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First Contact (Terran Chronicles)

Page 15

by James Jackson

  They continue in silence as Sharz maneuvers the tiny craft toward a ramp that extends downward. Flying up the ramp and inside the enormous spaceship, they land. With many hand gestures on a flat looking screen, the faint hum fades, and the doorway opens in the little craft’s side.

  Almost stumbling out, George finds his feet heavier, the air thicker, moister, and it carries with it an unpleasant odor. Sharz takes in a deep breath as he steps out onto the deck and stretches. Taking a few tentative steps, George acclimates quickly enough. Taking carefully measured breaths, he tries not to gag on the foul soupy air. Feeling heavier, he lifts, then places his feet one at a time as he adjusts to the slightly heavier gravity. He wonders how they entered this ship from space without an obvious dock or other method of separating the inside atmosphere from space.

  Sharz looks about the massive deck area, many Gamin are visible, they stop what they are doing and stare at George. “Follow me, do not make eye contact with anyone, do not talk unless spoken to.” The Gamin he can see are of different heights, have differing shades of green skin, or are even slightly motley in color.

  George, feeling a little fearful and woozy at the same time, quietly nods. Casting his eyes downward, he follows Sharz through a maze of walkways, tunnels, and lifts. On the way, George can hear and clearly understand the comments by nearby Gamin. They are either disgusted, or fascinated, by his presence. Some wonder why their leader is bothering with this lesser life form, perhaps he is bored?

  Finally, after a seemingly never ending walk, George finds himself looking upon a familiar scene. This is the bridge that was featured in the alien leader’s first contact with the people of Earth. But, it is so much more impressive in person. The dominating feature of the expansive bridge is a centrally located, raised platform upon which, resides a most impressive chair. It appears to be more of a throne than a command chair, made of an unusual material that seems to be either a petrified tree, or chunk of solid rock. Presiding over his subjects, Regent Voknor regally occupies the helm, wearing the same robes he was shown wearing during his speech.

  Glancing through the windows, if that’s what they are, George finds the view quite breathtaking. Earth, with its swirling cloud cover, lies seemingly at their very feet. As they stop walking, he sees his planet in a new light. Indeed for the very first time he sees his home from a completely new perspective. Here in space he can see no borders, no distinctions, just one planet, albeit a planet in trouble.

  The Gamin leader motions them forward. Moving to a position in front of the seated alien, Sharz lowers his head as he says. “I present to you, Regent Voknor, a most helpful individual, George of Earth.” Sharz steps away leaving George with his eyes cast downward wondering what the hell he has gotten himself into. This is their leader, I am really before the one responsible for everything that has happened?

  The Regent stands, heads toward George, “Walk with me, George of Earth.” He says in a firm demanding tone.

  Keeping his gaze down, George keeps his steps short, so as not to outpace the slow moving Regent. They stop at the massive window area. From here, the front of the spacecraft can be seen from above. The enormous vessel is even larger than George imagined, as it stretches off into the distance. George notices with surprise, that the upper side is also pitted and scored. There are also long gouges in the ship evident in many places. Way in the distance, an area of damage catches George’s attention and breath. A long wide scar travels across the top, then down the side of this monstrous spacecraft. What could have done this? He wonders, the damage so great that even from his vantage point far away, George can see a deep canyon disappearing into the side of this great ship. His thoughts are quickly interrupted by the Regent.

  “I am told you feel we should interfere with the disturbance, here.”

  The Regent motions to the view of the planet, suddenly Earth seems to rush at them, and rotate. As the planet seems to get closer George can discern the Korean peninsula. The view keeps zooming in, quickly, so far in now that land features can be made out, then signs of a battle. Hundreds of tanks, artillery, other vehicles litter the landscape along with bodies, thousands of bodies just scattered everywhere.

  “Is this the conflict you wish me to interfere with George?”

  Fearfully George can barely make his voice say. “Yes, Regent.”

  The Regent stands over George before continuing. He is suddenly aware of how long the bone spikes seem to be on the underside of the Regent’s forearms, as indeed do his teeth.

  “Look at me George and tell me why we should interfere. Be truthful, your fate and the fate of many below depends upon your answer.”

  George looks up in what he hopes is a respectful manner. The Regent is so close to him he can smell him now, a musty smell, closer than he ever got to Sharz even. Looking into the Regent’s yellow eye slits, he clears his throat, and recalling some of his wife's wise words he begins.

  “Regent Voknor of the Gamin, prior to your arrival the armies of the North were kept at bay out of fear from an air attack by the allies of the South. Thus, an uneasy peace was maintained. Some rulers have a cultural heritage that has little to no regard for the lives of others, or for the consequences of their actions. Some cultures believe that all humans have a right to be free. To work, travel, live where they please, marry who they want, and to have a say in the way the government rules. Our planet has many petty wars, but I belong to a culture that loves freedom and peace over all else.”

  With that long discourse over, George lowers his eyes hoping that his comments have at the very least, not angered this alien.

  The Regent snorts, looks across at Sharz, then retires to his chair. His cloak swirls behind him as he walks away, his demeanor unreadable. Once seated Regent Voknor examines and measures the human before him. His three, claw like fingers lift then drop, one at a time on the ends of his armrests, making little tapping sounds as they drop over and over.

  “George, you belong to a culture that is always at war, yet you profess peace. I can see that you have a fanciful ideology. Your leaders have failed you, they are at this very moment trading away those freedoms you speak of. You are a better speaker than most I have had to listen to. I sense truth through your fear. I will tell you that we are not here to enslave, or eliminate your people, but we will have what we need.”

  George can almost feel the Regent’s eyes staring through him.

  “So, George, shall I destroy your enemies for you?”

  A little too suddenly, George starts as he looks up. “No, more death is not what I am asking for, uh, Regent.”

  The Regent sits forward, his three clawed fingers gripping the end of his arm rests. Sharz suddenly glances up at George, as he realizes that he has just said no to a creature that could do unimaginable things to him and his planet.

  “NO.” The Regent stands again and heads to the view screen, which now shows Earth from a high orbit. Looking out and down, the Regent seems to be deep in thought for a moment.

  “I can tell you George, I do not hear that word very often, especially here.” His tone is impossible to gauge as he motions about the room with a sweep of his arm. At this, George notices the half dozen Gamin that sit at various consoles, they are all looking at him.

  With his back to George, a silence descends upon the room as the Regent continues to gaze at the planet below him. George can only hope that he did the right thing, he is quite nervous.

  “Sharz, take George back, then return to me.” The Regent states as he continues gazing out the window.

  Returning with Sharz, George can hear more of the Gamin crew’s comments. Some are surprised that he is still alive, others still wonder what their leader wanted with an alien.

  It's not until the tiny space craft has left the massive vessel, and is descending that George dares speak. “I hope I did not make things difficult for you Sharz.”

  Sharz, turns to George, and in what could pass as a smile replies. “You're alive, that means yo
u did well. I actually think Regent Voknor likes you George. You stated your message then showed great respect by remaining silent while the Regent considered your words. Others have not been so quiet, or have made outrageous demands. Those that do this do not fare so well.”

  George can only wonder at what has transpired this day. Sharz takes George directly to his residence, where he finds his wife is most distraught. She had heard rumors of a man being shot, maybe even George. Other rumors were of him being abducted by the aliens. After calming her down, he explains the day's events to her. As he does so, he realizes that in the eyes of many, he is now an alien sympathizer, or ever worse, a traitor to the human race. They talk about their son Johnny as they discuss options for him, and indeed them all.

  That night George sleeps fitfully, as he is concerned for his wife's and son's safety. One thought that crosses his mind is from his wife's recent advice. Failing to act is action, and though there are a lot of people talking, they are not taking action. George also ponders the possibility that, as with humanity, perhaps the Gamin are as diverse in opinion. Sharz practically said as much this very day and he is inclined to believe him. In a sudden shock, George realizes that he has assumed Sharz is male, perhaps not. With that thought he wakes up, and does not fall back to sleep for a long time, as he ponders Sharz’s motives in all this.


  Far north of Pyongyang

  North Korea

  It is still dark when Hayato's team hears a distant humming sound, it gets closer. The alien spacecraft suddenly becomes visible against the starry night. No lights shine from it at all, its features dark and ominous.

  Hayato watches the massive spacecraft for a moment as it traverses the night sky. “Looks like it's headed toward China, somewhere.” Without anything to reference against, it is impossible to truly gauge its size, as it blots out the stars in its passing. “That thing is huge though!”

  Elsewhere in North Korea, soldiers look to their commanders for instructions. They in turn, look to their leaders for orders. The orders and list of instructions are most surprising, but are followed unwaveringly.

  Shortly thereafter, Hayato gets a scrambled message, which he relays quietly. “Our orders are to get a safe house in Beijing as quickly as possible and await further instructions.”

  Daitaro looks at all the gear they have acquired. “We should destroy this cache when we leave.”

  Hayato considers this for a moment. “I would rather not draw any attention to this location. Just leave it.”

  “At the very least we should booby trap it all.” Daitaro’s tone is not challenging, merely suggestive.

  “I understand, and normally would agree, but I feel we should just leave it as it is, in case any curious civilians investigate. There is something strange going on. I suspect we have been successful in our mission.” Hayato ponders his orders and considers the implications of the alien spacecraft.

  “Let's watch out for would be heroes. I am sure there are plenty of soldiers out there wanting revenge. I want full radio silence while we head back to the border.” Hayato feels less safe now than at any time during this mission.

  Abandoning the stolen vehicle with all the captured weapons and supplies the four men head for the Chinese border in their two utility vans. They leave quickly and efficiently, with Hayato and Daitaro in one van while Chokichi and Akira in the other.

  As they depart one airplane flies high overhead, then another. This development surprises and baffles Hayato. He grips the wheel tighter, as he scans the road ahead with even more scrutiny.

  Daitaro glances at his leader in surprise. He has never known him to be this apprehensive. “Well, we did assassinate their leader. Maybe the aliens have put a stop to it all?”

  These same thoughts have been working their way through Hayato's mind as well. This would fit their recall orders. But surrender or not, there have to be soldiers out there wanting some payback, he would, in their shoes.

  As the sun rises adding light to the day, more aircraft are seen overhead flying in both directions now. The team is very curious as to what has transpired. They still dare not activate any communications devices as they remain very alert expecting an ambush from the North Korean military at any time.

  A few hours go by when the vans come upon a row of trucks parked on the road side. Hayato slows, while Daitaro readies his weapon. The eight trucks are all North Korean military with emblems brazenly showing on their doors. As they pass, Daitaro watches for an ambush but can see no soldiers. They drive down the road for five more minutes before stopping.

  Hayato gets out cautiously. “How's your fuel situation Chokichi? Think we could top up from those trucks?”

  “Well, my fuel is good. These vans have a decent capacity but we should check the fuel in those trucks and take what we can.” Chokichi follows Hayato's thinking. “Who knows what we will run into in China with that alien spaceship flying about.”

  The four men again cautiously approach the parked trucks. Daitaro checks for traps as that is what he would do. Finding none, he motions the others over.

  Akira walks toward the last of the eight trucks, then disappears behind it. He hollers out a few seconds later. “Hey guys, come look at this.” His tone is one of disbelief.

  The three men hurry to Akira, weapons at the ready. They all stop when they see what he is looking at. There, inside the cargo area of the last truck, hidden by a tarp is an arsenal of rifles mixed with uniforms. It's as if the soldiers removed their clothes, then tossed their weapons inside making a huge haphazard pile. Hayato looks up and down the road, his curiosity aroused further. “What the hell is going on here? Let's get our fuel tanks topped off and get moving. I don't like this, it's all wrong.”

  Chokichi watches behind them, as Akira and Daitaro get to work. They have no trouble testing the fuel in the trucks. It's good, so they are able to refill both vans. Once done, they continue the trek to the border with even more trepidation. This situation is so unusual, and Hayato does not like mysteries, especially those that involve him, or his men.


  Manhattan Island

  New York

  George and his wife awake early due to their wall screen, it has turned on. There is a news flash, all about the end of the war in Korea. North Korea has surrendered unconditionally. Korea is going to be a united country once again. China offers to take any refugees from what was only yesterday, North Korea. Reporters have scant knowledge about how this transpired. The North Korean leadership is nowhere to be found, yet the North Korean Military has surrendered unconditionally. China offers help, and is most willing to assist in any capacity. Newscasters show shipments of food heading to the impoverished North from China within hours of the official surrender. China also announces an open border policy with the new united Korea. Plans are already underway to build numerous bridges and transport links for the expected boost in trade. Reporters make do with what they have, and with China providing a wealth of information, the reporters suck it all up like sponges.

  George is as dumbfounded as his wife, by what he is seeing and hearing. “How did this happen?”

  Lisa looks at him with her head cocked incredulously. “Really! You come home yesterday and tell me how you met their leader and asked him to stop the war. Here you are today saying you're not sure what happened. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, you got what you wanted.”

  “I have trouble believing the little I did and said made any difference. Actually the Regent seemed annoyed at me, if anything.” He continues to watch the news before him, stunned at the events transpiring.

  Lisa's expression turns to a slight frown on her troubled brow. “Who do you think turned the wall screen on?”

  “I guess they did.” George motions generally at the wall screen then upward. “Johnny is still sleeping.” He shrugs his shoulders, unconcerned.

  Various news reports are giving credit to the United Nations, others to America, and some even giving cr
edit to China. South Korea is set to convene a new government hearing as soon as possible to ratify this unified Korea. It is of no surprise that the Chinese are overseeing this meeting as a neutral party.

  Lisa's tone turns to disgust. “I see you’re not getting any mention.” She sighs, “Politics!”

  George smiles as he watches her. “Let's get ready for breakfast, It's almost that time anyway.”

  Lisa wakes Johnny up while George watches the newscast with interest. He is unconcerned about not being mentioned in fact, he is quite happy to stay out of the news. Who knows how people would feel about him meeting the alien leader aboard his flagship? The view of Earth was as awe inspiring as it was magnificent.




  Hayato's team arrives that night at the Sino-Korea Friendship Bridge, with the lights of the Chinese city of Dandong beyond. They have little choice but to risk crossing, and are surprised that they have no trouble at all crossing the border. The North Korean guards are nonexistent, and indeed, the Chinese border guards do not even search the utility vans. They are stopped for less than five minutes, show their passports and papers and are let through. The Chinese guards can’t help but talk among themselves about North Korea. They chat about the unconditional surrender, the new united Korea, and then something about a special directive from the top. Hayato's interest is piqued at this.

  While waiting, they also can't help but notice that many trains are running nonstop toward Korea. Far more trains than expected. Every now and then, a train heads back into China.

  Hayato and his crew are desperate for information, but have the discipline to wait. Only when firmly inside China, do they turn on the van’s radios to hear the night time airwaves a buzz with the news of the visit to China by a Gamin representative. The first official face to face meeting between the Gamin and government officials, and it will be in Beijing. The Gamin are going to provide education and training, just as has been offered to the Americans, Russians, and the French. China welcomes the Gamin with open arms, and plans a huge celebration to commemorate the occasion.


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