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Happily Ever After: 6 Marriage Romances In 1 (BWWM Romance)

Page 55

by BWWM Club

"Thank God. I'm glad."

  "That's not all." Toby took a deep breath. "Mike set it up."

  Simone wasn't sure she had heard correctly.

  "Your brother? Why the hell would he do that?"

  "He heard Carl telling Charlie in the pizza parlor that he was going to tell the police about the attack. He was still dithering but Charlie managed to convince him. Then when Carl went to see Louise and he saw you were picking him up, Mike called Jason and let him know where Carl was going to be." Toby closed his eyes briefly. "Jason told the police everything."

  "Oh, Louise." Simone remembered the girl, who had stood off to the side trembling. "Was she hurt? Is Louise okay?"

  "Simone, Louise was in on it."

  Simone drew back and stared at her husband in shock. Had he really said that?


  "I'm sorry to say it but she was involved as well. She hates black people as much as Mike does. She knew you liked her and knew Jason would beat up any guy who looked at her so she put ideas into his head." Toby shook his head in disgust. "Jason is just a thug who loves his girl but Louise is sick in the head. Mike wanted to get rid of you and Jason wanted to silence Carl. She was just in on it for the thrill." His mouth twisted angrily. "Louise duped Carl and played him like a violin."

  They had been planning to kill them. Simone felt sick. She placed a hand over her stomach and swallowed back the bile. She and Carl had nearly died because of some sick individuals.

  "I wish I could hold him." She murmured.

  "How about holding Craig and Nick? They want to see you but I didn't want them to see you unconscious." Toby brushed his fingers across her cheek. "It's been two days and they're missing you."

  Simone missed them as well. She wanted to see her children badly. She nodded.

  "I want to see them." She bit her lip as the tears blurred her vision. "I need you, Toby."

  "I'm here." Toby drew her gently back into his arms. "I've got you."

  They stayed like that for a while, Simone resting her head on Toby's shoulder. He rocked her gently, stroking her hair. It felt good. Simone wished the circumstances were different, that they weren't in hospital and what they had between them wasn't there. She lifted her head and looked at her husband.

  "I'm so sorry." She whispered.

  Toby smiled.

  "There's nothing to apologize for."

  "There is." Simone protested. "I wanted to tell you about..."

  But Toby placed a finger over her lips.

  "Tell me when you're feeling better. Right now I just want to hold you."

  Simone could handle that. She slid back into his arms and sank into the warmth of his body. She closed her eyes and hugged him closer, tears falling onto his shirt.

  "I love you, Toby."

  "I know." Toby whispered in her ear. "I love you, too."


  "Toby." Toby felt someone nudging him. "Toby, buddy, you're home."

  Dragging himself from his slumber, Toby yawned and rubbed at his eyes as he stretched his legs. Opening his eyes, he became slowly aware of where he was. He was in Emil's car in the driveway of his house. Emil had offered to drive Toby home, telling him that he was too tired to drive. Toby had protested but Emil had been proven right when Toby had fallen asleep moments after Emil had left the hospital.

  He had barely slept the past few nights. Worrying about Simone had kept him tossing and turning for hours. She had looked so fragile lying in that bed with the IV sticking in her hand and the bruises all over her face.

  To think he had nearly lost her and their son because of a few vile people, one of those being his own brother. Toby knew for certain that he was having nothing to do with the bastard as long as he lived. He didn't care what his sister, the only person left on his side of the family he talked to, said about it; Mike had blown it.

  "Sorry, Emil." Toby bit back another yawn. "I didn't realize I was so tired."

  Emil gave him a smile and clapped him on the shoulder.

  "Let's go in."

  That sounded like an idea. Seeing Simone wake up and knowing she was okay would help Toby get some sleep. Not much because he was worrying about Carl as well, but enough to make him feel more human.

  Emil let them in to a quiet house. Maria was sitting on the couch watching the TV. She saw them come in and switched the TV off, standing and coming around to join them as Emil and Toby entered the kitchen. Toby nodded towards the children's bedrooms.

  "How are they?"

  "I put them to bed when you told me to." Maria whispered back. "They wanted to stay up but they were so tired. How's Simone?"

  "She's woken up." Toby pulled out a chair at the dining table and sat down before his legs gave way. "I'll go and see her tomorrow."

  "I'm glad." Maria's eyes filled with tears. "I'm so sorry about your brother, Toby. I didn't think he was that evil."

  "Neither did I." Toby looked down at the floor. "But the police are going to deal with him now. I want nothing to do with him."

  And he meant it. No more guilt trips. Mike had blown it.

  Maria glanced at Emil, who was leaning against the counter. He shrugged and Maria gave him a look that said he wasn't helping. She turned back to Toby.

  "There's something I need to show you. It's regarding Simone's secrecy." She held up a hand as Toby started to protest. "And I want you to listen to me before you go off on me."

  Toby wanted to argue but he was too tired. He sighed.

  "I promise, Maria. What is it?"

  Maria went to the kitchen island and picked up and envelope and a package wrapped in plain brown paper. She came back and held up the envelope.

  "This came earlier today. It's addressed to Simone but I know what it is." She held out the package. "And this is yours. Simone asked the courier to leave it at my house so you wouldn't see it."

  Toby stared at the parcel, wondering what was going on. He glanced at Maria, who sighed and shoved it into his hands. Deciding he had no choice but to open it, Toby ripped off the paper and opened the box. Inside were two smaller boxes, one long and thin, the other small and square. Turning to put the boxes on the table, Toby opened each of them. In the long box was a golden fountain pen, his name engraved on the side. The square box had gold cuff links, again with his initials engraved.

  "They were meant to be your anniversary present." Maria said. Her voice sounded tight. Toby looked up and saw that she was trying not to cry. Maria held up the envelope. "And so is this. Two tickets for a two-week cruise in the Caribbean. Your anniversary is smack in the middle of the trip."

  Chapter 10

  If Toby hadn't been sitting down he would have fallen down. Simone had been planning a cruise with him? That had been her surprise? He stared at the envelope as if it was going to attack him. Then he looked at Emil, who didn't look at all surprised.

  "Did you know about this as well?"

  "She told me Wednesday morning. That was why I ran from you at the club." Emil's mouth twisted and he sighed. "I told her to tell you but she didn't think you'd believe her."

  "Of course I would have believed her." Toby buried his face in his hands. "God, what a mess."

  "I told her you didn't like surprises but she was adamant." Maria said. "I'm so sorry, Toby."

  Toby raised his head. He held out a hand to Maria, who took it and squeezed it.

  "I wish she had told me." He said hoarsely. "I don't care if it took the magic out of the surprise. I wanted her to tell me. Then I wouldn't have accused her of sleeping with Emil."

  "With me?" Emil chuckled dryly. "Simone wouldn't look at me like that. And I've got myself a girlfriend."

  Maria snorted.

  "Which husband is going to come after you now?" She joked.

  "Emma's single."

  "Oh." Maria looked surprised but she gave Emil an approving nod. "Good for you."

  Emil smirked, puffing out his chest proudly. Then it deflated as he turned to Toby.

  "Do you want us to stay with you t

  Toby didn't feel like any company. He was appreciative of their help but he just wanted to be alone.

  So when his best friend and his sister-in-law left a few moments later, Toby sat at the table and stared at the gifts Simone had bought for him and the tickets. This was what she had been keeping from him. And he had thought the worst and nearly lost her.

  Propping his elbows on the table, Toby covered his face and burst into tears.


  Simone sat at Carl's bedside and watched him sleep. The bruises had faded a little and the doctors had put a metal plate into his jaw. But Simone's heart ached. This was not what she wanted to see her son like. He looked battered. It was amazing he hadn't been killed.

  It was going to kill him to know the girl he liked set him up to be killed. That was a heartbreak Carl wouldn't get over for a while. The doctors had taken him out of his induced coma earlier that morning and Carl had woken up a short while ago. They had talked but Simone hadn't told him about Louise, just the bare minimum of what happened. She didn't want him to be overloaded with what happened just yet. It was something she was going to leave until later when he was a little better.

  The door opened and closed quietly. Simone didn't need to look around to know that it was Toby. He laid a hand on her shoulder.

  "You shouldn't be up. You only woke up yesterday."

  "I had to see him." Simone leaned back into him, laying her hand over his. "I had to talk the sister into letting me in here, though."

  "I'm not surprised. How is he?"

  "Doctors are pleased at the rate it's gone down and they took him out of his coma." Simone managed a smile. "He woke up a couple of hours ago."

  "That's good." Toby paused. "Did you tell him about Louise?"

  "Not yet. I wanted you with me when we told him."

  Toby squeezed her shoulder. Then he shifted so both his hands were on her shoulders. Simone leaned back into him as he gently massaged her shoulders. Knots she hadn't realized she had been carrying started to ease and Simone felt the weight being lifted off her shoulders.

  She would have to stay in the hospital a little longer so they could operate on her knee and put a plate in but at least she could be close to Carl. There was a double room getting freed up later that day and Simone had asked if the two of them could be moved into there. Then she could keep Carl in sight and know that he was okay.

  After what had happened, she wouldn't be surprised if she didn't let Carl out of her sight at all.

  "Detective Dodds called me." Toby said quietly. "Louise, Jason and their friends have been charged with attempted murder and Mike's being charged with facilitation."

  "Good." Simone reached out and laid a hand over Carl's. "I hope he rots in hell."

  "So do I." Toby took the handles of the wheelchair and flipped the brake off. "Come on, let's get you back to your room. Maria's bringing the boys later and it would be easier if you were there."

  Simone wanted to stay. She wanted to be there when Carl woke up again. But Toby was right. Carl needed his rest. They could talk to him about Louise later.

  She allowed Toby to wheel her out. They made their way to her room in silence. It wasn't until they were in her room and Toby was helping Simone onto the bed that Toby spoke.

  "Mike's lawyer called me. He said Mike wanted to see me."

  Simone stiffened, her arms still around her husband's neck.

  "What did you tell him?"

  "I said no way. Mike's not part of my life anymore."

  Simone sighed, not realizing that she had been holding her breath. She shifted as best she could back onto the bed so she sat with her legs over the side.

  "You should've cut off contact a long time ago."

  "I know. I'm already getting grief from my sister." Toby rubbed Simone's arm. "She says family stick together and I shouldn't be turning my back on him. But I pointed out you're my wife and Carl is my son and you were the victims so I'm not standing by someone who wanted them dead."

  Simone growled. If she had thought Toby's brother had been bad enough, the sister was worse.

  "She can go to hell as well."

  "That's where I told her to go as well." Toby gave her a rueful smile. "Right before she punched me."

  "Oh, honey."

  "I'm okay. It didn't hurt. Much." Toby's mouth twitched in a smile before it faded. He closed his eyes briefly and sighed. "Listen, Simone, I'm so sorry about what I said about you and Emil. I know that's not you. I was just confused by the text message and riled up by Mike's phone call."

  Simone raised her eyebrows.

  "When did he call you?"

  "Shortly before I confronted you. When I was at the club." Toby looked embarrassed. "He said he saw you with another man having lunch and you were all over him. Because of Emil's behavior shortly before I thought it was him with you. I was stupid to let it get to me."

  Simone couldn't believe Mike's gall. Every year shortly before their anniversary Mike would call and say Simone was cheating. Toby knew this but because he wasn't in the right frame of mind he had let it get to him. She was glad Mike was behind bars because she would have gone for him.

  Toby reached into his pocket and withdrew a folded envelope. Simone saw the return address and immediately knew what they were.

  "Maria showed me these." Toby held up the envelope. "And she showed me the gifts you got me."

  Simone sighed and took the envelope, opening it to see the tickets.

  "They were meant to be for our anniversary." She murmured. Their twentieth. A special milestone. "I wanted to do something special."

  "You should've told me from the start, Simone. I hate surprises."

  "I know and everyone has been reminding me about it." Simone leaned her head against her husband's. "I'm sorry. I won't surprise you again."

  "I'm glad." Toby put his arms around her and kissed her, lingering on her mouth before pulling away. "The tickets say the cruise is in three weeks. Do you think you and Carl will be well enough for us to go?"

  "Absolutely." Simone made a face. "After this week I need a break."

  "So do I."

  Toby kissed her again, Simone sinking into his arms. She had missed him a lot. This felt like the man she knew and had married. Toby drew back and grinned.

  "So when do we start packing?"

  Simone laughed.

  "For someone who hates surprises you are impatient."

  Toby didn't respond. He simply pulled her back for another kiss. And he was still kissing her when their children came in with Maria. Maria saw they were busy and ushered the boys out, closing the door behind her.


  Five years later.

  Simone knocked on the door and opened it, putting her head around the door. She stared as she saw the bride standing by the full-length mirror, looking pensively at her reflection.

  "Oh, Charlie, you look gorgeous."

  Charlotte turned and gave Simone a slight smile. A blush that wasn't part of the makeup dusted her cheeks.

  "Thanks. I feel a bit strange, though."

  "Nonsense. You look incredible." Simone closed the door behind her and crossed the room. They were the only two, Charlotte's bridesmaids having already left to wait for the cars. "Carl is going to be bowled over."

  "I hope so."

  Simone knew that he would. Her son had matured a lot in the last few years. After his attack and realizing the girl he had a crush on had betrayed him, it had given him a hard knock on his confidence. For several months afterwards he went off the rails, refusing to listen to Simone or Toby, and had dropped out of school. Suddenly he was taking drugs and drinking to take away the pain.

  It was only with Charlotte's determination not to desert him that he realized after a year of giving himself hell that he was not to blame. It took a while for him to admit it but then he knuckled down, going back to high school and finishing his final year. He quit the drink and the drugs, went to work, and then he was accepted into North
Carolina State to study English.

  He had also realized something else: he had fallen in love with his best friend. Simone had known Charlotte had loved Carl for a long time but to have Carl finally notice her and realize that she was actually the person he was meant to be with had been a sweet moment. Simone and Toby still laughed at the expression on Carl's face when things had clicked into his mind.

  Things had been solid between them. Charlotte refused to give up on Carl and had supported him the whole way. Now both of them were about to graduate from North Carolina State and they had decided they would finally tie the knot, Carl having proposed to Charlotte two years before. Toby had been more than happy to cover the bill as a wedding present, which had caused some contention with Charlotte's father but they had then decided to split the bill down the middle.

  Carl couldn't care less how they were married or what it was like but Charlotte wanted to please her parents so they were going to have the white wedding they wanted with a honeymoon in Hawaii after graduation. Looking at them now Simone couldn't be more proud of them.

  Charlotte sighed and sat, rubbing at her stomach.

  "I'm so nervous." She whispered.

  Simone could understand. She sat beside her daughter-in-law and laid a hand over the younger woman's.

  "It's normal, honey. I was terrified on my wedding day. I was afraid Toby wouldn't turn up. That he had finally listened to his family and walked away from me." Simone could remember her wedding day in great detail and that was what stood out the most. "We'd been together six years by then but it was always a fear at the back of my mind."

  "And now you've been married twenty-five years."

  Twenty-five years. Simone could remember the twenty-year mark when they had nearly been split up by Toby's brother making Toby suspicious enough to believe Simone had been cheating. It had been Mike who had orchestrated the attack on Carl and Simone using his teenage lover's boyfriend as a patsy. Carl and Simone had ended up in hospital, lucky not to be dead. Now he was locked up for twenty-five years for attempted murder and conspiracy to commit murder. Louise, his girlfriend's sister, Carl's crush and Mike's lover, had been given eight years for accessory charges and Jason and his six friends were all serving twenty-year sentences for attempted murder.


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