Gettin' Lucky in Kentucky

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Gettin' Lucky in Kentucky Page 10

by Shane Morton

Cleaning up while holding a paper with one hand and noticing that your fucking cum was everywhere… Not as much fun, but we laughed as we cleaned. After our cocks were stowed back where they belonged, we did our best to make sure the place was spotless. Cleaning ourselves was harder, though.

  Calvin stood up, and he looked like he had dribbled all over his crotch when he used the bathroom. I, too, had cum on my pants and on my t-shirt.

  We tried to cover ourselves as best we could as we walked quickly up the stairs and out of the library. As soon as we exited, we burst into laughter and fell into each other’s arms.

  “Well, that was not what I was expecting to happen today,” Calving breathed into my ear as I nuzzled him, holding his hard body close to mine.

  “I think you passed the quiz with an A.” I laughed huskily, feeling myself already hardening again.

  Saying goodnight was the hardest thing I had ever done. All I wanted to Calvin in my bed. But I didn’t want to push him too fast.

  But it had to happen soon.



  I somehow drove home with a raging hard-on after last night’s study session.

  I can’t believe we did that. That he talked me into doing that? It’s completely unlike me to let go and do something so dangerous… but his cock… it was a thing of fucking beauty. I was still in awe of it. It seriously was the cock of a porn star. One of those massive monsters that you couldn’t take your eyes off of, and you wanted it to do anything and everything to you. Mason’s body was already a fucking wonderland, and I had explored it often during our make-out sessions over the last couple of nights, but last night was…


  God, I hope the library didn’t have cameras. Did Mason even think about that? I didn’t, I was too lust-filled to even comprehend what the consequences of his cock in my hand might mean. Holy shit… We could get kicked out of college. He would be kicked off the team. My parents would fucking die!

  There weren’t any cameras… I hoped. Moray was too spread out. I was sure… But not really positive.

  I showered and masturbated in the shower, the memories of how thick and wide his cock was in my hand as I stroked him, urged me on as I blew my load all over the shower wall. Fuck, he was hot, and for some ungodly reason, I was the one he had chosen.

  His kisses and caresses all over my body. How would they feel when I was naked under him?

  I tried to sleep, but I couldn’t stop thinking about him. The taste of him on my lips and tongue after he blew all over my hand. It was salty and thick, almost like a cream…

  Let’s just say that I slept very little.

  I woke up the next day with my heart beating fast. The fear of getting caught, of our picture appearing in the Moray State News, with ‘Library Sex Perverts,’ plastered on the headline, both gave me a panic attack and a fit of the giggles.

  This was going too fast. Last night shouldn’t have happened, like that. It was definitely the hottest and dirtiest thing I had ever done. Mason was right, the thought of being caught did make it even sexier than it already was, but that could never happen again.

  I wanted him in the worst way. I mean, it had been my freshman year when I last hooked up with someone, and that had been blowjobs only. I had become a damn nun. The only person to ever… That I had allowed to… Inside me, had been Eric. Was I ready to give that part of myself to Mason?

  Shoot… I wanted it. Fuck… badly, but I couldn’t take it back once it was done. Mason swore he would never hurt me, didn’t he? I wanted to trust him, fuck at this point I needed to trust him, but there was some voice in the back of my head holding me back.

  Mason was still a football player, and he was used to getting whatever he wanted. But was he really in this for the long haul? I wasn’t the kind of guy to fool around and keep things casual, I knew that about myself. I fell fast and hard when it came to love. Mason had crept into me and was slowly taking over, my body, my mind, and should I trust him with that last part? My heart?

  I wanted to? I wanted it so fucking bad.

  The crush I had harbored for over two years had suddenly walked into my life and said all the right things. He treated me the way I had always fantasized about, but was it real? Was he the kind of person to give his heart wholly, like I was?

  In the end, as hot as it was, as he was… The things he said now, could he follow through and make them a part of his reality?

  If his friends found out, would he deny it?

  Would he still hold my hand in public when it was daylight?

  I mean, we had made out in public all week, but they were places where few students came. Was I a dirty little secret and didn’t know it yet?

  I was his first. Would he get tired of me and want to try it with someone new? That wasn’t a bad question to ponder… But it was the scariest one of all. Would I be enough for him?

  If he did come out, the number of gay men who would throw themselves at him would be as massive as his cock.

  All of these myriad questions spun around in a cacophony inside my mind. They were overpowering, and I did my best to quiet them by thinking about the things I knew.

  I was falling in love with him. Yes, it was fast, but I had loved him from afar for two years.

  He seemed to feel the same. His actions and words proved something, didn’t they?

  I was fucking terrified of what this all meant.

  I needed to talk to someone. And I knew just the gay for it.

  I picked up my phone and sent a text. He responded pretty quickly. Dante and I were in the same year, but unlike me, he dated quite a bit during our freshman year. Of course, he had been dating Billy ever since they met, practically.

  He was working. I got dressed and headed over to the comic store. It was a small store set beside a karate studio, and like everything that was campus accessible, it sat across the street from my office, about half a block away from Sam’s. He saw me when I walked up and waved at me through the window.

  I opened the door and entered. It was dark. Dante was a fucking vampire.

  “Sup, Cal!” he smiled happily. “Dude! It’s been too fucking long. We really need to hang out more, you know, get your geek chic on.”

  I high-fived him as he sat behind the low counter that was filled with stacks of comic books.

  “Dante, I know, man… I’ve been working like a fucking fiend, until recently. I’ve had some time free up, so I thought I better take advantage of it.” I pulled a stool around and sat down across from him. “You’re looking good. Have you been working out? Look at those arms, dude.”

  He flexed his arms for me. “Krav Maga, man. I started taking classes over the summer. I’ve gained like ten pounds of muscle and leaned down. Billy loves it,” he grinned slyly. “I also started eating paleo. Billy hates that. Moray makes eating healthy hard, but I’m managing it. I almost broke up with Billy when he ordered pizza the other day!” He had a musical laugh, and it always made me smile. Dante was just fucking cool and low maintenance. He was the opposite of me in almost every way, so he was perfect to have this conversation with. He also knew everything about Eric and me. He was one of the first of my new friends that I confided in. It was a huge step at the time for me.

  “That’s cool. Do you go next door?”

  “I wish, but no, that’s’ just kiddie karate. I go to the west side of town. I jog over after I get off work, go to class, and then jog back. I love this new lifestyle, Cal. I haven’t felt this great in years.” He picked up some comics and started sorting them. “Comic day. In about an hour, this place will be filled with nerds. Hope you don’t mind if I work while we catch up.”

  “Yeah, not a problem, Dante. I actually wanted to ask you for some advice if you don’t mind.” I took a deep breath as he looked up at me. Dante had this way of seeing right through you. When he concentrated on you, it seemed as if your secrets were all laid bare. Maybe it was just his zen demeanor, or maybe he was just that good of a friend. I did really
need to hang with him more. He had become one of my favorite people.

  “Shoot. Is this about that quarterback that you’ve lusted over since forever? Yeah, Billy can’t keep a secret,” he chuckled. “But you knew that.”

  “Yeah… Things have gotten complicated.” I told him about everything, and I mean everything. His eyes bulged out of his head when I told him about last night. He guffawed, slapping the counter and throwing his head back as he roared with laughter.

  “Holy shit! He got you to do that? I have to meet this guy… That is impressive,” he shook his head in disbelief.

  “Me neither… But it was hot, I just can’t believe that we did that in public. I kept expecting some kid from the circulation desk to come back to shelve books, but that wasn’t the case. As much as… I mean, it was… I can’t do that kind of shit again. It’s not me, I guess,” I frowned. “Do you think the library has cameras?”

  “No, man… Moray doesn’t have cameras in any of the buildings, just on the walkways and on the front doors. You were safe, trust me. Billy and I have done it all over this campus. Classrooms, the dance studio, fuck… we even did it on the main stage at the theatre. It was fucking amazing. You should try the music practice rooms, Cal. Seriously, you haven’t lived until you fuck on top of a baby grand.” His crooked smile made me feel at ease. Dante would know. He seemed to know everything about this campus.

  “You and Billy are total pervs,” I teased.

  “Hey, your library stunt has inspired me. I think Billy needs to check out some books! So…” he shrugged. “what’s the actual problem, Cal?”

  “I like him too much, Dante. I know that if I continue this… He’s only going to break my heart. It’s reality. He’s still closeted, for one thing, and I was his first. Whoever stays with their first?” I said glumly.

  “Billy did. I was his first, and we are going strong. That doesn’t mean anything. Love is love, my friend, and it sounds like he is as smitten with you as much as you are with him. Just see where it goes,” he offered, his voice even and smooth as if he were afraid he might scare me. “It seems to me that this is all about Eric, isn’t it? Is this jock the same as him? It doesn’t seem so, does it? Don’t you think you owe it to yourself to find the truth?”

  I swallowed hard; the lump that was rising in my throat felt like it might choke me.

  “You deserve to allow yourself the opportunity of love, Cal. You’ve been so afraid of it, of getting hurt again… You are not that same scared boy anymore. You are a strong and powerful man who makes decisions based on facts. What are the facts, Cal? Your fear is just rising up because that is what it does, it’s what your psyche does to protect you from the unknown, and this is something new and scary and exciting, right? Don’t listen to it. Ignore it, and think with your heart and what you know to be the truth.”

  “The truth is… He has never shied away from me in public. He has treated me kind and gentle and compassionate. He’s is so fucking sexy that I can’t stop thinking about him. I love to hear his laugh, even though it used to infuriate me. When he smirks, I feel it in my toes, and it used to make me want to punch him, but now I look forward to them. When he touches me, my body tingles as if electricity is running through me and overpowering any good judgment I might have. He short circuits me. I fight to stay in control, but he always seems to overpower me with his kisses and his touches, until I am putty in his hands.” I sighed and put my head down on a stack of Spiderman comics. “Fuck… I have to see where this leads. I want to. I’m just fucking scared, Dante. I can’t ever allow myself to get so fucking weak ever again. He scares me because he gives me hope. Am I crazy?”

  “No, my friend. I think you are falling in love and it is a fabulous ride. Stay on, Cal. Does that help?” he asked sweetly. He stood up and walked around to beside me and gave me a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and embraced him back.

  I was on the verge of crying, and I had no idea why. Happy tears for making a decision that kept me on this path with Mason, or tears of fear? Either way, I fought them back valiantly. I felt my phone buzz. Dante let go and messed up my hair with his hand.

  “Okay, I gotta shelve these things. Wanna help?” he asked as he picked up a pile from the counter and walked over to the shelves that lined the long wall.

  I pulled my phone from my pocket and stared at the text.

  Hert Hall #403 Now?

  “Uh… Mason just texted me. He wants me to come to his room now. Should I go? I want to go,” I said enthused at the prospect of having him all alone in his room. I wanted to…

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Go!” he shouted excitedly. “Save a horse and ride a cowboy, baby. Seriously, he’s asking you to his room at the dorm, Calvin, in the middle of the day. Doesn’t look like he’s really trying to hide you, does it?”

  “I love you, Dante. Soon? Okay?” I stood up and smiled at him.

  “Get the fuck out of here, and remember Cal. By this time, you are totally a virgin again, so take it slowly. Very slowly…” He chuckled.

  I texted him back as I walked out into the noonday sun. It was a gorgeous day.

  Ten minutes.

  All he sent back were eggplant emojis. I laughed as I stuffed the phone back in my pocket and quickly walked over to the other side of campus, where most of the dorms sat in a circle. Hert was the tallest and sat right smack dab in the middle of the circle as if it were the sentry that kept watch over all the others. It was feudal. Hert only had men in the dorm and was filled with most of the jocks and frat boys that lived on campus. Dante and Billy also lived in this dorm, too.

  I walked into the lobby and passed by the desk worker that didn’t even look up at me as I pushed the button by the elevator and waited. I could feel my cock already stiffening at the thought of what was about to happen before one in the afternoon. Talk about an afternoon delight…

  Maybe he wanted to study? Shit, this might not even be a booty call. Wait… eggplant emojis…

  Yeah, I was hardening fast.

  The elevator dinged, and I got inside with a couple guys that were huge. They hit four, and I stood behind them as we rode up. The doors opened, and they got out. I walked down the hall until I saw 104 on the door and knocked on it.

  It flew open, and Mason stood there wild-eyed and buck ass naked, a wide grin plastered to his face.

  “Calvin, I was just thinking I should take a quick shower… I uh… Hey Petersen,” he nodded as he leaned nude in his doorway. My eyes took all of him in…

  “McKendrick, sup bro,” some tall guy said as he walked past. Mason stared back at me, his eyes wolfish like those of a predator. I felt like his prey.

  We stood there for a second, his mouth open, and his breathing heavy. “What was I saying… Oh yeah, I just worked out and thought maybe I should shower before you came over.”

  “You inviting me in, or am I just going to stare at you from your doorway?” I smirked. Damn, he was fucking driving me wild.

  He reached out and grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me inside, slamming his door closed with his foot. His mouth found mine as he pushed me up against his door, his tongue forcing itself past my lips, and I sucked on it as his hands found their way underneath my shirt.

  He pulled back and smiled at me lasciviously. “So, let me shower, and I will be right back.”

  He started to turn away from me, and I reached out and touched his shoulder, spinning him back to me. “Mason… I uh… don’t shower.”

  His smile returned to his face. “You like me all sweaty, huh? Well, I definitely smell like a jock today, so…”

  He stepped back into me and kissed me passionately. Our mouths fighting for dominance as our lips smashed into each other forcefully and needful. He reached around me, and in one motion, picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him, his cock hardening as he carried me over to his bed. He threw me down on it and practically jumped on top of me, he weight crushing me and smothering me with his warmth and sweat.

  Fuck, th
e smell of him was intoxicating. It was a heady mixture of pheromones and man, and all I wanted was to get my darn clothes off. That must have been his idea too. His hand reached down and snapped the button on my jeans, and his hand found its way inside my crotch. His fingers stroking me through the cotton underwear as his mouth kissed my neck and licked my chin.

  He stood up and pulled my pants off slowly from the legs. My body revealed itself as they slid off. My cock hard and standing up at attention. Mason’s jutted straight out. It was too heavy and large to give a complete salute. Mason’s was more like a battering ram.

  “Shirt now!” he snapped as he stared at me. I pulled it over my head and threw it onto his floor. It felt like it belonged there. I felt like I belonged in this bed. Things were about to change, between us. This would change everything.

  “Fuck, Calvin… You are fucking gorgeous. Why would you ever hide a body like that?” He said as he crawled back on top of me. His arms placed on either side of my head as he lowered himself back onto me. The weight of his cock heavy against my own.

  Everything about Mason was huge. His shoulders, that massive smooth chest, and his arms… He smashed his face back into mine, his tongue forcing its way back inside as we kissed until the stubble from his beard left red marks on my face. His hands found every crevice of my body as he stroked and pulled, slapped, and kneaded; my ass, my cock, my nipples… I was melting underneath him. I was everything to him as his hands explored me, as his mouth kissed me, leaving trails of fire with his hot breath and tongue. He took my nipple in his mouth and gently bit down, slashing at it with his tongue.

  It was too much, and it was not enough. I needed to know him in every way. I struggled underneath him until I pushed him off me, and I straddled him. His cock pushing itself up against my ass crack.

  Sunlight streamed in through his window shades, causing slashes of light against his body. He was more gorgeous than I had ever imagined. I bent down and kissed him hungrily. I bit at his chin and licked his clavicle. I kissed his shoulders and licked at his underarms, the smell and sweat causing me to get light-headed. I inhaled him, so strong and powerful, until I knew I would never get the scent of him out of my head. I kissed his biceps and licked my way back down his armpit and onto his chest.


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