The Many-Headed Hydra
Page 52
Naples (Italy), 112–116
Narrative (Stedman), 349
Nashe, Thomas, 65
Nash, Gary B., 190
Nassau Street Riot, 231
Native Americans: alternative ways of life for,
24, 26; colonists and, 33–35; communist society
for, 197; cooperation and, 27; hewers of
wood and drawers of water and, 61, 62, 68; as
slaves, 124; Spence on, 295–296; struggles on
the frontier, 214
“Nauticus,” 219–220
Navigation Act of 1651, 145, 151
Navigation Acts, 72, 145–146, 151
Nayler, James, 86, 94, 95, 96–97, 101, 292
Negro inferiority, doctrine of, 139
Negro Seaman Act (1822), 299
Netherlands, 32
New Account of Some Parts of Guinea and the
Slave Trade, A, 171–172
New Atlantis (Bacon), 37, 62, 102
New Chains Discovered, 157
Newcomen, Thomas, 48
New Engagement, or, Manifesto, 157
New English Canaan, or New Canaan (Mor
ton), 62
New Model Army, 71, 80, 84, 104, 134
New Orleans at Congo Square (1817), 321
Newport, Christopher, 9
New River Company, 49
New World as paradise, The (Bry), 11
New York at Catherine Market (1821), 321
New York Conspiracy of 1741, 174–210; assistance
from Britain’s imperial enemies, 204–205;
colonial rebellions and, 193–195, 197–198;
conditions for insurrection, 203; consequences
of, 207–210; controversy of, 177;
debates about, 178; executions resulting
from, 177; factors contributing to, 179; failure
of insurrection, 205–206; fear of, 176–
177; Great Awakening and, 190–193; Horsmanden,
Daniel, 177; Hughson’s house and,
182; Irish and, 186–188; journal about, 177;
multiracial waterfront problem, 206–207;
“negro oath” and, 185; religious dimension
of, 190–192; slavery and, 179, 182, 184–185;
Spanish America and, 188–190; story of
Gwin and Kerry, 174–176; trade patterns in,
198–203; waterfront and, 179–184; West
Africa and, 184–186
Nicaragua, 261–267
Nicaraguan expedition of 1780, 272
Noell, Martin, 133
no respecter of faces, phrase, 103
no respecter of persons, phrase, 82, 84, 85–86,
96, 100, 102, 103, 116, 118, 190
North Carolina, colony of, 139
Nova Britannia, 60
Nugent, Sir George, 317
Oceana (Harrington), 93
“Ode to the Virginian Voyage” (Drayton), 10
“Of Empire” (Bacon), 37
“Of Plantations” (Bacon), 37
“Of Seditions and Troubles” (Bacon), 37
Of the Confusions and Revolutions in Government
(Ascham), 70
Ogle, Captain Challoner, 170
Oglethorpe, James, 190
okofokum, 184
Oliver, Andrew, 229
Oliver, Peter, 229, 236
O’Malley, Grace, 64
O’Neill, Hugh, 123
Orange Order, in Ireland, 283
“Oration on the Beauties of Liberty, An”
(Allen), 227
Ore, as symbol, 344, 345, 346, 347
Oroonoko, 301
Oswald, John, 285
Othello (Shakespeare), 321
Otis, James, Jr., 223–224
Overton, Richard, in
Owen, John, 65
Paddy’s Resource, 278
Paine, Thomas, 214, 227, 237, 284–285, 307,
332, 339
Painter, Nell, 77, 101
Pan-African Congress, 108
pan-Africanism, 212, 299, 312, 334
Paradise Lost (Milton), 245, 336
Parliament, 71, 105, 119, 132–134, 149, 211, 250,
Parry, J. H., 148
parturition, 93
Patience, 13
patriarchy, 76, 103
Patterson, Orlando, 125
Peacham, Edmund, 63
Peasant’s Revolt of 1381, 29, 318
Pembroke Prize, 215
Pepys, Samuel, 45, 48, 146
Pequot War, 91
Peter, Hugh, 89, 121
Peterloo Massacre of 1819, 320, 331
Petty, Sir William, 62, 122, 123, 139, 146–147, 151
Philanthropic Hercules, 331
Philip, Maxwell, 41
Philmore, J., 223, 319
pidgin English, 153, 154
Pig’s Meat; Or, Lessons for the Swinish Multitude
(Spence), 342
Pilgrimage of Grace (1536), 19
Pilgrims Progress (Bunyan), 98, 99, 100
piracy, 160–161, 170, 172, 173. See also pirates
Piracy Destroy’d, 160
pirates, 162–167; in Africa, 170; Africans as,
165–167; Bacon on, 62–63; as classconscious,
163; as damagers of world shipping,
172; as defenders of hydrarchy freedoms,
167–168; as egalitarian, 163;
extermination of, 171–172; insistence on
right to subsistence, 164; as issue for Parliament,
149; as justice-seeking, 163; limitation
on captain’s power for, 162–163; as motley,
164–165; sailor’s hydrarchy and, 156, 160;
social order of, 162; women, 167. See also
Place, John, 173
Plaisterers’ Insurrection (1586), 19
plantations: accession of Negroes in, 147;
attacks on, 139; crisis in, 195; formation of,
46; labor for, 149; as new system, 138; proletariat
of, 139; resistance of workers in, 135,
136, 137; vagrants shipped to, 124; workers as
chattels on, 125
Political Anatomy of Ireland (Petty), 146
political economy, 146
Political Register (Cobbett), 306, 311
Polly: An Opera, 143, 162, 166
Poole, Elizabeth, 97, 116
Poor Law, 18
Poor Mans Catechism, The (1798), 279
Popham, Sir John, 19, 45, 53
Porteous, Captain John, 216
ports, 45–47
poverty, 108
Powhatan, 33–34
Prayer Book Rebellion (1549), 19
Prendry, E. D., 60–61
Press Act of 1659, 146
press-gangs, 151, 214, 215–216, 218, 219, 228,
Preston, Thomas, 302
Price, Richard, 89
Priestley, Joseph, 344
prisons, 50, 56–57, 58–59, 60–61, 101, 232–233,
252–253, 280–281
privateers, 158, 161
Privy Council, 59
proletariat, 330–333; Bible for, 351; Blackymore
Maide and, 76, 101, 102, 103; description as
many-headed hydra, 329; as hewers of wood
and drawers of water, 328–329; idea of liberty,
219; origins of term, 93, 332; plantation,
137; resistance, 318; in revolutionaty movement,
40, 69; sailors and, 132, 150; slaves and,
132; Wedderburn on, 301, 313, 321
Protestantism, 82
Puritans, 71, 87, 90, 94
Purnel, Robert, 94
Putney Debates of 1647, 97, 104, 105–106, 107–108,
putting-out system, 149
Quakers: banned from Virginia, 136; emigration
to West Indies, 159; founder of, 94–95;
jubilee and, 292; leaving England, 135; as
“new age” entrepreneurs, 97; rewritten history
of, 96; rise of, 80; Wedderburn on, 319
Quartering Acts, 228
Quarterly Review, 311
Queen Mab (Shelley), 307
Queen Sieve, 256–257
quietism, 94
Quin, Daniel, 243
race, 72, 97, 99, 101, 103, 271, 274, 283–286
racism, 97, 100, 101, 139, 352
Rainborough, Colonel Thomas, 80, 104, 105,
106, 109, 109—no, in, 116
Rainborough, William, 111
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 31, 36–37
Rankin, Hugh, 166
ranterism, 94
Ranters, 85, 98, 99, 135, 137, 159
Rawley, James ?., 172
Read, Mary, 167
Rebellion of Naples, The, 114, 114–115
rebellions, colonial, 193–195, 197–198
rebellions, Tudor, 18–19
Rebel’s Doom, The, 29
Records of a Church of Christ in Broadmead, Bristol,
1640–1687, The (Terrill), 73, 82
Red String Conspiracy, 197
Reeves, John, 283–284
Reflections on the Revolution of France (Burke),
regicides, 135, 217
Reid, William Hamilton, 282
Reign of Felicity, The (Spence), 294–295
“Religious Musings” (Coleridge), 290–291
respecter of faces, phrase. See no respecter of
faces, phrase
respecter of persons, phrase. See no respecter of
persons, phrase
Restoration, 101, 135
Restorer of Society, The (Spence), 307
Revel, James, 59
Revenge of Whitehall (ship), 131
Revere, Paul, 217, 233
Revolt of Masaniello, The (Cerquozzi), 113
revolution. See American Revolution; English
Revolution; Haitian Revolution
Rhys, Morgan John, 328–329
Rich, Colonel Nathaniel, 106
Rich, Robert, 10
Richard II (Shakespeare), 28
Rickword, Edgell, 108
Ridgway, James, 280
Rights of Infants; Or, the Imprescriptable Right of
MOTHERS to such a Share of the Elements as
is Sufficient to Enable them to Suckle and
Bring up their Young (Spence), 285, 323
Rights of Man, The (Paine), 284–285, 323, 339
Rights of Nature, The (Thelwall), 285
Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and
Proved, The (1764), 224
Rights of the Sailors Vindicated, The (Nauticus),
Rights of Women, The (Wollstonecraft), 323
Rise and Dissolution of the Infidel Societies in this
Metropolis, The (Hamilton), 282
rivers, 111–112. See also Gambia (River)
Rivers, Marcellus, 132, 133
Roberts, Bartholomew, 163, 164, 168, 169, 171
Robin Hood Club of London, 220
Rodney, Walter, 128
Rogers, Woodes, 161
Roots, 130
Royal African Company, 131, 148, 170
Royal Navy, 145, 146, 148, 150, 160, 171, 288
Ruins; Or, Meditation on the Revolutions of
Empires, The (Volney), 285, 341–342
Rumor of Revolt: The “Great Negro Plot” in Colonial
New York, A (Davis), 178
Rupert, Prince, 79, 80, 127, 129, 130, 131
Rush, Benjamin, 235
Ruskin, John, 47, 260
Russell, Thomas, 278
sailors: Braithwaite on, 143–144; as crew, 153;
Despard conspiracy and, 277–278; as essential
to English expansion, 144; as individualists,
153; as labor, 147, 151; language of, 152–
154; multiracial, 132; self-organization of,
144; as vector of revolution, 241; Wedderburn
on, 321–322. See also hydrarchy, sailors’
sailors, in the American Revolution: abolitionist
movement of, 220–221; attack on naval
property, 218–219; press-gang resistance and,
216–217; resisting impressment, 214–216;
revolts of, 219; strike of, 220–221; Tacky’s
Revolt and, 221–224
Saltmarsh, John, 89–90, 101
Saltonstall, Richard, 89
Savery, Thomas, 48
Scale of Creatures, The (Petty), 139
scientific racism, 139
Scotland, 46, 71
Scott, Julius, 241
Searle, Governor Daniel, 125
Sea-Venture, wreck of the, 8–35; alternative
ways of life and, 20–24, 26; in Bermuda, 9–10,
12–13; class discipline and, 29–35; cooperation
and, 26–29; expropriation and, 15–20;
historical significance of, 14–15; Shakespeare
on, 14; voyage to Virginia, 8–9, 11–12, 13–14
Second Charter of the Virginia Company
(1609), 33
Second Part of Masaniello . . . The End of the
Commotions, The, 114
“2nd Security against Foreign Invasion,” 259
Secotan (Nathaniel Batts), 138
self-organization, 65, 69
“Sermons To Asses” (Murray), 293
servants, 124, 125–126, 127, 135–139, 197
servitude, 57–60
Seven Years’ War, 212, 218, 268
Sexby, Edward, 78
Shakespeare, William, 29; on alternative ways
of life, 21–22, 24, 26; on class discipline, 30–
32; on cooperative resistance, 27; expropriation and, 18; Hercules myth and, 28; Midlands
Revolt influence on, 19; on Sea-Venture
wreck, 14
Sharpe, Sam, 326
Sharp, Granville, 220
Shaw, Alexander, 265
Shays’ Rebellion, 238, 239
Sheffield Constitutional Society, 274
Sheffield (England), 273–274, 338
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 100, 307
ships, 111–112, 128, 129, 130, 131, 149–154; as basis
of English wealth and power, 147; Bounty,
H.M.S., 277; as communication between
continents, 152; crew on, 153; Dragon, 28, 165,
170; as engines of capitalism, 144; English
merchant, 129, 146; English seaman on, 150;
as factory prototype, 150; felons on, 147;
Gaspee, 231, 235; labor for, 151; languages on,
152–154; mortality on slave, 242–243; to
Naples, sailors on, 114; New York Conspiracy
of 1741 and, 199; press-gangs on, 151; prison,
232–233; as setting of resistance of revolutionaries,
144–145; slang terms for abducting
persons on, 110; slave, 28, 165, 169, 170, 215,
222; use of violence and terror to man, 150–151;
Wager, H.M.S., 215, 222. See also mutiny
Shirley, William, 215, 216
Shyllon, F. O., 242
Sierra Leone, 242, 247
Sieve, Queen, 242
Simmonds, Martha, 94
Simmonds, Richard, 322
slavery, 140–142; abolished in England, 274;
abolitionist movement, 242–243, 340–341;
African, 91, 110; in America, 118; Baptists on,
298; in Barbados, 124–125; black, 134; British
Caribbean end to, 326; children and, 111;
defined, 111; Despard conspiracy and, 275–276;
Diggers and, 117; as foundation of
Atlantic capitalism, 141; as Great Awakening
issue, 191–192; Irish slaves, 123; Levellers on,
111; Methodists on, 297; “new covenant”
and, association between, 88; new kind of,
40; New York Conspiracy
of 1741 and, 185;
opposition to, 97, 101, 101–102, 139, 236,
299–300; Parliamentary debate on, 132–135;
Putney Debates and, 106, 108; racialized, 101;
resistance to, 124; revolts against, 82, 221–224,
226–227, 239, 269; sailors and, 111, 220–221;
ship mortality and, 242–243; soldiers at
Putney opposition to, 105; Volney on, 342–343;
Wedderburn on, 302–308, 324–326;
white supremacy and, 240; Winstanley on,
118. See also servitude
slaves: African, 99; colonial rebellions and, 194,
198; communist society for, 197; division
between servants and, 127; England as greatest
transporter of, 149; hewers of wood and
drawers of water and, 49, 69; in Jamaica, 201;
in New York, 191, 199–203; oaths for, 191; as
vector of revolution, 241–242; in Virginia,
slave trade: abolition of, 90; African, 72, 77,
126, 170; antinomianism and, 94; Christians
and, 97; DuBois on, 152; in England, 28, 57;
Francis (Blackymore Maide) and, 82; hydrarchy
as danger to, 168–169; as important to
imperial planning, 147; Naylor on, 96; piracy
and, 165, 170–171; port of Goree Island, 46;
protest against, 89; Rainborough on, 109–110;
at River Gambia, 128; U.S. Constitution
and, 240; workers in, 131–132. See also
Slush, Barnaby, 150
Smith, Adam, 327
Smith, Captain Abel, 215
Smith, John, 14, 33, 186
Smith, Samuel, 284
Smith, William, 192
Smith, William, Jr., 178
Smith, William, Sr., 191
Snelgrave, William, 171
social democracy, 107
Somerset, James, 220
Somers, Sir George, 9, 13
Songs of Experience (Blake), 345, 348–349
Songs of Innocence (Blake), 282
Sons of Liberty, 234, 235, 237
South Carolina Council of Safety, 233
Southey, Robert, 311
South Sea Company, 171
Southwark Butter Riot (1595), 19
Southwark Candle-Makers’ Riot (1592), 19
Spa Fields Riots, 302–304, 305, 322
Spain, 204–205, 269
Spanish America, 188–190
Speed, John, 46
Spelman, Henry, 33
Spence, Thomas, 276, 277, 285, 288, 292–296,
295, 307, 323–324, 342
Spencian doctrine, 311
Spenser, Edmund, 50, 54
Spirits, 110
Spriggs, Francis, 165
Stamp Act, 211, 228, 229, 230, 231
Statute of Artificers, 18
St. Bendito, Antonio de, 189
steam engine, 48
Stedman, John Gabriel, 5, 344, 346, 347, 348,
Steere, Bartholomew, 37
Stephen, James Fitzjames, 51
St. Johns expedition, 261–267, 263, 267, 284
Stones of Venice, The (Ruskin), 47