Gettin' Lucky in Kentucky

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Gettin' Lucky in Kentucky Page 9

by Shane Morton

  It was too much, and I wished I could run away again, but I was done with that.

  I laughed as I watched him adjust himself. “Sorry, that was… well… I guess you can see what that was. You were starting to awaken the beast.” He snorted.

  His bulge was impressive. I couldn’t take my eyes off it. If that was just starting to awaken, I might be scared of it when it was fully… awake.

  I grabbed my bag, and he stood up and grabbed his, holding it over his crotch. “Let’s go.” He said without caring. How would that feel? To be so secure that you could walk out of the library with a semi and not even flinch about it? He must have huge balls too.

  “Let’s go to the amphitheater. I doubt there are too many people around,” I offered and turned to the right to head towards the Koresh Center. “It will be a good place to talk.”

  I felt his fingers brush up against my hand as we walked. Halfway there, his fingers intertwined with mine. Here I was walking hand in hand with one of the most well-known guys on campus. Everyone knew who Marcus was, and people waved at him, and he waved back as we walked. His big strong hand holding onto mine. I felt like I was on top of the world as we sauntered. Would he feel the same way after I told him my story? He needed to know, didn’t he? I needed to tell him. He deserved to know how fragile my heart was.

  We got to the large stone steps of the small Amphitheatre that I had always found completely out of place next to a pedestrian walkway. It was one of the most unused spaces on campus. Skateboarders were its main audience as they used it for tricks during the day. I climbed up to the top and took a seat. Mason sat right beside me; my hand still firmly placed in his.

  “I’m gonna tell you something, Mason. About me and why I acted the way I did. I told you I rarely date, and this is also about that. I think you deserve to know before we… well before we might decide to take the next step beyond flirting. Okay?” The words were hard to get out. A lump formed in my throat, and I cleared it as best I could.

  “Tell me,” he looked me in the eyes. All I saw there were patience and kindness. He wasn’t the person I thought he was, I could see that now.

  “When I was a senior in high school, I tried to kill myself,” I saw the shock in his eyes, and he held my hand tightly. I told him the story of Eric and how I had lost myself. His eyes never once left mine, and by the end, all I could see was a burning fire inside them. He was pissed.

  “Where does Eric go to school?” he said slowly, a danger creeping into his voice. His square jaw was stone, and his eyes had the focus of a hawk. It was alarming, but I found comfort in it.

  “Duke and he isn’t worth it, Mason. I let him go a long time ago, but the fear of how I felt, what e turned me into, it’s still there. I want to be brave and reckless; I do. But I now think about my heart like a fragile piece of me, and I spent a long time putting it back together. I just thought you should know who I was, Mason before we even…”

  His hands came up and found my face. He placed them on either side of me and held me tightly. “I am not Eric. I can promise you that. I would never hurt you, Calvin, only protect you, I promise.”

  He pulled me towards him, and this time the kiss wasn’t a tentative, sweet kiss. It was hot and fueled by his anger for me. It was a kiss of promise that his strength and power would protect me and never let anyone hurt me. It was the kind of kiss that movies were written about.

  His tongue found its way gently inside my mouth, and I caressed it with my own. His hand found its way down to the back of my head, and the kiss deepened and intensified until neither one of us could breathe, but we didn’t want it to end.

  It didn’t.

  If you ever get a chance to sit out in public and kiss the quarterback, I think you should do it. It’s great for the ego and the id.

  He finally leaned back and pulled me into him. I saw a few people stare at us as they walked by. Mason didn’t give them a thought. He pulled me into him, and I placed my head against his rock-hard chest. He stroked the back of my neck.

  “I get it, Calvin. You were worried that I would keep you my dirty little secret. I would never do that, not now, at least. I am tired of living a double life. It hasn’t been easy or fun, hiding who I was, from myself, my friends and family. I am done with that. I just need to work it all out, okay?” his breath tickled my neck as he nuzzled down into me. “Look, I have no idea where this is going… Well, I have an idea,” he laughed. “But there’s no pressure from me. Promise. But I want to see you, Calvin. I’ve wanted to see you since I first saw you.”

  “Fine…” I sighed. “I want that too, Mason. But it’s going to have to be slow, okay?”

  “You know, Calvin. I’ve… I’ve never actually… you know,” he said shyly.

  “With a man, you mean?” I asked. Boys like him tried it with a girl. Hell, I did too.

  “Yeah. I’m not a virgin, but… I am, I guess. Slow is good. But I’m not sure how slow I can actually go. I think I’m all in.”

  We spent the next ten minutes kissing on the stone steps. When we said goodbye, our fingers didn’t want to let go. He walked me back to my car, even though it was out of his way and kissed me before I drove away. He said he wanted to walk back because it was a beautiful starry night.

  Truer words had never been spoken.

  I barely slept. I’m sure he didn’t either.



  Tuesday was a blur. Practice kicked my ass, and then Calvin and I stared into each other’s eyes as we studied for my quiz. I wanted to take him home so bad it ached. My balls were so sore, it felt like the boys were using them for tackle practice. But it was all Calvin.

  Being in his presence was maddening. Every time he moved, I could feel it in my pants. His muscled forearms, the hollow at the base of his neck… I needed to rip his clothes off so bad it hurt.

  But I couldn’t hurt him. So, we studied and then made out at the Zen garden underneath the Fine arts Building and then on top of his car. His hands found their way under my shirt, and he couldn’t stop touching me as I kissed him and bit at his neck. My hands found his ass, and I kneaded those gorgeous cheeks through his jeans. Why did he wear jeans? His ass looked fucking great in those jeans, though. His cock pressed into my thigh, and I finally got brave enough to feel it and stroke it over his clothes. His moans were music as his breath gasped out in short bursts.

  Saying goodnight was painful. I had to run into the bathroom and knock one out just so I could walk home. He kept offering me rides, but I knew that if I got in that car, it was over. I was going to have him, and I wanted him to feel like he was in control. He needed it.

  Today was quiz day, and I felt really good about it. Coach had been breathing down my neck all week about my studying. I told him there was no reason to worry. I had the best fucking tutor his money could buy. I didn’t tell him that I thought I had a boyfriend.

  That’s what was happening. We both knew it. He was all I could think about, and I hoped he felt the same.

  After practice, I thought about having to masturbate in the bathroom at the fine arts building so I could walk home. I chuckled, and then the idea hit me.

  Shit… tonight was going to definitely be a first.

  I went to practice and had to play for Hawkins again. If he didn’t get his shit together, I might be starting, no matter who his mother was. Poor kid. He was getting beaten to a bloody pulp on the field. He needed another year to build up his mass. The boys and I were training him as hard as we could, but that hadn’t worked out very well since he pulled his shoulder on the weight bench. Coach blamed me.

  Whatever. Practice was good, and we were in the best shape we had been in all year. This Saturday’s game was a home game, and I couldn’t wait to look up and finally see my man up there in the stands.

  I walked into the library like I was on top of the world. I grabbed some newspapers off of the periodical stand and headed down to the bottom floor. I bounded down the stairs and made my way to t
he back of the stacks where my little table sat all alone.

  I looked around. My sneakers clopped on the floor. That was good. The only way I couldn’t hear someone approaching would be if they were barefoot, and there was no way that would happen here. I sat down in the seat that usually belonged to Calvin, facing the stacks, and it was perfect. We really were all alone back here, but I could see if someone approached through the shelves that created this little alcove.

  I pulled my chair over beside me.

  I laid the paper in my lap and got everything ready.

  I waited.

  I heard Calvin’s shoes on the tile floor as he approached and saw his torso halfway before he rounded the corner.

  He looked at me oddly, his eyebrow raised as he threw his bookbag on the floor and sat down beside me, leaning in and kissing me gently. I nipped at his bottom lip and held it in my own before letting him go.

  “Guess what you did last night,” he chuckled. “You gave me a small hickey. Gina noticed it today.”

  “Did you tell her that you got that hickey from the hottest stud on the football team? It was a badge of honor?” I mused, feeling a little guilty. We were too old for hickeys.

  “I did… not,” he laughed. “I told her to mind her business.”

  “So, what’s up with the new arrangement? You got tired of staring into my eyes?” he asked seriously.


  “Okay then… How did the test go today? I wanted to text you, but I had classes, and then you had practice. Come on, I am dying over here. How did you do?” He was enthused. He knew damn well that I did okay. However, I think I even surprised myself.

  “I think I got all of them correct, Calvin. Can you believe it? That is why we are here in this new seating arrangement.” I slid my arm over his shoulder and brought his head onto my shoulder. I sniffed at his hair, it always smelled of sunshine and flowers. I couldn’t get enough of it. I nuzzled into it and placed a kiss on his head.

  “That’s great, Mason. I’m proud of you. Do you want to go over your paper? I mean, if you corrected everything from last night, it should be perfect the way it is, but I’m happy to look at it again.”

  “Nope. I did not even bring it.” I replied coolly, keeping his head on my shoulder.

  “You want to start on the mid-term studying, then?”

  “No… I do not want to study anything but you tonight. Come on, Calvin. I just aced the quiz, and I have the paper finished. There’s only one thing I want to study right now, and that’s you,” I murmured softly into his head. My fingers stroked his back. I swear I could hear him purring, and that was exactly what I wanted.

  “Do you know what college kids use the library for, Calvin?” I asked calmly.

  “Studying, dumbass,” he huffed gently.

  “You are just giving all the wrong answers today. If you don’t study harder, you are going to fail this quiz, Calvin,” I teased, biting my tongue with excitement.

  “What are you talking about?” I took his hand and guided it down, I saw his eyes bug out of his damn head when he saw what I was doing. I pulled his fingers underneath the paper, and he gasped as his hand hit my hot rock-hard erection. I lifted the paper up gently as if I were reading it, and his hand circled my shaft. He sat up straight as a board.

  “What the fuck,” he whispered quickly. “You can’t have your penis out. Holy shit, it’s the size of a fucking mall.”

  I made a face. “Please, never refer to my cock as a penis. You’ll hurt his feelings. And he thanks you for the compliment.”

  “We can’t do this,” he hissed quietly. “Not here in the library.”

  “Come on, Calvin. It’s perfect. You’re perfect, and I honestly can’t wait any longer. Besides, isn’t this a little fun and dangerous.” I glanced over at him. “We can hear anyone coming because of the echo from the floor, and we can see them too, right through there, but they can’t see anything. Besides, no one ever comes to this part of the library anyway. Come on… Live a little and walk on the wild side with me.”

  “We could get caught, Mason.”

  “That’s’ part of the fun. But I promise you we will not get caught. I told you, I’m paying attention. You are safe with me, Calvin, even though this feels anything but safe. I don’t think I have ever been harder and your hand… Fuck, it’s so warm and your fingers… They seem to want this as bad as I do.” I reached over and nibbled his neck gently, urging him on.

  He never let go of my huge fucking erection. His eyes had that lustful look to them, and he bit his bottom lip. He was working out the odds. Hopefully, he would come around to my way of thinking.

  He gently stroked me. I moaned gently under my breath. “Holy hell… Calvin. But we can’t start yet. My hand is empty. Pick up your own paper. I got the New York Times for you cause you’re so smart and all.”

  He looked around before he unbuttoned his pants, and I heard the zipper slowly pull-down before I looked to find his already hard cock staring up at me. It was my first one, and I gingerly reached over and took it in my hand. This moment, what we were doing, this was major for me.

  It was so hot and hard. He was cut like most of us country boys, but he wasn’t small. It felt perfect in my hands, and I had a quick thought about how much time I had wasted in my life.

  I rubbed my fingers over his slit, and he threw his head back and almost fell out of the chair.

  “Easy there, cowboy…” I whispered. “remember if the shoes echo, so will our fucking moans. So…”

  He smiled at me. “The first one to go is the loser?”

  “So competitive. I don’t think either one of us is losing, do you?”

  He gripped my cock in his grip and gently fisted it. I watched him as he palmed my shaft. I had a pretty big dick, and his hand found it a lot to manage. His was smooth and hot, and his large mushroom head was like a badge of honor. I wondered what it would feel like when I put it in my mouth. Fuck, if I got him this far… I should have made him meet me in my dorm room.

  “Fuck Mason, this is so… fucking hot. You are… fuck, this is a fucking huge cock. So hard…” His whispers barely reached my ears as he slowly stroked me. His thumb gently rubbed over the tip of my head with almost every stroke.

  This was definitely not taking me long. I was too excited. I was gonna blow fast. My first time with another boy, another cock, and it was hotter than I had ever expected. I wanted more. I wanted to taste him, I wanted to be inside him, so fucking bad I could feel it building up in my balls. Just the idea of it was pushing me over the edge.

  I raised my hand and spit in it. He did the same before we reached back down and took each other’s engorged shafts in our fists. Pumping gently and squirming in our seats, our papers held up as if we were two gentlemen reading the news at the café. I snickered… This was so fucking wild.

  It was heaven, and I usually hated handjobs. But then again, I had never had a handjob from a boy before. It made sense. We knew what we liked, so we were better at giving them than a girl. My first time with a man, with a man’s cock in my hand, so hard and hot and sexy. I glanced over at Calvin. He couldn’t take his eyes off of my dick. He stared at it longingly as he lovingly stroked me.

  Holy shit this was hot as fuck.

  Calvin’s cock started leaking precum. I reached down and cupped his balls rolling them in my hands, and he bit down on his lip hard, a small groan escaping from him as he writhed under my fingers. My hand moved gently back to his shaft, now slippery with his own goo. I pumped faster as did he.

  My cock was spilling juice all over his hand. This was something that I would always remember. Hell, this was going in my spank book, and when I was eighty years old, I would be masturbating to this memory.

  So hot.

  So wild.

  I bucked my hips up into the air as I exploded all over his hand, fuck… all over my shirt… I couldn’t stop. It felt like gallons of cum was gushing through me. Calvin’s mouth opened, and all I could think abo
ut was his mouth around my cock as I unloaded into him, filling his mouth and watching it dribble down his chin. That would be even hotter than this, and this was fucking amazing.

  He moaned, louder than he probably should as his dick throbbed in my hand. Calvin wasn’t a shooter, it seemed, he was a goo-slide. It erupted out of his hole and coated my hand and his shaft as I continued stroking it. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it. It was so sexy. I wanted to know what he tasted like, this hot man that just came for me, hell all over my hand.

  “Holy shit…” Calvin wheezed, breathing hard.

  “Fuck… That was everything. Calvin. I can’t… That was my first… You were my first… It was so fucking hot and beautiful,” I managed as I pulled out the towel from underneath the chair. A few droplets of cum fell onto the tiled floor. I cleaned my hand as best I could, while his hand was still wrapped around my cock. I left a little on my finger and brought it up to my lips.

  Calving watched while I popped my finger in his mouth, tasting him. It was sweeter than I had expected… Figures. I was surprised that I liked it, loved it even. I couldn’t wait to taste more of him next time.

  He grinned. His eyes flashing wickedly at me. He let go of my cock and looked around the library. His hand was dripping, and I handed him the towel. He grinned and brought his hand to his mouth and licked it clean as he stared at me. My cock bobbed up and down as I watched him. Fuck… I hadn’t exactly softened, but now I could feel it getting super hard again.

  Calvin licked his hand as I watched and cleaned my cock as best I could. Then I did the same for Calvin… We both had little wet spots on us, and we would probably need to hide those as we walked out of here.

  Library sex was fun.


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