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Billionaire's Playmate

Page 53

by Chance Carter

  “It’s been cool for me too. It’s been fun exposing you to all this for the first time. You’re making it all exciting for me again.”

  “Speaking of hot, tell me about Cabo?” she flirted, anxious to hear more about Jane and Paul.

  “Cabo was hot,” he smirked, playing coy with her, “must have been ninety or a hundred degrees.”

  Emma groaned and tried to give him a good-natured slap on the thigh, which he easily dodged. “You know what I mean, spill it, and don’t leave out the good bits.”

  “Didn’t you get enough wanking material for one night?” he teased, nudging her with his foot.

  “I saw enough material tonight to last a lifetime but I’m feeling greedy. Besides, is there a ration on smut these days?” she quipped back, shoving his foot away playfully.

  “I hope not,” he laughed, hoisting himself to a sitting position. “Okay, I’ll share, but I warn you, it’s naughty.”

  “Perfect!” she said, sitting back, tucking her long legs under herself.

  “Well, you already know I went to Cabo with Sara. She and I were friends with benefits and I’d never been to Mexico, or a hedonist resort, so I thought, why not?” he began.

  Emma, knew better than to interrupt with silly questions. Luke was always a great storyteller, and did so with great flourish and detail.

  They had only arrived at the resort that morning, he went on to explain, and had spent the day at the beach, drinking mojitos, sunbathing, and playing volleyball with some of the other guests. Sara had cozied up to a few people that afternoon, and they’d invited her to come to the pool party later that evening, so they all agreed to meet.

  It was a foam party, and the courtyard was packed. Every guest in the resort seemed to be there. Luke, tired of walking around looking for Sara’s friends, convinced her to sit down with him. That’s when he saw Jane and Paul, sitting at the only available table, all nice and cozy, clearly enjoying the festivities. Jane was obviously beautiful, and Paul looked harmless enough, so he approached them.

  “As you can imagine, Jane was very welcoming. She was her funny, charming self and before long, I was deep into a conversation with her and Paul. I liked them right away but Sara wanted to ditch, so we decided to part ways for the night, she could do her own thing and I’d do mine.”

  Luke spent the better part of the night with his new friends, flirting and drinking and enjoying their company. He was very attracted to Jane, equally drawn to her sexually as well as intellectually, but was also cognizant that Paul was part of the equation. They were a packaged deal. He had threesomes before, but they were always with women, him being the lucky recipient of most of the attention. He wasn’t sure of the dynamics or the protocol in this particular set of circumstances.

  “I liked Paul well enough, but didn’t want the man’s dick in my mouth,” Luke insisted, his laughter punctuating his firm position on the matter. “I didn’t really know how to delicately ask what the expectations were, if you know what I mean,” he continued, “I mean, Paul seemed straight, but I had to be sure.”

  Emma giggled, picturing her friend’s dilemma. Luke was an adventurous soul, but dipping a dude was not on his bucket list as far as she could tell.

  “So what happened?” she asked, anxious for him to continue.

  He told her that Jane had invited him to their room, they had a suite with its own Jacuzzi and a fully stocked bar. At first, Luke was apprehensive, but when Jane excused herself to visit the ladies room, Paul took the opportunity to clarify a few things. He explained to Luke that he and Jane had never had a threesome with another man and that while Jane was very keen on the idea, he had some reservations. He wasn’t a jealous man, he said, quite the contrary. Paul trusted his wife, just as she trusted him, they were quite in love and enjoyed a very close bond with each other. They were just two open-minded, sexual people that took great pleasure from exploring their naughty natures within the comfort of their marriage. They only played together and while Jane was sexually ‘fluid’, Paul made it quite clear that he preferred women. Luke was happy to hear that.

  “He told me that it was all about Jane, and if I was okay with that, so was he,” Luke reminisced, his memories evoking a nostalgic smile. “You know me, I’m all about pushing boundaries, so I saddled up!”

  As soon as they got back to Jane and Paul’s room, Jane suggested they warm up in the hot tub. When she slipped her sundress over her head, and dropped it to the floor, Luke knew who was in charge. The woman was fearless, and knew exactly what she wanted. She had a rocking body, as he recalled, a Botticelli beauty, flawlessly curvy. He watched her walk towards the patio, her blond hair swinging playfully down her back, accentuating the most beautiful ass he had ever seen, shaped like a perfect heart. He had never really been an ass-man until he saw that booty. She was renaissance personified, a sultry work of art.

  He joined them in the Jacuzzi. His cock, anticipating the pleasure to come, was already fully committed. Jane sat between her two lovers, accepting a kiss from each of them. Her eager mouth, sweet from mojitos, was intoxicating. Luke, normally assertive and commanding, took a passive role. He didn’t want to overstep the boundaries, being an invited guest and all. He was surprised how easy it was acquiescing to Jane, letting her call the shots.

  “Truth be told, it was a turn on,” Luke admitted, shrugging his shoulders, not a hint of regret in sight. That was one of the things Emma loved about him, he never felt the need to apologize for who he was. She admired that.

  Emma felt her own arousal surging as Luke’s story heated up. She squirmed under her blanket, imagining a scenario in which she was sandwiched between two beautiful men, both of them equally invested in her pleasure. It sounded delightfully daring, and she couldn’t help but envy Jane.

  With a flourish, Luke continued his carnal account. He told her that Jane was the perfect balance of naughty and nice, the epitome of southern charm with the fiery instincts of a siren. She had the innate ability to direct the scene without either of her men feeling excluded, and without missing a single beat.

  Their foreplay was almost as hot as the jacuzzi they played in and before long, they needed more space to accommodate their sinful seduction. Jane led them into the bedroom and climbed on the expansive king-sized bed, inviting both partners to join her. Paul climbed up on the mattress beside her, kissing her tenderly on the mouth, but Luke had been patient enough. She had thoroughly worked him up in the hot tub and the only thing he wanted at that moment was a taste of sweet southern pie.

  “So from the end of the bed, I grabbed both of her legs and firmly pulled her towards me, knees up and flat on her back,” he chuckled, winking at Mimi impudently, as though proving his prowess.

  Jane liked his assertiveness, he said, because she let out a squeal like a cowgirl at a rodeo. He took one look at Paul to get the nod of approval and then buried his face between his wife’s legs. Her juices were still hot from the jacuzzi, tangy and sweet like smooth southern bourbon, and Luke couldn’t get enough of her. He lapped and sucked on her pussy and brought her to one explosive orgasm after another. The whole time, Paul was whispering in her ear, telling her how hot she was, how he adored that she was so naughty and of course, how much he loved her.

  “Then, right when I had her on the edge of madness, she begged Paul to fuck her. He said, ‘step aside junior’ and took my place,” Luke laughed, “then, as though she weighed nothing, he flipped her on her knees and started kissing her doggy style. She insisted I climb up on the bed in front of her, so of course, I obliged. She took my cock into her mouth and sucked me like a pro, taking me all the way in. Every time her husband slammed into her, my cock went deeper and deeper into her throat, her moans vibrating against the tip of my cock.”

  “Jesus, that’s hot,” Emma groaned, desire moistening her panties. “You could seriously write a book!”

  “Yeah, I probably could,” he chuckled, looking at her hungrily. He seemed a little worked up himself, Emma thought.<
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  “Sorry, go on...” she urged, totally engrossed by his tale. Luke gave her a look that told her he knew exactly the effect it was having on her. She felt a blush rising to her cheeks and giggled sheepishly.

  “You can imagine just how close I was, watching two hot people fucking while I’m being sucked off. I didn’t have an ounce of fortitude left in me to restrain my orgasm, and Jane sure as hell wasn’t letting up. I warned her I was coming...”

  “Like the true gentleman you are,” Emma teased.

  “Right?” he crowed, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “But she just looked up at me with her big blue eyes, batting those long lashes at me, and took my cock all the way into the back of her throat. What’s a man to do?”

  Emma shrugged playfully, “You had no choice.”

  “That’s what I thought. So I grabbed her long blond hair in my hands and exploded down her throat. She didn’t spill a drop. I got to say, it was pretty fucking impressive. Paul was probably teetering on the edge too because while I was cumming into his wife’s throat, he filled her other hole.”

  “Fucking hell,” Emma blurted, not even trying to hide her desire.

  “Yup, needless to say they made a good first impression,” he quipped, grinning proudly at her. “So that’s the story of how I met Janie and Paul. The end.”

  “What? That’s it then? What about the rest of the trip?” Emma cried, wanting to hear more.

  “The rest of the trip was equally erotic, but I’m afraid if I told you more your head might explode. That’s enough for tonight,” he scolded gently, squirming in his seat. Emma wondered if it was his head that might explode if he continued.

  “Ok,” she said, reluctantly letting him off the hook, “just tell me about Sara, what happened with her?”

  “I didn’t see much of her that week. She was a pretty hot commodity down in old Cabo, as you can imagine, being a pretty little bi-sexual with a taste for adventure. We crossed paths briefly in our hotel room but for the most part, we did our own thing. I spent most of my time with Paul and Jane. We did some touristy things, shopped, snorkeled, ate most of our meals together and of course, fucked like horn-dogs. I actually had an awesome time with them. We became good friends that week.”

  “That’s very cool. I liked them a lot.”

  “I knew you would. I think you and Jane would get on quite well, actually,” Luke offered sincerely.

  Emma grinned at him, her eyes twinkling curiously. “Oh really?” she purred, baiting him playfully.

  He groaned at her, as though his mind followed her straight into the gutter, “Oh, yeah. Now that would be and Jane...”

  “Hmmm...” Emma replied, imagining what it would be like to be with a woman, recalling the curious kiss Jane planted on her. “God, you’re dirty!”

  “That’s why you love me,” he teased, playfully shoving her. They looked at one another quietly for a moment, as though considering his words.

  “Well, on that note,” Luke finally blurted, “I think it’s time for bed.”

  “Really? It’s not that late,” Emma pouted, not ready for their conversation to end. There was so much more she wanted to talk about.

  “It’s four in the morning!” Luke chirped, checking the time on his phone. “I need my beauty sleep.”

  “Fine, you big baby. I’ll give you a blankie and pillow.”

  “Good, and I like my eggs over easy...”

  “I bet you do!” Emma giggled, tossing her blanket at him.

  Chapter 22

  “He texted me,” Mimi whispered, waving her cell phone in front of his half-opened eyes.

  “What time is it?” Luke yawned, easing his way out of his slumber.

  “It’s ten. What should I say? He wants to take me out tonight?” she said, crouching down beside him. Luke rubbed his eyes, trying to adjust his focus. Mimi was looking at him apprehensively, her pretty mouth drawn in a tight frown. She was wearing a silky purple robe tied loosely around her waist, her nipples pressing provocatively against the flimsy material. He quickly averted his eyes before his mind could wander inappropriately. He was only moderately successful.

  “Who texted you?” he asked, holding his hand out for her phone.

  “Arran! Read it.”

  Luke sat up and scrolled to the message.

  Good Morning beautiful. I enjoyed spending time with you last night. I feel like we really connected and I’d like to explore that further. Come out tonight. Do you like French food?

  He shrugged his shoulders and handed the phone back to her, his feelings mixed. He hadn’t anticipated that the man would reach out so quickly. In his experience, men did that for one of two reasons, either they were looking for a quick fling–– get on, get in, get off, get out. Or they were head over heels. For some reason, neither of those options thrilled him.

  “So?” Emma pressed, “what do you think?”

  “Well, you wanted a date with him. This is a good thing, right?” he asked, unwilling to sway her either way.

  Emma looked at him passively, her mouth softly agape. He had a momentary urge to kiss her, but shook it off as fast as it came. He dreamt about her the night before, a hot little fantasy that obviously rattled him. He blamed it on that.

  “Yes, I guess it is. So you think I should go?” she hedged, obviously needing his approval.

  He really didn’t want to give it to her, not because he didn’t want her to have some fun, but because it was Arran. The man seemed like a catch, rich, generous, and adventurous. On top of that, he was an intelligent, well-rounded guy. Sex was one thing, but how could any woman resist wanting something more with a guy like Arran? Emma wasn’t ready to jump into another relationship. She needed to find herself first, get grounded in the truth of who she really was instead of who she thought people wanted her to be. If she didn’t take the time to do that, she could easily wilt in the shadows again. It was one of her weaknesses, dimming her sparkle so others could shine.

  “Mimi, think about what you want for yourself, what’s important to you right now.

  Does Arran fit into that scenario?” Luke guided, trying to stay as neutral as possible.

  “Right, well that’s not helpful at all,” she teased, rolling her eyes at him.

  “How’s that not helpful?” Luke asked, wishing she would just come to the right fucking conclusion.

  “Well, if he’s looking for a serious relationship, that doesn’t really fit into what I want right now, does it?” she admitted, not yet looking convinced, “but at the same time, I do really like him.”

  “What are you worried about, Mimi?” Luke asked, as patiently as he could. She inhaled deeply, dropping her eyes to the floor and considered his question.

  Finally, she spoke, “I’m worried that I might really like him. I’m worried I’ll jump in too quickly, get swept away, but most of all, I’m fucking terrified I’ll get it all wrong again.”

  “Maybe you need time to figure that out. There’s no rush.” Luke assured, hoping they were on the same page.

  “But at the same time, I really want to fuck him,” she growled, looking at him mischievously, “the man just oozes sex appeal.”

  “I suppose he does,” Luke admitted, his hope fading. She wasn’t wrong. Arran was a dashing guy. They had been traveling in the same circles for a few years and while Luke had never actually known him to be in a relationship, the guy certainly had no issues attracting the ladies. What bothered him was not knowing what his motives were.

  “I think I should go,” she concluded, suddenly self-assured. “I mean, at some point I have to test my instincts, right? How else will I build my confidence back up?”

  “Yes, I suppose that’s true,” Luke offered reluctantly, forcing himself to smile.

  “And I’m a grown-assed woman. If the date goes well, then maybe we’ll have sex and if it doesn’t, then I have nothing to lose, right?” she pressed, looking for validation. That, he could give her, Luke thought, frustrated by his own hed
ging. What was his problem? Did he want her to get laid or didn’t he?

  “Right,” he answered, stifling his uneasiness.

  “Okay then! I’ll tell him yes!” she chirped, releasing the crushing burden of indecision.

  She held out her hand to him so he could help her up. He tried to pretend he didn’t see the creamy curve of her thighs or the tantalizing flash of her white panties as she righted herself. Fuck, he needed to get laid. It had been at least a month and could easily explain all of his inappropriate thoughts, he thought, his eyes discreetly following her into the kitchen.

  It wasn’t unusual for him to have erotic dreams, it was a frequent and welcome occurrence in his life. He even had the occasional dream about Mimi once or twice. But last night’s dream was different.

  He had dreamt that they were on a yacht somewhere exotic, like Fiji or something. She was sunbathing on the deck, wearing only a small bikini bottom, yellow if he recalled correctly, her wet, auburn hair clinging to her shoulders. She waved him over, taking his hand as soon as he was within reach, and pulled him down onto the deck to lay beside her. He just remembered thinking how beautiful she looked, happy, completely at peace. He pulled her into a kiss, without any reservation. His dream had been so vivid he could taste the cherry flavor of her lip balm and smell the coconut scent of her sunscreen. Her mouth was soft and inviting, and when she opened her lips, he gently explored her with his tongue, taking his sweet time. That kiss had been more than just physically arousing, it stirred something up inside, like feelings a child might have on Christmas Eve, excited, curious, and filled with magical anticipation. They made love right there on the deck, the sun warming their naked bodies, cooled occasionally by the scented ocean breeze. It was a hot dream, evocative and sexy, and he could still recall his excitement as she rocked herself on his cock, but that’s not what stood out for him the most, what shook him to the core. It was the way he felt as he held her after. In the dream, he had intimate feelings for her, and they weren’t the friendship kind.


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