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Necromancers, Demons & Kings: A LitRPG Epic (World of Samar Book 2)

Page 2

by LitRPG Freaks

  The house was silent and he drained the wine in his mug, wishing it actually did something to him besides slake his thirst for a while in game. A few of them shifted in their seats, but he didn’t lift his head, not wanting to see their faces all turned towards him. Willy nudged at his hand and he absently pet his companion. Every time he blinked, he saw Willy’s dead body again, frozen in that terrified pose.

  “Alright,” Jimmy announced standing up. “So either you’re a psycho who’s eventually going to kill us all, or Valen’s in-game messing around with your head has seeped into your subconscious. I’m willing to bet it’s the latter. We ready to quest or what?”

  Maverick slapped her hands on her thighs and nodded. “I’m ready, let’s go.”

  “Just like that?” Bishop asked, confused when they all strolled for the front door.

  “It’s just a dream,” Maverick told him. “We all have crazy ones from this insanity we live. Yours are just a little more intense, but no reason to freak out. Not like the game is going to break out of the computer and come after you,” she teased, and she hauled him to his feet. “Let’s go, fearless leader. We have stuff to do today.”

  Bishop let her drag him out the front door. They gathered in the front yard and he took a moment to admire the two banners they collected from completing two dungeons so far. Pride swelled his chest, knowing his guild, his leadership got them this far. Maverick was right, so was Jimmy. They were nothing more than dreams. Was he really going to let some damn nightmares distract him from continuing to enjoy this game and seeing what else Samar had to offer?

  Hell no.

  Forcing his fears and doubts aside, Bishop gathered his guild around and made ready to Swift Travel back to the Sanctuary. From there, they could head south to the main road and pick up the quest from the King’s advisor. The sun was low in the sky, but not setting yet. Hopefully, they would make it in time and not have to wait for another day cycle to pass. Him delving into his nightmares wasted valuable time, but it was worth it. He felt lighter and more relaxed moving forward that day. Maybe he wouldn’t even see Valen today. He hadn’t since the last time but, every now and again, he swore he heard her voice whispering to him.

  As Bishop activated the Swift Travel, his gut roiled and everyone disappeared from the front of the guild house only to reappear in the courtyard of the Sanctuary. Everything looked the same as they left it, with the priests bustling around and smiling at the heroes who saved them from the Demon players only a few days ago.

  “Does anyone need gear while we’re here?” Maverick asked, checking her inventory. “Crap, think I need to make some more potions real quick.”

  “We should be fine on time,” Bishop assured her, glancing up at the sun again. “If nothing else, we can split up and someone should be able to pick up the quests for all of us.”

  Maverick glanced at the gateway to the Sanctuary, then up at the sky. “You might have to. I didn’t realize how low I was on everything, and if we run into any Demon players today, I don’t want to be unprepared.”

  “I can go,” he told her. “Anyone else want to join?”

  Jimmy immediately stepped to his side and saluted. “With you, man.”

  “Of course you are,” Bishop teased. “Everyone else going to stay here?’

  They nodded, Giles looking over their heads. “I think the LongBeards should be here soon too. Did you want us to talk to them about scouting for the next dungeon? I’m all for teaming up with them again.”

  “Yeah, a plan wouldn’t be a bad idea. Anyone have any ideas about the third dungeon?”

  “Not yet,” Benji said, swirling his staff in front of his body. “But we can poke around, see what we find while we wait. Maybe collect some herbs.”

  “Just don’t get yourselves killed,” Jimmy told them. “Ready?”

  Bishop whistled for Willy and the white wolf darted over from where he’d been getting snacks from the priests cooking something in a large pot. As the others wandered off, Bishop, Willy and Jimmy strolled out the gate and onto the forest trail once again.

  “Wonder what the next Demon Lord is going to be,” Jimmy mused.

  “Dunno. I’d be happy if we could keep our feet on the ground this time, though.”

  “Have to admit, that was pretty sweet. Terrifying, but sweet.”

  “So we faced a normal Demon Lord I guess and then one with a dragon. Maybe the next one will have something to do with the orcs around here.”

  “Maybe, but I haven’t really seen any yet in this new territory. You?”

  Bishop glanced left and right, as if some might appear out of the trees. “Now that you mention it, we’ve been mostly facing demons. Wonder if they chased the other bad guys off?”

  “Maybe.” Jimmy tugged on a branch hanging over the path, stripping off a few leaves to tear up as they strolled down the steep hill. “I think Maverick is officially my girlfriend,” he said, out of the blue.

  “I think we all knew that already.”

  “Well, you knew we were… you know, together. But now, I think we’re like together-together.”

  “And you’re happy about this?”

  “Worried.” His cheeks flushed bright red as he tossed the rest of the leaves to the ground. “Never had a girlfriend before.”

  “I hope you’re not coming to me for advice. Divorced, remember?”

  Jimmy groaned and ran his hands down his face as Bishop laughed. “You’re the only one who won’t give me endless crap for talking about her though.”

  “That’s true. What are you so worried about? She clearly loves your nerdy side.”

  Jimmy frowned, kicking at a few random pebbles. Willy chased each one down, pouncing on it with a yip of excitement. “I dunno, that I’m going to screw things up and it will mess up the guild.”

  “We survived through my mess up, remember? I think if anything bad happens, which I highly doubt, we’ll be just fine.” He patted his friend on the shoulder. He was about to tell him to relax and simply take it all in stride, when Willy stopped dead. His fur rose up and he growled towards the trees. “Willy?”

  “What’s he doing?” Jimmy whispered, removing his staff from its sheath on his back. “Bishop?”

  He shook his head, drawing his bow over his body, his fingers resting on the string. He squinted into the trees, but saw nothing. He didn’t hear anything either, except for the wind blowing through the treetops.

  “I think he’s confused,” Bishop murmured. “Let’s keep going. We’re almost at the road.”

  He moved to take a step forward and noticed that Jimmy was frozen in place. Willy whined and tugged at his sleeve, but still the priest’s feet remained planted.

  “Jimmy? What’s wrong? We can’t just stand here.”

  “That music,” he said, as his eyes slipped closed. “Can’t you hear it?”

  “Music?” Bishop strained to hear anything. There was certainly no music playing. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, man.”

  “That voice… I have to see who’s singing with that voice!”

  Before Bishop could even think to grab him, Jimmy sprinted into the trees, his staff falling forgotten to the ground.

  Cursing, Bishop scooped it up and took after his friend, Willy running ahead to try and slow him down. The farther they ran, the more Jimmy called out, praising the singer who assaulted his ears with such a sweet voice that could only come from heaven. Bishop had no idea what was happening, but he didn’t dare slow down. Rushing water sounded ahead and he pulled up the map as he ran. A waterfall appeared on the map, tucked away in the trees to the northeast of the main road. He was surprised they hadn’t seen it the first time they came this way.

  “There she is!” Jimmy yelled, skidding to a stop so fast Bishop barreled right into the back of him. “Isn’t she magnificent?”

  “Who?” Bishop asked, shoving his friend aside. “Her?”

  A woman stood waist deep in the water with her bare back turned towards the
m. She was clearly naked, and Bishop shifted uncomfortably when she turned to the side, giving them a much different view. He looked away, thinking it might be a player. He only noticed then that no name appeared over her head.

  “Crap, Jimmy we have to go,” he whispered, hoping the woman had not seen them yet.

  “I don’t want to leave. Her singing is amazing. I just want to listen.”

  Bishop watched the woman toss her soaking wet black hair over her shoulder and run her fingertips across of the water. If she was singing, he couldn’t hear it. Somehow, she was targeting only Jimmy. A peek at Jimmy’s name revealed a small icon near it, showing he was being charmed. Bishop was curious how that algorithm worked, but Jimmy moved forward and he shook his head, dragging his friend back by his robes.

  “We’re going back, right now,” he muttered, digging his boots into the mud to try and stop Jimmy. Willy planted his body in front of the priest, snarling low. Jimmy didn’t seem to care, though, and he tried to push away from them both. “Jimmy, come on, man!”

  “No! I want to see her!” he yelled back, and he shoved Bishop so hard, the guild leader tripped over his feet and fell. The woman whipped around all the way and her eyes narrowed at the sight of them at the tree line. When her lips parted, fangs appeared, hanging over her lower lip and a tail popped out of the water, long and pointed at the end—sharp from the look of it. Jimmy only grinned and walked on, holding out his arms as if to embrace the monster.

  “Come to me, hero,” the monster called out, her voice like silk across Bishop’s ears.

  Next thing he knew, he was upright and moving towards the water as if to hug the woman too. That was until Willy nipped hard at his hand and brought him back. “Thanks, boy,” he said. Slinging his bow back over his body, he stayed behind Jimmy, moving closer to the water and the dreadful fate that awaited his friend.

  “That’s it,” the woman crooned. “Come to me. Stay with me, forever. I will take you to her palace beneath the water and you will never want for anything.”

  “That sounds awesome,” Jimmy replied, trapped under her spell.

  “That’s it, join me in the water and you will be mine.”

  Bishop prepared his Swift Travel. He waited for it to load. And a few seconds before it was ready to go, he lunged forward and tackled Jimmy to the ground a foot short of the water. They struggled, rolling in the mud as the woman’s sweet voice turned into a high-pitched screech that made their ears bleed. Bishop watched his health decline and willed his ability to kick in.

  Just as the woman launched out of the water, her lower half not nearly as attractive as her top, Willy leapt towards Bishop and he felt their bodies make ready to travel away from the waterfall.

  “Helenex will not be so easily escaped!” the monster screeched, and then they were gone.

  The two of them landed in a heap back at the Sanctuary to the startled yelps of the players around them. Bishop rolled Jimmy off him as his friend looked around, confused.

  “Dude? Why are we back here? We just left!” he pointed out.

  “Bishop?” Trajan, the leader of the LongBeards, held out his hand to drag him back to his feet. “Nice of you to drop in so suddenly. What’s gotten your bowstring all in a tangle?”

  Bishop kicked the mud off his boots and brushed leaves and dirt from his pants and chest. “Ask Jimmy about the damn singing. Oh, and I think I just learned who our next Demon Lord will be.”

  Chapter 02

  “Helenex the Seductress?” the priest NPC asked, as his face paled. “You are certain?”

  Bishop nodded, nudging Jimmy at his side. “Sure am. We met one of her demons firsthand. Didn’t we, Jimmy?”

  The healer grumbled and winced when Maverick sucker punched his other arm.

  “Ow! What? I didn’t do anything!”

  “You almost got yourselves killed,” Maverick scolded. “Did you see what level she was, the demon?” she asked Bishop over Jimmy’s head.

  Bishop frowned, trying to remember. “Maybe twenty?’

  “Twenty!” Benji yelled. “Jesus, guys where the hell did you go?”

  “Think we ran across the territory line somewhere,” Bishop told him, bringing up his map to show them all. “This waterfall, it’s right on the border between this one and the next one which is for levels twenty to twenty-five.”

  All of the guild members turned to stare at Jimmy as his cheeks reddened. “Can we just focus on the fact that we had our first encounter with the next Demon Lord on our hit list? Helenex, what do we know about her?” he asked, turning back to the NPC.

  “She is dangerous, mostly for men,” the priest explained.

  “Could’ve told you that,” Jimmy muttered, and Maverick nudged him to shut him up.

  The priest pulled a heavy tome off the bookshelf behind him and laid it down before them with a loud thud. He flipped through the pages and pointed to an image that look remarkably like the woman Jimmy and Bishop saw at the waterfall. “Is she what you encountered?”

  “Yeah, that was her,” Jimmy said in a dreamy voice.

  “Damn,” Trajan grunted beside him. “She is quite a dangerous beauty.”

  “Dangerous is right,” Bishop agreed. “Sirens? Is that what she is?”

  “Yes, Helenex has sirens and all manner of other seductive demons at her call,” the priest warned. “I’m afraid you will not be able to face her in her own den if you are not well prepared.”

  “Can you help us here?” Bishop asked, already sensing he knew the answer.

  “I am afraid we lack the supplies you will need to make such a powerful warding spell,” the priest told them. “However, Hillside has a sector of priests who have studied her for centuries. If you are to find aid, you will find it in Hillside.”

  A quest prompt appeared in front of Bishop, startling him, and he clicked ‘accept’. “Well, I guess that settles it. We’ll hit the crossroads, wait around for the sun to set again, and then head up to Hillside to deal with Jimmy’s new friends,” he teased with a wink.

  “I’m never living this one down, am I?” his friend asked.

  “No, never.” Maverick grabbed his arm and shoved him towards the door to leave as they all stepped outside into the courtyard. “We need to finish up a few things here and then we can move out. I have a feeling we’re going to need a good stock of potions to get us through these next few days.”

  Bishop sensed that, soon enough, they would be forcing everyone to log out for lunch anyway. He had to check his own store of materials and start learning new recipes for another bow. The other players would be needing upgraded weapons and gear before they hit the next dungeon, too. He was running low on hides and the few players in his guild that were foragers ran low as well.

  “Anyone wants to do some farming while we wait on the others?” he asked.

  Arthur, Jimmy, and Shamus raised their hands.

  “Mind if I tag along with you?” Trajan asked. “I’m running low on ore and the mountains around here are filled with iron veins.”

  “Sure, you can help me hold Jimmy back in case our friend reappears.”

  Jimmy rolled his eyes and pounded his staff hard into the stones as he headed for the gate. Bishop followed, Willy at his side, and the others fell in line behind him. They exited the gate and consulted their different trackers for ore, wood, and herbs out in the wild.

  Bishop killed several wild boar and bears as they turned farther north along High Ridge. Shamus managed to find some cursed oak wood and collect it; its properties were vastly different from the regular oak and gave Bishop a boost to his attacks against Demons. He needed to up his crafting skill one more level before he could even use it, but he wasn’t going to complain. Crafting and falling back into a regular rhythm of questing would keep his mind off Valenastrious and the nightmares haunting him still.

  When their bags were filled with light and heavy hides, fairy blossoms and blackheart thorns, nearly fifty ingots of iron ore and silver, the small group turne
d back to hit the Sanctuary and meet up with the others.

  “If we hustle, we could make the Crossroads before we log for lunch,” Maverick said, tucking a few more potions away in her bags.

  “Let me check with my guild,” Trajan said. “We may tag along with you. If we’re nearing level twenty monsters, I feel larger groups might be a good idea until we see what we’re going to be up against.”

  He ran off and Bishop waited with his guild near the gate. A few moments later, they were joined by the ten members of the LongBeards. As a group, they set off down the trail, their members chatting and laughing the whole way back to the main road. They wouldn’t be able to pick up the quest as night fell in around them but at least, when they logged back in, they wouldn’t have to go far. None of them had explored south of the road anyway, and Bishop was curious to pass by the waterfall again and see if the siren was still there.

  “You know, I’ve been thinking,” Trajan told him as they fell to the back of the group. “Have you considered us joining our two guilds together? Making one big one? The groups are only going to increase as we go through the dungeons.”

  “I have considered it. We might have to move some people around as far as what they focus on skills-wise.”

  “It looks like once we hit level twenty, our skills change a bit,” he said. “Maybe we’ll wait until then and see where we’re at. Only three levels.”

  Bishop agreed with his idea. Having a twenty person guild was not a bad idea. Well eighteen. They needed to recruit a few more people, but that again depended on what they were lacking as far as healers or tanks. And only a few of the people in his guild were really focused on crafting. Finding someone who was really into creating gear wouldn’t be a bad idea, especially another alchemist so the potion making didn’t always fall to Maverick.

  The group reached the Crossroads right when the message to log out appeared before their eyes. Bishop patted Willy on the head and promised he’d be back soon.

  When he opened his eyes again in the real world, Dennis stood by his side. “Good afternoon, Harrison. How has your gameplay been so far this morning?”


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