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Forgiving the Dragon (Dragon Forged Book 4)

Page 5

by Rinelle Grey

  Warrian turned back to Rita and stared into her expectant face. He didn’t want to let her down. He’d never wanted to live up to someone’s expectations more in his life. He would try to be who she thought he was. Starting with swallowing his pride and apologising to his enemy.

  No, he needed to stop thinking of Ultrima as his enemy, and instead remember Ultrian, his troublesome but lovable friend. That would make this easier. He hoped.

  “I’ll do it,” he said.

  Her eyes widened. “Really?” There, under her look of shock and disbelief, the corners of her mouth lifted slightly, and there was a sparkle in her eyes.

  That was all he needed to see. Warrian nodded firmly. “I will. You’re right. I need to fix this, and Ultrima is the best place to start.”

  Rita hurriedly scrambled to her feet and dusted the sand off her clothes. “Let’s do it now.” As though she was afraid he’d change his mind.

  And he might have. Butterflies stormed through his stomach as Rita pushed aside the hide covering the entrance to their cave. The murmurs of Trima dragons drifted down the passageway to them. But the raging insects fled when Rita reached out and took his hand in hers and squeezed it. He’d do anything for the chance to stay at her side. Being with her made him strong, not weak. How had he never realised that before?

  “Well, well, what have we here?” Ultrima’s voice purred as Warrian and Rita entered the room at the end of the passageway. “Our prisoners think they can escape?” He was in human form, dressed in human pants and a light blue shirt. His eyes whirled. He knew they didn’t think that at all. He was playing with them. Warrian clenched his teeth, and his hand involuntarily tightened around Rita’s as well.

  She squeezed his hand back encouragingly, and Warrian tried to push away his angry thoughts. Or at least to reframe them. Ultrima wasn’t playing with them. He was teasing, just as he always had. If Warrian could just imagine they were back in Rian lair, arguing over a girl...

  He took a deep breath. “I need to talk to you, Ultrima. Can we go somewhere private?”

  Ultrima raised an eyebrow. “Anything you have to say to me can be said in front of my clan. Unless you’re embarrassed by that?”

  Warrian gritted his teeth and made an effort to calm himself again before he snapped at the Trima leader. He was sure he wouldn’t have been able to manage it if it weren’t for Rita’s presence. But she stood by his side, holding his hand, not interrupting the conversation, just being a reassuring presence.

  He could do this. He could apologise to Ultrima in front of Trima clan. These dragons would have been part of Rian clan if not for what he’d done. Perhaps they deserved the apology as much as Ultrima did.

  Taking a deep breath, Warrian took the chance. “I’m sorry.”

  There. Once the words were out of his mouth, it all seemed easier. Even when Ultrima raised an eyebrow, and said, “Sorry for what?”

  “I’m sorry for lying. For saying you forced yourself on my sister when you didn’t. I’m sorry you were kicked out of Rian clan, and I’d like to invite you back.”

  Where had that last part come from? He hadn’t intended to invite Ultrima to rejoin Rian clan, even though he’d considered the possibility earlier. For one thing, he didn’t have the power to do that. His sister might be able to, but Warrian had no idea how she regarded Ultrima after all this time. She might want nothing to do with him. The rest of Rian clan might not either. He should have kept his mouth shut.

  All of the Trima dragons were staring at him in shocked silence. Even Ultrima.

  Despite being unsure if his words had been the right choice, Warrian couldn’t help feeling smug that he’d shocked the lightning dragon into silence. “What, cat got your tongue?” he said teasingly.

  Ultrima ignored his dig, instead asking sharply, “Do you mean that?”

  Warrian hesitated. “I do. But I don’t have the power to do it on my own. I would need the support and approval of my sister, or at least the rest of the Rian princes and princesses. And for that I would need to return to my clan and present my case to them.”

  Ultrima’s eyes narrowed. “You mean, you’d need to admit to the rest of your family that you lied?”

  Warrian swallowed. This was it. Perhaps, just perhaps, he might be able to mend this. All of it. He’d never know until he tried. “Yes, that is what I mean.”

  Ultrima stared at him for a long, silent moment, and Warrian held his breath. Would it work? Would it be enough? The Trima leader’s sharp eyes turned on Rita. He looked her up and down, staring for a long moment at their clasped hands. “And what of the two of you? Are you ready to admit you’re in love?”

  Confusion wrinkled Warrian’s brow. “What does the situation between Rita and I have to do with anything?” His voice may have been a bit rough and abrupt, but he wasn’t ready to discuss how he felt about Rita with anyone. That emotion was too new, too precious, for him to talk about it, especially not with a dragon who could still be his enemy. Especially not when he hadn’t had a chance to find out how Rita felt.

  Unfortunately, Ultrima didn’t seem to see it that way. “How do I know you’re not just apologising so I’ll let you go? How do I know you won’t just go back to your clan and lie? Again. Why should I trust you?”

  Warrian stared at him, bewildered. The Trima leader’s questions were valid, except for one thing. “What does any of that have to do with Rita and I telling you we’re in love?”

  Rita spoke up too. “Warrian has apologised to you. And I believe he genuinely regrets what he did. If you’re not willing to accept that, fine, but don’t bring our relationship into this. That’s got nothing to do with whether he’s trustworthy or not.”

  Ultrima gave a wolfish grin. “You seem to have forgotten, my dear, that both of you are my prisoners. You don’t get to dictate terms to me. I’ll bring whatever things I like into this discussion, and there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  It had all gone wrong. Again. And Warrian had no idea why or how. One thing was certain though, escaping from Ultrima’s lair was going to be far harder than he’d thought.

  If a heartfelt apology hadn’t worked, he had no idea what would.

  Chapter 7

  Rita’s heart constricted as Warrian slumped against the wall and stared off into space. Ultrima’s rejection of his apology had defeated him more than being captured had.

  It was all her fault. She shouldn’t have been fooled by his uncaring façade and realised how badly his mistakes had hurt him. Instead she’d given him hope there was something he could do to repair the damage he’d done, and then Ultrima had dashed it.

  She shouldn’t have pushed him to apologise. But she’d been so certain that not only would it help him atone for the mistakes he’d made, but that Ultrima would let them go.

  Heaving a sigh, she sat down next to Warrian, letting her shoulder lean up against his. Predictably, as soon as she touched him, even through the material of her shirt, the Mesmer bond made its presence known with a surge of desire.

  Well, maybe that wasn’t so bad. Perhaps the desire would help perk Warrian up.

  Maybe it was time to start considering other plans for escape. If apologising hadn’t worked, then Warrian could be right. Ultrima might have more sinister plans for them. A shiver ran down her spine at the thought. She’d been so convinced that underneath the Trima dragon’s tough act, he had a heart. She’d been so sure the apology would work.

  “I’m sorry I got you into this mess,” Warrian muttered. “You must really be wishing you weren’t bonded to me right now. I’m a disaster waiting to happen.”

  Rita’s heart went out to him. Apparently once he’d let that pain through, it had leaked over everything.

  “You are not a disaster,” Rita said firmly. “You made a mistake. We all do that. Hell, I’ve made a few myself recently.” She grinned wryly and bumped her shoulder up against his, enjoying the thrill that went through her body at the contact. “We’ll figure something out.”
  “No, we won’t.” Warrian’s voice was hollow. He looked up at her, and his eyes were hopeless. “There’s no way out. Don’t you get it? My entire clan fought against Trima clan and couldn’t defeat them. Even if we could somehow get a message to them, there’s no rescue coming. And clearly any attempt to appeal to Ultrima’s better nature is doomed to failure.”

  That attitude wasn’t helping any. Rita didn’t blame him. The situation did seem hopeless right now, but she refused to give up. Not when everything else was going her way for a change. Warrian had forgiven her for lying, and she’d been able to forgive him. Despite the odds being stacked against him, Warrian’s story had melted away the last of her reservations about him. If they could get out of here, maybe there was a chance for them too.

  As if that wasn’t enough to bring a smile to her face, she’d even convinced Warrian to let her print her article. She certainly wasn’t going to give up before she had the chance. Not without a bloody good fight at least.

  “There has to be a way,” she said firmly. “We just haven’t found it yet.”

  Warrian looked up, and this time there was at least a smile on his face. “That’s one of the things I love about you, you know? The way you never give up.”

  Her heart flip flopped and pounded in her chest at the same time. “You... You love me?”

  And she’d thought she’d reached the peak of everything going her way. Now she was up in the stratosphere.

  Warrian’s eyes widened, and he looked a little surprised at his own admission. Then his expression grew determined, and he nodded. “Yes, I do. I have for a while. I’ve been trying to deny it, but it isn’t working.” He gave a wry grin. “Your determination got in the way.”

  Rita stared at him, aware her jaw was dropping, but too stunned to do anything about it. This was the last thing she’d expected. Even when Ultrima had teased him about it, he’d been so busy insisting he despised love and spouting off about how weak it made him. To admit it now...

  “You’re not just playing with me are you?” she asked suspiciously. “Or thinking this is what Ultrima wants and doing it to get him to let us go?” She wouldn’t blame him if that were the case, but she did need to know before she got her hopes up.

  But Warrian’s head shake was instantaneous. “No, I have no idea what game Ultrima is playing, and I just don’t care anymore. I refuse to play along. I let him mess up my life enough already. I’m not going to do it again.” His shoulders slumped. “I know you probably don’t want anything to do with me, and I don’t blame you. Even if you could forgive me, I have nothing to offer you. My clan will probably throw me out when they learn the truth. I certainly have no right to hope you might love me back.”

  Sympathy and... yes, that was love... welled up in Rita. She reached out and put an arm around Warrian. “Silly, I don’t need you to provide for me. I have a home of my own. If you don’t have a place in your clan, then you have a place with me.”

  She was crazy, offering him that when she barely knew him. When she had no idea if she’d still be this wild for him when the Mesmer ritual was complete. But even though she tried to convince herself she should be more sensible and take more precautions, she couldn’t. Warrian’s pain was too much for her to bear. She had to do something about it.

  And it worked. He looked up at her, and though his smile still held sadness, it was a genuine smile. “You’d do that for me? After all I’ve done?”

  “You’d come with me after I lied to you and made a deal with your enemy?”

  The wry smile Warrian gave her said he saw her point. And it warmed her heart.

  “We’d better start making some plans to escape then,” Warrian said, his voice stronger already. “Because we’re not going to have much of a life trapped here in Ultrima’s lair.”

  Rita shrugged. “I don’t know, it’s private enough, and people bring us meals at regular intervals. We’ve got nothing to do except...” she broke off, feeling her face heat. Uttering the thing she’d been about to say probably wasn’t the wisest choice. “Uh... talk...” she finished.

  The hunger in Warrian’s eyes said he knew exactly what she’d been about to say, and he approved of it.

  He was so tempting. The need from the Mesmer bond flooded her body, but Rita was sure it was only a trickle compared to the yearning his presence created in her. Even though it was far greater than any desire she’d ever experienced before, she was certain it was just the way she felt about him.

  She couldn’t imagine not feeling this way about him.

  Warrian ran a hand down her arm, sending shivers across her skin and murmured, “I never imagined a passion like this could be felt outside of the mating bond. I just didn’t think it was possible for two people to feel this way without the aid of dragon magic.”

  “Well, humans have been forming long term relationships without dragon magic for years.” Rita’s voice was breathless, and she didn’t care.

  “True.” Warrian nodded. “Perhaps your kind can teach dragons about this love and how we can be overcome by it.” His voice was a low whisper, and it reverberated through Rita’s body, setting every nerve ending alight.

  “We’d be happy to be of service,” she managed to force out.

  Warrian’s hand slipped lower, past her elbow to the curve of her waist, then down to grasp her hip, and she almost melted from the need that surged through her. “Warrian?” she panted.


  How did his voice sound so smooth, so controlled, as though this wasn’t affecting him at all? But when she looked into his eyes, their grey was intense, and his pupils had narrowed into slits. The evidence of his true dragon nature sent a shiver through her.

  He was a dragon. And he’d said he loved her. And they were about to... mate?

  The thought made Rita feel a little lightheaded. Mating in the tent in the middle of the dust storm had seemed dangerous and risky. Here, in the middle of the enemy dragon’s lair, seemed positively crazy. There was no real door. A whole bunch of Trima dragons were right down at the end of the passageway, and any of them could walk in at any minute. And who knew what plans Ultrima had in store for them.

  But that only made Rita more certain she needed to do this. Who knew how long they had or what was coming, but none of that mattered right now. All that mattered was Warrian. She’d wanted him for so long the ache almost seemed like it was a part of her. The thought of fulfilling that need created a hunger she wasn’t sure she could control.

  “I love you,” Rita blurted out. Her arms went around his neck, and she pulled him close, burying her face in his hair.

  He hugged her back as though he’d never let go, and his voice was choked up as he said, “I love you, too.”

  “Well, well, this is a pretty picture.” The sarcastic voice interrupted their tender moment, and Rita could have screamed. Why, oh why did they keep getting interrupted just when everything was getting good?

  “What the hell do you want?” Warrian demanded, frustration lacing his voice as he pulled back to glare at the Trima life dragon who stood in the doorway. What had she said her name was? Latrima?

  Latrima raised one perfect eyebrow. “I brought you lunch. But perhaps dietary sustenance isn’t what you’re seeking right now.”

  It most definitely was not. Rita was tempted to tell her to go away and leave them alone. But the interruption had dampened her mood anyway, reminding her that anyone could walk in at any time. She didn’t really want all of Trima clan to hear her moans of delight. Those were for Warrian alone. So she untangled herself from his hold and reached for the plates. “Thank you.”

  Latrima looked amused, but her eyes were sharp and calculating. Rita couldn’t help thinking she’d been sent to check up on them, perhaps to deliberately interrupt them. That would be just like Ultrima, pretending he wanted people to fall in love, and then leaving them frustrated instead. That would make his day.

  But Latrima’s expression turned earnest, and she asked
, “Did you mean what you said?” Her question was not even close to what Rita had expected.

  Rita wrinkled her nose in confusion. “Did I mean it when I said I loved Warrian?” Why would the Trima life dragon care? Then again, Ultrima had seemed unduly interested in her and Warrian’s relationship.

  Latrima shook her head impatiently. “No, when you said Trima clan could return to Rian clan.” And it was to Warrian that she looked.

  Rita looked over too. She was pretty sure he had meant it, but she wasn’t going to reply for him. He needed to sort this one out.

  Warrian regarded Latrima carefully for a few minutes, but instead of answering, he asked his own question. “Why do you care? Your boss said no. Isn’t that the end of the story?” he asked challengingly. Then he heaved a sigh. “Not that I’m sure I can get my sister to agree anyway.”

  Latrima edged a little closer to them, glanced behind her, and then lowered her voice. “I’m sure we can find a way to make this work. In fact, Trima clan already made an agreement with Rian clan while Ultrima was in the police station and you sister was still asleep. I bartered my help with the humans…” she glanced sharply at Warrian, “and your brother’s relationship with his mate, to find out if your sister really wished for a chance to be with Ultrima. For that brief moment, we had peace between the clans. Then your sister woke and Ultrima returned and it was all gone.”

  Rita’s eyes widened as Latrima spoke. She’d had no idea all that had happened. How shocking. The clans had been so close to peace and then had it ripped away.

  Warrian seemed surprised too. “My brothers and sisters agreed to this?”

  Latrima nodded. Then her mouth twisted. “All except Sarian. From the moment she woke, she insisted she hated Ultrima. And her family believed her completely, of course.”

  Rita could see where this was going. “But you can read minds, and you weren’t so convinced, were you?”

  To her surprise, the life dragon actually hesitated. “Sarian did feel hatred for Ultrima,” she said slowly. Then her eyes met Rita’s earnestly. “But there was something more under it, I’m sure of it. She still feels something for him.”


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