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Deliverance [Slick Rock 17] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Becca Van

  It was way over time for Violet to make a statement so those pricks could be charged, stand trial, and be locked behind bars.

  “What are you doing out here, baby?” Nash asked as he entered the living room.

  “I wasn’t sure whether to wait for Cree.”

  “Cree’s big and ugly enough to take care of himself, Violet. Come on into the kitchen.”

  She couldn’t help but giggle over Nash’s earlier statement. When Nash had insulted Cree, he was also insulting himself since they were identical.

  “That’s a sound I would love to hear more of.” Nash clasped her hand in his and guided her into the other room.

  “Hey, sweetness.” Wilder smiled at her as if he hadn’t seen her for days let alone a couple of hours. “Did you get your laundry done?”


  “That’s good.” Nash winked. “Does that mean you have the rest of the day free?”

  “It does.” Violet smiled shyly.

  “Was that you I heard laughing, Violet?”

  She nodded.

  “Care to share the joke?” Wilder cocked his eyebrow expectantly.

  Her heart thumped against her ribs, her areolae contracted, and her pussy clenched. Wilder, Nash, and Cree were so damn sexy they sent her blood racing through her veins with so much ease. She wondered if Wilder realized how just a simple quirk of an eyebrow got her juices flowing. She shook her head. Just being in the same room as the three tall, sexy, muscular, handsome men had her body responding.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Nash frowned.

  “Nothing,” she answered honestly. She wasn’t about to let on how they affected her because she already felt as if she was in over her head and didn’t want to give them any more ammunition against her. She quickly pushed that thought aside. None of the Sheffield men were dishonest or sly. They’d already proven how trustworthy they were.

  “I laughed because when Nash insulted Cree he was also insulting you and himself because you all look the same.”

  “You don’t have any trouble telling us apart though, do you, baby?” Nash stated more than asked.

  “I don’t.”

  “How can you differentiate between us so easily when others have so much trouble?” Wilder asked.

  “You have a slightly crooked nose.” Violet lifted her hand, stroked a finger down his nose, and then met Nash’s gaze. “You have a beauty spot under your left eye, and Cree has a scar dissecting the middle of his right eyebrow.”

  “You’re a very observant young lady,” Sheriff Luke Sun-Walker said as he entered the room behind Cree.

  When she saw the other two big men with the sheriff, Violet sidled closer to Nash. “It’s okay, baby. These men won’t hurt you.”

  “Let me through, you big oafs.” A small, slim, dark-haired woman shoved her way through the men and smiled when she saw Violet. “Hi, you must be Lilac. I’m Felicity Eagle Sun-Walker, but please call me Flick.”

  “Hi,” Violet responded shyly.

  “Actually, this is Violet Evans.” Nash wrapped an arm around Violet’s shoulders.

  She scowled up at Nash before meeting Flick’s gaze again. “You can call me Lilac.”

  “What do you prefer to be called?” Flick asked.

  Violet gnawed on her lip as she thought about her reply and then answered, “Violet or Vi is fine.”

  “Vi it is.” Flick smiled and then pointed to the other men. “You already know, Luke, but these two sexy giants are Tom and Billy Eagle, my other husbands.”

  “Hello,” she greeted.

  “Hi, guys.” Wilder shook each man’s hand and then moved aside so Nash could do the same. They nodded and smiled at Felicity.

  Nash moved forward, taking Violet with him, and shook each man’s hand.

  “Have you remembered more, Lil…Violet?” Luke asked.

  Violet nodded.

  “Do you want to tell me now, or after lunch?”

  When Violet pressed her hands against her stomach as if she felt ill, Nash frowned. He hoped she wasn’t so nervous or upset she was getting sick, and while he would have suggested she get the difficult part of the day over before eating, he held his tongue. This was her decision to make, and she didn’t need any interference from him or his brothers. She glanced at Billy, Tom, and then Flick before meeting Luke’s gaze again. “Now.”

  “Why don’t we go into the living room?” Nash suggested.

  “Before you go.” Flick held up a finger. “Do you need any help with anything?”

  Cree nodded. “If you want, you could make a tossed salad. Everything else is ready.”

  “Okay. Tom, Billy, you can help me,” Flick ordered as she walked toward the fridge and tugged the door open.

  “Sure thing, sugar.” Billy smiled and winked at Violet and then took the salad ingredients Felicity shoved into his arms.

  “Are you sure you’re up to this, baby?” Nash asked as he guided Violet into the living room.

  She clutched at his hand with her cold, trembling one. “It’s well past time something was done about those assholes. If I don’t speak up, they’re going to continue to…hurt women and children.”

  “Me, Wilder, and Cree will stay by your side. Okay? If you need a break, just tell us and we’ll stop.”

  “I need to do this, Nash. I should have done this a long time ago.” She frowned.

  Nash settled her on the middle sofa cushion before sitting beside her. Wilder sat on her other side, and Cree sank to the floor in front of her, resting his back against her legs. Cree glanced at her over his shoulder. “Is this okay with you, honey?”

  “Yeah,” she sighed.

  Luke glanced about the room, looking for a seat.

  “If you need to sit close, I can bring a chair over,” Wilder said.

  “I can sit on the coffee table if that’s all right with you,” Luke replied and then met Violet’s gaze. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, but I need to be able to record your statement on my phone. I’ll have it typed up and you can sign it tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” Violet said.

  “You’re a very strong, brave woman, Violet,” Luke said as he pulled his phone from his pocket.

  Violet shrugged as if she didn’t believe the sheriff’s statement but didn’t say anything.

  Nash hoped that she didn’t get as upset as she had the night before because he wasn’t sure his heart could take seeing her in so much pain. He just hoped that whatever she told Luke was enough to get the ball rolling to have the fuckers under lock and key for the rest of their lives. They were sick fucking monsters preying on young children and women. They were stealing children’s innocence as well as sexually assaulting them and holding them hostage.

  Rage coursed through Nash’s body, and for the first time in his life he wanted to kill while no longer fighting in a war. However, that would mean they wouldn’t suffer like they’d made Violet, those women, and the other girls suffer. He wanted to beat them senseless and leave them to endure untold pain. They needed to live the rest of their lives behind bars, and maybe one day they would realize what they’d done, how much agony they’d caused. But assholes like that didn’t have a conscience. Those fuckers didn’t care about anyone but themselves.

  Nash just hoped that the man Violet had thought she’d seen wasn’t the bastard from her past.

  If he ever saw the prick, he wasn’t sure he wouldn’t kill him by ripping his fucking head from his neck.

  Chapter Eight

  “What’s up with you, Lilac?” Delta asked. “You’re very quiet.”

  Deciding to take the bull by the horns, Violet replied, “My birth name isn’t Lilac.”

  She glanced over at Enya when the other woman gasped. Although she was a little embarrassed over blurting that out, she wasn’t about to take it back since it was the truth.

  “Why have you been using another name?” Cindy asked. “Are you in witness protection?”

  Violet shook her head as she met each of the
women’s gazes. Delta had set up weekly meetings which always landed on a Monday since that was the quietest day for the diner. Jaylynn, Katie, Kiara, as well as Cindy, Enya, and Delta were all staring at her as if she’d just told them the moon was falling. Cindy was a godsend since she was a fluent signer, and while Violet and the other women were getting better, they still stumbled now and then.

  “But you signed a contract.” Delta frowned. “Does that mean it’s not legal?”

  “I have no idea,” Violet responded and quickly went on to explain, “I didn’t know my real name wasn’t Lilac Primrose until a few days ago. I’m sorry, Delta. I didn’t deceive you on purpose.”

  Enya, who was sitting beside her on the sofa, turned and clasped one of her hands in hers. “So, what’s going on?”

  Violet quickly explained the situation, summarizing her story so that she didn’t take up all their meeting time.

  “Oh. My. God.” Delta signed. “Are you okay? Have you seen this guy since then? I’ll get my lawyer to get another contract for you to sign. Have you been to the sheriffs? They need to know what’s going on. Do we need to do anything different to protect you?”

  “Whoa!” Violet held up her hands and forced a smile. “We don’t need to change anything, Delta. For all I know, I was just being paranoid. There’s no way that…man could know where I was.”

  “You’re deluding yourself, Violet,” Enya stated firmly. “People like that always manage to find their victims. Look what happened to Delta.”

  “Do you want to take some time off?” Delta asked. “We can handle things for a while.”

  Violet shook her head. “No, I need to work. Work is the only thing keeping me sane right now.”

  “I can understand that,” Enya muttered, but Violet heard her. There was more to Enya than met the eye. The poor woman looked as exhausted as she felt. She wanted to ask if she was okay, but she didn’t want to pry. Enya would open up with them in her own good time.

  “Do you want to swap shifts with me?” Delta asked. “I don’t think you should be walking home by yourself so late at night.”

  “Uh, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem,” Violet hedged.

  Cindy chuckled gaining everyone’s attention. “Those sexy new deputies seemed to have taken a shine to our Violet. They dropped her off before they headed to the sheriff’s department.”

  “Cindy!” Violet hoped that her face wasn’t as red as it felt.

  “Ha, you’re attracted to them, too.” Katie giggled.

  “I am not,” she quickly denied.

  “And there’s the proof.” Enya smiled as she pointed at her.

  “So what if I am.” Violet threw her hands up in the air with exasperation. “It’s not going to go anywhere.”

  “Why not?” Delta asked. “They’re tall, muscular, and handsome. Why wouldn’t you jump at the chance to have a relationship with them? Unless they just want to get into your pants.”


  “What? I have to look after my partners and girls. If those guys are just trying to get you into bed, then you’re better off without them.”

  “They don’t.”

  “They don’t want to take you to bed?” Jaylynn frowned. “What’s wrong with them? Are they blind? You’re gorgeous.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” Violet’s lips twitched. It was wonderful having new friends willing to stick up for her. Tears filled her eyes, and she quickly blinked, trying to dispel them.

  “What did they do?” Enya asked. “If those assholes have hurt you, I’m going to kick their asses, deputies or not.”

  “They haven’t done anything, Enya. In fact, they’ve been very protective and kind.”

  “Then why the tears?” Kiara asked.

  “They want a relationship with me,” she replied.

  “And?” Delta asked.

  “I’m scared.”

  “Of what?” Cindy frowned. “They’re not the sort of men to go around hurting women or breaking hearts on purpose.”

  Violet couldn’t believe that Cindy was so perceptive at such a young age, but then she’d grown up in this town where polyamorous relationships were the norm and the men were possessive and protective. Maybe she’d learned by watching how the men treated their women.

  “Of everything.”

  “You’re going to have to be more specific, Lil…Violet,” Enya said. “We’re not leaving this room until you spill.”

  Violet closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath, and then explained about being abducted and what it had been like growing up in a cult. When she finished, the silence in the room had her heart breaking. She glanced at the other women, expecting to see horror on their faces, but she was surprised to see sympathy and understanding.

  “I totally understand where you’re coming from,” Delta said. “While our situations were different, I was scared, too. However, you can’t spend the rest of your life on the outside looking in, Violet. You’re missing out on so much. Being in love and being loved by a man, or in our case, men, is the most amazing experience of my life.”

  “Delta’s right,” Enya said. “Being loved, having someone to lean on when you need it, is wonderful. Don’t throw something that could be special away because you’re afraid. This could be the one and only time you meet the men of your dreams, and if you walk away from them, you could end up regretting it for the rest of your life.”

  Violet had a feeling Enya was talking from experience. The poor woman looked so sad and there was so much pain in her eyes. She pulled Enya into her arms and hugged her. “Thanks.”

  Enya squeezed her back and then drew from Violet’s arms. “You’re welcome.”

  “So, are you going to do it?” Cindy asked excitedly, practically bouncing in her seat.

  “Yeah, are you?” Delta asked with a smile.

  Violet gulped and then nodded.

  All the woman cheered and laughed.

  “You aren’t making a mistake, Violet,” Jaylynn said. “They’re good men. Trust your instincts. They won’t let you down.”

  Violet met each of the women’s gazes and smiled. “Thank you, all of you.”

  “Don’t thank us,” Delta said. “This is what friends are for. Right, ladies?”

  “Hell yes,” they replied simultaneously and then erupted into laughter again.

  Violet had never been more glad to have ended up in Slick Rock. It had been a blessing, and the benefits just kept coming.

  She had wonderful new friends and was about to have a relationship with three men. Three! Although that was daunting, the others were right. She couldn’t let fear stop her from finding out if she and the Sheffield brothers could have something special. She didn’t want to have regrets and wonder about them for the rest of her life.

  She was strong since she’d had to be. It was time to pull her big-girl panties up and face life head-on.

  * * * *

  Virgil couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Everywhere he looked there were polyamorous couples. He rubbed his hands together as he chuckled. Lilac must be the slut he’d always thought she was to end up in this town. Had she known about the ménages before she’d arrived here? She had to have. She was such a fucking hypocrite.

  He’d remembered seeing the distaste on her face when she’d been forced to watch the movies. Now here she was in the midst of promiscuity. It was laughable.

  When he saw three deputies walking down the street toward him on the opposite side of the road, Virgil ducked down a narrow side alley and turned back toward the motel. Something else he’d noticed about this backward town was that the men were more observant than most. That was going to make his job harder, but he wasn’t giving up until he had that slut under him. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her. She was supposed to have been his. She’d escaped a month or so before her sixteenth birthday, and while he’d been able to slake his lust with the other bitches, he couldn’t get that slut off his mind.

  He’d felt as if he�
�d failed. He’d never forget how angry his father had been that the cow had been able to escape while under his watch. His father had nearly burst a vein, but what had pissed him off and still irked him even after all these years was the ribbing he’d gotten from the other guys and men. They’d called him weak, including his fucked-up dad.

  Virgil had shown the asshole he wasn’t as weak as he’d thought when he killed the fucker. However, he knew he would never really have the respect of the other men at the commune until he’d proven he was their rightful leader. It didn’t seem to matter that he ruled with an iron fist, figuratively and literally. His failure was hanging over his head and wouldn’t go away until he had Lilac where she was supposed to be.

  Back at the commune, tied to his bed where she belonged.

  * * * *

  The moment Cree spotted Violet, he knew something had changed. The shadows in her eyes were gone and she was smiling.

  He, Wilder, and Nash had been busy all day long in their new deputy positions, and while he’d enjoyed the work, he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Violet. She was it for him and his brothers, and he hoped that she would end up accepting them into her life.

  “She looks happy,” Wilder said.

  “Yeah.” Cree shifted on his feet and adjusted his hardening cock to a more comfortable position.

  “She’s so fucking beautiful.” Nash sighed as he threaded his fingers through his hair.

  Cree was leaning against the side of the truck and straightened when Violet exited the diner. “Do you need some help, honey?”

  She shook her head as she turned to the door and locked up before turning to face him and his brothers again. “Wow, look at all of you.”

  Cree held his arms out to the side and smiled. Her gaze wandered over his body from head to toe, pausing in strategic places before making the return journey. She glanced over at his brothers and ogled them the same way she’d just gawked at him.

  “Y’all look so handsome, sexy, and tough in your uniforms and gun belts.”


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