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Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance)

Page 51

by BWWM Club

  "Not exactly second thoughts. More like worries." Carl rubbed his hands over his face. "You and Mom told us about what happened to you when you started dating. Your family threw you out and disowned you." He bit his lip. "I didn't want Louise to lose her family because I'm black and they don't want her near black guys."

  "You're not black."

  "Not completely but I'm not completely white either. I love my heritage and everything but not everyone feels the same way."

  Toby could sympathize with that. Things had been bad when he and Simone got together. Simone had been beaten up by his friends because he refused to walk away so they had turned on her. Toby had cut off contact with all of them, gaining respect from Simone's friends. They were more accepting and saw Toby as a nice boy. A lot of them were still in contact with him twenty-five years down the line.

  While racial tensions weren't as bad as they had been when he was in high school, they still weren't great. Prod it in the wrong place and it could blow up. Carl was right to be cautious but Toby didn't want him losing the chance to date a decent girl who genuinely liked him because of that. He nudged his son's knee with affection.

  "It'll be fine. Things were bad back when I was your age. It's down to the bare minimum now. People are more tolerant today. Louise's parents won't care."

  "I hope they don't." Carl sighed and looked at him. "I really like her, Dad."

  "I know. I can tell."

  It was really sweet to see his son's first crush. Simone had talked about wanting to witness it for herself but this time Toby got the chance to see something for the first time himself. And Toby appreciated Carl coming to him for advice.

  Deciding the time for mushy conversation was over, Toby moved to put his legs on the lounger and sit back.

  "What are you going to do now, seeing as you've suddenly got a day off?"

  "I was planning on sitting out here with my laptop or having a swim." Carl glanced towards the pool. "The doctors said I could swim as long as I keep my stitches dry. So it's just the breaststroke for me for now."

  "Well, I'm planning on having a swim shortly myself." Toby picked up the suntan lotion bottle and tossed it at Carl. "Pop that stuff on and then you can join me."

  "Dad!" Carl held it up. "I'm not a child anymore."

  "I know you're not, Carl, but you know you burn badly and it's a hot day today. You don't want any more pain right now, do you?"

  For a moment it looked like Carl was going to argue. He didn't like putting lotion on but Toby knew he would remember the times when he ignored his parents and ended up in agony because his skin ended up bright red and tight. It was amazing he hadn't ended up with skin cancer already.

  Eventually Carl sighed and popped the cap.


  Toby grinned and settled back in his lounger.


  Simone bit back a groan as her phone buzzed again with another call. Putting her mug down and picking up her cell, she glanced at the number and put it back down again. Maria raised her eyebrows.

  "Aren't you going to answer that?" She asked.

  "It's only Toby." Simone picked up her coffee mug again. "I'll call him back later."

  Now her coffee morning with Maria, something they had done every week for twenty-five years, was beginning to feel bittersweet. Simone had been looking forward to getting away from the house and all the tension between her and Toby but it seemed Toby couldn't leave her alone. He kept calling her and sending texts, asking - no, demanding - to know where she was and who she was with.

  Simone was beginning to get frustrated and frightened. Toby had never acted like this before and it was affecting her. She couldn't concentrate on talking to her sister, her thoughts stuck on Toby and why he was acting like he didn't trust her.

  "What's wrong with him? That's the sixth time he's called."

  "The twelfth one since I've left the house. And I answered the first one." Simone sipped her coffee and put the mug back down, sitting back and rubbing at her face with her hands. "It's driving me mad."

  "Is something wrong with Carl? You told me last night he'd been beaten up. What happens if he's trying to call because something is wrong with Carl?"

  "Carl would've called me. Besides, Toby texts all the time. His phone doesn't get good reception often so he sends texts."

  Maria rolled her eyes and tittered, her newly curled locks bouncing about her head.

  "I've never understood how a billionaire has a cell phone that doesn't get a signal."

  Simone grunted.

  "He couldn't bear to leave his phone behind. They give him the best but we seem to be in a dead spot for signal. So he texts all the time." As if on cue, her phone buzzed, this time just once to signal an incoming message. "And here we go."

  "Text back is Carl okay and that you're busy."

  "I don't know about the busy bit." Simone didn't look up as she tapped away, trying not to say something she really wanted to say. "He's a bit short at the moment."

  "Yeah, what's up with that?" Maria put her mug down. "You guys were normal as usual before Nick's game. Then when you got back he's like a moody teenager."

  "I've already got one and one on the way." Simone groaned. "I don't want another one."

  While she didn't want to discuss her suspected marital problems - that often raised a red flag to the proverbial bull - Maria was her sister and her closest confidant. Maria had gone through a messy divorce ten years before and Simone had been the one she went to. Now she was in a new relationship, a better one, and she had primary custody of her two teenage daughters. Maria had been through a lot and had chosen Simone's shoulder to cry on.

  Now it seemed like Simone needed to use Maria's shoulder.

  "Men can be like moody teenagers when they want to be." Maria picked up her brownie and bit into it, chocolate crumbs coating her mouth. "They like to sulk."

  "Does Lee sulk?"

  "All the time. It's amazing that I can get a smile out of him sometimes."

  Simone chuckled. Her new man Lee was a stoic type of man, lovely as anything but he didn't smile much. It had taken some getting used to but Maria's daughters adored him and Simone's sons thought he was awesome. Even Toby admitted he was a good guy.

  "I didn't get that at all from Toby. He accused me of being melodramatic when I expressed my worries over Carl and then went to sleep on the couch because he didn't want to answer that he was okay when he clearly wasn't. I ended up going to sleep next to him because I couldn't settle and he acted like I was contagious once he woke up."

  That had hurt. Toby had been nothing but affectionate. So to have him avoid her like she had the plague had upset Simone. She hadn't shown it in front of the children and tried to act like nothing was wrong but she escaped out the house as quickly as possible. Being at home with that was stifling.

  She wished she knew what was going on.

  Chapter 6

  "Do you think his brother finally poisoned his mind?" Maria asked.

  But Simone was certain on that point. She shook her head.

  "No way. Toby wouldn't let Mike influence him. That man is disgusting and Toby knows it. He isn't stupid enough to be let in by that."

  "Well, he's acting like you've done something suspicious and he doesn't know how to react." Maria paused and lowered her brownie. "Oh dear, he doesn't know about your secret, does he?"

  "I can't see how. I've been very careful." Then something clicked in Simone's mind and she remembered something. She sat up. "Hang on. I forgot my cell phone yesterday when I went to Nick's game. I left it on the kitchen island. When I got back it was where I'd left it but a message from Brett had come in while I was out and it had been read."

  "You think Toby read it?"

  "It was either him, Carl or Craig and the kids would've come out and said something." Simone sighed. She wanted to scream. "I don't understand what's going on with him."

  "It would explain it if Toby read that message." Maria pointed out. "You always tell
him about the messages you get from who and whatnot. This is the first time you've not said anything because you're trying to keep something from him. He's naturally going to think you're up to something."

  "You think he's taken that text the wrong way and believes I've been cheating." Even as she said it Simone felt the cold dread settle in her stomach. "Oh, God. He has as well. It would explain why he's acting this way."

  Toby thought she was having an affair. Simone felt ill. She couldn't believe he could think like that of her. She trusted him completely and Simone thought he felt the same about her.

  "I need to talk to him." She pressed her fingers to the bridge of her nose. "But how do I say I'm not cheating without giving away what's really going on?"

  "You'll have to think of something." Maria picked up her mug. "Can't help you there, sis."


  Simone pulled into the drive and parked behind Emil's car. Turning the engine off, she sat there for a moment staring at Emil's house, which glinted in the midday sun. She hadn't meant to end up here; she had simply driven around the city after meeting Maria, not wanting to go home and face her husband. His behavior made her uncomfortable and unhappy.

  Something in her subconscious brought Simone to Emil's place. Maybe she just needed reassurance from a friend that things were fine between her and Toby and it was just something silly like mistaking an innocent text for something else entirely. Asking Toby about it with his current attitude would be pointless.

  Simone wished her husband liked surprises. Maybe in the future they should not look at each other's phones. She didn't want to look at his phone one day and see a text from a woman she didn't know. That would have her hackles up, for sure.

  Climbing out the car and smoothing down her blouse, Simone went up the steps to the door. It took three rings to get Emil to the front door and when he opened it Simone could see why. He was dressed in just a towel and a bathrobe that was open. Simone found herself staring at his chest and stomach and covered her eyes.

  "Jesus, Emil! Put it away, will you?"

  "I thought it was away." Emil's voice held some amusement.

  Simone groaned.

  "Could you at least close the robe? Friends we may be but I'm not interested in staring at your half-naked body."

  Emil grunted and there was the rustling of clothing. When Simone looked again he had pulled his robe closed and was tying the belt.

  "You must be the only woman I know who doesn't like drooling over me."

  "With Toby around, I don't need to."

  Thinking about Toby had Simone sobering up. Emil seemed to sense something was wrong and he frowned.

  "What's wrong, Simone? What are you doing here, anyway?"

  "I didn't mean to turn up here." Simone sighed and made a helpless gesture with her hands. "But I needed to talk to someone."

  "Why don't you talk to Toby? That's what you normally do."

  "It's about Toby." Simone bit her lip. "You're his best friend so..."

  She left that unfinished. For a moment Emil looked conflicted, glancing back into the house. Then Simone realized that he might not be alone and flushed.

  "Oh, sorry, you're entertaining, aren't you? I'll go. Sorry to bother you."

  She turned to leave but Emil grabbed her hand and pulled her inside, shutting the door. Simone righted herself, wondering what the neighbors would think if they had looked out at that point and seeing Emil pulling a black woman into his house when he was wearing just a towel and a robe. They would have a field day.

  "Don't worry about me entertaining." Emil dropped her hand and ushered her down the hall. "I think we still need to catch our breath."

  "That's not helpful, Emil. I don't want to have a blow-by-blow account of your night's events."

  Emil laughed. They entered the open-plan lounge and kitchen at the back. The entire back wall was floor-to-ceiling windows, showing the pool out the back, a huge, immaculate garden, and a beautiful view of the countryside. A redheaded woman was sitting curled up on the couch reading a magazine. She was wearing a bathrobe matching Emil's and her hair was wet. Simone guessed she had either been swimming or just had a shower. She hoped it was the latter and that she had something on under her robe.

  "Emma, you remember Simone Reynolds?"

  Then Simone took a closer look at the woman and realized it was Emma, the girl who worked behind the bar at the club. Her hair was usually up in a ponytail and Simone had never seen her in anything other than her uniform of a polo shirt and jeans. Emma was a nice girl, always willing to have a chat. But Simone did wonder how someone like Emma had ended up spending the night with Emil when she wasn't a married woman. They were his preferred tastes.

  Maybe Emil's tastes were finally changing, which would put several husbands in the area at ease.

  Emma gave Simone her usual warm smile. After her relationship breakdown it was nice to see her smile again.

  "Hey, Simone."


  Simone felt awkward. Talking about her marital troubles didn't seem right in front of Emma. Emil sensed that she wanted privacy and went to Emma, pressing a kiss to her head.

  "Do you mind giving us a minute, sweets? Simone was just picking up a few things I got for her husband's birthday." He winked. "Keeping it a surprise, you know?"

  "Sure." Emma put the magazine down and stood. "I'll go and shower." She smiled at Simone. "I won't say a word to Toby."

  Simone watched her go. She waited until she heard the bedroom door shut and turned to Emil with a grin.

  "Impressive. You managed to find a single woman you actually find attractive without arm candy."

  "I know. An achievement for me. And Emma's a cracker." Emil grinned back. He looked like a strutting peacock. "I think she might be my arm candy."

  "Isn't she a bit young for you? She's only twenty-nine."

  "That's not a big gap considering those you see in the news." Emil went to the sliding door and opened it. "We can talk outside. No one can hear us there."

  Simone followed him onto the terrace, closing the door behind her. Emil stayed just in the shade as Simone paced out into the sun, dropping her bag onto a table and fidgeting her fingers together.

  "What's going on, Simone? Why are you here?"

  Simone decided to be forthright. Beating around the bush would never get anyone anywhere, her mother always said. She turned back to Emil, who was watching her warily, arms folded across his chest.

  "Has something happened with Toby?"

  Emil blinked.

  "How do you mean?"

  "He was fine when I left for Nick's game yesterday. But since I got back he's been different. He won't look at me, he avoids touching me and when he does talk to me he sounds like he's snapping all the time." Simone brushed her hair away from her face, letting out a frustrated sigh as it fell back. "He's never been like that with me. I don't know what to think. You saw him before I got home. Did he say anything?"

  Emil looked uncomfortable. He shuffled from foot to foot, trying to look anywhere but at Simone. Simone stiffened. Something had happened.

  "Well," Emil began, "He was upset yesterday. He..."

  He paused, gnawing at his lip and going bright red. Simone wanted to grab him and shake him. She didn't like being kept in limbo.

  "What is it, Emil? Don't go shy on me now."

  "Are you cheating on Toby?"

  Simone took half a step back as Emil blurted out the question. Her heart sank. It was as she feared. Toby did think she was cheating.

  She sighed and went to her bag. She retrieved her cell phone and went back to Emil, who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but with her.

  "I'm going to tell you something, Emil." Simone tried to keep calm. "But you're going to have to keep this from Toby."

  "How can I keep this quiet?" Emil looked incredulous. "If you're cheating on your husband I have to tell him. I may be a womanizer and sleep with cheating women but that's not Toby's style. He's my best friend."

/>   This was going to be difficult. Simone found the number she wanted and held it out to him.

  "Call this number. See who picks it up."

  "Simone, I don't want to talk to your boyfriend."

  "Call it, Emil." Simone shoved the phone into his hand. "Trust me, okay? It's not what it looks like."

  Emil grunted, clearly not happy.

  "That's what they all say when they've been playing away." He muttered. But he pressed the number and held her phone to his ear as he let it ring. Simone saw when he heard the recorded message at the other end. His expression changed from slight disgust to stunned amazement. He stared at her, phone still against his ear.


  "Seriously." Simone took the phone away and ended the call. "That's the office number for the guy who texted me yesterday."

  She knew Emil wasn't stupid. He would figure out what was going on without Simone needing to spell it out. Emil was staring at her, the disgust having disappeared from his face.

  "So, you're not..."

  "No. I can see why he would think that but I would never do that to Toby." Simone didn't blink. "I love him, Emil."

  "I know that." Emil let out a chuckle and hugged her. "I'm just relieved. But you do know that Toby doesn't like surprises."

  Simone sighed.

  "I know he doesn't but he'll like this one. He's always talking about doing it but we've never done anything." She looked up at Emil and bit her lip. "Although I have a feeling this one has gone wrong already."

  Emil had no answer to that. He pressed a kiss to her head and let her rest her head on his chest.


  Charlotte picked up another slice of pizza and bit into it. Strings of cheese hung between her mouth and the slice before she chewed on her end and it dangled down onto the plate.

  "I missed you at school today, Carl." She said around her mouthful. "It feels weird not seeing you around, hanging out at our lockers and sitting together at lunch."

  "I know." Carl selected another chicken wing. "But the doctors said not to come in for a couple of weeks. I need rest and lots of it." He grunted. "That's not easy when I still have to work at home."

  Not that he could complain much. The tutor they had sent him Carl liked. The man was his substitute English teacher and they had bonded over their love of books. He was also Native American so he understood Carl's issues with his mixed heritage. He gave Carl the work he needed to do and helped him out, even when he admitted he didn't know much about the subject Carl was working on.


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