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Zaureth Awakened: 11.5 (Enigma)

Page 11

by Ditter Kellen

  Zaureth returned the gesture, softly squeezing her hand in return. “I would have followed you into death,” he sent back.

  Once the ceremony was over, Zaureth guided Amy back to their bedroom. “I think it is time we moved from the catacombs.”

  A look of surprise crossed her face.

  She squinted up at him. “What brought this on?”

  Zaureth shrugged. “We have not buried a body in the catacombs since some time before you came to live here. We have laid to rest thirty of them today. The ones who were mated—”

  “I understand,” Amy softly interrupted. “Their mates will be coming in and out, visiting.”

  “Yes. And with the babies coming… I feel that it would be best if we moved closer to the others.”

  Amy nodded her agreement. “You’ve thought a lot about this, I see.”

  “I have. I asked Brant to design an apartment for us some months ago. I knew we could not stay in the catacombs forever. Would you care to see it, my beautiful mate?”

  Amy sent him a heart-stopping smile. “Lead the way, my handsome husband.”

  Zaureth swept her up into his arms.

  “I can walk, ya know,” she teased with a laugh. “Being pregnant doesn’t make me an invalid.”

  Smiling back, Zaureth carried her from the room and into the hall. “Perhaps. But you are not as large as you soon will be.”

  The reality of the situation came crashing down on Zaureth. Amy, his tiny human mate, would bear him not one but two Bracadyte babies. One would be far too big for her, yet she carried twins.

  His steps faltered.

  “I’ll be fine,” she soothed, reading his thoughts. “I can do this. Besides, I have Abbie here. If it looks like it’s going to be too much for me, she can deliver the babies by C-section.”

  Though Zaureth was grateful to have Abbie there in case his mate needed her, he still couldn’t help but worry.

  He kissed her lips, attempting to push the disturbing thoughts from his mind. “We are here.”

  Pulling the curtain back, Zaureth stepped inside their new apartment and set his precious burden on her feet. “Do you like it?”

  The look on her face told him all he needed to know.

  “Oh my God, Zaureth, I love it!”

  She slowly moved forward, her face alight with joy.

  Zaureth couldn’t take his gaze from her. She fairly glowed with love.

  He’d made the right decision, he knew that now. “I love you, my mate.”

  “And I love you, my Bracadyte husband.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Amy had never been happier than she was in that moment. Not only had she and Zaureth both survived the past few days unharmed, but she would soon give him children.

  She gazed around at the amazing apartment Brant had designed for them, taking in every beautiful detail.

  Amy couldn’t get enough of the colors. It felt so amazing to have sight, something most people took for granted.

  Another thing she couldn’t get enough of was looking at Zaureth. Even though his features were not completely clear, it was enough.

  Reading her mind, Zaureth said, “I think your vision will only improve, my love. I do not understand how, but I believe the babies are responsible.

  “So do I,” Amy choked out, emotion clogging her throat.

  She turned back toward the kitchen.

  To say it was gorgeous would be an understatement. It had been done in reds and silvers.

  “Come,” Zaureth whispered, taking her hand and guiding her to the bedroom.

  Amy gasped aloud. A bed, even bigger than the one she and Zaureth had shared in the catacombs, rested in the center of a giant room. Tables sat on either side, holding two yellow vases with white flowers inside.

  Yellow, fluffy rugs adorned the floor, and a trunk rested at the foot of the massive bed.

  Zaureth trailed forward, opening the trunk’s lid to show her its contents. Inside, were several blankets in yellows and greens.

  “Oh, Zaureth, it’s beautiful.”

  Taking her by the hand once more, he led her across the room and into the bathroom.

  Amy’s breath caught.

  In the center of a room sat an oversized clawfoot tub Amy could stay in the rest of her life. “What color are the lights?”

  “Those are amber stones. Brant felt it would give the room a relaxing feel to it.”

  “He was right,” Amy gushed, her newly found sight taking in everything at once.

  A toilet sat in an alcove with its own amber colored light, while the sink rested on the opposite side of the room. White, fluffy towels were folded on a long shelf to the left of the sink.

  Vases were scattered throughout the bathroom on small, wooden shelves. Next to the tub sat a white rack that held dozens of bottles.

  “What are these?” she asked, trailing over to pluck one up. It smelled divine.

  “Bath oils,” Zaureth rumbled. “Would you like to try some?”

  Amy chuckled. “In a bit. I’d like to try some of you first.”

  Zaureth shook his head. “I do not think that would be wise, my love. What if I harm the babies? I cannot risk it.”

  “Pregnant women have been having sex since the beginning of time, Zaureth. You won’t hurt the babies.”

  “But I am much larger than you,” he gently pointed out. “Perhaps we should wait.”

  Amy took a step forward, pressing herself firmly against him. “We’re not waiting.”


  “We can take it slow. I’ll let you know if it becomes too much.”

  She could feel him harden against her ribs.

  When he didn’t protest, she took him by the hand and led him back to the bedroom.

  “Take off your clothes,” she demanded, already removing her own.

  Amy watched in hunger as Zaureth unlaced his vest and shorts.

  She toed off her shoes and stepped from her jeans, already crawling up onto the bed before he finished undressing.

  But then his big hands locked onto her ankles.

  He gently flipped her onto her back and tugged her to the foot of the bed.

  “What are you doing?” she breathed, unable to look away from his perfect form.

  “Preparing you.” His face brushed against the juncture of her thighs.

  He didn’t lick her though; he inhaled her. Amy lay completely still as he explored her trembling body.

  His hands slid up to her knees, pushing them up and out.

  She had never felt more desired than she did in that moment.

  Zaureth softly moved his nose up the crease of her leg, across her mound, and down the other side.

  He breathed her in as if hers was the most intoxicating scent he’d ever inhaled.

  Releasing her legs, he laid his thumbs on the soft skin of her mound.

  With a gentle pressure, he parted her and lightly swept her with his tongue. “I want to bathe in your scent, little one.”

  Amy’s heart began to pound, her palms became sweaty, and energy came alive between their bodies.

  “Ah, God,” Amy gasped, arching her hips.

  Zaureth penetrated her with his tongue before withdrawing and licking his way back up.

  Amy’s body jerked when he connected with her oversensitive bundle of nerves.

  He flattened his tongue and softly swept it upward.

  Amy didn’t want him to fear hurting her. She wanted him to make love to her. Freely.

  “I will make love to you, after I have brought you to completion.” The whispered words he sent through her mind triggered the beginning of an orgasm

  “Give me your hands,” he mentally commanded.

  Amy met him halfway, linking their fingers together.

  Heat began to radiate from his tongue and both his palms.

  Her stomach tightened with the first pulse of current entering her body.

  The stimulation sent her over the edge. Orgasmic contractions flying unc
ontrollably through her body.

  And then their minds linked and became one.

  Everything disappeared but Zaureth’s love for her, his voice and his thoughts caressing her, even as their bodies barely touched.

  Amy came apart. Tears leaked from her eyes, so amazing was the sensation.

  She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think, only ride it blissfully to its crest.

  Zaureth’s mind wrapped around hers, swirling, sliding, loving her. Incredible couldn’t begin to describe what she felt, and she never wanted it to end.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Zaureth licked every drop of Amy’s release from her thighs. He could spend the rest of his life tasting her essence.

  “I want you,” she softly admitted, tugging at his shoulders.

  Climbing up her small body, Zaureth stared down into her beautiful eyes. “I will try, my love. But do not allow me to hurt you. If you feel any pain, we will stop at once.”

  She smiled up at him. “This isn’t our first time. It’ll be fine.”

  “But it is our first time with you being with child. I am only being cautious.”

  Zaureth slowly settled between her thighs. The head of his erection touched the soft, wet heat of her opening. “Wrap your legs around me.”

  Zaureth gritted his teeth to keep from thrusting and slowly began to penetrate her.

  “Look at me, my mate.”

  Zaureth swallowed around the lump in his throat. “I have no words to describe what I feel for you.” And he meant it. His chest ached with the knowledge that she belonged to him. His love, his life…his mate.

  “I love you too.” There was no hesitation in her voice.

  Zaureth brushed his lips across hers. “I do not want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.”

  He kissed her again. “I need you to relax as much as you can. I will try not to go too deep.”

  “It’s okay, Zaureth. I trust you.”

  She brought her legs around his waist and laid her palms on either side of his face. Zaureth held her gaze as he withdrew and slowly entered her a little.

  He slid his hand between their joined bodies to softly stroke her wet, swollen flesh. Amy moaned, never breaking eye contact. The feel of her heat, her wetness, nearly pushed him over the edge.

  Zaureth watched in amazement as her pupils dilated with a growing orgasm. He covered her lips with his own and gently pressed in a little more.

  His muscles shook with the effort of holding back. The feel of small passage squeezing him tight was almost too much to bear.

  Amy stared up at him with complete trust shining from her eyes. He would make it good for her if it killed him.

  Zaureth removed his hand from between their bodies and laced their fingers together, bringing them above her head.

  “Do you know what you feel like to me, my love?”

  “Tell me,” she whispered.

  “So soft and wet.” He bared his teeth as he withdrew from her tight warmth and carefully penetrated her again.

  Zaureth could listen to the sounds Amy made for the rest of eternity. To think he was the one to bring her so much pleasure filled him with such a powerful rush, he almost came right then. She belonged to him, he thought with a roll of his pelvis against hers. Forever.

  Every avenue he had opened to her. His senses came to life with every touch, every smell and sound she made, pushing him closer to the edge.

  He nuzzled her head to the side and buried his face against her neck. Her scent was light with a hint of flowers. His sex grew harder, if that were possible.

  “Zaureth,” she moaned, her hips rising to meet his gentle thrusts.

  That had to have been the sweetest sound Zaureth had ever heard.

  She began to contract around him, and Zaureth lost his mind.

  He could barely move inside her, she squeezed him so tight.

  A hoarse shout burst from his chest as his seed left his body in a rush of sensations that took his breath.

  It took several heartbeats for Zaureth to gather himself enough to roll to the side.

  Of course, he pulled Amy with him, as he was unable to let go of her for even a second.

  “I did not harm you?”

  Amy laughed, a breathless sound that stirred his shaft to life once again. “You didn’t hurt me, big guy. That was incredible.”

  He tugged her up higher, until her head rested against his neck. “I could stay in your arms for eternity.”

  “Good, because I plan on spending my eternity with you.”

  Zaureth opened his mouth to respond, when Hauke called to him from outside the curtain.

  “Was that Hauke?” Amy whispered, lifting her head to stare toward the kitchen.

  Zaureth eased out from under her and got to his feet.

  He began pulling on his clothes. “It is. I will be back as soon as I can.”

  Amy blew him a kiss. “I’m going to take a bath and grab a bite to eat. Want me to make you something?”

  Zaureth shook his head. “I am not hungry. But if you will wait for me, I would rather enjoy bathing with you.”

  “As long as you don’t take too long,” she teased, crawling beneath the covers.

  Zaureth turned to go, calling over his shoulder, “I will endeavor to hurry.”

  He trailed through the kitchen and stepped out into the hall. “Is something wrong?”

  Hauke was waiting. “Father has called a meeting in the great hall. It involves Kryten.”

  “Then let us go.”

  Zaureth fell into step beside Hauke. “I have not told you yet, but Amy is with child. Two, in fact.”

  “Congra— Did you say two?” Hauke’s eyebrows shot up an inch.

  “I know it is unheard of for a Bracadyte, but apparently it happens with humans quite frequently.”

  Hauke shot him a grin. “I am happy for you, Zaureth. No one deserves happiness more.”

  “Thank you, Hauke. I am happier than I ever thought possible.”

  Hauke clapped him on the shoulder. “I know what you mean, my friend.”

  The two of them entered the great hall and took a seat at the giant table.

  Klause wasted no time. “Word has reached me that Kryten has gone to enlist the help of our western brothers in his fight against us.”

  Murmurs flew around the room, ending when Kaspyn gained her feet.

  She glanced at everyone at the table before speaking. “It is because of Syrina, Zyen, Pyre, and me that my father seeks revenge. Syrina’s own father was killed in the recent battle, further feeding Kryten’s vengefulness. We have decided to go from this place in hopes of placating my father’s anger.”

  Everyone at the table surged to their feet other than Thrasher and Brant, who were obviously aware of Kaspyn’s plan.

  “It is for the best,” Kaspyn continued in a strong voice. “At least until we know if the western band will side with my father.”

  Fiona placed her hands flat on the table. “Best for whom? You? Because if Syrina leaves, that means my brother goes too.”

  Brant pinched the bridge of his nose. “Would you rather Andrew face the threat of another war? One possibly bigger than the last?”

  Fiona stared at her brother for long moments before storming from the room.

  Gryke sent Brant an apologetic look and then took off after his mate.

  “I will stay,” Pyre announced, drawing everyone’s attention to him. “It is not me who has gained Kryten’s attention. He cares not if I live or die.”

  Zyen pushed to his feet. “Perhaps we are all acting out of haste. I will go to our brothers to the west and determine where their loyalty lies. Once I have returned, we can then make a better decision based off what I have learned.”

  Everyone nodded, including Klause.

  The king shifted his gaze to Kaspyn. “What say you, Kaspyn of Arkadia? Will you not give Zyen a chance to speak with King Balkor? Stay here in Aukrabah, at least until you have given birth. We will revisit th
e subject once Zyen has returned from Graydor.”

  “Very well,” Kaspyn conceded. “We will wait until Zyen speaks with Balkor before making a final decision.”

  Zaureth listened as the king spoke of the newest widows in Aukrabah, along with his concern for the future of the Bracadyte race.

  Yeah, Zaureth would wait until everything calmed down before announcing the news of Amy’s pregnancy.

  He sent the king his apologies and eased unnoticed from the great hall.

  Zaureth had had enough grief over the past few days to last him a lifetime. All he wanted at the moment was to lie in his mate’s arms and bask in the knowledge of their love.

  The truth of the matter was, none of them were promised tomorrow. But as long as Zaureth had breath in his lungs, he would fight for a future for his Amy…and the two precious lives he’d created with her.

  ~The End~

  Be watching for book twelve in the Enigma series. Coming soon.

  Read below for a sneak peek into the pages of The Boy in the Window. A Mystery/Suspense/Thriller.

  The Boy in the Window

  Chapter One

  “Are you still not sleeping?”

  Jessica Nobles shook her head numbly and lifted her gaze to Dr. Knox. “The dreams keep me up at night. Even with medication, I wake up terrified.”

  Her husband Owen reached for her hand, but she pulled away, her attention focused on the doctor. “With every dream I have, Jacob’s face disappears a little more.”

  Leonard Knox leaned back in his chair and stared at her through the lenses of his glasses. “Any more suicidal thoughts?”

  Jessica swallowed around a throat gone dry. “Sometimes. I haven’t acted on any of them, but the thoughts still cross my mind.”

  “It’s been three years since your son’s passing, Mrs. Nobles. I understand your grief, truly, I do. But at this point, your psychiatrist and I both feel that continued sedation could be doing more harm than good.”

  “You understand my grief?” Jessica’s anxiety quickly replaced her numbness. “How can you sit there and say that? You’ve never lost a child.”

  “Jess…” Owen reached for her hand once again, only to pull back when she yanked free of his hold.


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