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Undead Have Bunnies, Too [A Tail Like No Other: Book Four] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

Page 9

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  I eyed her carefully, wondering if she was serious or was just pulling my paw. “Just out of curiosity, Your Majesty, who does this belong to?”

  I got my reply quite quickly, when my mate’s half brother, Abraham, stalked into the room I was currently investigating. “Mother, what are you doing here?” he practically screeched. “These are my private quarters.”

  The female vampire waved a hand, dismissing her son’s concerns. “Don’t be ridiculous. We’re all family here.”

  Some sort of wicked part of me made me nudge the item next to me with my paw. “That’s right,” I said. “You needn’t be apprehensive about your size. It might not be as generous as Vlad’s, but you still have a nice girth.”

  In all truthfulness, I had no idea how Abraham would react to the teasing. I half expected he would explode at me like he had in the foyer. Indeed, his eyes flashed angrily for a few moments, but then his lips twisted into a grin.

  “I appreciate the compliment,” he said. “I couldn’t hope to possibly compare to your mate, but perhaps I can lend a hand with these lessons of yours.”

  “That’s a delightful idea,” my new mother-in-law said. “I’m so glad you’ve decided to be more welcoming toward Vlad’s mate. Isn’t it a great suggestion, Vesper?”

  I spluttered, already anticipating the absolute awkwardness that would ensue. Already, I was having trouble handling the situation, what with Vlad’s mother giving me a sexual education on vampire customs. I felt even less comfortable with the thought of Abraham doing so, because he obviously hated my guts.

  Nevertheless, I couldn’t exactly refuse. “Of course you can,” my mate whispered in my mind, his voice somehow tinged with panic. “No one will force you into something you don’t want.”

  I mentally snorted. If he had trusted our bond, this never would have happened in the first place. I didn’t exactly blame him. After all, compared to the people I’d seen here so far, I was pretty weak and frail. It was my own fault for not being able to provide Vlad with what he needed. Even now, I was complaining about having to spend time with Vlad’s half brother, when he could help me surpass my problem.

  Steeling myself, I nodded at Abraham. “Thank you,” I said. “I would be much obliged for any assistance you could provide. I want to be the mate Vlad needs.”

  Abraham arched a brow at me, as if surprised. He took a step forward and picked me up, a little warily. Maybe he’d expected me to bite him again, but either way, his attitude satisfied me. If I could strike even a measure of fear within a powerful vampire, I wasn’t so weak after all.

  Vlad’s exasperation and dismay flowed clearly into me. However, he was currently engaged in a conversation with his father, and he couldn’t come retrieve me. I simply couldn’t withstand all of those confused emotions, and I sent waves of comfort through our connection. “It’s all right, Vlad. This is a good thing. I’ll get used to your family and your people.”

  I had to, if Vlad and I wanted to get out of here. Even if Vlad wasn’t happy about this, we both had to grit our teeth and take it. Our friends were relying on us to come back and help them.

  Of course, my enthusiasm started to fade when Abraham bowed to his mother then stalked away from her. “Oh, there’s a lot I have to teach you,” he told me, chortling.

  I could only hang on for the ride as he carried me into yet another room, this one even stranger than the previous. It was pretty much bare, at least of any sort of furniture. The walls held various assortments of chains and whips. There were platforms with all sorts of boxes, and although I couldn’t tell what they contained, I had a feeling I wouldn’t necessarily like it.

  Abraham pulled a cord I hadn’t originally seen, and one of the walls parted to reveal a secondary chamber, with a huge bed smack dab in the middle of it. “You should change in your second form,” he advised me. “I can explain better through a practical demonstration.”

  “I’m happy with theory, thank you very much,” I replied quickly, leaping out of his arms. Suddenly, it felt like a very bad idea to be in a room full of sex toys with a man who wasn’t my mate.

  Vlad’s brother laughed at my panic. “Come now, shifter. I thought you were oh so willing to learn.”

  “I can learn just fine like this,” I said stubbornly. I would have bitten him, especially since I could feel Vlad’s anger bubbling at the back of my mind. However, I kept my temper in check, acknowledging the fact that hostility wouldn’t get me anywhere.

  Abraham snorted. “Suit yourself.”

  Clinging to my rabbit form, I steeled myself for what was to come. Abraham proceeded to rummage through every possible box in sight. He dumped several items on the bed, some of which I couldn’t even figure out what they were. There were phallic-shaped toys, cages like the one I’d seen before, gags, and many other things I had never thought I’d have anything to do with in my life.

  And naturally, that was only the beginning, because after that, Abraham proceeded to explain in excruciating detail what each of the toys were for. At one point, I could actually see why he had suggested me changing shapes. It wasn’t that I couldn’t intellectually understand how the items worked. Of course I did. However, I couldn’t use them in my bunny form, which made actually remembering them pretty difficult.

  At one point, Abraham actually became exasperated with me. “All right, young shifter,” he said. “If you won’t change shapes, we’ll have to use a different strategy. Alphabetically. Repeat after me. Then you’ll jot it down, and it’ll be far easier to remember.”

  The end result was that I’d have to shift anyway. I kind of regretted that I hadn’t agreed to do so already, but it was too late to change my mind. Abraham was already starting to drone on names.

  “Anal beads.”

  “Ball lock.”

  “Butt plugs.”

  “Cock harness.”

  “Cock ring.”


  “Docking sleeve.”


  “Glass massage wand.”

  At first, I just stared at him, but when he gave me a dark look, I began to repeat after him. It was a little embarrassing at first, but then, I mentally caught a glimpse of my mate watching us. He seemed aroused at the scene, but also very jealous, a situation which definitely had potential.

  I found myself eyeing the items with interest, my paws twitching slightly as I wondered which one of the toys would appeal to my mate. Images flashed through my mind, coming from him. Before I knew it, I shifted into my second form, without actually intending to.

  Since Vlad had fucked me earlier, my heat had subsided a little. But I realized now that it hadn’t been enough, not nearly enough. In fact, it seemed to have only whet my appetite. The unexpected arrival of Vlad’s family might have put that off for a while, but now, my desire for my true mate was returning with a vengeance. And really, what was I doing discussing sex toys with Vlad’s brother, when I could easily test them with my lover?

  I would have liked to tell Abraham exactly that, except I couldn’t speak anymore. Waves of lust flowed over me, cutting off my ability to form coherent phrases. Dizzy, I fell back on the bed, moaning and rubbing my body against the silken sheets.

  “Oh, dear,” Abraham said, staring at me blankly. Or, I thought he was looking at me, at least. He could have been swirling around throwing pixie dust into the air like my friend Larue and I wouldn’t have noticed. My mind was completely focused on my mate, on the feelings I myself was bringing out inside him. Because Vlad was not left unmoved by my heat. While I couldn’t say it came at the perfect time, my extreme arousal certainly had it advantages in that the potency of it wiped away any possible barriers that might have existed between Vlad and me.

  Vlad might have still been a little apprehensive regarding the true extent of my ability to handle his vampire nature. I’d had every intention to take it slow and prove to him that I could be a worthy mate, that he didn’t have to worry about me every time we came together. Howe
ver, such explanations were unnecessary now. Vlad could see everything in my heart and mind, and during my heat, even he couldn’t fight it.

  Of course, that didn’t change my current circumstances, or my location. I instinctively wanted to leave this place, because it didn’t belong to my mate. Vlad was the only one who should be seeing me and touching me at this time. I was also completely naked and could do next to nothing to hide my hard dick from my host.

  “Well,” Abraham said, “I can see why my brother is even bothering to teach you how to be an appropriate companion for him. There is a certain appeal to your charms.”

  Not even his assessment of me could snap me out of my trance. He was, purely and simply, irrelevant. I didn’t even deign his comment with a reply. Instead, I lay back on the pillows, spreading my legs and engulfing my hard dick in my fist. As I swept my thumb over the crown, I shivered in lust, aching for Vlad’s touch, wishing his strong, talented fingers were the ones holding me. He was making his way through the residence even now, and I had the distinct urge to put on a little show for him. I couldn’t even say if it was a conscious decision or not, because by the time I registered it, I’d started to move my hand up and down my own dick. Frustrated pleasure exploded over me at the unsatisfying friction. It wasn’t even something I’d done for my own benefit, but the motions were drawing additional lust from me, piling onto the one that had already existed because of my heat. I sped up the pace of my strokes and pinched my nipple, groaning at the shot of rapture that zinged through me at the action. At the other side of my bond with Vlad, my mate stumbled and ran into a wall in his haste to get to me.

  It would have actually been a little funny, and I did feel kind of smug over the fact that I could get my strong, composed mate to lose it. Never mind that I myself had foregone any sense of shame, or reason itself for that matter. I was in heat. Rational thought wasn’t compatible with the purely sexual being I had become.

  I was completely naked, and even if I was aware of Abraham still being present in the room, I couldn’t have cared less. I was aroused, my cock dripping with pre-cum, but I made no attempt to hide it. “Vlad,” I called out to my mate, “come to me. I need you.”

  “Vesper.” Vlad’s mental voice was husky as he spoke through our bond. “You’re mine.”

  Naturally, I couldn’t argue against that, because from the very moment we’d met, I had belonged to him. He knew it as well as I did, and only his scruples and his concern for me had been holding him back. I would have hoped to win in a battle against misguided worries, but Vlad had been more stubborn than I’d expected. Either way, it didn’t matter anymore, because my heat was too strong now for even him to withstand. And maybe even Abraham’s presence helped a little, because it stirred Vlad’s possessiveness.

  As if ushered by my thoughts, Vlad suddenly snarled in my mind. “Shift back. I don’t want anyone else but me to see you that way.”

  It was pretty hard for me to do what Vlad had demanded, or at least it should have been. In truth, it really wasn’t. As if he’d activated some sort of mechanism inside me, I instantly melted in my rabbit form.

  That didn’t really help my arousal. If anything, it made things worse. I grabbed the pillows with my paws and started humping them, need still buzzing hotly through my body. My fur seemed to itch with it, and I felt my lust for my mate all the way into my whiskers.

  Fortunately, my mate at last burst into the room. “Thank you, Abraham,” he said tightly. He grabbed me and draped me over his shoulder a little more abruptly than I myself had expected, like I was a plush toy that was accidentally alive. I didn’t mind being man—or rather, bunny-handled. In fact, since it was at my mate’s hands, I rejoiced in it.

  Vlad stalked out of the room, while I futilely tried to keep my heat in check. It didn’t work, and the proximity to Vlad certainly didn’t help. If I hadn’t been in bunny form, I’d have jumped him and swallowed down his cock already. Or preferably, taken it inside my ass. Yes, that idea definitely had potential.

  Seemingly agreeing with me, my mate didn’t even bother to carry me to his quarters, which, as I gathered from his distant memories, were a good distance away from our current location.

  He just stepped into a random room and dumped me on the bed in the center of it. “Shift!” he commanded.

  The barked order triggered the same immediate response in me. I melted into my second form and glanced up at him with dazed eyes. “Vlad,” I said.

  Or, at least, I tried to. It came out like a strange cross between a whine and gasp, and it sounded about ten syllables longer than it should have been. But that was all right, because Vlad understood anyway. He understood the language of my body, a body that was screaming for him.

  His dark gaze scrutinized me with an intensity that almost made me melt into a puddle of shape-shifted fur. I whimpered and panted, crawling toward him even if my limbs trembled with a weakness born out of the desire to submit to him. I wanted to reach for Vlad, but at the same time, I was his willing captive.

  Mercifully, Vlad experienced the same urgency I did. He joined me on the bed, and in a flurry of motion, discarded his clothing. Truly, if I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t have guessed anyone—even a vampire or a shape-shifter—could move so quickly, but he did. In mere moments, his garments were reduced to useless scraps. He threw off his boots, and they hit the wall so hard a painting clattered to the floor with a resounding bang. Why had his parents given him clothing in the first place? It had to be some sort of crime to have Vlad covering that gorgeous body.

  And then, he was on me, his hands roaming every inch of skin within his reach. They were cold now, and yet, they fanned the blaze of my heat, stimulating my already oversensitized body. I forgot all about any possible question I might have had—except maybe, “When is Vlad going to fuck me?”

  I writhed under Vlad, grinding against him, seeking the friction I so desperately craved. My leaking dick brushed his, and when the two shafts kissed, I released an embarrassingly high-pitched noise, as if I was some sort of bird, not a rabbit. Vlad didn’t seem to mind. He chuckled darkly and blew a gust of air in my ear, drawing another of those sounds out of me. “Tell me, Vesper. Who do you belong to?”

  Suddenly, I couldn’t move. I could barely even breathe. Even if I needed him just as much, my body refused to process my desire to rub against him. I was frozen, and it seemed a miracle that I could even make my vocal cords work. “You,” I said. “You.”

  It was actually kind of shocking that I didn’t stutter at all. In fact, even if earlier I’d been practically incoherent, my reply sounded clear and stable. To a certain extent, I couldn’t even understand the reason behind it. The only thing I knew was that I belonged to him, from the tips of my hair—or my fur—to that of my tail.

  His full lips twisted into a brief smile that made him look even more mind-meltingly handsome than he already was. It melted into a frown that, for some reason, aroused me just as much the grin. Then again, Vlad could just breathe on me, and my cock twitched in excitement, eager for some action.

  “Don’t you know you shouldn’t show that sexy body of yours to anyone but me?” he asked, his voice so low it almost seemed to come from the grave. “Your arousal belongs to me, no one else.”

  I whimpered, wanted to confirm his words again, to scream “yes,” “yes.” Maybe I did say it, through our bond, but it must not have satisfied Vlad. He flipped me on all fours, and on instinct, I wiggled my ass invitingly. My needy hole clenched, aching to be filled by his dick. Nothing else would satisfy me.

  Sadly, Vlad had other ideas. Before I even knew what was going on, his hand landed on my ass cheek with a resounding thwack. I yelped, a not entirely dignified noise that only seemed to encourage my mate. With a low growl, he targeted my other cheek, striking me just as hard. This time, I hissed lowly, but didn’t try to pull away. I was rewarded when he smoothed his hands over my burning skin in a caress that contrasted with his previous touch. But of course, he wasn’t
finished yet. “Listen closely, Vesper,” he said. “The only one who can give you lessons is me.”

  That sounded pretty encouraging to me, since I felt the same. The only teacher I was interested in was my mate, and our private lessons had real potential. Just as that thought passed through my mind, Vlad’s palm struck my bottom again, a little lower than the previous spot he’d hit. I released a choked plea that might have embarrassed me had my heat not melted away any capacity I had of feeling shame. Why would I have been embarrassed, you ask? For a very simple reason. Even if Vlad was hitting me, the pain he inflicted seemed to translate into a pleasure like I’d never experienced before. My dick throbbed between my legs, so much so that I couldn’t help but try to reach for it. Sadly, Vlad’s touch had my limbs weak and uncoordinated, and I would have fallen on my face had my mate not wrapped an arm around my waist, holding me upright. He tsked in my ear, making me freeze before I could even touch myself. “Mine,” he said through our connection. “You don’t come until I say so.”

  There had always been something impossibly intimate about our connection, from the very moment we had bonded. It was different now, deeper, somehow more striking. Vlad had been passionate during our first time together, but something had changed about him. He was allowing himself to unbury his true desire, and that was the strongest aphrodisiac in existence. The fact that he trusted me to be able to handle it just made me trust him in turn, with everything that I was.

  As he spoke, he licked over the shell of my ear, making renewed pleasure explode through me. His free hand wrapped around my prick and squeezed the base of the shaft. At this point, I was practically reduced to tears, but somehow, I managed to nod. Even if I needed to come so badly I hurt, I wouldn’t fail my mate by disobeying him.

  “Excellent,” Vlad congratulated me. “That’s it, my sweet. Surrender to me.”

  I already had, but he knew that. He flipped me on my back again, and I was greeted with the sight of my naked mate looming above me. His eyes were so dark that I was left breathless, falling into those fathomlessly black pools, losing myself in those depths that held so much molten desire. I wanted to touch him, but once again, I was frozen. Even when he released my dick and started to pull away, I couldn’t do much in terms of protest.


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