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True Nature (True Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Willow Madison

  "Let's eat out here, Alex." Dad takes a seat at the outdoor cedar table.

  "But I have the dining table all set in here for us." Mom is ringing her hands. I don't need to turn around to know that Dad has given her The Look. Her face freezes and she quickly adds, "But it is so nice out'll only take me a minute to set up." She turns so quickly around that she nearly knocks over Lucy. "Oh, sorry, dear...would you like to help me move things outside?" She's already moving quickly around the table, picking up dishes.

  Lucy looks questioningly at me, but turns slowly to help my Mom with the table. I sit down and watch her. I can see Dad's face out of the corner of my eye. He hasn't relaxed yet.

  The Look is what my brother, Jake, and I called it as kids. When his eyes would deepen, his jaw would harden, his brows would grow in depth. You just knew you were in trouble if you got The Look.

  "Lucy, can you get me another beer, baby?" I hand her my empty as she puts plates and silverware on the table. " need another?" He hands his empty to her too. She isn't saying anything, but I can see her mind working, questioning all this.

  Mom is finally setting the last dish down next to Dad. He relaxes and puts his arm around her hips, "This looks great, honey!" Mom visibly relaxes too. "Dig in."

  Dad pours wine for Lucy and passes the bottle to me to pour some in Mom's glass. "Cheers to our son and his very nice girlfriend, Lucy!"

  She finally smiles again. "Thank you! And cheers to you both for having us up this weekend!" She takes a big gulp.


  Walking with Lucy along the retaining wall of my parent's property, her hand feels warm in mine. "So what do you think of my parents?" She didn't say much after lunch, but volunteered to help my Mom clear the table. Mom insisted we go for a walk while she cleaned up though.

  "They're nice." She squeezes into my side more, our legs walking in harmony on the grass.

  "But...?" I can tell she's holding back. I want to push this conversation with her.

  "But...are they always so intense?" She laughs to try to take the edge off of what she said.

  "My Dad is an intense guy. He's had to be. He was orphaned at the age of ten and had to make due for himself. He's proud of what he's accomplished in life so far and he really instilled in all of us that same sense of pride. I try to live up to what he expects of me." I'm getting closer to the heart of why I brought her here.

  "But your Mom is tense too...I thought she was walking on eggshells today."

  "No..well...maybe a little. But she knows how my Dad expects things to be and tries her hardest to please him." I glance quickly at her to see her reaction. Her face remains relaxed and deep in thought. Good. "It's how I would want my wife to be."

  Now she does look up at me. I can tell she doesn't know what to say to this, so I continue. "I told you before that my Dad was strict with us...that includes with me Mom."

  She stops walking and sits on the wall, I sit next to her, facing the lake, the warmth of the sun on our backs. She still says nothing, so I cautiously keep talking. "Lucy...I brought you up here to not just meet my parents, but to see how I was raised."

  She finds her voice finally. "My Dad was strict too...but what do you mean by with your Mom?"

  "I mean...he had rules...that we all followed." I wait for her response. It's important to guage how she's reacting. I'm glad that we are alone, far away from anyone. I need to hear what she really thinks. I never took the time to talk this way with any other girlfriend.

  "Like what?"

  " not talking back." I keep my voice even, my arm around her waist.

  She doesn't say anything for a while, just twists her fingers together. "My Dad was strict...with me more than Paul..." She trails off, looking down at her fingers. I cover her hands with mine. "He had certain rules too...but I don't think they applied to my Mom."

  "I see something in you, Lucy...something that I respond to..." my voice is deep with emotion, gravelly. "I told you that I want to be myself with you....and a big part of that is you understanding where I come from..." I put my hand on the side of her head and turn her face towards me. "I love you. And I want us to be honest with each other."

  "I want that too." Her eyes are bright with wetness. I kiss her and end with my mouth on her hair, breathing in her scent.

  I decide to not push anymore. Her response has been better than I could've expected so far. "Let's head back." I get up and put my hand out to lift her up. Before heading up the stairs to the patio, I pull her in for a full kiss.


  Sitting around the table, dinner cleared. Dad pulls out his 31 year old Glendronach and pours me a tumbler. Mom puts down a backgammon set in front of me. "Do you remember how to play?" She's smiling down on me, hand on my back.

  "Of course."

  "Does he remember how to lose, you mean?" Dad is sitting opposite me again, pulling up his sleeves and setting up the game.

  "Why don't you teach Lucy how to play, Dad? I'm going to get our luggage." I stand up and Lucy gives me a pleading look. I kiss her head, turning away.

  "Great! New blood," Dad responds, rubbing his hands together. "Lucy..." He turns the board to be in front of her instead.

  Mom sits next to her, "I'll help he doesn't cheat!" Mom squeezes her forearm.

  "I played with my Aunt before...but I don't remember all the nuances." Lucy takes a big sip of her red wine.

  Coming back inside, I carry our luggage upstairs. The laughter from Mom and Lucy follows me. I can hear Dad protesting something. I remember a lot of family room hours spent around learning games with him.

  Chapter 17 HER

  I take a last look at myself in the mirror. Not bad. Max said he didn't want to see any of the lingerie on me until tonight. This push-up baby-doll top and matching thong doesn't cover much, the white lace strategically placed over my nipples and the top hardly covering my ass cheeks. I had to shave my bikini line extra thin to not be poking out of the sides of the barely-there thong. I smile thinking how much Max will like this. I fluff my hair and wet my lips. Ready as I'll ever be.

  " going to stay in there all night?!" Max yells from the bedroom. I quickly turn off the light and come out of the bathroom.

  "Shhhh...they might hear you!" I loudly whisper.

  "They can't hear us..they're on the other end of the hall." He sits up in bed, swinging his legs over the side. "Stop. I want to get a good look at you."

  I freeze two steps away from him while he looks me up and down. I stare at him too. He's naked and his cock is standing upright, the size of him still startling me. "Turn you can come here."

  I bound over to the bed, standing between his legs, my arms around his neck.

  "Put your arms behind your back." His face is buried in my neck and hair, nibbling and tickling with his stubble. I feel my stomach twinge again.

  I cross my arms in back, and he pulls me towards him more, moving both hands to the sides of my face. He gives me a wicked grin. "On your knees." And I awkwardly try to lower myself, but move my arms to use the bed for support. "No. Keep your arms back." His sharpness makes me stop for second, but his grin is still there and he puts his hands on my arms to help me down.

  Kneeling in front of him now, his cock is even thicker and bigger, inches from my face. I look up at him and wait for him to say what I know is next. "Open your mouth." I comply. He puts his cock in my mouth with his hand, then moves his hands to the side of my face again.

  I can taste his saltiness and move my tongue around his tip and length. He moans and pushes into me more. I back away, chocking a little. "No." He keeps me still with one hand on the back of my head, but isn't pushing into me again. I can only look up at him. His warning eyes make me more wet.

  He slowly pushes into me, keeping his eyes locked with mine. I try not to gag and breath through my nose. "Tighten your lips around me." I comply again and he pulls out, scraping against my back teeth slightly, my tongue lapping
around him. He moans again. He keeps slowly entering my mouth and pulling back; each time deep and causing me to gag a little, but not letting me move away.

  I'm aware of only the wetness of my thong, his cock, my tongue, his eyes. Everything else has faded to black. He pulls out completely and I keep my mouth open for a second longer, my jaw a little sore. His hand in the back of my hair pulls my head back sharply and I gasp. "Stand up." He pulls me up, using his hand to pull on my hair. I stand quickly, keeping my arms back. He smiles at me, but his hand gives one final yank of my head before letting go.

  He grabs my arm, pulling it from behind my back and pushes me onto the bed, face down. My legs hang over the sides. I turn my head to see him, move my hand to push my hair away from my face. "No. Behind your back again." I quickly move my arms to comply. He yanks the thong down my legs.

  Grabbing my hips, he drags me further off the bed, my legs dangling more, my pussy exposed. I blush knowing he can see how wet he's made me already. He grips my thighs and pulls them apart, entering me with such suddenness and force that I cry out. From this position, I am helpless to stop him from pushing in too deep, his cock ramming my pussy. His fingers dig into my hips and ass, pulling himself into me more with his thrusts.

  I bury my face in the bed, my screams a mix of pain and pleasure, loud to my own ears. He doesn't stop ramming into me until I think I can't take anymore. His legs shake and he falls onto me as we cum together.

  He stays deeps inside me, his whole body pressing painfully on my arms until the last of his cock spasms. He stands up, but doesn't pull out. He keeps one hand on my crossed arms, pinning me to the bed still.

  "Did you cum?"

  "...Yes..." It's a hoarse whisper.

  "Good girl." He still doesn't leave me though. I can feel him hardening again. "Squeeze me."

  "...I can't..." my throat sore from screaming into the covers, "I'm too sore."

  "I said squeeze me." He pulls my arms up, sending a painful jolt to my shoulders. I gasp and squeeze him at the same time. "That's my good girl." He slowly starts rocking into me, his cock hardening fast. "Stay tight around me." I'm gasping with the effort.

  He starts full speed fucking me. I stop trying to grasp him inside me, my own spasms of cum squeezing him deeper. He cums again, standing up, pressed deep to me. He waits till I've stopped spasming before pulling out. I remain on the bed with my arms behind me for a second longer. I don't trust moving, my head is spinning.


  "So what do your folks think of me?" I'm lying in his arms, staring out the french doors, all the stars glittering over the water. My voice is still hoarse, my pussy still throbbing.

  "I can tell my Mom really likes you...she smiles alot at you and gave you a big hug before heading to bed." He sounds sleepy, yawning. "My Dad said he's happy that I found such a nice girl."

  "He told you that? When?" Despite the long drive and my nerves all day, I'm not tired...I don't want him to fall asleep just yet.

  He adjusts his shoulder under my head and wakes himself up a bit more. "Yeah...when you were helping Mom with dessert. He said you were nice and polite...and that you obviously cared about me alot." He nudges my head with his shoulder.

  "I do." I'm happy that this weekend is going so well. I still feel weird about sleeping together with them just down the hall, but they really didn't seem to mind. His Mom even said she put extra towels in the bathroom and two robes in the closet if we needed them.

  "Good. Because I care alot about you, Lucy." He kisses my head and I kiss his chest again. "And I want you to be comfortable around my family."

  "Well...they didn't seem as tense tonight..." His hand stroking my head is starting to make me sleepy too. The stress of the day melting from me.

  "I'm sure my Dad talked to my Mom while we were out for our walk." I close my eyes listening to the low rumble of his voice against my ear on his chest. This is just as I imagined...his voice in the dark.

  "...talked to her about what..." I try to keep my eyes open.

  "Her behaviour." The twinge in my stomach awakens me more...alerted by how his heartbeat quickens slightly, although his hand continues its rhythmic movement through my hair and his voice remains steady.

  "What do you mean?"

  "How bout we talk about this in the morning..." He kisses my head again. I shift so my face is up to his even though I can barely see him in the dark.

  "No...say what you want to say...please." I kiss his chest. He moves his arm from under me and rolls over.

  I blink against the small bedside light he turned on. "If we're going to have this conversation, I want to be able to see you."

  "What conversation?" We're both sitting up now. He props pillows up against the rustic wood headboard and puts out his arm for me to sit back against him again. I curl into his chest, so I can see his face.

  "I told you that I was adopted by and my brother." I nod my head, putting my arm around his stomach. " Mom wasn't married to our deadbeat Dad. She was very young when she had us...and kinda...wild I guess is the best way of saying it. Deadbeat left when I was four, Jake was only one." His breathing is steady, but his heartbeat sounds louder.

  "That must have been hard for you and your Mom." Most of my friends are children of divorce, so I know alot about broken homes, even though my parents stayed married.

  "Yeah...I don't really remember Deadbeat...I saw him once when I was six. He came through town and tried to stay with us. He had baseball gloves for us that were too big. I threw them both away. Mom met Ron the next year and he became our real Dad." I don't interrupt him...his words keep tumbling out.

  "The first seven years of my life were...pretty bad." I stroke his chest and stomach, seeing the pain in his eyes, I touch his cheek too. He takes my hand and kisses my palm, smiling at me. "I'm OK now. I just want you to know everything."

  "Ok..go on..."

  "My Mom had a hard life. Her parents kicked her out when she got pregnant with me, she didn't finish high school even. Deadbeat couldn't hold a job and I think they both were doing drugs. After he left, she waitressed at several places...she was always tired...always angry. She took that out on Jake and me."

  I can't believe the same sweet woman from today is who he's talking about now. "Your Mom hurt you?"

  "I was able to protect Jake for the most part...but that meant that I got the brunt of it...her anger at whatever." He shrugs and I move with him. "It's all in the past now..."

  "So...she's not like that now." I trace circles into his light chest hair.

  "No." He pushes out a small laugh. "Not since Ron." He pauses for so long, I think I may need to prompt him to say more. But then he continues, his voice even deeper, stronger.

  "Ron showed my Mom how to be a good woman...a good wife and mother. He didn't allow her to discipline us." I was no longer looking up at him, but I could feel his head turned down to me, his words moving little hairs on my head.

  "So...your Mom didn't hurt you guys anymore after she married Ron?" I can picture Max as a little boy and I just want to hug him.

  "No. She tried once in front of him, before they married. She was embarassed I think because Jake wasn't listening to her about something. She went to smack Jake and Ron grabbed her wrist. He sent us to our room, but I listened with the door cracked. I couldn't hear everything, Jake was crying in his bed, scared....but I heard enough. Mom was never the same after that...and neither were we."

  I wait for him to tell me the rest, but he stays quiet for so long, I look up into his face again. His eyes are far away and veiled for a second, but then they clear and look directly into mine.

  "So what did he say to your Mom that changed everything?"

  "He told her that she wasn't being a good woman. That she needed a her life. That it was his job to the man of the house." He pauses, brushing my hair away from my cheek, holding my chin up towards him. "Then he lead her into her room. I crept out of our room and stood outs
ide her I could hear the rest."

  "So what did you hear?" I swallow, my chin held up making it louder, but I don't move away from his hand.

  "I heard him spanking my Mom...I think they were married a few weeks after that." I can't believe I heard him right! He continues staring at me, looking back and forth between my eyes.

  "I...I...I don't know what to say..." I finally move my head away from his hand and look down. "I..."

  "I told you I wanted you to know you'll understand where I come from....and how I think." He gently pulls my face back up to him, but doesn't hold my chin.

  "How you think? You think it's ok that your Stepdad spanked your Mom?"

  "Yes." I can only blink in response to this. "I think that she was finally able to be the person she was always meant to be...a loving, caring Mom and wife."

  "Because he spanked her?" I sit back from him, to face him fully.

  He takes my hand and I don't pull it away, just stare at our joined fingers. "He did more than that...he showed us how to be a family, how to love and respect each other. Jake and I finally had a stable home, with a Mom who never hurt us and a Dad who really cared about us."

  "Did he spank you?" I still can't believe I'm hearing this! I'm staring at him again, but our fingers remain locked.

  He continues to speak in the same low and steady voice. "Yes...when we needed it, he would discipline us." I start to pull away, but he pulls on my hand. "Hey...he wasn't a monster." He smiles at me and shakes my hand to get me to look up at him again. "He wasn't crazy angry like my Mom was. He set rules for all us to follow and if we didn't, then we knew the consequences." He shakes my hand once more, my fingers feeling sweaty against his. "Are you telling me that your Dad never spanked you?"

  "Well...yeah...when I was really little...but never my Mom." Now I'm staring into his eyes, back and forth.

  "Lucy...I want you to understand...this is who I am....this is how I expect it to be with us." He says it so deeply, it's almost a whisper.

  I jump out of bed and go to the bathroom, shutting the door quickly and standing against it's coolness. I don't even turn on the light.


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