock showed her that it was almost nine p.m.

  She grabbed her car keys from the hook and headed for the door.


  “This place is a crush,” Gabrielle complained as they made their way over to where they could find a suitable spot to be so that they could see what was happening around them. She was wearing an ice blue gown that looked very good on her.

  “And look at all the brothers around,” Marla said practically smacking her lips. She was dressed in one of her designs; an outrageous pink and orange dress that hugged her voluptuous figure and revealed a lot more than it covered.

  Waiters were weaving their way through the crowd, serving entrees and champagne and other wines and there was a lot of laughter and muted conversation going on. A waiter came around to their section and they chose tiny tomato tarts and mushroom puffs. The place was elegant and the lighting muted, it had been a rundown fast food restaurant and looking at it now, one could not tell that it had had the paint peeling on the interior walls and the floor with its chipped ceramic tiles. Now the walls had been covered with a bold red and black paint slashed across the surface as if an angry child had wanted to do some damage or had been acting out but it gave the place an ultra modern look that had actually worked.

  “I am getting a little thirsty and I see that they have an open bar so I am going to indulge a little,” Kymonia told her friends.

  “In the meantime we are going to show ourselves to some brothers to see what might happen.” Marla said with a grin dragging Gabrielle off with her.

  Kymonia made her way towards the long curved bar and sat on one of the stools gratefully, signaling the bartender to get her tonic water.

  She was sipping the liquid and looking around curiously, taking in the well dressed women and the smartly dressed men when she felt a presence beside her. She did not turn around, deliberately ignoring whoever it was that had taken the stool beside her.

  “A dry martini for me and another gin and tonic for the beautiful lady Jerome,” a deep voice murmured beside her.

  “Yes sir.”

  She turned just then and recognized him from the pictures constantly in the papers. “Nothing for me Jerome, I have barely started this drink as it is.” She told the bartender, her tone cool.

  “If I cannot buy you a drink then how about a dance or a drive along the shores?” he asked her, his emerald green eyes meeting hers.

  “Not interested one way or another Mr. Robinson.” She told him coolly.

  “You know who I am but I don’t know your name. I seem to recognize the face from somewhere but I can’t remember where I met you before.” Julian said with a charming smile. He was handsome! No wonder women threw themselves at him, she thought objectively

  “Don’t you have to go around the room and mingle?” she asked him mildly, not in the least bit impressed by his looks and the fact that he was touted as being one of the richest young men in the world. He was far from being her type.

  “I have already done my duty now it’s time for pleasure and being with you is quite a pleasure,” he grinned to reveal perfectly white teeth and a dimple in one cheek.

  “Do women actually fall for that tired line?”

  “Ouch!” he held a hand against his heart as if she had mortally wounded him. “Apparently not. How about telling me your name and we get out of here?”

  “Mr. Robinson I don’t do one night stands and I am just here by the bar because I wanted a little quiet time and you are spoiling that for me.” She told him pointedly.

  Jerome had returned with his drink and went off to serve somebody else by this time. “I am not going to apologize and I would still like to know your name.”

  Before she could respond a pretty and well dressed blonde rushed over to her. “Kymonia Blake!” she gushed. “I have read your books so many times that I know them almost word for word and the movie was brilliant! Julian you did not tell me you know Kymonia,” she ended with a pout of her cherry red lips.

  “I am just realizing who she is,” his tone was amused as recognition dawned in his eyes. “My mother is a fan.”

  “My name is Katy,” the blonde stuck out her hand for it to be shaken and Kymonia took it in hers.

  “Nice to meet you.” She told the woman politely.

  “May I have your autograph?”

  “Of course,” she said with a smile.

  She hurriedly search inside her little clutch and came out with a small notepad. “The first page will do.”

  Kymonia scribbled something on the page and signed her name at the bottom. The woman did not stop there. She handed her phone to Julian for him to take a picture of her hugging Kymonia which he did with a smile and handed the phone back to Katy.

  “Thank you so much,” she gushed before going off.

  “A romance novelist,” he murmured sipping his martini and looking at her above the glass. “Does that mean you are versed in the art of lovemaking?”

  “My imagination serves me well Mr. Robinson,” she answered coolly, wondering why out of all the women he had zeroed in on her.

  “It’s actually Julian.” He told her. “I am curious. Who do you base your characters on?”

  “Are you really interested in my work or are you just trying to make conversation?” she countered. “As far as I can tell you have never actually read any of my books have you?”

  “I intend to as soon as I get home. Pity my mother is out of town she would have loved to meet you. So how about going out with me tomorrow night?” he placed his empty glass on the countertop and looked at her, his green gaze holding hers.

  “No,” she answered promptly. “Goodnight Mr. Robinson, lovely restaurant.” She hurried over to where her friends were talking to a group of guys.

  “Ready?” she asked them as soon as she greeted the men.

  “Was that Julian Robinson you were talking to at the bar?” Marla asked her curiously.

  “Yes.” She answered briefly.

  “What did he say to you?” Gabrielle stared at her curiously.

  “He said his mother is a fan,” she put the stole around her and headed for the exit with her friends trailing behind her.

  “That was a pretty long conversation you guys were having,” Marla persisted catching up to her.

  “It was not,” Kymonia protested. “He just wanted to know how I came to start writing romance, that’s all.”


  Julian watched her leave, his eyes following her progress as the two women walked behind her. She was beautiful, he thought and he wanted to get to know her better. He was not used to women turning him down and he had felt a grudging admiration for her when she had done so. She had an incredibly sexy walk and that dress with the deep plunge at the back showed her beautiful coffee and cream complexion to its best advantage.

  He sat there on the stool with her exotic scent lingering behind and realized that the pleasure had gone out of the evening as
far as he was concerned. He looked around and waved to several business acquaintances and his eyes sought the place where he had left his date for the night. She was nowhere to be seen and he wondered absently where she had wandered off to. She was a model who he called every now and then when he needed a companion to attend a function and she had never told him no, not even when she was seeing someone. Right now he just wanted to get the hell out of here and go home.


  “What’s the latest?” Sylvia asked her without preamble.

  “And good day to you too,” Kymonia said cheerfully.

  “I am in over my head with bad manuscripts and I have been editing a piece of crap that should really be thrown in the garbage but there is a glimmer of potential somewhere deep down under all the misspellings and grammatical errors so I am doing my best not to tear it into shreds and say the hell with it. I am taking a break from what is now becoming the worst week of my career to find out if my bestselling author is anywhere near to completing her perfectly delightful manuscript.”

  “Wow!” Kymonia said sympathetically. “Since you put it that way I am going to give you the good news that I have been writing up a storm and I am halfway there.”

  “Good,” the woman said with a heavy sigh. “That is good news and now I can go back to the thrash I am editing with a clear head and maybe do a bit of good. Oh by the way, you did not tell me how you enjoyed the opening on Saturday?”

  “It was okay, I guess.”

  “More than okay if you managed to catch the eyes of Julian Robinson.” Sylvia said smugly. “I told you to go get yourself a man and see what happens and you managed to go and get the cream of the crop.”

  “What are you talking about?” Kymonia asked her puzzled.

  “He called the publishing house asking about you.” She clarified.

  “And what did you tell him?”

  “He wanted your book darling and more specifically he want a signed copy of it and he is willing to pay twice the amount it costs.” Sylvia said in satisfaction. “So I am having it messengered to your house for you to sign and send it to him.”


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