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LEARNING: How to Learn Faster, Become a Genius And Remember Anything (Accelerated Learning - Brain Training - Memory Improvement - Learning Techniques - Study Skills)

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by Alex Right


  How to Learn Faster, Become a Genius

  And Remember Anything

  By Alex Right

  (c) Copyright by «5-K-WORDS» – 2015

  Your brain starts the work on the implementation of any life goals and desires - to improve your health, get rid of bad habits, to develop relationships with people, to make a successful business, to bring well-being, love, happiness and prosperity to life!!!



  Chapter 1 - Our brain. Secrets of the main “CPU".

  Chapter 2 - Kelly's methodology of activation genius zones of your brain.

  Chapter 3 - Smart Brain Exercise based on the Schulte tables.

  Chapter 4 - The everyday program of training your brain with Kelly's intellectual exercises.

  Chapter 5 - Working with intelligent simulator based on the tables Schulte.


  Copyright 2015 by «5-K WORDS» (с) – All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author, reviewers may quote a brief passage in a review.

  This book is designed to provide information and motivation to our readers. It is sold with the understanding that publisher is not engaged in rendering any type of psychological, legal, or any other kind of professional advice. The content of each article is the sole expression and opinion of its author, and not necessarily that of the publisher. No warranties or guarantees are expressed to implied by the publisher's choice to include any of the content in this volume. Neither the publisher nor the individual author(s) shall be liable for any physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or commercial damages, including, but not limited to, special, incidental, consequential of the damages. Our views and rights are the same: You are responsible for your own choices, actions, and results. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulation, including international, federal, state and local laws governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising and all other aspects of doing business in any jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the purchase of reader. Neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the purchaser or reader of this materials. Any perceived slight of any individual or organization is purely unintentional.


  This book is required, without exception, by everyone who cares about their health and the productivity of the brain. Students need to develop the ability to handle vast amounts of information quickly, and easily move from the development of new subjects to their practical application, to develop knowledge of the most easy and effective way to achieve "excellent" in all their exams, to discover and nurture new talent.

  This book will help engineers and office workers to develop the ability to communicate with different people on any topic, gain self-confidence and determination to make important decisions, to achieve outstanding success in their work

  It will present information to entrepreneurs attracted by the ability to effectively manage their business, quickly and efficiently solve any problems, achieve success in any financial enterprises and to calculate any situation several moves ahead.

  The book will be indispensable for the pensioners who want to improve their health and discover the joy of a long happy life, to maintain an excellent intellectual and physical form throughout their life.

  As scientists have already long known, the activity of the brain - is the key to success and prosperity in any case, any activity, and any situations. This is the key to solving problems!

  This is not fiction. This is reality!

  With 5-10 minutes of exercise a day, you will develop truly phenomenal abilities that are inherent in every human being. Moreover, by having the right tools, you get the opportunity to train at any time and in any place convenient for you.

  Do not doubt that very soon you will witness a rapid positive change in your life, career and family relationships. This acquired knowledge will make your brain super-productive and help you better manage your life and will ensure the preservation of a clear mind and health for many years.

  Be among the lucky and successful people!

  Chapter 1 – Our brain! Secrets of the main “CPU".

  Researchers have long known this about the human brain: this priceless organ most actively develops in the first years of life.

  From birth to one year, baby learns and processes the amount of information that is never dreamed of by an adult. Stormy brain activity continues through to the ages of three to seven years, we still maintain a high enough potential, but after that - the rate of development of our mental abilities are reduced considerably.

  Neuroscientists have come to this sad conclusion: from 20 years of age the human brain goes into a stage of aging. How can you stop the process?

  The answer lies on the surface - just as we delay the aging process of the body. This requires regular exercise. This allows us to maintain muscle tone, mobility and joint flexibility, responsiveness and endurance for many years. By forcing your body to work, we constantly keep it in good shape! The point here is not about sports records - moderation and regularity are the two ingredients for success!

  Similarly, to preserve the activity of the brain requires regular exercise. After all, it is subject to the same laws of nature as all other organs and systems of man.

  It is with regular exercise that "the mind" can keep the brain in good shape, active and in working condition! And if you are young and healthy in our brains, then the whole body is healthy and young.

  After a series of studies of the human brain, neuroscientists have uncovered shocking information: most of us, throughout our life, do not use a tenth of the brain’s resources. People live, eat, sleep, communicate, do their job, while only 10% of their brain cells are functional and active!

  But it’s not all that bad. It is proven that the people, who are able to put into operation at least 10-15% of your gray matter, significantly stand out from the rest. It is their mind and intelligence that enable them to become leaders, and high reaction speed and enterprise ensure success in any business! With their abilities to engage in constructive dialogue and the ability to anticipate all scenarios they rapidly march up the corporate ladder, moving forward in science and make important discoveries. These people are successful! And all this is thanks to the active work of the brain. An actively working brain gives a person a better chance of a long, active life.

  The discoveries of scientists confirm: the constant work of the brain stimulates the activity of all organs and systems of the body, is an important condition for a full life and good health.

  Constant mental work is the key to a long and active life. This is a serious argument for us to start exercising to wake your brain reserve without delay.

  Striking changes and the results are not long in coming, if you dedicate 5 to 10 minutes a day to the execution of simple tasks. It seems unbelievable: in the times when we decide to solve mathematical questions, memorize words or find the figures on a small plate, the brain gets a lot of pulses, there is a real transformation!

  In the course of exploring the unique training methods for the brain, researchers from different countries, almost simultaneously, found that the positive changes affect not only the intellectual activity of people who worked with brain
exercises. Changes were observed in all.

  So, positive changes were seen in a person's character - to have more discretion, a penchant for deep analysis, irritability and nervousness disappeared. They became more positive in communication with others, increased the ability to cooperate, even in people who previously could not work as a team.

  But these positive developments are not limited. The vast majority of people involved in the part of the technique, which involves solving mathematical questions, over time, found a different feeling of music. They began to perceive music in a deeper more meaningful way. And some of them have themselves successfully learned to play musical instruments.

  What is the secret of such a powerful impact of simple exercises on brain structure?

  The answer to this question is provided by science: encouraging certain areas of the brain into activity, we encourage increased blood flow to the entire body. In other words, this daily "charge" provides delivery to the brain, of a large amount of nutrients and oxygen. And this is exactly what it needs to maintain "good shape"! Most scientists working in the field of medicine, claim that "the will of" the brain can significantly improve immunity and strengthen the body in the fight against diseases. Even those that have traditionally been considered incurable. The fact is that in the central and peripheral nervous systems are constantly collecting and processing information on the state of every cell in the human body. All these processes are carried out in the brain and the nervous system with the help of neurons - specialized cell conductors of information in the form of electrical signals. It is obvious that the better the state of these cells, the faster the exchange of information between the brain and all the organs and systems of the body.

  It is clear that age-related changes that affect brain cells, in particular neuronal cell death, significantly reduce the rate of the brain's response to information about the general state of the organism. These adverse processes are exacerbated by stress, psycho-emotional stress, smoking, lack of exercise and poor diet. All these factors lead to oxygen starvation of the brain and nerve cell death at a tremendous speed.

  What can we do?

  We have to save our main health management "Staff" - the brain!

  Working on specially designed exercises where you learn, stimulates the brain, it helps supply the brain cells with oxygen and, therefore, the preservation of health.

  Answers to the questions related to the use of the brain exercises

  What is it that I will do when using these universal techniques?

  Using the exercises of the Patrick Kelly techniques and Schulte tables you get to play an active job with the huge potential of the brain that is usually, in the normal state, not activated. This way you can improve attention and memory, develop your skills, increase IQ, as well as to achieve a significant improvement in your physical health.

  Are there any restrictions on sex, age, type of activity for the application of this technique?

  Absolutely no restrictions exist! Kelly’s techniques and brain exercises with Schulte tables are available to everyone. Performing these exercises can be men and women, children and the elderly, doctors, managers, military officers, teachers - people of all professions.

  Perhaps such an effective technique requires long and painstaking daily work?

  Working with brain exercises will take a minimum amount of your time. Only 5-10 minutes a day gives great results.

  Do I need to work with the special equipment for this training?

  Working with these unique methods is very simple - you do not need wires, batteries or power sources. All that you need for an effective exercise, you will find in this book.

  Do I need to make special preparations for the revitalization of the brain during the training?

  Drops and pills are not necessary. You yourself are able to awaken dormant cells of your brain.

  Will I have to master the special techniques of breathing when working with trainers? Will you need to learn meditation, do some exercises?

  No, no special exercise and diving into the subconscious is not required. For qualitative development of techniques you need only three skills: reading, writing and arithmetic. Of course, you already have them.

  Do these techniques anything to do with coding?

  Absolutely nothing! In the process of working with exercises, outside influence on your brain does not occur. You just get hold of alternative ways of processing and storing information, methodically performing the recommended exercises every day. Because of this, every day more and more parts of the cortex of your brain will be included in the active job.

  Does the active use of exercises for the brain cause harm to my health?

  The method does not include anything complex, controversial, and even potentially dangerous. This natural method of training the brain shows absolutely everything and gives guaranteed results! And your health, as a result of the regular performance of all described in the book of exercises, can only improve.

  Will I not feel stress or fatigue after such training?

  The brain exercises offered in the book are so simple that they cannot cause fatigue - in fact, the performance of these tasks practically requires no effort. The only cause of stress can be a wrong posture in the classroom. All you need is one: sit back and place a book in a position comfortable for your eyes, and the problem is solved!

  How long will I have to wait for the effects of exercise?

  Waiting is almost not necessary. These exercises are, not without reason, called super-efficient: even with a few minutes of training you will feel that your brain awakens, and you deal with all tasks much more quickly.

  Chapter 2 - Kelly's methodology of activation genius zones of your brain.

  The aim of the research of Dr. Kelly was to identify ways to effectively influence those areas of the cortex, which provide higher nervous system activity. Observations of the operation of various areas of the brain showed that the biophysical activity of these cortical areas may be the same for each person when performing various operations, for example, counting dollar bills or simply from one to ten. Regarding the actions of the corresponding area of the brain demonstrates identical activity - devices capture the almost complete coincidence of the work areas of the brain.

  In view of these data, Dr. Kelly began working on the creation of both simple, versatile and safe methods of influence on the brain. Scientists are working with people of different ages and backgrounds, using a variety of options for jobs, scrupulously fixing the results by using very sensitive equipment. The work lasted for several years.

  Studies have confirmed his assumption that training with the help of simple exercises, constantly activating areas of the brain, allows for such activity areas of the cerebral cortex that people can easily cope with more complex tasks. That has been found as a way of acupressure on specific areas of the brain to significantly improve their performance.

  For example, if that area of the cortex, which is engaged in solving mathematical problems with prime numbers, as well as abstract problems during training will periodically work on simple arithmetic operations, then it increases the capacity of the brain when aimed at solving more complex abstract problems.

  This system can rightly be called a health-preventive, as it allows the speed of mental reactions to significantly increase, improves memory and gives the ability to develop logical thinking. To do this, you do not need special physical, time or material costs.

  Among the positive results of the work with the exercises are, improvement in work and study, the increase in memory capacity and speed of mental reactions were observed. A series of experiments confirmed: exercises, selected by Dr. Kelly, for a long period, is the beginning of the desired changes in the human body not only to the emotional and intellectual, but also on a physiological level.

  Most of the participants of the experiment on the development of the Kelly exercises pointed out in addition to progress in intellectual activity, the effects of improvement
: the normalization of weight, reducing the symptoms of psychosomatic diseases (such as asthma, allergies, and stuttering), reduced alcohol and nicotine dependence... It is important to note that during the experiment, the researchers carefully monitored to ensure that none of the participants did not use any special treatment tools.

  Supporting the activity of certain areas in the cortex of their brain, each person can at, any age, keep fit and healthy, as well as find it easy to cope with the tasks of high complexity. Patrick Kelly was able to create a set of exercises that can be considered the perfect stimulant of the brain.

  The unique brain trainer Kelly, rightfully called it the method of the new generation. It allows you to spend a minimum of effort to awaken your brain and set it up on a wave of constant activity.

  Description of the basic compound exercises

  Kelly training is suitable for daily activities for any person. Those jobs that are offered in it for the regular training of the brain consist of a simple example, and will not cause difficulties for the person who knows how to read, write and count. It is based on the following principle.

  Minimum effort - maximum results!

  Frequency of classes

  It is a prerequisite for brain training that the procedure consists of daily activities. In addition to expanding capacity and potential of the brain, it allows you to keep it constantly "alert". Ideally, it is best to allocate the same time during each day.

  Different speed - different results

  The brain works differently when solving simple examples of slow and fast pace. If during the execution of mathematical calculations one was to carry out a tomography scan of his brain, we can see that the higher the speed at which the brain works, the more the area of the activated areas.


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