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Arrested by the Dragon: Gay Police Paranormal Romance

Page 15

by Clearwater, Julian

  “You can’t just do something like that and walk away.” Evan bit out, pressing their hips flush together. Though Evan’s size was certainly nothing to turn one’s nose up at, his eyes widened as he felt the sheer size of Dakota’s length straining against his jeans.

  “Don’t get yourself involved in something you’ll regret, E.” Dakota rumbled, giving his hips a slight jerk in spite of his words. Evan bit back a cry at the friction, fumbling with the button on the larger man’s jeans. Dakota did not flinch away, simply watching with a hungry stare as Evan struggled to free his childhood friend’s manhood.

  “Please.” Evan gasped out, managing to get the button unfastened and sliding Dakota’s jeans lower on his hips. Dakota rumbled softly, grabbing Evan by the shoulder and forcing him to face the door they had just walked through, pushing him against the wood. Evan braced himself against the door, biting back a sigh of relief as his own member was freed. He felt his jeans and underwear pool around his ankles, in faint disbelief that this was actually happening, but too aroused to stop it. A large hand wrapped around the length of his shaft, and he bit back a whine, his entire body stiffening as his friend’s hand began to jerk him off.

  “Relax.” Dakota murmured, rubbing his thumb to the tip of Evan’s cock. Precum dribbled from his cock slit, and Dakota continued to milk him until his hand was sticky just from Evan’s pre-ejaculate. Evan gasped for breath, humping against the palm of Dakota’s hand until, suddenly, strings of hot white cum exploded from the tip of his cock, coating Dakota’s hand as well as the door in front of him. Dakota began to jerk at his cock at a more rapid pace, milking the smaller man for every drip he could get. Evan cried out, all but collapsing against the door. He wearily turned to face Dakota, only to be faced with the sight of the larger man pumping his hand along his impossibly large cock. Moments later, a splash of fluids spilled across his lower stomach as Dakota came with a soft grunt. The two did not speak for several long moments, the only sounds permeating the room being their soft gasps for breath.

  “W-well.” Evan stammered, embarrassment setting his cheeks alight as his senses came back to him. “I don’t usually…” He continued, awkwardly moving to pull up his pants. Dakota chuckled warmly, gesturing towards the back of the trailer.

  “Go to my room and find a clean shirt to put on. I need to finish dragging the luggage in the house before I get any more… caught up in this.” He murmured, tucking himself back into his jeans and buttoning them.

  “I don’t usually do this. You must think so little of me.” Evan whined. Dakota quirked a grin, moving to pull the door open.

  “Right now all I can think about is how hard I wanna pound your tight little asshole. Not really friend-appropriate thoughts on my part either.” Dakota said mischievously. Evan whimpered, staring longingly after his childhood friend as he made to slip out the front door. “Now go make yourself look less fuckable so I can think straight. We have a uh… lot, to discuss.” Dakota rumbled, staring at Evan for a moment longer before stepping outside, pulling the door shut behind him. Swallowing thickly, Evan gathered his cum splattered clothes, seeking out a clothes hamper to deposit them into. Though he had felt some attraction to his friend from the moment he laid eyes on him at the graduation, he had never expected… well, he never could have anticipated this happening. Even now, as much as he wanted to feel chagrined about the situation, the only thing he truly regretted was not getting the experience the so called ‘pounding’ Dakota had referred to. Tossing his clothes in the hamper in Dakota’s bedroom, he grabbed one of the other man’s shirts, even though it was much too large for him. He lifted the fabric to his nose, inhaling deeply and feeling his cock give another slight twitch. Things had certainly changed in the two years they had been apart, but as they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

  Evan pulled his friend’s shirt over his head, the bottom falling nearly to his knees. He could hear the front door opening, and the shuffling that likely indicated the luggage being dragged inside. As much as he wanted to dart into the living area and demand Dakota finish what he’d started, he forced himself to sit on the bed, trying to return some semblance of sense to himself. He’d never been an overly sexual person, even when he had ‘discovered’ himself in college. Yet… this pull he felt towards Dakota was strange, inexplicable. Almost... supernatural.

  When Evan stepped back into the main room, the tension in the room was palpable. Dakota seemed to be busying himself with unpacking the suitcases he’d lugged into the house, and Evan hesitated at the doorframe of the bedroom, watching him silently. That tug he felt towards Dakota had not abated, but he was suddenly afraid to act on it. The man he had called his friend for so many year had changed so much, and the fear that he had ruined their lifetime of friendship weighed heavily on his mind. He stepped into the room, trying to move quietly, but Dakota immediately looked towards him. From the looks of it, the larger man had something weighing heavily on his mind as well, and Evan smiled timidly, wrapping his slender arms around himself and stepping further into the room. Dakota clutched one of Evan’s shirts in his hands, white knuckled and visibly quaking. Before Evan could open his mouth to try and break the silence, Dakota spoke.

  “We need to talk.” He said shakily, carefully placing the shirt in his hands back in the suitcase. Evan hesitated, nodding his head obligingly before stepping up and taking a seat on the run down couch. Dakota sat on the opposite end, staring at his hands while Evan simultaneous leveled his gaze in Dakota’s direction. Dakota breathed in deeply, exhaling an unhappy sounding sigh.

  “I didn’t mean… to screw everything up. I understand if you want me to leave.” Evan muttered, wringing his hands together. He tried to swallow the tears pricking at his eyes, roughly rubbing the back of his hand against his face.

  “W-what?” Dakota stammered out, and Evan forced himself to look at the other man. “You didn’t do anything wrong. I just… there’s some stuff I should have discussed with you. I feel like I’ve taken advantage of your attraction to me, when there’s a chance it’s… superficial. I’m the one who should be sorry.” Dakota added, burying his face in his hands. Evan’s eyes widened for a moment before immediately narrowing upon the other man. He gripped Dakota’s shirt, giving a slight tug in an attempt to draw his gaze upwards.

  “Superficial!? What on earth do you mean by that?” Evan demanded. “You know you’re my best friend in the world, I wouldn’t risk that for such a petty reason!” He continued, waiting until Dakota looked towards him to continue. “I’ve… never felt like this about anyone before…” He murmured, cupping Dakota’s cheek in his hand. The larger man’s gaze was intense as he considered Evan, tilting his head to kiss the palm of the smaller man’s hand.

  “I haven’t been entirely honest with you.” Dakota said carefully, and Evan was certain he felt his heart break. He drew away from the other man, holding his hand to his chest.

  ‘“You don’t feel the same.” He said, cursing himself for how utterly weepy he sounded. Dakota remained silent for a long moment, and Evan laughed bitterly, rubbing his eyes once more. “I’ll be out of your hair as soon as I can get my parents to come get me…” He muttered, moving to grab his suitcase. He didn’t notice Dakota’s approach until the larger man’s hand gripped his wrist. Evan tried to pull away, struggling even more valiantly as Dakota pulled him into his arms.

  “It would be much easier if I didn’t feel the same.” He rumbled, resting his chin atop Evan’s head. The slim man’s heart felt as if it was beating out of his chest, and the inexplicable tug he felt towards the other man grew strong once more. He buried his face in Dakota’s chest, tensing his hands in the other man’s shirt.

  “I don’t understand what you mean.” He gasped out, burying his face in the hollow of Dakota’s neck. He inhaled deeply, holding the breath in his lungs until his chest ached. As he exhaled, Dakota tangled a hand in his hair, gently pulling his head away.

  “You’re probably feeling a bit overwhelmed
right now. That’s the effect of the pheromones.” Dakota said, though his voice sounded distant. Evan wasn’t sure if he wanted to devour or be devoured, he simply knew he hungered for the man before him. “Evan, I’m gonna need you to focus for a minute. Jesus Christ, I never expected it to be like this…” Dakota muttered, and Evan blinked his eyes, trying to weasel his way back into the larger man’s arms.

  “Mmm.” He groaned, wishing he could simply be enveloped by Dakota’s delicious scent. For his part, Dakota seemed to be struggling equally valiantly to keep hold of his senses as well. “Pheromones?” Evan inquired absently, his voice sounding somewhat slurred.

  “I have to know you really want this. I don’t want to… hurt you.” Dakota rumbled, wrapping his arms tightly around the smaller man. “It’s never been like this before.” He gasped, falling silent as Evan pressed their lips together. If Evan had felt pulled to his childhood friend before, he was now being dragged close to him from scent alone.

  “I want you.” He murmured against Dakota’s agonizingly soft lips. Dakota exhaled shakily, guiding the more petite man back to his bedroom. Evan stumbled along, thankful to have Dakota’s guidance as he felt his mind growing foggier and foggier from the heightened sense of arousal. He felt himself being pressed against the bed, falling obligingly back and pulling Dakota atop him. The two melded together like pieces of a corresponding puzzle, finally reunited after years of struggling to fit against the wrong pieces. Evan raised his arms as Dakota pulled his own shirt away from his newfound lover’s skin, exposing every inch that had gone obscured. Evan cried out in ecstasy as that white hot tongue met his skin, dragging a sensuous path along his chest. Evan arched against Dakota’s tongue, feeling himself grow impossibly hard once more. There was no harsh denim to restrain him this time, however, and as his cock strained for attention, it received swift relief. Evan watched, mouth hanging slightly agape as Dakota leaned in, wrapping thick lips around Evan’s manhood. Evan bit back a strangled cry, his arousal becoming almost painful in its intensity. Just before he could reach his peak however, Dakota drew away from him, releasing his length with a pop.

  Dakota grabbed the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up and exposing his well defined abdomen. Evan brushed his fingertips to his abs, idly wondering how it was possible that the pudgy young man he’d grown up with had become such an impeccably built specimen. His fingers traced a path down his lover’s stomach, following the thin trail of hair that lead to his groin. A soft gasp spilled past Dakota’s lips, and he pulled back just enough to slide out of his jeans.

  “Oh my god.” Evan gasped, the fog that clouded his brain seeming to intensify as he lay eyes upon Dakota’s throbbing manhood. Before he could truly react, he was shoved face down on the bed, with the larger man all but draping himself across his small lover. The feeling of being pinned might have incited some sense of claustrophobia in Evan, at least, it might have in the past. For now, however, it simply fueled his desire until the sheet beneath him was all but soaked with his precum. He stiffened, biting his own knuckles to smother a cry of desperation as the other man spread his asscheeks and rubbed a lubed up finger against the tight ring of muscle held within. Evan rutted against the sheet beneath him as Dakota slipped a finger knuckle deep inside of him, gently working him until he could take a second finger-- then, a third. Evan could see nothing, feel nothing but the overwhelming sensations of his lover’s ministrations. Abruptly, he felt something much larger press against his tight hole, and he all but yowled in anticipation. He was answered with what sounded little more than a growl, and the men simultaneously screamed in exquisite agony as Dakota buried himself within the other man. Evan arched his back, looking like a spring pulled taut and ready to snap. Dakota grabbed his lover by the hips, pulling him back against him with each thrust forward. Time seemed to stop as the two twisted pleasurably against each other, their climaxes building at a fever pace until Dakota hilted himself entirely inside of Evan, shooting string after string of his seed deep inside of the other man. Evan all but screamed as too-sharp teeth found his shoulder, sinking into the flesh there and marking him as Dakota’s own. His own essence spilled on the bed beneath him, and the two came to an abrupt stop, the fog that had settled over them slowly beginning to fade.

  “Wow.” Dakota murmured, unable to give voice to the other thoughts racing through his head. Evan gasped for breath, a pleasant ache settling over him as Dakota drew him into his arms, keeping himself settled firmly within the other but shifting them into a more comfortable position.

  “What…” Evan muttered, his head spinning as his senses came back to him in a rush. “I’ve never felt like that before… it was… Christ.” He sputtered, tilting his head to try and get a better look at Dakota. The larger man rumbled softly, resting his chin comfortably atop Evan’s head.

  “I tried to explain.” He offered hesitantly. Evan struggled to recall the conversation before their exchange, something popping to the forefront of his mind.

  “You said something about pheromones…?” He said inquisitively, and Dakota chuckled. “I don’t quite understand what you meant by that.” He added softly.

  “It’s a mating thing.” Dakota said in an attempt to remain casual. Evan slowly quirked a brow, going unseen by the other man.

  “Mating.” He repeated, snorting derisively.

  “Yes. I probably should have explained before offering to let you live with me, but… a lot has changed since you cut off communication with all of us.” Dakota hummed, and Evan shifted away just enough to face the man.

  “Did you get bitten by a werewolf or something?” He grinned, seeming all too amused by his little joke.

  “Werebear.” Dakota corrected unthinkingly, receiving a guffaw in response. He narrowed his eyes at the smaller man, who continued to snort and giggle at his side. “I’m serious, Evan! I’m… a werebear...” He said, trailing off. Evan rolled his eyes, drawing away from Dakota and sitting up, arms crossed over his chest.

  “You drugging me would be a much more reasonable explanation.” He said drily, and Dakota rolled his eyes in response, grumbling unhappily.

  “I agree, but in the years we’ve known each other, have I ever lied to you?” The larger man said sourly, receiving an appraising look in reply. Evan mused that it was ridiculous that he was even considering Dakota’s explanation. One thing was true, however, and that was the fact that Dakota had never lied to him. Even when they were children and Dakota had forgotten to feed his goldfish. When the fish was dead upon Evan’s arrival home, Dakota had immediately confessed, though in retrospect, any number of things could have led to the fish’s demise.

  A werebear, though…?

  “How can you expect me to believe that?” Evan said plaintively, receiving a self deprecating snort in response.

  “I suppose I can’t, really. I wouldn’tbelieve me either, truth be told. But what reason would I have to lie?” Dakota inquired, though there was little fire behind his words. Evan hesitated, looking over the man he could now call his lover.

  “Show me.” Evan said carefully, reaching up to brush a lock of hair behind his ear. Dakota stared incredulously at him, lips quirking unbidden into a giddy little grin.

  “You believe me!” He beamed, lurching forward to wrap his arms around the smaller man. Evan chuckled, pressing into his embrace. It was true he was giving some consideration to what his long time friend was telling him, but he wouldn’t quite say he believed it. At least, not yet.

  “I’ll believe it when I see it.” He said with a faint smile. Fortunately, Dakota seemed more than happy to oblige. He rose from the bed, gathering his clothes where they lay abandoned on the floor. He waited for Evan to rise as well before guiding him into the living room. As they got dressed, they planned out the so called exposition. Dakota insisted it happen after the sun had set, which Evan supposed he saw some sense in, though he did have his doubts.

  “Should we be wandering the forests after dark?” He murmured, giving voice to one
of his doubts.

  “What are you afraid of? Bears?” Dakota retorted snidely. Evan hesitated, narrowing his eyes towards the other man. Dakota simply smiled deviously, “Anyway, we used to play around in the woods after dark all the time when we were kids. Just because our parents didn’t like it…” Dakota trailed off, noticing the suddenly sad look in his mate’s eyes.

  “Seems my parents don’t like much about me anymore.” Evan said with an air of melancholy to his tone. Dakota frowned, pulling the other man into his arms and rumbling unhappily.

  “Their loss is my gain. Come on. I’ll treat you to dinner at the diner.” He said in an attempt to comfort Evan. Evan smiled faintly, nuzzling against Dakota’s shoulder. “And not just because I get free food for working there.” Dakota murmured, pressing a kiss to the side of Evan’s head before drawing away, stepping towards the door. Evan barked out a laugh, trailing after the other man and approaching his truck. Dakota stopped just short of the driver’s side door, and before Evan could inquire as to the holdup, he spotted a tall and slender man who bore an uncanny resemblance to himself. At least, if he had forty tattoos and an undercut. “In the truck.” Dakota said softly, glancing towards Evan from the corner of his eye before taking several long strides towards the other man. Evan obliged, slipping into the passenger seat but leaving the door open so he could eavesdrop on the conversation. He couldn’t make out much besides the general sounds of yelling, with Dakota sounding much more aggressive than he had ever heard him act before. He glanced towards the two men where they stood at the end of the driveway, and the blonde gestured angrily in his direction before trying to pull Dakota towards him. Dakota easily deflected the slimmer man, and there was only one way to take Dakota’s shouted orders.


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