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Painted Passion

Page 20

by Latisha Brandon

  “Let’s go downstairs and make something with chocolate in it.”

  She turned on music to fill the silence, which normally she loved. In the past, Dawn and Makayla had referred to her as a hermit. Now she missed not only Kevin’s presence, but his silly banter. She even missed the way he discussed world events as if he were closer to the center than she. She’d loved her life before him. Why couldn’t she fall back into her carefree routine? Unfortunately, her normalcy had flown out the window and she had no idea when, or if, it would return. She rummaged in her fridge and cabinets, looking for bars of chocolate.

  She raised her arms, screaming, “Score,” when she located the bounty. Her level of crazy was obviously increasing with the pregnancy. She put chocolate, graham crackers, wet kabob sticks, and stale marshmallows into a basket, heading into the living room.

  Ashlyn threw pillows in front of the fire, She warmed a cup of strawberry tea along with the hard marshmallows, even though she knew she would regret it the next day. She tossed Fancy a few crackers, avoiding giving her the chocolate and marshmallows. Fancy pushed at the bag with her nose, but Ashlyn pushed her away. “I have no desire to clean your throw up from my hardwood floors. It’s bad enough I’m going to have to clean up baby vomit and poo in a few months.” She imagined a little one with her curly red hair and Kevin’s beautiful eyes. It seemed as if she couldn’t go twenty minutes without thinking about the baby or Kevin.

  Fancy ran to the front door, barking hysterically, acting as if an intruder were there. The doorbell sounded and Ashlyn walked to the front of the house.

  “Who is it?” she asked, staring out the peephole. Were her eyes deceiving her? She peeked again before sliding down the door and praying for the power of invisibility. She sat on the floor with Fancy running around her trying to decide what to do.

  “Be quiet and sit down…he can hear you. I’ll give you three marshmallows if you’ll be quiet.” This only caused Fancy to howl at the moon. “Dammit, be quiet!”

  “Ash, I can hear you. Open the door.” The voice spoke sweetly. He always was a charmer.

  She stiffened her backbone, got up from the cold floor, and snatched the front door open, gazing at the man on the opposite side, who was surrounded by luggage. “Frank, what in the hell are you doing here?”

  “I’ve come home,” he stated, the prodigal son returning.

  “Have your parents moved into the neighborhood?”

  “Stop being trite and let me in. It’s cold.”

  “I hope you don’t plan on staying.” Ashlyn stepped to the side, letting him in. He still appeared the same, and she suddenly laughed.

  “What’s so funny?”

  She remembered Kevin saying he resembled a lumberjack. “I’m just surprised to see you. Why did you bring luggage?” She looked at his bags once again before slamming the door against the unacceptable sight.

  They went into the living room and he sat opposite her in a wingback chair. She pulled her legs beneath her on the couch. “I want us to get back together.”

  “Frank, we haven’t been together for over three years. Why now?” Did he just assume she would let him come back, bags and all?

  “I know it was my fault.” He waited in vain for her to contradict him.

  She would leave him waiting for an eternity, if need be. “I’ve moved on, and you need to do the same.”

  Fancy, planted at Ashlyn’s side, bared her teeth and growled deeply. “She never liked me,” he mumbled, staring at Fancy with trepidation.

  “She was only marking her territory when she peed on your leg. It was a compliment to you, marking you as hers.”

  “What about when she crapped in my shoes?”

  Ashlyn gently nudged down Fancy’s hind legs. “Sit down and stop growling. You remember Frank, he’s an old friend. He took you to play catch on the weekends.”

  “What about when she bit me on the ass, instead of the ball.”

  “Stop bad-mouthing my dog and tell me why you’re here.”

  Frank rubbed his hands together as if he had great news for them both. “I’ve gone back to work for the family business. Did your mom and dad tell you?”

  “I haven’t spoken to my parents about you.”

  “Our parents had lunch last week. I dropped by. Your mother still wants us to be together. The same goes for my parents. We have too much of a shared past not to fight for a future. I love you, Ashlyn. Marry me. Let’s build a life.” He slid on one knee before her, sincere. A year into their relationship she would have screeched yes, but at that time she had been delusional about Frank.

  “You hate everything Tatum Oil stands for. Why the change?” She pulled away from his grasping hand. “Do you realize how devastated I was when you left, spouting on about independence and not being a man cut out for marriage?”

  She looked at the fire instead of him. The flames licked at the pellets made of compressed wood, grape waste, and olive pits. She wanted to think of anything other than Frank. “You don’t love me; you love what I can do for you. Obviously, something has happened, and you’re on the outs with your family. However, I can no longer rescue you and smooth over your problems.”

  He was stunned by her rejection. He’d believed he would forever have a place in her life. “Our parents always assumed­—I always assumed—we would marry. I just needed time to get to that point. I know you were hurt by my abandonment in the past, but that’s over. I’m here now.”

  Spoken as if he were doing her a favor.

  Fancy left her post at Ashlyn’s side and ran to the door.

  “Are you expecting company? Someone is coming through the front door?”

  They both stood.

  “Wait here,” she instructed. She thought it was probably Makayla coming to check on her. Whoever it was had a key.

  She stopped dead in her tracks because he looked so good. “Kevin, what are you doing here? How did you find me?”

  He bent over, scratching Fancy’s back and head. Fancy purred like a bitch in heat. “It’s not that difficult to find Saint Andrews Square in Peachtree City.” He’d never realized how much he missed her until he set eyes on her.

  Her body responded instantly to his, her nipples pebbling, her breath heightening, and her lids slipping to half-mast over her beautifully bright green eyes.

  “When I gave you the key to my home I expected you to use it. Didn’t you expect the same results when you gave me the key to your home? Wherever you are, I plan to be.”

  She stood motionless, sighing when his hands enfolded her waist, sliding beneath the elastic band of her baby blue boy shorts. His strong fingers dug in, kneading her bum. He drew her close, patiently touching his lips to hers. “Please don’t ever walk away from me again.”

  Ashlyn wrapped her arms around his neck and stretched to the tip of her toes. “Don’t ever give me a reason to walk away.” Their kiss turned hungry, greedy. His hands tilted her pelvis to his. He wanted her—she throbbed for him. Her tongue caressed his lips, wanting entrance into his heat.

  She felt her feet leave the floor, heard the door slam closed. “Where are we going?”

  “Our bedroom,” he told her between bites and nibbles along her jaw. “And no, Fancy, you can’t join us. Mommy and Daddy have to make up.”

  “Ash,” an indignant voice cried out.

  Oh, crap, she’d completely forgotten about Frank.

  “What exactly is the meaning of this? I propose and you answer by inviting some stranger into our home. Explain yourself? Who is this man, and why is he here, in our home?”

  Why did every man in this room call a house she paid the mortgage on theirs? It slid so easily from their tongues, “our bedroom” and “our house.” She could see where this situation was heading and she refused to be a bone between two rabid dogs. Kevin and Frank both had territorial looks in their eyes, sizing each other up.

  Kevin made the first move, kissing her and lingering overly long. “Notice how I’m not jumping to the wro
ng conclusion.” It was his parting shot before taking the last few steps toward Frank.

  Ashlyn quickly followed, trying to make introductions, “Frank this is…”

  However, he finished before she could. “Zahir…Ashlyn’s husband.” Kevin slapped hands with a stunned Frank, then pulled him in and pounded on his back. “Good to meet you, Frank. Ashlyn told me all about you.”

  Two could play that game. “Yes, Frank, this is my husband, Mr. Black Power, my Zulu warrior, my Mandingo, the leader of our tribe.” She snickered with her comments, noticing the tightening of Zahir’s jaw.

  Kevin nailed Frank to the wall with his eyes. “Are those your bags on the step?” He turned to Ashlyn. “Do you have room for the both of us?” he asked, his question having more than one meaning. “Frank, you’re probably a great guy, but I don’t want a roommate.”

  Frank ignored Kevin, turning to Ashlyn. “I know I’ve hurt you, but don’t do this. Give me another chance.” He held her hand. “I love you. I was an idiot before, but you can’t continue to hold that against me.”

  “Frank, I need you to let go of my wife’s hand. I’m quickly losing patience with you.”

  “Kevin, let me handle this.” She was caught between her past and her future, each pulling her in a different direction.

  “Should I simply step aside, just because he finally woke up? I’m here, Ashlyn, you need to recognize that.”

  “Frank, Kevin’s my husband. I didn’t marry him because I was rebounding from you. I married him because I love him, and whether I’m here or not, this is his home. What we shared was young and fresh, a first love. But with Kevin it’s everlasting. Kevin’s my future, so I’m going to have to ask you to leave.”

  Kevin clapped and rubbed his hands together jovially. “Frank, let me help you put your bags in your car.”

  “Kevin…stop gloating!”

  “What? I’m just trying to be helpful.” Kevin shrugged his shoulders as if he had no idea what Ashlyn was talking about.

  “I can understand why he’s in such a hurry to get rid of me. It’s simple, I was here first,” Frank boasted, one last parting shot. “Let me clarify, I was her first.”

  “The beginning has no meaning, it’s the ending that counts. I feel sorry for you. You didn’t appreciate the wonderful woman you had before you, but I can understand. You were too busy trying to save the planet…by nefarious means.” The two gazed at each other over her head.

  “You’re right, I was unappreciative. However, Ash needs to know if she ever changes her mind about you, or if you cause her one day of grief, I’m just one phone call away.” He bent down, kissing her cheek. “Goodbye, Ash.”

  “Goodbye, Frank. Tell your parents I asked about them.”

  It took all of his willpower not to throw Frankie out on his ass, but Kevin restrained myself. He knew about their parents being friends. But to walk through the door and find him here, alone with her… He saw red, but he didn’t want to give her reason to continue their tension. He’d walked in on a proposal. Would she have accepted if they weren’t already married? Damn, he hated feeling insecure.

  He snatched the front door open, roughly grabbing the three bags on the upper steps, kicking the smaller one by his feet. He felt weak trying to prove how mature he was. He had nothing to prove. Kevin dropped the bags in the middle of the sidewalk and turned to Ashlyn. He noticed that Frank didn’t mind using his parents’ money to buy himself a car, a Porsche 911 GT3 in a shocking shade of yellow. He was such a prick. Kevin was pissed, pacing the driveway like a caged animal.

  Frank began to load his scattered luggage into the trunk of his car.

  “Did you buy this car, Frank, or did your daddy buy it for you?”

  “Kevin, stop it, he’s leaving. Why demean him?”

  “Who paid for your Range?” Frank asked Kevin, as if he knew the answer. “Did Ashlyn buy it for you?” he sneered. He believed Kevin was with Ashlyn for her money. How else could such a young man afford the pearl grey vehicle? “Or are you an athlete?”

  “You’re a dumb f—”

  “Kevin,” Ashlyn called, beseeching him to behave, regardless of Frank’s insulting comments.

  “You expect me to overlook his ignorance.” He walked straight to Frank, standing toe-to-toe. “I paid for it myself, while you’re still riding the coattails of your parents. You’re weak, hiding behind righteous intentions. All night, I’ve let slide your bitter remarks, but not anymore. I’m giving you twenty seconds to clear this driveway, or I’ll no longer be held back. Not even Ashlyn will be able to protect you.”

  Frank kicked rocks with the speed of a gazelle, saying not another word.

  Fancy dashed joyfully into the house.

  “Are you done behaving like a caveman?”

  “I’m only just beginning.”

  Ashlyn charged into the house, fuming. How dare he issue ultimatums when she had all well in hand? Yes, Frank had behaved like a jerk, but she didn’t need Kevin responding with aggression. She had no room for a Neanderthal in her life. She climbed the stairs, needing time away from Kevin.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To make up the guestroom for you.”

  “I’m your spouse—my place is beside you in bed.”

  “That remains to be seen.” She heard him rushing up the stairs after her. She couldn’t believe how fast he was directly behind her. She felt his hand clasp her ankle and move upward. He held her in place. “Not tonight, Kevin, I have to get some sleep. We’ll make a decision in the morning.”

  He was tired of her telling him what they would do. A person’s entire life couldn’t be lived by strict rules. She felt his hands on her thighs, his moist lips on the back of her legs. He knew he rendered her speechless when he touched her. She had to escape to the security of her bedroom, behind a locked door.

  She was spinning, facing him, and holding his face to her chest, her hands in his hair. It was thicker, his curls baby soft. He pulled at her shorts, removing them quickly. Kevin reclined with her, her back arching off the cool wooden steps.

  “I missed you. Let me taste you. Nothing matters but the two of us.” His tongue sought her searing heat. She gazed at him. Between her long legs, his hands were opening her. Nothing was off-limits—she tasted and smelled like ambrosia. “Come for me, baby.” He could stay forever. “Rare fruit.” He set a rhythm, wanting to implant his being, have her remember him beyond a lifetime. Kevin felt her pulse around his tongue.

  Ashlyn sank into him, controlling her own orgasm. She guided him to where she wanted him most. Arching into his demanding mouth, grinding, her mons plump with arousal, she rode the cresting wave, her body tingling, his tongue thrusting in and out of her. “Stop…no more!”

  Kevin didn’t quit. He let her fall before bringing her to the summit again. “Kevin…please…you…” Her voice roughened, hoarse. “You have to stop.” She could hardly keep her eyes open. She lay draped across the stairs, appealing, sinfully delectable. Her body was pliant, her skin sweaty and pink from a rush of blood. Sparks of aftershocks rocked her. Oh, how she’d missed him, missed this. It had never been this way with Frank. She couldn’t hide her satisfaction.

  She felt him crawl up her body. He wore her scent proudly. She tasted it on his lips, tasted her own release, her own essence.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist,” he said and she did as he asked. He made love to her mouth, imitating penetration.

  She sensed his eyes searching her face, but she kept hers eyes closed. “You have the look of a well-loved woman.”

  It took her moment to detect the boastfulness in his words. Ashlyn dislodged her legs from around his waist, pushing at his chest. Her green eyes turned vicious. “You smug, conceited jackass…get off me.”

  He looked stunned, as if he couldn’t believe she’d pushed him away. She left him sitting on the stairs and continued her charge up the remaining steps.

  He held up his hand. “You forgot your shorts.” They were danglin
g from his index finger.

  “You can keep them, because you’re going to need them.”

  “Why is that?”

  “To sniff in the middle of the night.” Her long, thin-fingered hand motioned down her semi-nude body. “It’s going to be a long, long time before you even get within smelling distance of this.”

  He watched the butt he’d been dreaming about for weeks bounce out of sight. He sat back down on the steps, put two fingers in his mouth and blew. The high piercing sound summoned Fancy. “Fancy, guess it’s just you and me. We’ve both been kicked out of the master suite.”

  Kevin made as much noise as possible going outside to retrieve his suitcases.

  Why was she mad? He’d only stated the obvious. How did she expect him to react? He’d walked in on her being proposed to. Yes, he’d behaved in an overly aggressive manner toward Frankie, but he was telling Ashlyn, “Once you dump this loser, I’ll be here.” He was supposed to ignore Frankie’s sly jibes? Kevin didn’t mean to come across as smug, but his pride had taken a blow. She’d married him, not Frank, and Kevin had reminded her of that on the steps. She was a carnal creature, but he didn’t want to hold on to her only because their sexual chemistry was stellar.

  Kevin followed Fancy upstairs and into one of the guest rooms. Her home surprised him. It was overly feminine, soft, with an abundance of plush white furniture. He felt clumsy in the space. Her room was next door; he could hear her moving around, preparing for bed. It seemed as if more than a wall separated them. She constantly insisted on thinking the worst of him, and ready to run at the next sign of any trouble. His relationship with her was an unending chase. Yes, she was worth pursuing, but he needed her to stand still for a time. He loved her, but he worried about being the one who loved more.

  Kevin looked around the floral tomb she’d insisted he sleep in. Throughout her home were honeyed hardwood. The room contained a massive old-fashioned iron bed, the coverlet littered with varying sizes of pillows. Her décor spoke of her vulnerability—plush, malleable, cuddle-worthy. It was a side she showed him on occasions. Very few saw it. He loved the contraction that was Ashlyn. He refused to unpack his clothes; he wanted them next to hers. He found a guest bathroom and brushed his teeth.


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