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Ours Until Morning

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by Jodi Olson




  Jodi Olson

  Scanning, uploading and/or distribution of this book via the Internet, print, audio recordings or any other means without the permission of the Publisher is illegal and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, places, events and characters are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events or persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental.

  Ours Until Morning

  Copyright © 2012 Jodi Olson

  ISBN 978-1-935757-55-9

  All rights reserved. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.

  Published by

  Romance Divine


  Thanks to Dawne Prochilo for being a great best friend. You make me laugh when I need to laugh. Thank you for all the encouragement when I needed to hear it too.

  For Em Petrova, I appreciate your suggestions, comments and editing to get this book out. It means a lot that you wanted to help.

  Thank you to my awesome group Jodi Olsons Erotic Ranch, and especially to Helen Seely for all the things you've helped with on and off the ranch group.

  To my editor Greg, thank you for everything you do for me to see that my book is pretty awesome and for taking me on almost 5 years ago as a author for Romance Divine.

  A a special thanks to each and everyone of my readers as well. Hope you enjoy this ménage as much as my other ones you've enjoyed.



  Gage Weston and his girlfriend Andi took a sip of their tropical drinks as the beautiful breeze gave them a sense of tranquility. The idea was to get away from the hustle and bustle of work life; they needed, longed, for a vacation.

  Overworked and under the pressure of meeting deadlines and client demands, they needed to escape, and this oasis of paradise provided just what they were looking for. He loved being an architect, but this trip was long overdue.

  From the sounds of the city traffic to the sounds of tranquil waves, the two hadn’t felt such contentment in a long time. “Andi, you know what is beautiful about this place? To hear the crashing of the waves, as we stroll down the beach hand-in-hand as the sun goes down. Listening to the seagulls crying, their wings flapping in the warm, salty air as you lay on the beach. Sometimes you can taste the salty air, and it’s so peaceful here. You’ll love it.”

  “Sounds wonderful, Gage.”

  Gage reached out and caught her hand in his. “Let’s go check in, baby, before they decide to give our suite away.”

  As they entered the lobby doors, Gage pointed out the many artifacts that hung on the wall representing the one-of–a-kind celebration of Atlantis. On the left a clear glass window gave the guests a view of Dig and Ruins Lagoon, the largest open marine habitat in the world.

  Within minutes they were in the elevator that would take them to their room on the tenth floor. They were alone and he couldn’t take his eyes off her, he wanted to taste her. Gage glanced up and noticed the security camera in the right corner. Maybe the security guard would thank him later for making his shift a whole lot more enjoyable.

  Gage grabbed her around the waist from behind, pulling her back against him. He squeezed her affectionately, leaning into her until his chest was against her back. Lifting one hand slowly, he swept her strawberry-blonde hair aside to expose the skin of her neck and pressed his lips against the creamy flesh.

  She moaned as he kissed her neck again, stroking her with his tongue. When her head fell back, he put his arms around her. His lips left her neck to nibble at her earlobe; as he roused her passion, his grew stronger.

  As his hand seared a path down her abdomen and onto her thigh he paused to kiss her, whispering his love for each part of her body that aroused him the most. Her dress crept up onto her thighs as her hips ground into his hard cock. His hand moved under her dress to skim her hips. He splayed his fingers and ripped off her thong, letting it slip from his fingers, not caring where it landed. Gage’s fingers slid over her slick folds, while Andi wrapped her arm behind his neck; he heard her moans of pleasure leaving him wanting her even more. He nuzzled her neck as his fingers moved deeper inside her fiery slit, causing her breaths to become more rapid, stroking her clit faster as she moaned. Then in a sudden burst of pleasure, she cried out his name just as the doors of the elevator opened to a waiting crowd. Embarrassed, Gage and Andi slowly let go of each other.

  There must have been a dozen guests waiting to enter. The noise from the crowd suddenly grew into silence as Gage watched their expressions. It was like they’d never seen two people make out in an elevator before. “This is where we get off, baby.”

  Gage fumbled with the electronic card key. He had no idea why he was so nervous. He just gave Andi one hell of an orgasm. It wasn’t like they never had sex in public before, that was one of the things he liked about her. She was a wild one for sure.

  He used to be worried about being older then her, but that quickly passed. Nowadays he thought of making things more long-term with her, and this trip could help with that decision.

  He let Andi go inside first and once inside closed the door. The king-size bed in the master bedroom was covered with a white bedspread with green ruffles at the bottom. Four large pillows rested by the modern wooden headboard, and the dressers were a dark brown with palm tree leaves carved around the drawers. The fall-off balcony overlooked the beaches, ocean and harbor. They were only steps away from the Mandra Spa, a pristine private beach, the casino, and nightclub. Yes, this was exactly what they needed.

  He noticed Andi already admiring the walk-in closets. The master bathroom had a walk-in shower plus a separate tub. Knowing what he spent on this trip, he was very impressed with the suite and all it had to offer. Some places he stayed in before, the rooms were so small he often felt he’d paid for a broom closet, not a hotel room.

  Tonight he would be meeting Andi’s friend for the very first time. Kaitlin also would stay with them, which would leave very little privacy for him and Andi. He wasn’t happy about that at all, but at least the suite was big enough and the large parlor had a fold-out bed for Kaitlin.

  It would only be for three days, he’d find some way to get Andi alone part of the time. Maybe they could slip away to the private beach for a few hours.

  Since the moment he had finger-fucked her in the elevator Gage wanted her. He watched Andi reapply her lip gloss in front of the mirror above the dresser.

  “Come over here. I want those pretty pink lips, and you know where I want them.” He rose in one fluid motion from the bed and waited for her to come to him. His steel blue eyes pierced the distance between them. His face split into a grin when she dropped to her knees in front of him. She pulled his shorts from his legs, over his feet. His shaft bobbed slightly with the movement of his legs, curving in the direction of her mouth.

  She placed one hand at the juncture of his thigh and ass, kissing the length of his hip. The pulse point of her throat throbbed against his engorged organ. Her other hand cupped his balls, torturing them with her soft touch, her fingers encircling the base of his cock.

  She knew he wasn’t going to last long, Andi touched the tip of her tongue to the tip of his erection and his head fell back. She took a bigger taste of him, her tongue licking the nerve beneath the shaft. Andi gazed up at him when she finally took the head in her mouth.

  He wrapped his hand around her head and curled his fingers into her long chestnut hair, then pulled her forward, filling her with his cock. She gagged a little and he drew back; then glided forward slowly.r />
  She relaxed, and he pushed half of his shaft into her mouth; stopped. She squeezed him and he groaned.

  Still cupping her head, he drew back a little.

  Andi began sucking his cock, taking him as deep as she could. She couldn’t stop the need to take his long shaft deep in her waiting mouth. Andi wrapped her lips around his cock, cupping his balls and rolling them in her hand as she felt them tighten; she knew he was close. The excitement of what was to come spread heat through every cell of her body. Then he erupted into her mouth, she felt him tense as pleasure ripped through his body. He drew back, his deflated cock dropping from her mouth. She ran her tongue along her lips as she watched his cock already at half mast. Andi gazed at him and saw the hunger in his eyes. Oh God, the hunger, he wants me again. She knew what she wanted as she lay back on the bed and spread her legs. She needed him deep inside her wet, throbbing pussy.


  Accountant Andrea “Andi” Taylor had been looking forward to this vacation for a while now. In her twenty-nine years, she’d never been to a beach. Her parents never let her travel unless it was to college.

  She was especially excited to be meeting up with Kaitlin, an old friend from childhood who finally was able to get a few days off. Every time they planned on taking a vacation together, Kaitlin had to cancel at the last minute. At least they kept in touch by phone or internet.

  She didn’t realize how much she had missed Kaitlin, until three weeks ago when Kaitlin started calling on a daily basis crying about her broken marriage. Kaitlin would often bring up how she missed regular sex and was jealous of Andi’s sex life.

  Then, another night on the phone, Kaitlin brought up the time in college when they’d experimented with each other after a long dry spell between boyfriends. Back then Andi had asked Kaitlin if she‘d ever thought about being with another woman. It was new for them both. After that one night, Andi wanted more of Kaitlin, but knew her friend was a little uncomfortable and embarrassed after it happened, so she never approach her again. A short time later Kaitlin left to go to medical school and they promised each other they’d only be a phone call away.

  When Kaitlin started talking about that night, Andi tried changing the subject because her friend had no idea that one night changed her life forever. She’d been with three other women since then. She never mentioned her past to Gage and wondered what his reaction would be if that ever spilled out.

  On the day she’d first met Gage, nothing seemed to be going right. It was her first job interview as an accountant, and the person hiring wouldn’t keep his hands to himself. Then during lunch with a friend, a clumsy waiter spilled a full glass of red wine onto her white silk blouse. On the busy main street leading to her home, she spotted a crow that wouldn’t get out of the way. Because it was raining, when she tried to swerve around the stupid bird she slid right into Gage’s truck. After cussing her out for being a reckless woman driver he asked her out on a date. At first she refused, saying she wasn’t interested in some asshole who cussed without taking a breather and berated both her sex and her driving. Also he was a liar; she barely touched his precious truck. Her sports car had the most damage.

  She followed close behind him when he wanted to show her the damage done to the bumper. She gasped when his hand went to lean on it, and then watched as the bumper hit the ground with a thud. Swallowing the sob that rose in her throat, she looked up into those sexy steel blue eyes of his. “Okay, I lied, so sue me.”

  “I won’t. Hey, it looks like you’ve had a rotten day.” His demeanor changed, “I’d really like to start over, get to know you. I’ll even take you home so you can change into some dry clothes.”

  They never did make it to dinner that night; she mused, trying to suppress a giggle. Normally she wasn’t the type to go to bed with a guy she only met hours ago, but then none of the guys she dated lately looked that sinfully hot either.


  Dr. Kaitlin Bennett had a feeling someone or something would mess up her plans to join Andi and her boyfriend Gage on time. With plane and taxi delays, five hours later, she finally arrived at the Paradise at Atlantis with two suitcases full of sexy clothes, sexy underthings, and her trustworthy battery-operated boyfriend.

  Kaitlin hoped she wouldn’t have to pull it out of its hiding place. It would be nice to be with someone, even if it was only for a weekend. Somewhere there was a man who thought about her needs first. Hell, she’d even settle for a woman right now—someone’s hands other than her own to give her pleasure.

  As soon as she married Harry he switched big time. The kisses stopped and so did the touching, and when it came down to sex, it was boring. The two-minute man she started calling him. It was time to forget about the hurt and move on.

  She looked forward to meeting Gage, from what Andi told her, he sounded too good to be true. Kaitlin wondered if Andi mentioned their little secret. She heard most men liked that kind of thing. Did he as well?

  In the elevator on the way to the room they were sharing, she thought of the night Andi kissed her. What happened after that shook up some feelings she never knew she had. All she knew was it scared her enough to lose contact with Andi for a while.

  On the ride up to the tenth floor, Kaitlin leaned against the back of the elevator and closed her eyes, reliving that night…

  Andi kissed her first, she even remembered the flowery scent of the lotion her friend had on that night. They had just come back to the dorm from their friend’s place after watching a porn the friend found in her parents collection, hidden among the action movies.

  On the walk home Andi brought up the kissing scene between two of the girls and how it kind of turned her on. “Have you kissed a girl before?”

  “No, have you?” Kaitlin didn’t tell Andi that scene got her so aroused she could barely walk the five blocks back to the dorm.

  “No, but I wouldn’t mind trying it with you. I would be too afraid with someone else.”

  “Yeah.” Kaitlin was glad when Andi changed the subject for the two remaining blocks.

  They both were safely in their dorm, when Kaitlin was startled as she felt her roommate’s lips touch hers like a whisper.

  Andi moved her mouth; her tender lips touched Kaitlin’s eyes, her nose, her check and her ears, Kaitlin’s body quivered. Each kiss found her needy, as if she had taken a powerful drug. She painted a portrait of Kaitlin with her lips as they traveled from her mouth to her neck, following the line to her corset top and across the tops of her breasts.

  Kaitlin started to tremble and shake; she clamped the walls of her pussy remembering that night with Andi.

  God, what would’ve happened if we’d gone a little further? Just as the elevator doors opened she felt the wetness from her pussy travel down her thighs. Her legs were like rubber as she tried to manage to walk to the nearest chair to sit long enough to catch her breath.


  Kaitlin stood in front of the door of the room she was to share with Andi and Gage, wondering if she should knock or use the electronic key card to let herself in. Maybe they were already at dinner since she was so late. She didn’t want to ruin their day. Kaitlin took a deep breath and entered.

  Inside the room she ran her fingers through her dark chestnut hair. Glancing over at the king-size bed, she let out a groan. Andi hadn’t changed at all since college days—she still left clothes scattered all over the bed.

  In need of an orgasm Kaitlin headed for the shower. She wondered what it would be like to have Andi touching her one more time, then she thought about Gage touching her as well. Why him? She still had yet to meet the man who Andi raved about. Why? Because I’m lonely and want to feel loved and cherished for once.


  Gage left Andi sitting in the bar while he went back to the room to get his wallet. He swore he had it on him when they left the room. Seeing Andi in that little black dress must’ve distracted him enough not to check his back pocket for it. Luckily Andi had her purse to pay for the fir
st round of drinks.

  He stepped inside the suite and almost tripped over a huge green suitcase. He knew it didn’t belong to either one of them so it must be Kaitlin’s. It was about time she arrived. He wondered if he should wait for her to get out of the shower or knock and tell her to meet them in the bar when she was finished. After a few minutes of pacing, he strolled to the bathroom door.

  Gage lifted up his hand to knock but stopped when he heard her cries.

  From behind the closed door it sounded like someone was hurting her. When he opened the door and stepped inside, he found her sounds were more like frustration as he noticed her fingers nestled between her thighs.

  Thank God for clear shower doors! The steam slightly obscured the view but he still could make out her lovely curves. A nicely shaped ass took his breath away. He let out a groan as his gaze traveled up to those luscious, heavy breasts.

  Fuck! I’m in deep-shit trouble.

  She was so beautiful and yet so different than his Andi. He bet all of her male patients came up with all kinds of reasons to get a glimpse of that fucking hot, curvaceous body of hers. He couldn’t stand there any longer without helping Kaitlin get off. His chest tightened as the cries became louder. Andi did suggest we play with others while on vacation.

  Gage quickly stripped down to his black briefs, and within minutes his hard body pressed against hers. His hoarse whisper broke the silence. “I know what you need and I’m going to help, but first I’m going to wash you and after that I’m going to give you the best orgasm you’ve ever had.”

  He grabbed the washcloth, spread body shampoo on it and soaped up Kaitlin’s back, rubbing circles from her neck down. He added more soap and turned her to face him, first washing her face, and then working his way down her neck to her breasts, teasing her nipples with the cloth, making them swell against the gentle washing.


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