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Deliverance [Slick Rock 17] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Becca Van

  Nash had taken her at her word and was now surging in and out of her sheath hard, fast, and deep. The sound of their bodies slapping together was the only sound in the room other than their heavy breathing.

  And then her breath froze in her lungs when he pressed a finger to her rosette and began to stroke into her back entrance.

  “Oh,” Violet moaned and shivered as the tension in her womb and vagina grew.

  “You like that, baby?” Nash asked in a hoarse voice.


  Nash made a growly sound as his other hand caressed from her hip, over her belly to the top of her mound. “You’re going to love it when we all make love to you at the same time. Just imagine it, Vi. One of us will be fucking this sexy cunt.” He paused as he slid his finger into her folds and caressed the tip lightly over her clit. “One of us will fuck this gorgeous ass.” He stroked his finger in and out of her back entrance. “And one of us will fuck between those perfect pink lips.”

  Words were beyond Violet. She trembled as she envisaged Nash’s words in her mind. The coil grew tauter each time he shuttled his hard cock in and out of her aching pussy. She was so turned on cream was dripping from her sheath like a leaking faucet. She cried out when he began to rub over her clit with firmer strokes. Violet felt out of control with need, and each time Nash shoved into her, the friction along her wet walls drove her closer and closer to the edge.

  Air was sawing in and out of her lungs like a noisy bellow, and she clutched at the sheets as the pressure inside grew to astronomical proportions.

  And then she could hear nothing but white noise and the rushing whoosh of her own blood racing past her eardrums.

  Violet was hovering on the edge of a precipice with no way of knowing which was up, down, or sideways.

  With the next beat of her heart, Violet was tossed into the tumultuous cataclysmic storm.

  She screamed as nirvanic rapture washed over her, making her whole body quake. She shook and shivered as it felt as if her whole frame orgasmed. Her pussy clamped down hard around Nash’s still pistoning cock over and over.

  Streaks of lightning flashed before her eyes, or maybe it was stars streaking past as she flew up into the heavens.

  Juices gushed from her sheath, dripping onto her inner thighs before trickling down her legs to her knees.

  When her lungs began to burn and the bright lights began to fade, Violet realized she’d stopped breathing and gulped air into her oxygen-depleted organs. The blackness began to fade and as her awareness returned, she could hear Nash grunting each time he hammered his hips against her ass while he continued to drive his cock in and out of her pussy, and pumped his finger in and out of her ass.

  Just as the internal contractions began to wane, Nash pinched her clit between his fingers, sending her straight back up to orgasmic heights.

  Her mouth gaped open on a soundless cry, and this time there were no streaks of lights or lightening. Dark spots formed in front of her eyes, and she was so caught up in the cataclysmic pinnacle she had no idea if her eyes were open or closed.

  Nash shoved into her once more, and his shout of completion seemed to come from a long way away. She tried to push the darkness in front of her eyes back, but it was a losing battle.

  Her head swam with lightheadedness, and while her body was still shivering and shuddering with aftershocks, she was also highly sensitive to each pulsing contraction of Nash’s cock as he filled her with his cum.

  And then she sank into the mattress as the euphoria snatched into unconsciousness.

  Chapter Twelve

  Nash nuzzled his nose against Violet’s neck. When she’d passed out just after she’d climaxed the night before, his heart had stopped beating. He’d been scared he’d hurt her while he’d been making love with her and had shouted for Wilder and Cree. They’d come bursting into the bedroom from the hallway, and it hadn’t been till after he and his brothers made sure that Violet was all right that Cree had realized he’d been so wrapped making love with his woman, he hadn’t even noticed that Cree had walked out of the en-suite bathroom after cleaning up and left the bedroom.

  He and Wilder had slept the rest of the night with Violet between them, but she’d been so tired and worn out from their lovemaking, she’d barely stirred. Nash just hoped that they would get to spend all their nights with her snuggled between them, but with them all working the afternoon shift, he wasn’t sure that was going to happen. However, he’d take what he could get.

  When she sighed and stirred beside him, he leaned up onto his elbow and brushed the strands of hair away from her face. She smiled, sighed again, and blinked her eyes open. Wilder glanced at him before turning his gaze to Violet. His brother’s gaze softened with love, and the smile that curved his lips was one that Nash had never seen before. He wondered if he looked as happy as Wilder, and guessed he did.

  After serving in the Marines, Nash didn’t think he’d ever feel anything ever again. He and his brothers had had to cut off their hearts so they could do their jobs while they were on tour. Some of the things he and his brothers had seen while they were in the military would have driven them insane if they hadn’t learned to lock their hearts away, and while he sometimes wished he could block out some of those horrific memories, serving his country had made him the man he was today.

  If he, Wilder, and Cree hadn’t signed up they might not be where they were today and might never have moved to Slick Rock or met Violet. That would have been a travesty in his eyes. They could have missed ever meeting the one special woman that was the perfect fit for him and his brothers.

  Violet was already the love of his life, and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to handle it if something ever happened to her.

  “Morning,” Violet whispered.

  Nash pushed his introspection aside and stroked a finger over Violet’s small straight nose. “Hi, baby. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yeah. I slept like a log.”

  “Do you have trouble sleeping often, sweetness?” Wilder asked.

  She swallowed and nodded. “Most nights.”

  “You have nightmares?” Nash asked.

  “Yes.” She met his gaze. “I should have outgrown them, but I always end up dreaming about the horrible things those men and boys did to the women and other girls.”

  “I’m so fucking glad you escaped, baby.”

  “I am, too, but I’ve never stopped worrying about Rose and Fleur.”

  “You shouldn’t feel guilty, Vi.” Wilder slipped his arm beneath her neck and tugged her closer to his body.

  “I should have done more.” She blinked when tears pooled in her eyes. “I should have gone to other police stations, but I thought leaving a letter under the door to the Bemidji Sheriff’s Department would have been enough.”

  “Had you ever met the sheriff or deputies?” Nash asked.

  She shook her head. “No, but surely that shouldn’t have mattered. Their job is to serve and protect, but as far as I know, they did nothing.”

  “Luke and Damon have been to Internal Affairs and told them what happened. They’re currently being investigated,” Wilder explained.

  “I thought I heard voices.” Cree smiled as he entered the room carrying a tray with four steaming mugs on it. “I brought you some coffee.”

  As soon as Cree set the tray on the bedside table near him, Nash picked up the cup with the cream in it, and after Wilder helped Violet into a sitting position with her back resting against the headboard, the sheet tucked over her breasts and under her arms, he handed her the mug of coffee.

  “Thanks, Cree.” She met his gaze and then took a sip of coffee. “Just the way I like it.”

  Nash passed Wilder his mug before picking up his own. Cree grabbed the remaining cup and then kneeled on the mattress near Violet’s feet.

  “Do you have any plans for the day?”

  She shook her head after she swallowed a gulp of coffee. “Other than some laundry, no.”

  “Luke has inv
ited us out to his ranch for a late BBQ lunch. Major, Rocco, Ace, and Delta will be there, as well,” Wilder said. “We’d love it if you came with us.”

  “I don’t want to intrude.” Violet shook her head.

  Nash was about to reply, but Cree tugged his cell phone from his pocket, swiped a finger across the screen, and then made the call. He put the speaker on so that they could all hear the conversation.

  “What’s up Cree?” Luke asked by way of greeting.

  “Just wondering if we could bring Violet to the BBQ this afternoon?”

  “Why the hell would you call to ask that? It was a given that you’d bring Violet since you’re all dating her.”

  “We know that, but Violet said she didn’t want to intrude. You’re on speaker, by the way. Violet and my brothers can hear everything you say.”

  “Good,” Luke said. “Violet, I expect you to be here between two and three with your guys. Okay?”

  “Are you sure—”

  “Don’t argue, woman. Come out to the ranch and have some fun. Delta and her men are going to be here, too.”

  “Do you want me to bring something?” Violet asked.

  “Just you and your men. Flick has everything under control.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Luke.”

  “You’re welcome, honey. See you all this afternoon.”

  “See you then,” Cree said before disconnecting the call.

  Nash was happy to see the tension had eased from Violet’s shoulders. She was always so intense and seemed worried about being an inconvenience. He and his brothers were going to have to work on that issue. Hopefully, she would gain more confidence as she spent more and more time with them, but his ultimate goal was having her fall in love with them.

  He just hoped they succeeded in their plans.

  * * * *

  Virgil was driving down the main street of Slick Rock intent on getting to the white-water rafting venue, but when he saw the big truck coming toward him and caught sight of the woman in the passenger seat, his plans changed. Luckily, he was wearing his baseball cap and he ducked his head so she wouldn’t be able to see his face, but she was too intent on whatever the driver was saying to take any notice of him or anyone else, for that matter. After checking his mirrors to make sure no one was behind him, he indicated and pulled toward the side of the road. He watched the truck in his rearview and side mirrors and when the vehicle disappeared from view, he made a U-turn.

  Thankfully, he’d used a false name when he’d booked for his afternoon out and he’d been smart enough to pay cash. He didn’t care about the money he was losing by not showing up. All he cared about was getting his hands on that bitch.

  He made sure to stick to the speed limits so he didn’t call any unwanted attention to himself and followed the truck at a distance. When it turned into a driveway leading to a ranch twenty minutes later, he didn’t slow his car as he continued down the road.

  When he found a safe place for another U-turn, he turned back and this time drove past the driveway entrance slowly. His heart slammed against his ribs when he spotted the sheriff’s vehicle parked near the house. Virgil pressed his foot down on the accelerator and didn’t breathe easy until he was back in town. His thoughts raced in turmoil for all of five minutes as he wondered why the slut was visiting the local law enforcement. It took another few minutes for logic to kick in.

  Lilac and the other women who owned and worked at the diner probably interacted with the sheriffs and deputies of the town on a regular basis. Even he had to admit the food served at the greasy spoon was more like what would be found in a restaurant.

  He sighed with relief but then growled with anger. He was still no closer to getting his hands on the slut. He’d decided to follow her and those bastards, hoping that they would lead him right to her front door. Now he was going to have to go back to his original plan of following the schoolgirl and snatching her. He just hoped it was going to be as easy as he thought it would be.

  Now he knew what he was going to do he had to figure out how to implement his plan.

  Hopefully, in a week or less, he would have Lilac Primrose right where she should have been ten years ago.

  * * * *

  Violet smiled shyly at the sheriffs and the others in greeting. Other than when she was working, she wasn’t used to being around so many people and felt way out of her comfort zone. Wilder and Nash must have seen or felt how uncertain she was because they moved in until their arms were rubbing against her shoulders.

  She gazed around the alfresco dining area, which was at the back of the house, and leaned in against Wilder. Nash clasped her hand in his and Wilder wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

  “Are you okay, sweetness?” Wilder asked after he bent down to whisper in her ear.

  She nodded and smiled as she stared into amazing green eyes. She’d never get sick of looking into Wilder’s, Cree’s, or Nash’s eyes. Although they were mostly the same beautiful emerald green, there were subtle differences. Wilder’s were nearly all green with a couple of flecks of gold. Cree’s had a thin ring of blue on the outside edge of his irises, and Nash had a few flecks of the brown.


  She turned her gaze in time to see Delta barreling toward her. Her business partner was smiling, and there was a happy twinkle in her eyes. She had also gained more confidence about using her voice thanks to her fiancés, Major, Rocco, and Ace.

  Violet stepped away from Wilder and Nash and hugged Delta back when the other woman wrapped her arms around her. Tears burned her eyes, but she blinked them away. For the first time in her life she had real friends, people she could talk to and rely on if she ever needed help, but that wasn’t all. She had three wonderful, kind, loving men she could lean on and knew would have her back if she was ever in trouble.

  Delta squeezed her harder and then stepped back. She was signing something to her but going way too fast for her to keep up. Major must have seen her dilemma because he chuckled and clasped his fiancée’s shoulder to gain her attention, before he started signing to Delta. “Slow down, baby. Not everyone is as fast as you are at reading what you’re saying.” Major turned to Violet. “She was telling you how glad she is you’re here.”

  “Thanks.” Violet smiled as she signed back.

  “Come and sit down everyone,” Flick said loudly. “The food is ready.”

  Violet sat between Cree and Nash with Wilder on Cree’s right.

  “How are you all settling into Slick Rock?” Felicity asked. The other woman was smiling at her husbands as they made sure their children had food on their plates. Her heart filled with yearning as she watched the big, muscular sheriff with his daughter. The little girl couldn’t have been much more than five years old, but from the looks of things she had her daddies wrapped around her little finger.

  “I wish I’d found this town years ago,” Violet finally answered and then cleared her throat when her emotions threatened to overwhelm her. “There are so many wonderful people living here.”

  Cree caressed a hand up and down her back, and when she turned to meet his gaze, she had to suck in a couple of deep breaths at what she saw in his eyes. She glanced at Nash to see him looking at her with the same expression, and when she noticed Wilder lean forward and wink at her, she nearly started crying. There was love in their gazes and it was all directed at her.

  “You are so right, sister.” Flick raised her wine glass. “I’d like to propose a toast.” She waited while the women picked up their glasses and the men reached for their bottles of beer. “To friendship, family, and love.”

  “Here, here,” everyone responded as they sipped their drinks.

  The afternoon was one of the best Violet had ever had. With every sip of her wine she’d relaxed a little more and had ended up joining in conversations and laughing along with everyone else.

  After the meal was over and the women had cleaned up, the men stripped off their T-shirts and played a game of tag football with the children.
Violet had always imagined how a family and friends should play and laugh with each other, but this was the first time she’d ever seen that her dreams hadn’t been just fantasies.

  As the sun was setting and they said their goodbyes, Violet hoped that one day she would be able to return the favor of hosting a BBQ or meal at her house with her men by her side. She sighed happily as she leaned against Nash’s shoulder as they headed back home.

  * * * *

  Virgil was hot, tired, hungry, and pissed. He’d spent the last three to four hours sitting in his stinking hot car waiting for that bitch and the assholes she was with to leave that ranch. The anger that was roiling inside of him got worse with each passing minute. When he got a hold of her he was going to make sure she paid for his discomfort.

  The only consolation was that he was parked on the edge of town near the motel and he’d ducked back to his room a time or two to use the facilities and grab a few bottles of water so he didn’t dehydrate. It had been a risky move since the fuckers could have driven past while he hadn’t been in his car, but he had a feeling he hadn’t missed them.

  He’d made sure to move his rearview mirror and passenger driver’s side mirror so he had a clear view of the road behind him and he’d slunk down in his seat to keep prying eyes from seeing him. Of course he had all four windows open and he’d parked under the shade of a tree, but it was hot enough to fry an egg on the hood of his vehicle and he was sweating up a storm. His clothes were soaked through with sweat, and he had the headache from hell.

  He glanced in his mirrors when he heard a low rumbling coming from behind and when he saw the black truck coming toward him, all his pain and discomfort faded. His hours of boredom had been worth it after all. As the truck drove past he made note of the license plate and waited a minute or so before he sat up and started his car.

  He followed the truck to the other side of town and into one of the new housing estates. He wanted to turn down the street the vehicle did but decided to bypass it instead when he saw that it was a cul-de-sac. However, now that he had a street he would come back in the early hours of the morning to scope things out. Maybe he’d be able to get to the slut without using the teenage bitch after all.


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