Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance)

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Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance) Page 19

by BWWM Club

  “Hmmm?” Jordan asked when she noticed him looking.

  “I just love the way you two are together,” he said sincerely.

  Jordan kissed Shay on the top of her head.

  “So did you ask your mother about the sleepover yet?” Dimitri asked perching himself on the corner of the armchair.

  Jordan smiled. “Why am I always the last one to know about anything? Okay fine.”

  “Thanks Mom,” she said kissing her on the cheek. “Thanks Mr. V,” she said kissing him on his cheek as well which both pleased and surprised Dimitri.

  “I need to talk to their mothers.” Jordan called after her as Shay ran off to call her friends.

  By six o’clock the girls had arrived. They screamed in excitement when they saw one another like they didn’t spend every week together at school. Jordan was happy that Shay had such good friends.

  Jordan liked the girls and was glad Shay had befriended them. They were all excellent students and often came over to study.

  “Hi Ms. Hill. Hi Mr. V,” they said in unison. They had gotten used to calling Dimitri the affectionate name that Shay did.

  Oksana was tall for her age and blonde. She wore her hair straight down her back in a ponytail. Yana was a bouncing ball of energy. Her father was from Morocco and she took after him with her dark features and her hair full of bronze curls.

  Dimitri had done a wonderful job of ordering pizza, with pepperoni, stocking up on chips, drinks and ice cream and renting movies for the girls. You would think that he was a pro at sleepovers.

  While they were watching movies and waiting for the pizza to arrive, Jordan and Dimitri had coffee in the kitchen.

  “It’s nice to see her like this,” Jordan admitted.

  “Yes, I’m glad she made friends. She seems much happier now,” he agreed.

  “You know I never had this. I never had a sleepover or close friends. I’m glad I could give Shay a much more normal life.”

  “I know what you mean. In the orphanage we didn’t have nights like these either.”

  “Paula is the closest friend I have and she’s more like a sister to me. We both had our daughters young and at around the same time. We basically grew up together. We never had the chance to just be young teenagers.”

  “I understand,” Dimitri said.

  “Don’t misunderstand. I wouldn’t trade my life with Shayna for anything, it’s just sometimes I wish I had the chance to just do silly things like hang out with friends and put on makeup and talk about boys,” she said wistfully.

  “You know Viktor has a baby on the way. I mean he’s only three years older than me. Thirty-three. I wonder if I am wasting my youth as well.”

  “I’m twenty-nine. I imagined I would have been married with maybe another child already. But it’s so hard, I can never let my guard down. Shay is my only concern.”

  “You’re lucky to have her. Having Shay in the house, it’s nice.”

  Jordan didn’t know what to say and thankfully the doorbell rang at that precise moment.

  “Pizza. I’ll get it,” Dimitri said.

  Hours later after pizza and ice cream sundaes Jordan woke up to static on the television. They had obviously all fallen asleep. The girls in their sleeping bags in front of the television and embarrassingly Jordan against Dimitri on the couch. She checked her watch. It was after three in the morning. She sat up and shook him awake. She pointed to the girls and shook her head with a grin.

  “I’m going to bed,” she whispered.

  “Me too,” Dimitri agreed with a yawn.

  They walked up the stairs together, Jordan very aware of him just behind her. Before they parted at the hallway, she turned to him to say good night and Dimitri brushed her cheek lightly. She gasped.

  “I’m sorry. You had an ice-cream sprinkle stuck there,” he explained embarrassed.

  “Oh,” was all she could muster.

  It took Jordan almost two hours to finally drift back off to sleep. Her hand touching her face where Dimitri had brushed her cheek.

  The next day she and Dimitri took the girls to the museum. Jordan was thankful that having three boisterous pre-teens took the focus off of the awkward moment they had shared.

  By the time they dropped the girls home that night everyone was tired. Shay hugged Dimitri, thanking him for a wonderful weekend and she and Jordan retreated upstairs to get some much needed rest. *****

  One weekend, a few weeks after Shay’s sleepover, she came bounding down the stairs, excited. In her hand she carried the newest book that Dimitri had purchased her. This one on Fabergé eggs.

  “Good morning everyone. Mom! Mom!” she said all in one breath.

  “I’m right here. Calm down. What’s going on?” Jordan asked amused.

  “Ok so I have an announcement, well more like a request, for everyone,” she added.

  “Okay,” Jordan said.

  “But Mom I need you to listen before you interrupt me with any objections. Promise?”

  “Shay…I,” Jordan began.

  “Mom! Promise. That you’ll listen first before making any complaints.”

  “Fine. What is your announcement?” Jordan consented.

  “Okay Mom remember before we moved to Russia, you promised me that I would have a big 13th birthday party?” Shay launched.

  “Yes, I did promise you that but that was before…” Jordan interrupted.

  “Mother! You promised. Just listen please.”

  “Sorry. Continue.”

  “Okay well I've decided since I'm going to be here that I still want my party if it's okay with you and Mr. V.”

  “I don’t see anything wrong with a party,” Dimitri said shrugging.

  “What kind of party?” Jordan interjected.

  “Wait Mom just please listen. So I was thinking that I want my party to be. What I’m trying to ask is...” she trailed off and took a deep breath. “I was wondering if maybe we can have a ball.”

  “A ball?” Like a Cinderella ball?” Jordan asked skeptically.

  “Yes. Well not exactly but like the Winter Palace ball. Do you think we can Mom? Mr. V?” Shay pleaded.

  “Shay I don’t know. I was thinking more of maybe a sleepover,” Jordan said biting her lip.

  “Mom I have a sleepover every year!” Shay protested.

  “Yes but what you’re asking for, a ball, that’s going to cost a lot of money. I’m sorry Shay I just can’t afford it,” Jordan responded apologetically.

  “I promise it won’t be too big. There’s even a ballroom here we can hold it in. I mean right now it’s a living room but we can transform it. The chandelier is perfect!” Shayna elaborated.

  “You’re putting Mr. Vladikov on the spot here Shayna. And I need to check my budget. A ball sounds really elaborate,” Jordan answered.

  “Mom, Mr. V, it doesn't have to be that big. I won't invite a lot of people and I can make the decorations myself and I’ll help make the food,” Shay negotiated.

  “Shay let me think about it. Your birthday isn’t until August 28th; it’s only April so don’t give me that look. We have plenty of time to decide,” Jordan said firmly.

  “It takes a lot of planning,” Shay sighed dejectedly.

  Ivanna bit her lip and Katya embraced Shay patting her on her back.

  “We can make a good party. Small Ok?” Katya said.

  It made Jordan feel terrible. Before Jordan could say anything else Dmitri spoke up

  “You know I think that having a ball would be a perfect idea and I can help you plan it. I know all about the Winter Palace and the famous balls they held there. I learned about it when I was growing up,” he said.

  “Dimitri, you don’t have to go to all this trouble we can just…”

  But Ivanna cut her off.

  “We can help you decorate. Make it look like a winter wonderland,” she said eagerly.

  “And I can cook all the food and cakes. Like a real ball,” Katya added.

  “You guys are not helpin
g,” Jordan said exasperated.

  All at once everyone started chatting about making plans for Shay’s birthday ball. Jordan had no choice but to agree. Shay looked at her mother with an impish grin.

  “So is it okay Mom?” she asked.

  “If it’s okay with everyone and if that's what you want then yes. Don’t forget though we have a budget. It cannot get too ridiculous,” she warned.

  “I promise Mommy. It won't be too much or too big. I'm so excited! I have to go text Morgan and I have to call Oksana and Yana,” she said referring to her new best friends. She rushed over to Dimitri and embraced him.

  “You’re the best,” she said before hugging everyone else and racing off back to her room.

  “You know this is too much right?” Jordan asked Dimitri. “You’re spoiling her.”

  “I never had a party growing up,” he replied. “I would love to help plan this celebration for her. She's a good kid and she deserves it. She’s been making top marks in school and she's trying so hard living here away from everything she knows.”

  “I know, it's not easy moving halfway across the world and meeting new friends. I am proud of her. I just don’t want this to snowball into some elaborate expensive thing,” Jordan said worried.

  “Oh it will,” Dimitri laughed. “But you’re only thirteen once.”

  “You know I’ll never be able to top this. What is she going to want when she’s sixteen?” Jordan joked.

  “I guess we’ll have to have another ball,” Dimitri said winking.

  From that moment Shay, Katya, Ivanna and Dimitri went into full planning mode. As Jordan expected, it wasn’t going to be a simple children’s party. They were ordering glass icicles to be hung from the ceilings. Yards of ice blue carpeting for the living room, which would transform into the ballroom and Katya spent all day planning and re-planning the menu. When Jordan protested about the cost Dimitri insisted on paying for everything.

  “You know ,I was thinking,” he said one night, “it would be a great way to say goodbye as well. You are leaving right after the summer in September so it will be half a birthday and have a going-away party. I'll even invite some adults and make it a true event.”

  Jordan agreed but secretly the thought of leaving that September filled her with a sudden sadness. *****

  It was a quiet day in the office. So when Dimitri called Jordan’s name it startled her out of her thoughts.

  “Jordan,” Dimitri said suddenly looking up from his desk. “Can you come over here for a moment please?”

  Jordan walked over to his desk, pen and paper ready, expecting that he was about to dictate another email.

  “There’s a French restaurant, a colleague of mine has invested in. I’ve been invited to the opening this Friday. I don’t want to go alone.”

  “Did you need me to find you a suitable date?” Jordan asked, carefully avoiding his gaze.

  “Yes and no. I guess I didn’t word that correctly but I would enjoy your company. I need to RSVP. So will you please accompany me?”

  “I…” Jordan hesitated.

  “Don’t make me go alone. Do you know how pathetic I’ll look eating alone?” he asked with a smirk.

  “Okay. Yes. I would like to go with you,” she agreed.

  He didn’t see her beaming as she walked back to her desk.

  They had a busy week and too soon the opening night of Dimitri’s friend’s restaurant was upon them. They left work early to get ready for the event. Jordan had went shopping the day before looking for the perfect dress. Although she wouldn’t admit it, she looked at every blue dress she could find. She chose a simple but elegant navy blue silk gown. It was long sleeved but backless and hugged her curves nicely. She had straightened her hair and put it up in a sophisticated chignon. She also applied her makeup very carefully, a smoky eye and a nude lip that played up her best features.

  She didn’t know why she had butterflies at the thought of having dinner with him, after all they shared meals together all the time. It was just that this night was different. This felt more like, if she was honest with herself, like a date. She knew it was just business but all she knew was that every time she saw him, she felt something that she hadn’t felt, or allowed herself to feel in a long time. She doubted that Dimitri felt the same way but the more that she got to know him and his kind nature, the more her feelings for him grew. She knew that was a dangerous way of thinking but she couldn’t help herself.

  When she met him at the bottom of the stairs the look on his face made her heart do backflips.

  “Wow,” he said. “You look incredible.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” she replied.

  That was an understatement. Dimitri looked dashing in his tuxedo. He had worn his hair slicked back and his amber eyes sparkled.

  “Shall we get going?” he asked offering her his arm.

  He walked her to the car and opened her door for her. Goosebumps appeared on her back where his hand had brushed against her skin. She was thankful for the chilly night to cover her reaction to his touch. On the radio eighties ballads played softly. Jordan didn’t know why she felt so anxious. She felt like she should say something, anything, but didn’t know how to break the silence and so she hummed along to the music.

  When they arrived, there was a line but Dimitri was shown to a table right away. Jordan felt self-conscious by all the stares she received but Dimitri seemed oblivious. The waiter poured them champagne and Jordan and Dimitri were having an animated discussion about a movie they had just watched. Dimitri didn’t understand American cinema and their depiction of typical Russian stereotypes.

  “Do Americans really think all Russians are like Ivan Drago?” he joked.

  “Aren’t they?” Jordan chuckled.

  “Dimitri darling,” a voice called out.

  Jordan instinctively looked up.

  “Hello Katarina,” Dimitri said standing up and kissing the gorgeous brunette on the cheek.

  Jordan felt an irrational pang of jealousy just looking at her. She was almost five seven with a tiny waist and perfect body. Her dress was lace and cut short. Jordan wouldn’t be surprised if she was a model.

  “This is Jordan Hill. My assistant,” Dimitri said making introductions. “This is Katarina Sorokin…she’s an old friend.”

  Jordan forced a small polite smile.

  Katarina nodded a greeting but was more interested in Dimitri.

  “I didn’t know you were coming, we could have dined together,” she said completely dismissing Jordan to her annoyance.

  “I did not realize you were back.”

  Jordan was taken aback. Did that mean he only invited her because he had no better option? She knew she was being unreasonable. She was just his employee. She realized she had been silly in thinking it was anything close to a date.

  “Well you just have to make it up to me,” Katarina said with an annoying girlish voice.

  “We’ll do dinner soon. I’ll call you,” Dimitri promised.

  “I look forward to it Dimitri,” she said embracing him as he kissed her on the cheek.

  “It was nice to meet you…I’m sorry I forgot your name,” Katarina said turning to Jordan.

  “Jordan. Nice to meet you as well.”

  Dimitri sat down as she walked away. He had a grin on his face that Jordan suspected had to do with Katarina. She had another momentary flash of jealousy and annoyance.

  “So what should we try?” he asked beaming at her. “Do you think I have pull like you do and can request that we get a tasting selection?”

  Jordan smiled politely and looked down at her menu.

  “So what should we get?” Dimitri asked again, his brow furrowing at Jordan’s sudden coolness.

  “I think I’ll have the pheasant,” she said simply.

  Dimitri tried to engage her in conversation but her answers were brief. After that Dimitri picked up on her mood and soon got quiet as well. They only made polite comments about the food. The
enchantment of the evening gone.

  After that night at the restaurant, Jordan decided it was best to put up a wall between her and Dimitri. She had never had cause to be jealous before and she didn’t like it. She knew she was being irrational as she had no reason to even be jealous. After all her and Dimitri were only friends, if that. He had asked her to this fancy event, not as a date but because it was convenient. It was silly of her to think otherwise.

  After a few days he noticed the cool between them and kept asking her if everything was okay. After a week of her saying everything was fine, he eased off. Often times she would catch him looking at her, a curious expression on his face but he never mentioned it or pushed her for an explanation again. Their drives home were even different. Polite conversation and sometimes even silence. When Jordan arrived at home she would retreat to her room and only come down for dinner. If anyone else detected the change in Jordan, they didn’t mention it. She even stopped going to the library afterwards to talk and have tea with Dimitri, using Shay’s party and the need to plan as an excuse.

  If she was being honest with herself, she would admit that she missed their friendship, their conversations. It was just that she had begun to have real feelings for him. It made her feel senseless and awkward. She needed to get her feelings in check. After all he was her employer. It was stupid of her to think this was anything more than it was. In a way, she was grateful. She had gotten caught up in the moment, listening to Paula when she knew that right now this life wasn’t about her. She had to make sure that Shay had everything she needed. She thought about what Dimitri had said about her not dating until Shay had graduated from college. Well yes he was right. Her daughter was her only priority. Shay was going to have a better life than she did. She would have to put her happiness aside and any silly notions about falling in love to ensure that.

  Chapter 6

  Dimitri wasn’t sure what was wrong with Jordan. One minute they were having a great time and the next she had become withdrawn. He wondered what he did wrong. Did he send an unwanted signal? All he knew was that she was the most intriguing woman that he had ever met. She was sweet and smart and funny. She was beautiful without even trying. Especially when she was just sitting on the sofa next to him discussing books and her face got so animated. Or when she was having a moment with Shay.


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