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Pleasure Island [The Chronicles of Lidir]

Page 25

by Aran Ashe

  It looked a little like a small hammock, though, once the girl was installed, it was perhaps more like an article of clothing in its intimacy, made as it was from a single piece of the thinnest, finest, softest leather which when held up to the light was a pale translucent yellow. It was shaped to fit a woman. It felt cool and oily to the touch - when it touched the sides of the breasts, stretched across the belly and gloved the space between the legs, the intimacy was apparent. When the pulley ropes were fastened to the hooks, and the drawing began, the leather stretched and this intimacy was enhanced. With the upper body bent from the waist, the breasts could then be drawn by the nipples through the restrictive holes. When the ropes were tightened yet again, the body came up on tiptoes, wavering while the breasts were eased more fully through to form two tight resilient bulges which could be moved independently. When they were pressed together, their resilience pushed them back apart. The outline of the navel could be seen through the sling, but the hairs, pressed down, could not, so the mound appeared as a large rounded split fruit between the legs that now lightly lifted from the floor as the toes clawed the air in vain. When the girl was raised so her body hung a little above waist height and formed a tight round down-bow with the twin bulbs of her breasts pointing down at an angle, but partly hidden by her arms, Travix fastened her wrists to the rope, so now her breasts were quite free and unobstructed for Travix to admire. She admired breasts that were as tight and full and swollen as her own. And she admired sex lips that were swollen too, distended by pleasure. She therefore slipped her fingers through the slit in the leather and extracted, in turn, each of the oily lips, drawing it through the narrow constriction, extracting the whole of each lip, including the hood and attempting to fold the flesh back against the outside of the leather, though as the lips were already quite distended, they had acquired almost the resilience of the breasts and therefore would not stay in place, but projected down beneath the smooth surface of the leather, with the gold ring glinting between them.

  The whole of this action had been performed with the legs half apart and dangling down. Travix now required the legs out of the way, as the arms were, so that the smooth down-curve of leather-covered belly would be broken only by the projecting bare flesh of the breasts and of the sex lips. Whilst requiring this emphasis on breasts and sex, she also needed the buttocks open, so she had the two men, one on each side, hold the feet lifted and pushed up, so the knees bent in a horizontal plane, and thus the buttocks stayed open for the smacking, which was then administered by one man, while the other held the sex lips nipped, after the girl was gagged with a twisted cloth between her lips, that she might have something on which to bite and that the image might be complete.

  Travix leaned casually against the mast and watched for a short while. 'Do not stop until I tell you,' she said. She walked to the side and looked out across the sea - she did not need to watch the whole time, for after the first few smacks, the image was secure within her mind and she could hear the smacks and more importantly, the gasping whimpers through the gag. In fact, she closed her eyes and listened and she could picture the scene - each smack, whipped down upon one or other buttock, making the breasts shake, the belly try to burst down through the leather and the gold ring glint at the sudden down-jerk of the hips.

  After twenty smacks or so, she returned. 'Do not stop,' she said. 'Bend her knees more tightly - do not lower them. Push her feet up. Good ...' For the separation now was perfect, two perfect bulging haunches deeply incised by the centre line. She stood beside her lover, stroking her hair and touching her nipples, wetting her fingers first, then watching the strap smack down upon the bright red cheeks. 'Smack her in the split,' she said and, when the girl whimpered, Travix held her head and pressed the girl's cheek against her pale blue thigh. 'Enough,' she said. 'Tie her ankles here. Leave her. Stand back.' The ankles were crossed below the sling and fastened to the rope. The split between the cheeks of her buttocks lay open. Travix touched it at her leisure. She expressed her love by touching the distended mouth, which felt hot to Travix's cool fingers, by listening to the sobbing sounds, by reaching beneath and pulling the ring, then feeling the swollen lips that lay trapped in the slit in the leather, nipping them, flicking them gently, painting them with their wetness and leaving them to dry. While they dried, she kneaded the knotted muscles of the arms and shoulders, the back, the buttocks and legs. Then she took a thin cloth ribbon, about as long as her hand and, crouching down, fed it through the gold ring so it made two equal lengths which she knotted at the ring then twisted to make a short rope which she knotted again at the end. It hung down, curling slightly, for it was as yet dry. She wetted the sex lips once more with their seepage, applying a tiny droplet to this ribbon rope. Immediately, it was absorbed. She called to the men. She laid her hand across her lover about half way down her buttocks. 'Smack between here,' she said, 'and here,' and she laid her other hand in turn across the middle of the back of each thigh. 'And do not forget here.' And she opened the cheeks to indicate the precise place. 'When you are finished, sling her beneath the bowsprit. I will attend to her later.'

  'How many lashes?' asked one of the men.

  'You see this?' she drew her fingers down the short twisted cloth rope. 'Smack until this is wet to the very tip.'

  Travix bent down and stroked her lover's sweat-drenched brow, then kissed her, licking the tip of her tongue along the hot dry lips so sweetly separated by the gag, to wet them. She closed her teeth about the upper lip and bit it till it yielded blood. Then she pressed the breasts together until the nipples touched. 'Do not smack these,' she warned him. 'These baubles are for me.'

  When the first canoes passed beneath her and nudged up to the hull of the ship, Anya, gagged and unable to move, was unseen. Even had she been seen, she might well have remained unrecognised as a living creature. With her breasts poking out, glowing in the evening light, she had assumed the likeness of an exotic, exquisitely carved, life-size figurehead.


  Chickens to the Rescue

  Travix quietly closed her cabin door, then walked across to the bed. Niri lay belly down beneath the covers, her cheek upon the pillow, breathing gently in her sleep. The blonde girl was awake. Her eyes - so clear and bright - had followed Travix from the moment she had entered; those eyes, so impish, seemed to know no fear. Travix looked upon them now; she looked upon the pouted lips - so red - the eyebrows, matt black as starless night, and the curling twisted strands of sun-streaked blonde hair that lay with such sweet abandon on the pillow. Gently, Travix drew the covers back and watched the pair of smooth bodies, the fair-skinned belly beside the small tight bronze-skinned buttocks. Below their feet and lying where they had been kicked away, were a plaited belt and the effigy of an erect cockstem fashioned from polished bone. Travix lifted the cockstem by the ballocks and pushed it safely beneath Niri's pillow. Then, looking at the blonde girl, she brushed her fingertip all the way down Niri's deeply recessed and very flexible spine, to the very tip. The legs automatically moved apart, though Niri was asleep. The fingertip slipped into the groove, gliding back and forth across the bronze-purple mouth which felt like brushed satin. Travix tickled this place, not taking her eyes from the blonde girl's face, until the blonde girl's cheek moved back across the pillow, her neck arched to make a curve as smooth as alabaster, her eyes half closed and her tongue pushed out through lips that formed an 'o' - by which time, Travix felt a desire so deeply in her belly that it hurt, and Niri was awake.

  Travix lifted Niri easily - she was light. And though Niri protested faintly to be used so soon again in that way, Travix carried her across to the large circular mirror, but did not put her down. While Niri's toes writhed and reached and sometimes touched the glass itself as she struggled to keep her legs wide open and her sex agape, Travix held her round the waist and in reflection, watched her fingers caress the small bare painted lips and moisten them and slip inside the gape.

  Without releasing the girl, Travix lifted
a small cushion on to the dressing-table top. She placed Niri's back upon this cushion. Her feet, upraised, lay pressed against the glass, so it now appeared that two Niris touched each other, toe to toe. Niri's head fell back; her hair hung down from the edge and touched the floor. From the drawer to the right, Travix removed the heavy gold cylinder and unsheathed it from its blue silk glove. The cylinder was flat at one end and necked to form a bulb at the other. Niri's belly became tight. Travix whispered but Niri knew to open her legs - her small toes crawled up and out across the surface of the glass. Travix worked in reflection; she applied the blue ointment to the small brown-purple mouth, then she pressed the bulbed end against it, rolling it like a ball, not wishing to rush it, for the bulb was large, and Niri of course was small. But her patience was rewarded; Niri opened and took it to the neck. Travix rocked the cylinder, which rolled the bulb in Niri's body; then she slipped it deeper, past the neck and Niri, though she murmured, distended quite sufficiently to take it. Then Travix pushed Niri, on her cushion, closer to the mirror, until the flat end of the cylinder touched it. And now it appeared that the two Niris were joined together by a single cylinder of gold. With Niri in this precariously balanced position, Travix traced her fingertips over the delicate patterns inked into the smooth lips of that sex, until she heard a murmur from behind her.

  Looking across, she saw the blonde girl lying on her side. She was waiting, her small oval belly pushed out, her pink-tipped nipples brushing against the sheet and her hand caressing the ballocks of the bone cockstem which she kept teasing from beneath the pillow next to her. When the cap emerged, she released the ballocks and looked at Travix with wanton eyes; then her body wriggled like a snake across the surface of the sheet until the cap was captured in her mouth and her pouted lips slowly began to swallow.

  Travix left Niri and walked back to the bed. She watched the perfect body - wrists clasped together behind her back - arching diagonally across the sheet, with the white stem now buried to the ballocks between those impudent full red lips. Bending forwards, Travix touched the strands of twisted hair that lay across the cheek, then raised them to her lips and kissed them. They felt cool and silky. She could smell the scent of Niri on the ballocks of the stem. It excited her. This blonde girl excited her far more. She wanted her on the sheepskin, with its smooth slippy curls against the girl's breasts and belly and naked thighs, for the girl was shaved now and Travix had found she preferred her that way. She swept the coverlet away and spread the sheepskin on the bed. The girl rolled aside, then back again, face down, one leg drawn up in readiness. Travix stood up, slowly unbuttoned her tunic top, then removed it quickly. Her large tight breasts protruded proudly above her very narrow waist.

  Then Travix heard a sound - a splash to starboard. It seemed out of place. She went to the window and drew aside the curtain. Night was fast approaching. The water seemed calm and the mist had lifted. She could see the entrance to the lagoon that they had sailed past that first day without ever noticing in their haste. A whole village, they had missed. But tomorrow they would take it. Tomorrow, the slave deck would be filled and Travix would be busy. Tonight, she could relax. She thought again of the Princess. Then she looked across and saw the blonde girl sitting up, reflected above Niri in the mirror of her dressing table, and again the feeling came so strongly in her belly that it hurt.

  Suddenly Travix was beside the bed. The girl, kneeling now, tensed, then realising, pushed her belly outwards for Travix to kiss. She held her arms up, exposing herself fully for Travix's lips to explore the skin of her belly and breasts and underarms. She pushed her belly down, spreading her thighs, so the soft waxy curls of the sheepskin kissed the sex that Travix had shaved to make it so sensitive to the kissing and to the touch of Travix's nipples. The creamy yellow curls brushed coolly against her bare sex lips. Travix stroked the skin that she had shaved. She pressed her thumbs to the sides of those lips to split them open and to allow the creamy curls inside. She left the girl in that position of delicious wantonness, with her legs splayed and her open pink lips bedecked and tickled with yellow waxy curlicues, while she picked up the cockstem and gradually smoothed spittle round the plum. She eased the girl's hips up, placed the plum between the soft bare lips, pushed back, then up and in, then held it with her fingers cupped beneath the ballocks. She turned the girl then watched through the gap beneath the pink cheeks of the buttocks as her fingertips slowly lifted and the fleshpot steadily swallowed the pure white stem. And she held the cheeks open, that she might watch the small pink mouth gently gulping in sympathy with the sex lips until they had sunk down and spread about the top of the bag. Then she lowered the hips until the ballocks rested on the sheepskin. She pushed the girl forwards until her bottom lifted and she rubbed her hand from side to side across it. It caused the ballocks to appear to sway and the cock itself gradually to slip while the wet lips tried to squeeze to keep it in. Each squeeze resulted in a tight contraction of the small pink mouth, which Travix then would stroke to force another contraction. When she looked underneath, she could see that where the lips were split about the stem, the tiny bud projected red from the shelter of its hood.

  With the cockstem bedded fully home, Travix laid the girl on her back. She crossed her ankles and forced a pillow under her hips to raise the belly and allow the legs to open wider. The twin eggs of the ballocks lay cupped between the pink lips of the naked mound. Travix tasted every inch of shaved skin with her fingers, then her tongue. She laved the whole mound until it was shining wet. Then she took her kitten crop and whipped it - the sides and then the lips that squeezed around the balls. And while she kitten-whipped the lips, she held the hood back and she touched the nubbin with her fingertip. The girl, of course, was whimpering; wet lines traversed her hot flushed cheeks, yet her nubbin was a boiling ball of hardness. Travix whipped again; she held the hood more firmly back and whipped only in the creases and, sure enough, the pleasure was delivered by that means; the contractions induced by the whip strokes on that bare and sensitive skin brought it on. When it came, Travix rubbed the thin and flexible end of the crop against the hot slippery ball and the pleasure continued long; for as long as Travix rubbed, the belly jerked. She carefully withdrew the cockstem and laid it on the bed. Then she wrapped her arms around the girl's waist and placed her head against the belly and rested, her full breasts rubbing between the thighs, while the oily inner warmth continued seeping out of the girl, over Travix's breasts and tickling her nipples. When Travix was quite rested, she turned the girl, penetrated her bottom with her tongue and with her fingers cupped her sex. The tongue pushed deep and the girl began to writhe. Travix spread the legs, spread the sex lips to the sheepskin, spread the cheeks of the bottom wide, removed her tongue and whipped the crop down into the groove. When the fleshy ring stood out contused, she licked it very gently and slipped the crop between the legs and swept it back and forth again across the nubbin until the pleasure came. Then Travix bit the girl's bottom, sucked it, turned her over, bit her belly, bit her breasts and neck and having thus branded her with her teethmarks, covered her with the sheepskin, offered her severed lip for the girl to kiss, then held her, whispering words of tenderness, until the girl fell asleep.

  Travix put on her tunic top. It was time to attend to Niri. She removed her from the dressing-table. And though Niri murmured, knowing what was going to happen, still Travix was kind to her. She caressed her first - there was a faint spark of that first love there yet for Niri - then she made her kneel on the carpet. She tied her wrists to the leg of the bed; she pressed her forehead to the floor. She tucked her knees up until her sex pushed out behind her, then she pushed the gold cylinder steadily into her until it had disappeared. When she slid her fingers beneath and into Niri's sex, she could feel it, weighted down inside her; she could lift it on her fingertips, then feel it sink back down. She withdrew her fingers, teased the ring out and whipped the sex lips with the greenstick crop. And she knew how much to whip - she whipped until the lips had pu
ffed up to the extent that the ring could not be seen. Then she whispered to Niri that she loved her and she sealed that love by drawing the ring out again and passing through it a long pure gold rod, perfectly straight, which pressed across the backs of Niri's thighs yet, secured as it was through the ring, prevented Niri from straightening her legs to withdraw her flesh from between them. Her sex would be forced to remain pushed out for as long as Travix might choose to leave her tied. It was cruel to Niri, for sure, to leave her tethered for the rest of the evening; but it brought a kind of satisfaction to Travix to use her in this way. And later, she would play with Niri in this position - wet her sex, probably penetrate her, bring her pleasure on in some way, then release her, and Niri would be grateful.


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