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Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance)

Page 20

by BWWM Club

  His feelings for her were growing and he wondered if she could tell. He knew how she felt about relationships. They had discussed it at length. She had this silly idea that she had to put her happiness aside to provide a good life for Shay. He wished she could see that it wasn’t necessarily so. She could meet someone who not only loved her but loved her daughter as well. Someone like him. Because as much as he tried to fight it he was falling in love with Jordan Hill and was completely enchanted with her daughter.

  For the first time in his life Dimitri looked forward to coming home. It didn’t feel so empty. Jordan and Shay brought joy to his rather dull life. Maybe she was starting to suspect that his feelings were not just that of a boss or even as a friend. Possibly she was just trying to reject him gently. He backed off for a while but the truth was he missed her. Maybe if they just talked she would see that he missed her as a friend. He would keep his romantic feelings in check if he could just have their talks back.

  One night after dinner Jordan excused herself and was heading to her room. As she passed she caught Dimitri’s eyes, she dropped her eyes and made her way to the stairs. Dimitri got up and followed her.

  “Jordan,” he called after her.

  “Yes?” she asked curtly.

  “Can you accompany me to my office? There’s some paperwork I need sorted out right away,” he said.

  “Certainly,” she replied.

  She followed him to the office and watched as he searched through some paperwork.

  “Ah I can’t seem to find it,” he said after a while. “Oh well, nothing that can’t wait. Would you like a cup of tea?” he offered.

  Jordan arched an eyebrow. Before he had made it seem like the paperwork was urgent.

  “I really should get going if you don’t need me. I have some things to do before bed,” she said finally.

  “Jordan wait. There wasn’t any file. Would you like to go on a walk with me?” Dimitri asked.

  “I don’t understand,” Jordan stated.

  “I don’t know what happened between us but I miss our talks. Did I do something wrong?” he asked concerned.

  “No! It’s just...” she trailed off.

  What could she possibly say? That she was pushing him away because she was having feelings that he didn’t return. It mortified her just thinking it.

  “I’ve been busy with Shay’s party. That’s all,” she finished lamely.

  “Are you sure that’s all it is? You seem so different lately.”

  “Yes. That is all it is.”

  “Will you come with me? I would like to show you something,” he said beseechingly.

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  Dimitri led her to the back of the house where a small stone path led through a wooded area. Jordan had explored the grounds on numerous times but had never ventured beyond the tree line. In fact, she had never noticed the path before. A short distance away there was a large greenhouse.

  Dimitri opened the door and then held it open so Jordan could go inside. He reached for the light switch and suddenly hundreds of tiny lights, similar to Christmas lights, lit up the entire place. It was larger than Jordan had first thought. It was like stepping into the botanical gardens. Flowers of every kind grew in numerous pots all haphazardly but yet still in order. They walked in silence, Jordan admiring the immense beauty of the place.

  “It was here when I bought the place. It seemed a shame not to keep it going,” he said.

  “When do you have the time?” Jordan wondered out loud.

  “Well Olaf mostly takes care of it. He takes them to his sister who sells them in her coffee shop. I do have a special project that I like to handle myself though,” he replied.

  “What is it?” Jordan mused.

  “Do you see those? Those are Russian blue orchids,” he said pointing at some delicate periwinkle blossoms. “Those are my favorite flowers. I like to care for these myself.”

  “They’re exquisite,” Jordan said breathing in the fragrant smells from the flowers.

  “They pale in comparison to present company,” he said softly.

  Jordan blushed and lowered her eyes, caught off guard and pretended to closely examine the flowers.

  “This is my favorite spot on the entire estate,” he said finally to break the silence.

  “It’s lovely. I love flowers. I could spend hours out here,” Jordan admitted.

  “And I do. I have found it is a great place to think,” Dimitri agreed. “Let me show you.”

  At the very back under a canopy of trees there was a large wooden bench, lined with a single striped cushion, several throw pillows and a small standing bookshelf with several well-worn books.

  “Wow. This is perfect. You better be careful or I’ll take over your spot,” Jordan smirked.

  She turned towards him and he looked at her with his piercing tawny eyes. Jordan suddenly became very aware of his close proximity.

  “Normally I don’t like to share but for you I might make an exception,” he said, his smile giving her goosebumps. Jordan trembled.

  “Are you cold? We can head back if you would like,” Dimitri said.

  “I’m not used to this weather. I thought DC got cold but this is much colder,” she replied to cover the awkwardness.

  They made their way back to the house, Dimitri walked her up the stairs and bid her a good night as they departed ways at the divided hallway.

  “Goodnight,” she said nervously.

  “Goodnight Jordan,” he said turning to make his way to his room.

  He was halfway down the hall, “Dimitri,” she called after him. “I really appreciated you showing me the greenhouse.”

  “I wouldn’t have shared it with anyone but you,” he said sincerely.

  “Goodnight,” she repeated.

  “To you as well. Pleasant dreams.”

  That night Jordan dreamt of Dimitri and blue orchids.

  After the night in the greenhouse, Jordan let her guard down again. She figured that it made zero sense to be miserable until she left in September. Besides she missed Dimitri and their talks. She was being silly. It’s not like it was a date. She had just hoped it was. She realized he had not done anything wrong. In fact, when he introduced her, she realized that him calling her his assistant and not his date or his friend was what really bothered her. So she decided that it was better to have him as her friend even if that was all it would ever be.

  One morning Dimitri had a lunch meeting. Jordan felt a little lonely eating lunch alone at her desk. She was so used to spending her lunch with Dimitri that it felt odd not to have him there. She had not really gotten to know any of the other employees and felt awkward going to the staff lounge. After playing with her food and only after a few bites she decided to spend the rest of the hour reading. She must have been exhausted or the book boring because she fell asleep after a while. When she woke up she was disorientated forgetting where she was for a minute. She realized that she was in the office and that someone had covered her with a blanket.

  “Hello sleepy head,” he said with a grin.

  “I’m so sorry. Why didn’t you wake me up?” Jordan said sitting up.

  “You looked so beautiful and peaceful I didn’t want to bother you,” he said huskily.

  Jordan looked down trying to hide her red cheeks.

  “What time is it?”

  “Time to go actually. It’s a little after five,” he answered.

  Jordan yawned involuntarily.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said walking over to get her coat.

  Dimitri was behind her reaching for his own jacket. His proximity made goosebumps rise along her skin. She didn’t know what was wrong with her lately. He leaned over and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

  “It came out of your ponytail,” he said, his face mere inches from her own.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  And just like that the moment had passed.

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  The next morning Dimitri had a business meeting and Jordan was busy filing paperwork. There was a knock on the door and Alyssa came in holding an official looking manila envelope.

  “Is that for Mr. Vladikov?” Jordan asked.

  “No, this was delivered here for you Jordan,” she said pleasantly handing her the letter.

  Jordan frowned. She wasn’t used to getting mail and especially not at the office. She waited until Alyssa left before opening it. As she read her heart dropped…


  “I don’t understand,” Jordan said into the phone.

  In her hand she held an official letter from the Russian embassy revoking her visa status. According to the letter she was listed as a non-essential embassy employee and her paperwork had been filed incorrectly making her status invalid.

  “I am sorry Ms. Hill but there is nothing we can do. Technically you are not employed by the embassy at the moment but as a private contractor. Due to the error in paperwork you have two weeks to return to the United States,” the woman said.

  “But I am an employee of the embassy. You have to help me,” Jordan pleaded.

  “I’m sorry but we contacted the embassy. As of right now the embassy has you listed on an approved leave of absence but not as an employee. Based on this we cannot grant you a fast-track visa. That only applies to current employees,” the woman explained again.

  “But I am an employee of the embassy. The position I am in is based on an embassy referral,” Jordan clarified.

  “Not according to your current status listing. When you first entered the country yes you were still technically an employee of the US government but since then that status has changed in the system. Ms. Hill I apologize but as of now you are in fact a private contractor and cannot be exempt using embassy status.”

  “Okay. I understand that I am on a leave of absence but my employer is a diplomat of the Russian government with his offices located at the US embassy. So what can I do?” Jordan asked clearly frustrated.

  “You can file for an amendment but that may take months. Unfortunately, when you returned to the United States back in March it made your previous visa invalid. Then your re-entry visa was misfiled. I am so sorry.”

  “So there’s nothing I can do? Absolutely nothing?” Jordan asked desperately.

  “You can file an appeal but like I said it may take longer than your deportation date which any time after that date makes you an illegal resident. Unfortunately, that comes with its own set of problems including hefty fines and possible criminal charges if you knowingly remain in Russia past that date. And as you have contacted us and every call goes on record you cannot feign ignorance in this matter. I’m terribly sorry.”

  “So there’s absolutely nothing at all that can be done?” Jordan repeated.

  “Short of marrying a Russian prince I don’t know what to tell you Ms. Hill,” the woman joked.

  Jordan hung up the phone distraught. This was terrible. How was she going to tell Shay that she needed to uproot her once again, have her leave her new friends and return to DC? Especially now with this excitement over her party. Besides she couldn’t possibly be prepared to return in just two weeks. They didn’t even have a place to live arranged. So many questions plagued Jordan. Stressed, she dropped her head into her hands and began to cry. She didn’t realize Dimitri had returned from his meeting.

  “Jordan? Jordan what’s wrong?” Dimitri asked rushing to her side and kneeling beside her.

  She handed him the letter in response.

  “This cannot be right. I’m sure there is something that can be done. Don’t worry I’ll take care of it,” he reassured her.

  An hour later Dimitri hung up the phone in frustration.

  “I’m sorry Jordan. I tried everything. I called everyone I could think of but no one has the authorization to change your visa status,” he apologized.

  “What am I going to do?” she cried. “How am I going to tell Shay?”

  “Look, let’s leave early today. You’re in no condition to work right now but I promise we will figure out a solution. Let’s go get some coffee at the café.”

  “I don’t need coffee. What I need right now is a drink,” she sighed.

  “Well I know the perfect place. Grab your coat.”

  Ten minutes later they entered an old Russian bar that was not too far from the office. The day was brisk but nice and they had decided to walk. When Dimitri held the door for her, Jordan was a bit surprised. It was dark but quiet and the bartender recognized Dimitri and nodded a greeting. Everything was polished wood from the floors to the walls and even the glossy tables. The booth they sat at had vinyl seats which were cracked with age and a dark green hue. Above them, individual lamps hung above each table but it did little in the way of lighting. Once they were seated and had removed their coats, Dimitri nodded at the barman. He must have understood his gesture because a minute or so later he brought over a bottle of vodka, a large dish of sliced boiled potatoes smothered in sour cream, and two glasses that had seen better days.

  “I wouldn’t imagine you in a place so…” Jordan began. “I don’t know what word I’m looking for,” she admitted.

  “Dodgy?” Dimitri suggested.

  “No, quaint. I imagine you drinking somewhere more sophisticated, not here.”

  “I’m not a snob,” Dimitri laughed. “I used to come here all the time with Viktor when we were younger. Remember I wasn’t always…sophisticated.”

  “I like it. It’s quiet,” Jordan remarked.

  “I’m sorry you’re having a rough day. Here, let’s have a drink.”

  “No chaser?” she asked arching an eyebrow.

  “No, you’re in Russia,” Dimitri laughed pouring a sizable amount into both glasses.

  Jordan took the offered glass and downed it in one shot.

  “I don’t usually drink but I might as well enjoy the Russian vodka while I can,” she said sarcastically.

  They talked about her visa status and commiserated together. Dimitri offered to pay her remaining salary even if she had to leave but Jordan wouldn’t hear of it. They tried to think of solutions, even leaving and returning once things were sorted out. Jordan said it didn’t make sense since she was leaving in September anyway. She talked about the stress of finding an apartment in time, registering Shay for school and having their things shipped on such short notice. The more they talked the more they drank until the two found themselves somewhat inebriated.

  “You wouldn’t happen to know any Russian princes would you?” Jordan asked sardonically.

  “Not off the top of my head,” Dimitri laughed.

  “Too bad,” Jordan said taking a bite out of the potato.

  “Royal amnesty is a myth you know.”

  “No I was joking. The embassy worker told me I could marry a Russian prince if I wanted to stay.”



  “Let’s do it. Let’s go back to the office get Gita to notarize a standard affidavit form and go down to the ZAGS.”

  “What? That’s crazy Dimitri,” Jordan said skeptically.

  “No it’s not. It’s only three o’clock,” he said glancing at his watch. “We can be married by five and then you can stay.”

  “Just like that? That’s insane.”

  “No. It’s just temporary. We can get divorced after you return to the US.”

  “But…then I can stay? Shay can finish school?”

  “Yes. We’ll file the paperwork and it will grant you temporary residency.”


  “Come on Jordan. It’s the only solution,” he said with excitement.

  “Dimitri you’ve had more to drink than I have,” she protested.

  “No! I know what I’m saying. Jordan Hill will you marry me?” he laughed.

  Jordan bit her lip thinking.

  “And we get divorced after?” she asked.

  “Yes. It’s not a real marriage. We can tell
them we fell in love working so close together.”

  “Will they believe that?” she asked quietly.

  He looked at her for a long moment and then smiled.

  “Yes,” he said simply.

  “I don’t know. Everything is so confusing. Can we?” she asked, her head buzzing, partly from the large quantity of Vodka she had drank.

  “All you have to do is say yes.”

  Jordan hesitated briefly.

  “Okay. Let’s do it,” she said finally as she took his hand and followed Dimitri back to the office.


  The sun woke Jordan up before the alarm clock. It was unusually bright and she had an intense headache. She must have drank much more than she realized. She moaned as another sharp pain hit her. She got up and went to the bathroom in search of aspirin. As she reached to open the medicine cabinet, she noticed the string tied around her ring finger.

  Suddenly everything came back to her. The letter, the drinks, the courthouse.

  “Oh my God,” she exclaimed, “what have I done?”

  She sat on the edge of the tub in shock. Had they really gotten married? What would Dmitri say when he woke up and realized what they had done? This was insane. They would have to get the marriage annulled. Shay! What on earth was she going to tell Shay?

  She removed the string from her finger, took a long shower, took two aspirin and went in search of Shay. Dimitri intercepted her on the way to the kitchen.

  “Let’s go talk in the library,” he said.

  “Dimitri I don’t know what we were thinking,” she said as soon as he closed the door behind them.

  “I knew you were going to say that,” he mused.

  “We need to get it annulled before Shay finds out,” she urged.

  “Jordan we can always get a divorce after you return to the US. Shay is brighter than you give her credit for. We explain the circumstances and she’ll understand it’s not a real marriage,” he suggested.

  “I don’t know,” she said uncertainly.


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