Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance)

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Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance) Page 18

by BWWM Club

  Around two, after they had settled in, Paula and Morgan arrived. They met them at their room and were meeting Dimitri at the hotel restaurant later. Jordan laughed when Shay screamed and flung herself into Morgan’s arms as soon as she opened the door. Both girls immediately started crying hysterically, Jordan shook her head; after all they spoke every day on Skype but acted like it had been years since they had last seen one another. Still she was excited as she approached her best friend Paula.

  “Jordan,” Paula said hugging her.

  “Paula! I missed you,” Jordan enthused.

  “These two are acting like Nettie and Celie from The Color Purple,” Paula laughed as she hugged her friend.

  Paula looked amazing. She was very pretty with light brown eyes framed by thick long eyelashes. Her make-up was natural but played up her eyes. Paula was a bit taller than Jordan, around five six and much curvier. She had put on about fifteen pounds and it looked great on her. Paula was mixed with Italian and African American and had an olive complexion, people often mistook her for being Hispanic. She normally wore her hair long and straight but since Jordan had seen her last, had cut her hair in a flattering bob, that made her look much more sophisticated.

  “I love your hair,” Jordan said.

  “I needed a change. I figured with my recent promotion I should look the part,” Paula clarified.

  Jordan had missed Paula. She understood what Morgan and Shay felt. Even though she and Paula talked frequently it was nothing like having some face to face time with her best friend. While the girls sat on the bed and chatted, Shay pulling out her phone to show Morgan pictures of Russia, presumably the same ones she had sent her before, Jordan and Paula retreated to the chairs on the balcony.

  “Do you want a drink?” Jordan offered indicating the mini fridge against one wall.

  “No I’m okay. Wow you look amazing. Russia seems to be agreeing with you,” Paula said taking a seat.

  "It's really very nice there. Better than I expected," Jordan replied with a smirk.

  "I see. And this wouldn't have anything to do with your gorgeous employer would it?" Paula joked.

  "Shhhh," Jordan said glancing over at Shay. "It's not like that."

  "What about the fancy date to the restaurant you want to take him to?"

  "It's not a date. It's not a date!" she insisted seeing the skeptical look on Paula's face.

  "Fine. It's not a date. So when do I get to meet him?" Paula asked coyly.,

  "Soon," Jordan replied glancing at her watch. "We're supposed to meet at the restaurant at four."

  They chatted a little longer, mostly about work and the girls. Paula confided in Jordan that she had been lonely but wasn’t ready to date again. When Jordan told her she should be more open. Paula arched an eyebrow, seeing as Jordan wouldn’t take her own advice, effectively ending that conversation. Jordan missed this. She liked talking with Ivanna and Katya but no one knew her as well as Paula did. When it got close to four, they made their way down to the restaurant. Dimitri was waiting for them at the entrance.

  "Oh my God," Paula whispered. Jordan blushed.

  "Mr. Vladikov this is my good friend Paula and her daughter Morgan."

  "Yes, I've heard so much about you both. From Ms. Hill and Shay,” he added. “Nice to finally meet you.”

  "Likewise," Paula said extending a hand.

  "I hope you don't mind but I invited my good friend Yuri along to join us. We have business but lunch is always a nice precursor."

  "Of course that's no problem," Jordan answered.

  Yuri was the one who had recommended Jordan to Dimitri. Jordan and he had become close acquaintances when she had tutored him previously. At that moment, Yuri arrived. He hugged Dimitri and clasped him on his back. Paula gave Jordan a pointed look and mouthed the word ‘wow’.

  As he approached, she could see what Paula meant. He was indeed attractive although Jordan had never seen him as more than a client. Jordan noticed how different he looked out of his usual suit and tie. Much younger, he was around the same age as they were but in the office, his business demeanor coupled with his strong accent, made him appear much older. Standing before them in casual slacks and a button down shirt he didn’t seem as intimidating.

  Yuri had fair features where Dimitri had dark ones. He was about five eleven with a nice build, dirty blonde hair and light blue eyes.

  "Jordan, so good to see you again. I hope he is treating you well," Yuri said with false sternness.

  "It’s very nice to see you again Yuri. This is my good friend Paula and our daughters Shayna and Morgan."

  "Ah I remember them from the pictures in your office. Wonderful to meet you."

  They had an enjoyable lunch, the adults lingered while the girls begged to be excused so they could go to the pool. After much pleading, Jordan allowed them to go. About thirty minutes later Dimitri and Yuri made their exit and Paula and Jordan went upstairs to change, to join the girls at the pool. Before he left, Dimitri and Yuri invited them to dinner at a Russian restaurant that Yuri frequented. Jordan about to decline, she was exhausted, was interrupted by Paula who readily agreed.

  The girls ordered pizza, and were given strict instructions not to leave the room while Paula and Jordan joined Dimitri and Yuri for dinner. All in all, it was a rather pleasant day. When Jordan and Paula returned to the room a few hours later Shay and Morgan were already sleeping. Jordan took a quick shower and fell asleep almost immediately.

  The next few days passed by much too quickly. Yuri decided to get a room at the hotel as well. He and Dimitri spent their time with them, although from what Jordan could tell, no business was ever conducted.

  Jordan secretly wondered if they really had business with Yuri or if Dimitri had orchestrated this trip entirely for Shay. Either way she was grateful for him bringing them along. Jordan, ever observant, deduced that Yuri seemed to be taken with Paula. If she wasn’t mistaken she guessed Paula might feel the same.


  "I wish you weren't leaving Tuesday,” Paula said with a frown.

  "I know but, work," Jordan said folding Shay’s t-shirt.

  Morgan and Shay had planned a sleepover with their friends at Paula’s. She was to return the next evening as their flight left at noon the following day. Paula had invited Jordan to come help her chaperone and Jordan had mentioned that the time went so quickly. She told Paula that she promised to take Dimitri to dinner as a thank you but didn’t think they would find the time. Upon hearing this, Paula had insisted that the sleepover would be the perfect night to make good on her promise. As Paula packed her and Morgan’s things, the girls were taking one last dip in the pool, Paula turned to Jordan.

  "So you didn't tell me all the men in Russia were so gorgeous. Yuri is very attractive. I might have to move out there with you,” Paula joked.

  "I don’t think you have to go that far. I saw the way Yuri has been looking at you,” Jordan teased back. “Well... he did ask me for my number,” Paula said blushing, which was so unlike Jordan’s usually outspoken friend.

  “He did? Did you give it to him?” Jordan asked.

  “Yes, I did. I figured what's the harm, he seems like a nice man and Dimitri vouched for him,” she said, crimson now.

  “I vouch for him too. He really is a nice guy,” Jordan added.

  “So what about you?” Paula queried, trying to change the subject.

  “What about me?”

  “Jordan please. I see the way you two look at each other.”

  “Honestly, there's nothing there. He’s my boss.”

  “He may be your boss but I’ve been friends with you for fourteen years. In all that time I have never seen you look at a man the way you look at him.”

  “Paula come on. He calls me Ms. Hill! Yes, very romantic,” Jordan joked.

  “Because you call him Mr. Vladikov!” Paula countered.

  At Jordan’s insistence Paula dropped the subject although it did make Jordan wonder why after all this time the
y had not dropped the formalities.

  “Okay that’s everything,” Paula said suddenly. “Are you coming? Or are you going to stop being a chicken and take Dimitri to dinner?” Paula asked breaking into Jordan’s thoughts.

  “I don’t know,” Jordan hedged.

  “Jordan there’s nothing wrong with two friends having dinner,” Paula insisted.

  In her head she heard Dimitri’s voice, 'it’s not a date it’s just dinner'. She nodded at Paula who grinned back.

  Jordan sat in her room for a few hours trying to work up the courage to call Dimitri. It was silly really. They had had dinner numerous times although usually that was after a long day at the office. This was different. It wasn’t work related. Finally, she picked up the phone and dialed the extension to his room.

  "Hello Mr. … Dimitri?” she said testing his name out for the first time. “It’s Jordan. I haven't forgotten about our deal. Dinner remember. Would you like to join me?" she asked nervously.

  “I was thinking you might have forgotten” he joked. “I'll meet you in about an hour.”

  After hanging up Jordan carefully got dressed. She had packed a casual but flattering black shift dress. She didn’t want him to think that she thought this was in any way a date so she added some black ballet flats and kept her makeup natural. She smeared on some peach lipstick and added eyeliner. Looking at her reflection in the mirror she was pleased. She spritzed on a summery fragrance that she had just purchased and left her hair loose and curly. As a finishing touch she put on some small silver hoop earrings and a chunky necklace. She had barely finished primping when true to his word, Dimitri knocked on Jordan's door about an hour later looking dashing in khakis, a polo shirt and a navy sports jacket.

  "So where are we going?” he asked as they waited for their cab.

  "I'm taking you to my favorite spot in the city," she replied. “It’s a surprise.”

  Her surprise ended up being a soul food restaurant, a tiny mom and pop place, still run by the original family. Dimitri who had never tried southern cooking before wanted to taste a little bit of everything. He said that he would foot the bill for ordering so many dishes, but Jordan who was a regular and favorite customer was told that it wouldn't be an issue to have a tasting order rather than ordering from the menu. They started off with fried pickles and fried green tomatoes. Along with a pitcher of half lemonade, half sweet tea.

  “I’ve never had fried pickles before,” Dimitri said taking a bite. “I like it.”

  “I don’t really like them but the tomatoes are incredible,” Jordan stated.

  “So you called me Dimitri. I like that. I was wondering when we would stop being so formal. Especially since you’re the vice president of the book club,” he teased.

  “I guess we fell into old habits. This week, with Paula and Yuri calling you Dimitri instead of Mr. Vladikov I guess I finally noticed it.”

  “I didn’t want to call you Jordan if you felt uncomfortable with it. I guess I should have asked,” he said taking a bite of tomato.

  So Paula had guessed right. At that moment their waitress came bringing several plates.

  “Wow is that all for us?” Jordan mused.

  For an entree they had ordered the fried chicken, barbecue ribs, fried catfish, baked beans, corn pudding, coleslaw, macaroni salad, baked macaroni, collard greens, fried okra, candied yams, plantains, and potato salad.

  The conversation was casual but revealing as Jordan shared with Dimitri more about her life growing up in Maryland and life in DC. She told him about the first time she had eaten here and joked about the blind date that never showed up.

  “I would have done everything in my power to be here,” Dimitri said looking at her in that piercing way of his.

  Thankfully the waitress chose that moment to come and refill their pitcher of tea giving Jordan a moment to recover.

  After they had finished eating Dimitri was adamant that they sample the desserts despite Jordan’s protests that she couldn’t eat another bite. His persuasion skills were strong and they finished off the meal by sharing an order of banana pudding, a slice of lemon poppy-seed pound-cake and a slice of sweet potato pie. When Jordan reached for the check Dimitri refused to let her pay. Her negotiation skills were stronger however and they agreed she would pay if he left the tip.

  "That was incredible," Dimitri said as they exited the restaurant.

  "I told you," Jordan laughed.

  They decided to walk back to the hotel since they were both so stuffed. It was a quiet evening and they enjoyed one another's company. They made it all the way back to the hotel without realizing it, deep in conversation. Dimitri walked Jordan back to her room.

  "Thank you for a lovely evening," he said looking at her in a way that gave her goosebumps.

  "You're welcome," she replied softly. "Thank you. For everything"

  "Good night Jordan," he said after a few moments.

  "Good night Dimitri," she said breathlessly.

  Neither slept very well that night. Both of their minds preoccupied with thoughts of the other.


  The next day Jordan didn’t trust herself to be around Dimitri alone and so feigned exhaustion until Shay arrived. Surprisingly Shay didn’t seem to be sad to leave and even seemed excited to return to Russia which surprised Jordan. She spent the rest of the evening packing and making sure their passports were secure.

  On the flight Jordan was very short with her answers and was grateful for Shay’s presence to cover her awkwardness. In any case, Dimitri seemed normal and didn’t seem to notice the change in her. The time they had spent at their lessons and even in comfortable silences at work had made her see him in a different light. Then the time they spent in DC, they got to know one another even better. They had so much in common from their tumultuous childhoods to their values on family. They liked the same books and movies.

  For one week they had dropped the formality and Dimitri was more open with her than he had ever been before, but how would their relationship be now that she was headed back to Russia as his employee? Her mind was preoccupied and she decided she could use some sleep. Soon she drifted off.

  By the time that they reached St. Petersburg, Jordan had made up her mind that she had imagined the moment and reverted back to her normal self. Dimitri was her employer, nothing more and she needed to remember that.

  Chapter 5

  That was easier said than done however. It didn’t help that Dimitri was more flirtatious since coming back from the US. It didn’t help that they had a summit approaching which meant long nights at the office, alone. They didn’t want everyone to wait on them so that was usually followed by late night dinners where Dimitri and Jordan got to know one another better. It didn’t help that Shay and Dimitri were growing closer, he was like a father figure to her, and planned weekend trips for the three of them. It didn’t help that she sometimes caught him looking at her, the look in his eyes making her heart race. As much as she tried to fight it Jordan and Dimitri got closer since their trip. It was much more than calling her Jordan and she calling him Dimitri. He was more than her employer and shared with her intimate details of his life and she him. They felt almost like friends.

  The next few weeks were dreadfully busy at work with the huge conference approaching. At the office he was all business, efficient and detached, more like the Dimitri she had first met. She looked forward to their lesson plans and lunch breaks when Dimitri shrugged off his business demeanor and became more himself but with things being so chaotic they had to postpone the lessons.

  Afterwards when they were enjoying dinner, discussing books over tea, or off on their weekend field trips with Shay, he was different with her. It was during these times that they got to know one another better. She told him about Shay’s father and being a single teenage mother, something she barely spoke about. She told him things that she had never told anyone before. Her fears and her insecurities.

  Every morning she got excited knowing t
hat she would spend time with him alone. Away from the house, where she could let her guard down and not be so careful in case Shay or anyone else was around. When they were at the house he was his usual jovial self but when they were alone he was very flirty with her sometimes, although she wasn’t quite sure if she was reading the situation clearly or not. Although often times she looked up from her desk to see him looking over at her. He wasn’t the only one caught staring, and while it made her flush profusely it only seemed to amuse him.

  They were planning to go to a national park with Shay but it was a rainy and dreadful day. So instead Dimitri wandered off as he usually did sometimes. So while Shay was watching television with the others, Jordan made a detour to the library but he wasn’t there. She knocked on his office door but he wasn’t there either. She knew he hadn’t left the house and she wondered where he could possibly be. She decided to go back to the library and looked up with a smile when she heard footsteps but it was only Shay.

  “Hello mother,” she said flopping down on the sofa.

  “Shayna,” Jordan said.

  She knew her daughter well and knew she was about to ask for something.

  “Do you think it would be okay for Oksana and Yana to spend the night? Andrei and Ivanna, this is their weekend off and Katya already left to see her grandkids. Mr. V said it was alright,” she explained.

  “I don’t know. I hardly saw you this week. Why can’t you hang out with me?” Jordan questioned.

  “Ugh. I hang out with you all the time,” she replied putting emphasis on the word all.

  “But I love hanging out with you,” Jordan teased grabbing her in a tight embrace and began kissing her all over her cheeks.

  “Gross Mom,” Shay said struggling, although she was also laughing.

  “Hello,” Dimitri said interrupting them. “Ah you found her. I told you she might be in here.”

  “Hi,” Jordan said with a soft smile.

  “Bathroom,” he said holding up his hands which were surprisingly covered with what looked like dirt.

  When he came back a minute later Shay had her head on Jordan’s shoulder. Dimitri stopped and looked at the two of them a warm expression upon his face.


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