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Ghosts Of Lovers Past

Page 26

by Bethany Sefchick

  Today, it inspired a sick feeling deep in the pit of her stomach.

  An old man scurried from the parking garage across the street toward the building’s entrance, his coat collar pulled up to ward off the frigid December winds. He had been here yesterday too and she’d had her staff turn him away, saying she wasn’t in. It shamed her because Mia knew without a doubt that the man was absolutely miserable.

  She had the power to change all of that. She simply had to be brave enough to take on the challenge.

  “He’s not going to go away, Mia.” A quiet baritone voice floated to her from the vicinity of her office door. “No matter how much you want him to, that man won’t leave until he sees you, talks to you and begs for your help. Are you going to put him out of his misery?”

  Mia didn’t need to turn around to know that her best, and sometimes only, friend, Tim Hawthorne had just made himself comfortable in one of the soft leather chairs she kept on hand for visitors. Even if she hadn’t recognized his voice or the distinct sound of his footsteps across the carpet, she would recognize his presence in a room full of a million people.

  “We don’t find people, Tim,” Mia replied, artfully dodging Tim’s question. In her mind’s eye, she could see his large, muscular frame flopped into the chair, broad shoulders relaxed, his thick brown hair tousled in a way that nearly begged a woman to run her fingers through it. “Ghosts, Inc. investigates the paranormal. We’re not a search and rescue team.

  “We might not be,” Tim’s voice was barely a whisper, as if cajoling her into doing the right thing. “But you are. Or at least you used to be.”

  “I used to do and be a lot of things that I’m not anymore,” she replied just as softly. She knew that if she turned around, those sexy and mysterious eyes of his would be fixed on her, demanding answers she couldn’t give. “But what am I supposed to do, Tim? I can’t just keep ignoring him.”

  The truth was, Mia wanted very much to ignore the old man, even if her conscience wouldn’t let her. The man shouldn’t even be here let alone know that Mia Thorpe had mental talents beyond those of ordinary people. Yet he did. That meant her life of secrecy and seclusion, maybe even her life period, was just about over.

  She had tossed and turned for hours the night before, thinking about the man’s visit to her office the day before and what it meant for her. She had tried, really tried, to come up with another explanation, but sometime around three in the morning, the truth finally sank in. Somehow, some way, after all these years, The Order had finally found her.

  “The old Mia would ignore him,” Tim reminded her and she flinched at his words, knowing he was right.

  “But I’m not her anymore. I’m not the person I used to be.” Mia sighed and closed her eyes. “But Tim, you don’t know what that man wants me to do.” However in her heart, Mia knew that it didn’t matter any longer if she used abilities or not. The Order knew where she was. It was only a matter of time before one of them came for her.

  There was a pause and Mia thought Tim might not answer her. Then she heard the deep, indrawn breath that meant Tim was making a concession. “Maybe I don’t, but how can we ignore him? He obviously needs help and he thinks you’re the one who can give it to him.”

  She leaned forward to rest her head against the window. “I know.” She let her shoulders slump forward, knowing that Tim, and her conscience, were right. “His name is Albert Holdsteadt. He’s looking for his granddaughter, Jenny Lynn. Her parents, both drug addicts, abandoned Jenny with Albert when she was just two years old. He’s cared for her ever since. He even went to court with money he didn’t really have to get legal custody of the girl.”

  “You probed his mind,” Tim whistled softly, obviously impressed. “I didn’t think you would.”

  Mia acted as if she hadn’t heard him. “Two weeks ago, Albert went to pick up Jenny after school, the way he always does. Only she wasn’t there. He made a police report, but there are no leads. He believes his son and daughter-in-law, Jenny’s parents, kidnapped her. He’s afraid they’ll use her in their drug deals.”

  She paused and swallowed hard. “Or that they’ll use Jenny to get drug money. Maybe worse.”

  Though her back was still turned, Mia knew the instant Tim rose from the chair to come to the window to stand beside her. “You know all of that and you still won’t help him?”

  “I didn’t say I wouldn’t help,” she countered. The truth was, Mia had already made up her mind that she would help Albert. Her time was running out and really, what would be better than helping someone who couldn’t help themselves? She had a chance to do the right thing for once and, damn it, she fully intended to do so.

  Tim, however, didn’t know that.

  “Just not right away. You needed time to think it over, right? Why, Mia? At least tell me that much! Are you so afraid to admit who and what you are?” Tim challenged, crossing his arms over his chest. Mia tried not to, but she couldn’t help but watch how his muscles flexed, pulling against his ever-present polo shirt as he moved. He loved those shirts and Mia loved him in them.

  More than anything, she longed to run her hands over his skin, to feel those muscles bunch under her touch. Mia remembered how hot his skin had felt against hers, how right it had felt to be with him. She wanted to feel safe in his arms, like she had that night so long ago. However, she knew if she reached out to him, he’d rebuff her and it would be no more than she deserved.

  Tim, while still her friend, had a great sense of right and wrong. She had hurt him badly, even if she hadn’t done it by choice, and she knew there was a part of him that would never forgive her for that. He might be her friend and stick up for her when no one else would, but Tim would never be her lover again, no matter how much she might wish otherwise.

  “I can’t tell you, at least not now. We’ve been over this. Please don’t ask me again,” she said, once her thoughts were moving in an orderly direction again. It was the wrong thing to say.

  “And I can’t tell you how sick and tired I am of that excuse!” Tim huffed, his patience with her clearly running out. The gentle tone he’d used earlier was gone, his voice now infused with anger and disgust. “Every time you’re asked to use your powers, you say no. Other than with Rose and Justin, when was the last time you really let yourself be the telepath I know you are? When was the last time you allowed your humanity to show, Mia?”

  His words had the intended effect and she blanched as if physically hit. Tim spun away from the window to pace her office, unable to see her in pain, especially when he knew that he had caused it. The last thing he wanted was to hurt Mia, but sometimes he just didn’t know how to make her feel anything at all. At least when she was hurt and angry, she showed emotions, proved she was human. Otherwise, it was as if Mia was an android – something that looked human but lacked real and true emotion.

  “I know what you can do, Mia! You’re the most powerful telepath I know and what do you do what that skill? Nothing! Absolutely nothing! You won’t help that old man out there, knowing full well that his granddaughter could be sold into prostitution! I don’t even have to use my abilities to know that!”

  Mia didn’t need to use her abilities, either, to feel the anger and frustration radiating from Tim in waves. What made it worse was that he was right. She really did want to help and she was disgusted with herself for not being braver. In short, she was a coward and had been for as long as she could remember.

  Could she really live the rest of her life like this, denying what she was? Did it even matter anymore, since The Order had found her? Mia didn’t know. What she did know was that things needed to change. It might as well start now, while she at least had some hope of controlling the situation.

  Decision made, she turned around, fixing her deep green gaze on Tim’s midnight blue one. He had since stopped pacing and matched her direct look with a piercing one of his own.

  Stepping toward him, Mia kept her eyes fixed on his, willing herself to be stronger than she be
lieved herself to be. “If I do this, Tim, you have to be prepared to live with the consequences. You have to be willing to trust me, no matter what I say or what I do. You might not understand it, but you have to believe that I know what I’m doing.” She reached her hand up to caress his cheek. It was as much contact as she’d allow herself and as much as she knew he’d tolerate.

  “I’ll be right there with you, Mia. Whatever comes our way, I can handle it.” Tim’s hand snaked out to cover hers and his voice was thick with an emotion she didn’t want to investigate. She just prayed that he didn’t reciprocate her touch any more than he had. Otherwise, with her emotional defenses down, they both might learn things neither of them wanted to know. Even something as simple as a hug could be her undoing.

  She smiled a sad little smile. “Even if you don’t, that’s okay. Just pretend you do and we’ll get through it. You also have to promise that you’ll take care of Ghosts, Inc. and the employees if something happens to me.”

  Other Titles by the author

  The Ghosts, Inc. series


  Ghosts Of Lovers Past

  Heart of Shadows


  Falling Beyond Darkness (coming soon)

  Ghostly Shorts

  All Night Long

  Dream Lover

  Root Beer Float For Two

  Key Largo

  A Man After Midnight

  Music Of The Night

  Diamond Girl

  You Don’t Know Me

  Where My Heart Will Take Me

  Cold As Ice

  Lovers In A Dangerous Time

  Promises In The Dark (available only in the Ghostly Shorts Anthology, Vol. 2)

  The Ghostly Shorts Anthology, Volume 1 (Includes: All Night Long, Dream Lover, Root Beer Float For Two, Key Largo, A Man After Midnight, Music Of The Night)

  The Ghostly Shorts Anthology, Volume 2 (Includes: Diamond Girl, You Don’t Know Me, Where My Heart Will Take Me, Cold As Ice, Lovers In A Dangerous Time, Promises In The Dark )

  Man On Your Mind (coming soon)

  American Heartbeat (coming soon)

  Edge of Heaven (coming soon)

  The “Aphrodite’s Closet” series

  Nobody’s Cinderella

  Fairy Tale Theater

  A Little Bit of Magic

  Finding Prince Charming

  Stardust and Moonbeams

  Belle Of the Ball

  The Enchanted Season

  Aphrodite's Closet, Volume 1: Spring and Summer (Includes: Nobody’s Cinderella, Fairy Tale Theater, A Little Bit of Magic)

  Aphrodite's Closet, Volume 2: Fall and Winter (Includes: Finding Prince Charming, Stardust and Moonbeams, Belle Of the Ball, The Enchanted Season)

  Also Available

  Santa Search And Rescue

  A Midsummer Night's Delusion

  Much Ado About Something - A Short Story

  Fairy Tale Lives (coming soon)

  The Clockwork Doll: A Steampunk Novella

  On A Cold Christmas Eve (A Regency Novella)

  To Catch A Duke (Tales From Seldon Park: Book 1)

  Far Beyond Scandalous (Tales From Seldon Park: Book 2)

  A Viscount of Mystery (Tales From Seldon Park: Book 3)[coming soon]

  Crossed Hearts (A Modern Frame Tale of Romance)

  Under A Golden Moon (coming soon)

  About the author

  Making her home in the mountains of central Pennsylvania, Bethany Sefchick lives with her husband, Ed, and a plethora of Betta fish that she’s constantly finding new ways to entertain. In addition to writing, Bethany owns a jewelry company, Easily Distracted Designs.

  When not penning romance novels or creating sparkly treasures, she enjoys cooking, scrapbooking, and lavishing attention on any stray cats who happen to be hanging around. She always enjoys hearing from her fans at:




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