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Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance)

Page 13

by BWWM Club

  “So you were paying me back for something I did not do deliberately?” he asked her incredulously.

  “Sort of,” she grinned and tiptoed taking his lips with hers. “I am just staking my claim.”


  The activities went on until way into the night and they sat there and watched the fireworks and ate marshmallows and drank wine and some people stayed in the pool until it was time for them to leave. It was almost midnight before the last person left and the cleaning crew had finished cleaning up.

  “I enjoyed every aspect of the day, thanks guys,” Gabrielle told her friend and her husband as they linked arms and watched their guests leave.

  “You are welcome,” Julian told her with a smile.

  “Talk to you tomorrow, well later today,” Marla said with a grin. “I need to talk about some sort of recompense for using your place.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Kym told her.


  “I want us to renew our vows,” Kym said to him as they were getting ready for bed later.

  “What?” Julian looked at her startled.

  “I would like us to renew our vows,” she repeated. She had just pulled the thin nightgown over her head and climbed on the bed beside him. “When we got married it was just aesthetic and I believe mostly for the public but this time I want to do it with families and friends and I want to tell you in front of them how much you mean to me.”

  “I already know how much you mean to me,” he told her huskily, reaching out to pull her into his arms.

  “I know but I also want to say it publicly.” She murmured burying her face into his chest, feeling the hair tickling her skin.

  “Whatever you wish,” he told her huskily.


  They had the ceremony the next Saturday in July. It was done at the gazebo at the house and there were only his parents, hers and her friends and two people from his office whom he considered friends.

  She was dressed in a short white dress with thin straps and a flared waist and was wearing the diamond necklace he had given her so long ago.

  She had written something for him: “On the day I met you I found my soul mate, the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I have found true love; a love that has no beginning and no ending. You are my best friend, my companion and my muse, you inspire me to be better and you have added music to my writing. When I met you I thought I had it all but discovered that I have nothing if I do not have you. The day I met you was the beginning of my life and I want you and all those gathered here today to know that I love you with all of me and I will love you until the day I draw my last breath.”

  She looked up at him and saw the tears glistening in his amazing green eyes and felt it in her as well. “I love you,” he told her achingly, clasping her hands tightly in his. “I have loved you since I first saw you and I love you even more now, my wife, my heart, my world.” He gathered her into his arms and she clasped him around his neck as he took her lips with his, their bodies molded together, forgetting all the people present but giving themselves to each other.

  It took a while for the minister to play his part as he declared them once again husband and wife.

  They had a little brunch because they wanted to be able to spend the rest of the afternoon together. The tables were set up outside and the chef had made cold cuts and fruit kebabs and fruit juices along with bottles of champagne even though it was early afternoon.

  “I am so happy for you honey,” her mother came up to her when they had finished eating. “You have found a love that is so rare and I am so happy for you.” She hugged her daughter to her. “He is a beautiful man.”


  They had the entire house to themselves because both Irene and James were going away for the weekend and they had given the entire staff the weekend off. “The chef has left a mountain of food in the kitchen so you won’t have to try and cook anything,” Irene had told her impishly as she hugged her daughter in law before leaving. “It was a beautiful ceremony darling and it has reminded James and I that we have not been away by ourselves in a long time. Thank you.”

  “You are welcome.” Kym told her with a fond smile.


  He undressed her as soon as they got inside the room. It was already six o’clock and the sun was still bright outside but inside the house the air conditioning was cold on their skin. He took his time because he wanted it to last for a long time. She pulled the buttons of the white cotton shirt he had worn and pushed it off his shoulders her hands wandering down his chest to where the hair narrowed and disappeared into his pants. She unbuckled his belt and pulled open his trousers and pulled them down. He was already hard, without saying anything she went down on her knees before him as he stepped out of his pants.

  “Kym?” his voice was hoarse and uncertain as she took his erection out of his underwear and held it in her hand, her finger going over the slight wetness at the tip.

  “I want to,” she told him huskily, dipping her head and taking him inside her mouth. His body tightened with desire and he groaned as her teeth grazed the tip of him. She put as much of him as she could inside her mouth, pulling him in and bathing him with her saliva.

  He moved within her mouth and he felt the pleasure and passion swamping his body. He endured it for as long as he could and when he felt the pressure building up inside him he pulled her up and away from him, fastening his mouth on hers in a hungry kiss that threatened to overwhelm her. He swung her up into his arms and placed her on the bed, his mouth still on hers as if he could not bear to break contact with her. She reached between them and held on to his penis, moving her hand up and down the length of him.

  He dragged his mouth away from hers and looked at her with a hooded gaze, his green eyes turbulent, and his body quivering with need. He lifted her against him and took a nipple inside his mouth, his teeth grazing her and drawing a cry from her throat as her desire spiraled out of control. He released the nipple to make his way down her body until he reached her pubic area where, without stopping her, sucked her mound inside his mouth, his hands gripping her hips. She screamed and dug her fingers into his shoulders; her body bucking against his mouth, the sob caught inside her throat.

  “Julian please,” she gasped as his tongue entered her, thrusting inside her rapidly. He continued until she was almost mad with desire before he stopped and climbed on top of her, placing his penis inside her already wet warmth.

  He lay there looking at her passion filled face, the hair that had escaped its neat chignon and was spread over the pillows and her full lips swollen from his kisses. He had never believed it possible to have so much feeling for another person but he could not get enough of her and he doubted he ever would.

  He moved inside her as she moved against him and he gripped her hips to draw her closer to him as he increased the pace of his thrusts, his breathing shallow. She clasped her legs around his waist and she moved against him with a desperation that defied description. She pulled him into her, holding him against her as their passion blended together and became one.

  They felt it; the orgasm beating at their bodies and pushing its way from deep down. They came together, their cries sounding inside the room as they gave full rein to their feelings and the passion coursing through their bodies like a tidal wave knocking down everything in its path.

  She clung to him, not letting go and letting the feeling wash over her as she closed her eyes and savored him on top of her, his body molded to hers in sweet fusion.

  It was several minutes later before they could find the strength or even the air to speak. “How are you?” he asked her softly. He was still deep inside her and he had no intention of coming out just yet.

  “I will let you know when I have drifted back down from paradise,” she told him weakly, her body was still shivering a little bit and she still had her arms around his neck.

  “I hope you don’t want me to move,” he said as he rested his head on he
r forehead. “I don’t think I can.”

  “I don’t,” she murmured, running her hands over his soft dark hair. “I want you to stay like this for awhile.”

  “Good,” he murmured. He lifted his head and stared at her, his green eyes darkened with what he was feeling. “I spent a lot of time running around and trying to find something to satisfy the hunger inside me and had no idea what I was really looking for until I met you. You have changed me so much Kym, my wife and my love.”

  “I was not looking for anything like this. I had no idea anything like this existed,” she commented. “Until you showed me and I never want to go back to where I was before I met you, it is too colorless and pale. With you I see a lot of bright colors and that’s what I need from now on.”

  He met her lips with his and kissed her slowly, tenderly as she moved against him, her body fitting him perfectly and so in sync with each other.

  They finally got up to eat and drink the champagne that had been left in the bucket on the kitchen counter. He made love to her in the kitchen on one of the stools, his hands holding her legs aloft as he thrust inside her over and over again, his eyes holding hers and then drifting to her full breasts. He cried out her name as he poured his seed inside her, emptying himself and holding her against him with a tenderness that had the tears springing from her eyes. She had found the reason for the passion that had been buried so deep inside her.

  The end.

  Her Convenient Russian Marriage

  A clean BWWM romance for adults.

  A clean yet dreamy romance story, brought to you by Tyra Small of BWWM Club.

  Jordan Hill loves her daughter Shay, and like all parents wants to give her a good life.

  Unfortunately though, she’s having trouble affording tuition for Shayna’s new school.

  That is, until a unique opportunity presents itself!

  A wealthy Russian billionaire is looking for an English tutor, and Jordan fits the bill.

  She and Shay would only have to move to Russia for a year, and then Shay’s tuition would be entirely taken care of.

  Jordan however doesn’t account for something very important: how she'll feel about her boss!

  Dimitri is not only wealthy, he’s also very handsome, and he and Jordan end up getting along great.

  So much so that when Jordan’s visa is suddenly in jeopardy, he offers an unconventional solution so she can stay in the country:

  Marry him!

  But with such a big proposal, Jordan doesn’t know what to do.

  Should she commit to a man she barely knows?

  Or should she return to America and never find out if this truly could be Mr Right?

  Find out in this exciting yet clean romance by bestselling author Tyra Small.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 1

  Jordan Hill looked over at her sleeping daughter. She hoped that she would be in a better mood once they landed. Shay was still upset and had plugged her headphones in, almost immediately after boarding the airplane. Jordan had pulled out a travel guide book, trying to show Shayna some interesting sights they could visit before Shay had to start school, but she seemed uninterested and was speaking to Jordan only in short one word answers. Jordan had finally given up. After a few hours Shay had fallen asleep. Jordan had slept for a few hours as well but her internal clock woke her up at around six am eastern time. She wondered how long it would take her to get over the inevitable jetlag.

  Jordan understood why Shayna was angry at her but she knew in her heart she was doing the right thing. Not for herself but for Shay. Jordan worked for the United States embassy as an ESOL teacher. The pay was decent but being a single mother was expensive. Rent in DC was high and the private school she insisted Shayna attend was incredibly costly. So much so in fact that when the school had sent her a letter informing her of the tuition increase, Jordan feared that she would no longer be able to afford it. But the alternative, the DC public school system was not an option.

  Then an amazing opportunity presented itself. One of the Russian diplomats that she worked with for several months gave her a referral to Dmitri Vladikov, the special assignments liaison at the US embassy in Saint Petersburg, Russia. He was looking for an English tutor and personal assistant, because although he spoke English, he couldn’t read or write it very well, a necessity in his new position. Jordan, fluent in Russian was exactly what he was looking for. A job that would last exactly one year but with a salary triple what she made in her current situation. Not only that but the position also included boarding, which meant she didn’t have to worry about rent or bills for an entire year.

  The embassy granted her a temporary leave of absence and assured her that she could return once her assignment was complete. And so two weeks ago Jordan had accepted the position. Just one year of sacrifice and Jordan would be able to afford Shay’s education for her high school years. That alone was worth it. Now she, along with her daughter, were on an airplane heading from Dulles Airport to Polkovo Airport in Russia. The flight was twelve hours, a very long twelve hours.

  It did however give her time to think. It was not easy having an almost thirteen-year-old in seventh grade. Jordan shook her head as she imagined what high school would be like. Just a few more months and it would be summer vacation. Shay had been livid when Jordan told her that they were moving to Russia for a year. She protested and cried for the last two weeks. She wanted to attend school with her friends. She complained that she would be starting a new school in the middle of the year as the new kid. She threatened to run away. Jordan knew she was bluffing. Shay was a good kid, a good student, besides the furthest she would run was a few blocks to Paula and Morgan’s house.

  Finally, when the threats didn’t work Shayna begun to negotiate. She begged to stay with her aunt and her best friend Morgan, finish the school year off in DC and then join Jordan in Russia over the summer. Seeing Shay’s tears Jordan seriously considered it but she knew that Paula was a little lax when it came to enforcing things like curfews and making sure that homework was completed. Her daughter was on the fast track to success and Jordan refused to let her slip, not even a little bit. Besides there was no way that she could be away from Shay for that long. She knew that she was upset now but would eventually forgive her once she made new friends at her new school.

  In the meantime, it was difficult even being in the same room with her. Jordan held her resolve however, she would see that Jordan was making the best choices for her future. She promised that Morgan could come visit in the summer. That cheered Shay up a bit although she tried not to show it. Instead she continued to sulk as she packed. The next week passed unbelievably slowly as Jordan had to endure her moodiness.

  Sometimes she thought she was a little hard on Shayna but it was only because she didn’t want her to make the same mistakes that she did as a young girl growing up. Jordan knew that she was being unfair. After all they had completely different lives and upbringings. She just wanted more for her daughter. She wanted her to have a better life, and so she pushed her. Shay reminded Jordan of herself, not just in looks but in personality as well, so much that sometimes it was a bit alarming.

  Like Jordan Shayna was short, standing at five foot five inches but Jordan thought maybe she would pass her in height soon, after all her father had been very tall. They both had coffee colored complexions and the same dark almond shaped eyes. While Shayna wore her hair long and straight Jordan preferred to keep her hair natural and curly. They looked so much alike in fact that people referred to Shay as Jordan’s mini-me. And just like Jordan, Shay filled out at an early age. It was this that Jordan was most afraid of.

  Jordan had also been a straight A student. Which was difficult to do considering her home life was not the most stable. She didn’t know much
about her parents, her mother died when she was three years old. She was handed over to the state and spent one year in a home before her mother’s sister agreed to take her in. Jordan sometimes wondered if she wasn’t better off in the orphanage.

  When she was five years old she was happy to leave the dark musty building and the room she shared with a dozen other girls to go to the warm apartment owned by Eleanor Hill. Eleanor, who insisted on being called Mama Ella when company was around. When they were alone however she was perfectly content to be called Ella. Ella was in her thirties and she liked to party. Jordan was often left alone for hours while Ella went out drinking with her friends. When she was sober she was okay as long as Jordan stayed out of her way but when she was drunk she was downright mean. She often reminded Jordan that she was not in fact her mother and that she didn’t have to take care of her. That Jordan was lucky she was so nice to sacrifice her freedom to take the little brat in. It made sense because she wasn’t exactly what Jordan thought having a mother would be like. Far from it in fact.

  Another problem Ella had was spending beyond her means. This meant there were times when Jordan lived off of cereal and school lunch for weeks. It also meant that they were constantly evicted and forced to move, Jordan being forced to change schools almost every year, and so Jordan learned early on not to make too many strong attachments. The one consistency was her books. She loved school, the one place she ever felt worthy. She knew from her studies that education could be a way out. Out of poverty, out of a broken home and out of Maryland, a place that held nothing but bad memories for Jordan.

  She had an eight-year plan that included graduating from a top college and landing her dream job. Everything was moving along according to design until she met Shay’s father. It was the first time she was truly happy. Ella had met a man, Charles Hinds and was finally seeming to be stable. He had a decent job and moved in with them after a few months. Charles for the most part was a nice man. He mostly left Jordan alone and kept Ella in a good mood. She was even being nicer to Jordan. For the first time there was always enough food and they didn’t have to worry about getting kicked out of their home. She finally thought she had found some stability in her life and so she let her guard down when a classmate, John Parker, showed interest in her.


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