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Arrested by the Dragon: Gay Police Paranormal Romance

Page 18

by Clearwater, Julian

  “You’re in the hospital, honey. Just a bunch of no good gawkers, like they’ve never seen a man give birth before.” His mother snorted derisively. Dakota snorted out a laugh, and the hospital staff seemed to take the hint, awkwardly shuffling away from bed and going back about their normal tasks.

  “Where… where’s Dakota? And oh god! I gave… birth? I actually gave birth!? Is the baby okay? The baby! Oh god please let me see the baby.” He shrieked, jolting upwards and immediately crying out in pain.

  “I’m right here, love. Just relax, they had to do a c-section, so you’re going to be really sore for a while.” Dakota murmured, shuffling over to the bed with a white bundle held in his arms. He reached out to take Evan by the hand, shifting to hold the bundle in one arm. Evan squeezed his hand appreciatively, staring at the white bundle with wide eyed uncertainty. “I take it you wanna meet your son?” Dakota smiled. Evan nodded fervently, and Dakota shifted his grip on the bundle in his arms once more before gently lowering the bundle into Evan’s arms. “Careful, he’s a heavy one.” He added, receiving a strained grunt in reply.

  “Heavy is right.” Evan muttered, unable to smother a nearly face splitting grin as he took his child into his arms. “Oh my god.” He murmured, tears springing to his eyes.

  For all intents and purposes, the baby looked to be a normal bouncing baby boy. He had Dakota’s dark hair, and Evan’s brilliant blue eyes-- eyes that viewed the world with a rather inquisitive nature. However, instead of crying like a typical infant, their child seemed more content to grumble and growl unhappily. He reached out with a pair of clawed hands, and Evan bit back a laugh as Dakota reached back, only to have their baby sink his claws into his hand. Dakota winced, but managed a small smile in spite of it, flicking the baby’s nose much to the small child’s discontent.

  “Grumpy little thing.” Dakota griped good naturedly, receiving a little glare from the other father.

  “He’s beautiful.” Evan said defensively, receiving a resounding hum of agreement from both his mother and his lover.

  “Just like his daddy.” His mother beamed. She hesitated, glancing to Dakota before drawing her gaze back to Evan. “Like the daddy that birthed him, I mean. No offense, Dakota, honey.” She corrected herself. Evan was unable to bite back the laugh that spilled past his lips this time, and Dakota leveled a glare at him, looking more than a little offended.

  “Oh, honey, it’s okay. He’s got your good looks as well. Look at that hair… all that hair” Evan murmured, trying to hide his smile. Dakota rolled his eyes, drawing his hand back from the child’s grip to tousle the long hair atop his head. Their son rumbled unhappily, the animalistic noises he was making sounding somewhat odd in his human tongue. “He’s even got your way with words.” Evan added with a smirk.

  “Har de har har.” Dakota bit out, snapping his pointed teeth at his lover. Their child repeated the motion, snapping its gums together. Evan was certain the motion would be much more fearsome when the infant had actual teeth to snap.

  “What are you two going to name him?” Evan’s mother implored rather abruptly, leaning in to coo at the infant. He happily rumbled in response, and Evan smirked at Dakota who simply rolled his eyes once more.

  “Oh, he’s not grumpy. He just has impeccable taste.” Evan’s mother announced, gathering the infant in her arms and rocking him to and fro. Dakota watched with a slight smile, in spite of the subtle dig his mother in law had managed to get in. Again.

  “Anyway. About that name?” Dakota inquired, glancing towards his currently bed-ridden lover.

  “Well…” Evan started, trailing off somewhat thoughtfully. “My father’s name was Barry. We could name him that.” He smiled, receiving an abrupt bark of laughter in reply. “What’s so funny?” He deadpanned, glaring at Dakota. The bear shifter continued to guffaw for a solid minute, and Evan looked to his mother for backup. For her part, she seemed to be smothering giggles as well, and Dakota took a moment to ruffle Evan’s hair.

  “While I appreciate wanting to name our son after your father, don’t you think a bear shifter named Barry is a bit… obvious?” Dakota said carefully. Evan’s eyes widened, and he snorted derisively at himself.

  “It would be be rather… unbearable, don’t you think?” His mother supplied, smiling a cheesy grin. The two man groaned loudly in response. One doctor who lingered outside the room watched the spectacle as it took place, writing notes on the chart he had for Evan Williams. It seemed for now, the name would go undecided, which the doctor found a bit strange. Though, for that matter, he had never seen a man give birth to a clawed and growling infant before, either.

  Suddenly, Dakota lurched towards the door, baring his teeth at the snooping physician. The doctor yelped as the door was slammed in his face, lingering a moment longer before slipping away with a huff.

  Frankly, he was with the young man’s mother. It was more than one could bear.

  The End

  Bonus Story: Bun in His Oven

  George McDaniel was having the weirdest dream. One minute he was in his bed with his husband, and the next he’d been in a sterile exam room. Beautiful women surrounded him. They took turns poking and prodding him. They were talked in low whispers, in a language he couldn’t understand.

  He’d been tied down to a metal table, and he felt like he was floating. Above his head, he saw a mirror and a bright light. He felt tugging around his stomach, as if his middle section was being pushed on. He tried looking in the mirror to see what was happening, but the women were blocking the view of his stomach.

  When he turned his head, he made eye contact with one of the women. She had the kind of appearance only possible in dreams—her ears were pointed and her eyes looked like a cat’s. They shone yellow in the glaring lights of the exam room, and they matched the hair on her head. She opened her mouth and hissed. Her teeth were straight and pearly white, yet her incisors were razor sharp and looked like they could tear into his flesh. Her appearance sent a shiver down his spine.

  That was the last thing he remembered. When he woke up, he was in his bed alone. He reached to the side, but Leon was out of bed, probably already at work. His fist made contact with a piece of paper. George turned over and smiled, reading the note. I tried to wake you up, but you must have been extra tired. Sleep well, sweetheart. I’ll see you soon. –L.

  George stretched, feeling sore. Lifting his shirt, he saw that he had a scratch on his stomach, one that looked mostly healed. He hadn’t noticed it before he’d gone to bed last night. Wondering how much he’d had to drink with Leon after dinner, he couldn’t quite remember; the details were fuzzy.

  George found his phone and texted Leon. I’m up now. Thanks for the note. I hope you have a great day today! George had today off from his position as a marketing consultant, so he got to laze around. Leon was a doctor, and worked at an expensive spa that also offered plastic surgery to rich patrons. Living in New York City, they needed good jobs to afford the rent of their pricey penthouse, and while they both made good money, neither would have been able to afford it on their own.

  What had started out as a roommate situation had ended up bringing the two of them together as lovers, best friends, and now husbands. George was grateful to live in the day and age they did, because being able to legally marry his partner was something he would never take for granted.

  George wanted to surprise Leon with information on adoption and surrogacy. He wanted a child, and wanted to raise one with Leon. Spending most of his day printing out data and talking on the phone to agencies, he compiled lists of everything and put it in a folder. He started dinner a few hours later, intending to leave the folder on the dining table with a bottle of wine, and seeing if Leon was open to it. He knew that Leon sometimes took a while to come around to new things, and it was best to give information, talk about feelings, and then let him stew over it for a while before asking if they could pursue it.

  When Leon got home from work, he was tired. George kissed him h
ello, and then Leon went to the bedroom to clean up from work. Coming out to the salmon and balsamic rice that George had cooked, his nose twitched and he sighed happily. George had also set out two glasses of Leon’s favorite white wine.

  “What’s the occasion?” Leon asked.

  “Oh, nothing.” George looked purposefully at the folder on the table.

  Leon eyed it with a smirk. “Someone’s been busy today.”

  George put a plate in front of him and then took off the pink apron he’d been wearing. It had been a joke gift from Leon on Valentine’s Day, but he found he was actually fond of wearing it while cooking; it made him think of Leon when he was working in the kitchen.

  “Okay, go ahead and tell me what this is, George,” Leon said as he sipped his wine.

  George pushed the folder toward Leon, who opened it and looked at the contents. Leon choked on his wine when he realized what George had given him. He looked up at George, and George looked away.

  “So how was work today?” George asked, trying to change the subject.

  “Fine, George. But listen—you can’t drop a folder like this in my lap and expect me not to talk about it,” he said, his voice stern. He gave George a look that said he wasn’t moving on until they discussed it.

  “What do you want to know?” George gulped what was left of his wine and then poured himself another glass. He stabbed his salmon with his fork and smiled at Leon, trying to appear innocent.

  “Don’t give me that look, you know perfectly well what I’m talking about. I thought we discussed the kid thing.” Shaking his head, Leon pushed the folder across the table so it sat in the middle of them. “I’m not ready. I know you want kids, but we don’t even have a spare bedroom right now. Do you realize how expensive adoption is, and that we’d need a bigger apartment?”

  George cleared his throat and set down his fork. “Well, I was thinking about that too. Do you know that if we moved just slightly outside the city, we could get a real house for a quarter of what we spend on this place? I know we’d add a little to our commutes, but we’d end up saving money in the long run. I don’t need an answer tonight, just…think about it, okay?”

  He watched Leon. His throat felt full of emotion—hope, despair. No, he definitely didn’t want an answer now, because Leon needed some thinking time.

  Leon pushed the rice around on his plate for a moment before nodding. “Consider me willing to think about it, but don’t be heartbroken if my answer is still no for a while longer.”

  “I didn’t think we’d do it right away, I just wanted to start thinking about it.” The words poured from George in a rush. “The adoption process, or even a surrogate, can take years to arrange. We are in our thirties, so it’s time to get serious about our life and moving in the direction we want to go in the next five to ten years.” George was the planner in the family, whereas Leon was far more go with the flow and take things one day at a time.

  “This is good food,” Leon said a few minutes later, then got a look in his eye that George recognized. George felt his heart start to flutter, and for the moment, they both forgot about the folder sitting in the middle of the table.

  When they finished their dinner, they put the dishes in the sink. Leon grabbed George by the wrist and forcefully pulled him toward their room. George didn’t protest—instead he followed with his head down. When it came to the bedroom, Leon was far more dominant sexually, and George liked it that way.

  When Leon got out the handcuffs and his leather strap, George knew he was in for a night of intense sensations. Smiling, he stripped off his clothes and kneeled at the end of their king-sized bed the way Leon liked, where he waited for direction from Leon.

  Leon walked over to George. He grabbed a handful of his hair, and yanked George up to his feet to kiss him hard. Putting a handcuff on one wrist, he twisted George’s other arm behind his back and fasted both his wrists behind him. Turning him around, he pushed him face down onto the bed.

  George hissed a breath out, spreading his legs automatically wider to balance himself on the floor as his top half rested on their comforter. He loved the way Leon manhandled him. When the leather strap came down on his backside, George cried out softly, moaning into the blankets. He struggled slightly against his handcuffs and could feel the cold metal steel cutting into his wrists.

  Leon’s body was warm behind George. George could feel the way Leon’s hard cock rubbed against his legs and he closed his eyes and sighed. He loved the way his man made him feel. Leon was well groomed and took pride in his hygiene, but he didn’t wear a lot of scents, or colognes. He was all natural, his own musk. George loved it. He often felt like rubbing his face all over Leon, because his natural scent turned him on so much.

  When Leon kicked George’s legs further apart, George moaned softly and the urge to bite the blanket in front of him overwhelmed him. He heard Leon move across the room and come back with coconut oil, which was his preferred method for lube. A few moments later, Leon’s cock was pressing against George’s sensitive hole. Forcing his body to relax, George tried to make his muscles unclench. The tip of Leon’s cock slowly slid inside of him. Before he knew it, Leon was all the way in, buried to the hilt. He reached around to grab George’s cock as he fucked him from behind.

  George shut his eyes and pushed back, taking Leon deeper, feeling one hand on his hips, helping push him back and forth to slide across his dick, and Leon’s other hand encircled hard around his penis, stroking him with each thrust.

  Leon didn’t take very long, and soon he was releasing inside of George, filling him with his seed. A half-second later, George climaxed as well, getting his sperm all over Leon’s hand, coating his fingers. Leon let out a chuckle, then shoved his fingers into George’s mouth.

  “Lick me clean, since you decided to get me all sticky,” Leon said, and only took his hand away once George had licked off every drop that had coated his skin.

  He uncuffed him and then curled up in bed beside him. “We can talk about the kid stuff—I just need time to think and process, okay?”

  George nodded, and then leaned over and kissed Leon. His ass was deliciously sore from the strap and the hot sex. He fell asleep and dreamed of being pregnant and having a baby. In the dream, a beautiful, exotic, not quite human woman filled his ears promises of the children that he wanted to have, but couldn’t because he wasn’t a woman.

  When he woke up that morning, he felt a shiver go up his spine, and the dream lingered for the rest of the day. He knew it wasn’t real, but it didn’t stop him from having weird feelings.

  Over the next couple of weeks, he tried to be patient about the adoption issue. Leon kept shutting him up with sex. The sex was great, but George knew that they couldn’t put the subject off forever.

  One night, while lying in bed with Leon, George felt nauseous. He had to run to the bathroom to throw up. While he was in there puking his guts up and wondering what he’d eaten that had made him so violently ill, Leon stood in the doorway watching, concerned.

  “Are you okay?” Leon asked him when he’d finally stopped dry heaving.

  George nodded. “I think so. I feel better now that I puked my guts up. I need a glass of water, if you’d be so kind.”

  Leon returned a few minutes later with some lemon water and a few crackers, to see if George’s stomach could use the help.

  George nibbled on the crackers and drank the water, finally feeling better. “I don’t know what I ate, but man, that was violent.”

  “Rest up tomorrow, and if you aren’t feeling better in a day or two, go see your doctor,” Leon ordered.

  “Doctor’s orders, doctor?” George teased him.

  Leon took the oath that doctors didn’t treat family very seriously. His strong code of ethics was one of many things that George loved the most about Leon.

  “Go to bed, you,” Leon said, nudging him toward their room.


  George continued to feel sick on and off over the next week
or two. His stomach was bloated, and he figured he had some kind of horrible virus that just wouldn’t go away. Finally listening to Leon’s suggestions, he got himself scheduled with his doctor. He was sitting in the waiting room, bored out of his mind, waiting to be called back. He didn’t think it was anything serious, but since it hadn’t completely gone away yet, he as here to make Leon feel better.

  The nurse finally called him back into the room and had him wait after she took his vitals. He played on his cell phone while he waited for his doctor to come in. When she finally did, he looked up.

  “Hey there, George, I wasn’t expecting to see you again until your physical. How are you doing?” His doctor was in her mid-thirties, Asian, and if he wasn’t gay, he’d totally crush on her.

  “Hi, Sam. I’m doing okay for the most part. I’m here because Leon insisted.”

  “Oh? What’s going on?”

  George shrugged. “I’ve been throwing up on and off for a couple weeks, and he’s worried about me. I mostly feel fine, but I’m having some bloating that won’t go away now, too. Other than that, I feel okay. A little more tired than normal.”

  “All right, well let me evaluate you and we’ll go from there,” Sam told him. She looked him over head to toe, listened to his lungs and heart and then his belly. She palpated his belly and frowned, staring at him. She looked puzzled.

  “What?” George asked.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing, but let me just get a portable ultrasound machine in here for a quick peek at your belly. I just thought I felt a…” Sam trailed off and then smiled at him. “I’m sure it’s nothing, just let me look.”

  She left the room, leaving George sitting on the bed, waiting for her to return. A few minutes later a nurse came in pushing the ultrasound machine, as his doctor followed.

  “Okay George, I want you to lie back for me and lift your shirt,” Sam told him, and then nodded to the nurse to hit the lights. “A little bit of cold gel on your belly, and here we go.”


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