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GRIT: A Spartan Riders Novel

Page 16

by J.C. Valentine

  “But I thought you just wanted this to be simple, that you weren’t a man who ‘stuck,’” she questioned, a tinge of panic seeping into her voice. She wasn’t sure she was ready for “more” just yet. And with Blake? She thought of the time she’d already spent with him, how he held her, kissed her, hell, just how he looked at her. She couldn’t remember a time when she’d felt more fulfilled. So that big, fat question mark that should have been hanging over his name in her mind? She couldn’t help thinking that it was a whole hell of a lot smaller than it should have been.

  “Look, let’s not force a label on it,” Blake suggested. “I like what we have goin’ on here, so let’s just keep it goin’. See where it leads.”

  She smiled widely. “I like that idea.”

  “Good.” Grinning widely, Blake lowered his head, and Gabby lifted to her toes, prepared to get lost once again, when someone started banging down the front door. Lifting his head, Blake scowled over hers. “Go on back and help Ash pick out a book. I’ll be there in a minute.”

  Gabby felt a chill travel down her spine. “Who do you think it is?”

  “Seein’ as I don’t have x-ray vision, guess I’ll have to open it to find out.”

  Gabby glared up at him, not appreciating his snarky sense of humor one bit. All she could think about was that awful ex of his and how she’d barged in unannounced that first night, and she was even more on edge since their altercation at the school. That woman was certifiable. “Just be careful.”

  Touching her face, Blake winked. “You got it, babe. Now get out of sight. I’ll let you know if and when to come out.”

  She didn’t like it, but Gabby went. She had just crossed the threshold into Ash’s room when she heard the front door open and a commotion of male voices trampling one another. Nerves assaulted her. Her first instinct was to creep back down the hall and see what was going on with her own eyes, but she forced herself to trust Blake and follow his orders.

  Spotting Ash on the opposite side of his bed, sitting on the floor, she crossed to him. “Hey, buddy.” He was playing with a mix of cars, motorcycles, and army men. Sitting down beside him, she draped her arms over her bent knees. “Whatcha doin’?”

  “I heard you and Daddy fighting, so I decided to play.”

  Damn. “I’m sorry about that. We’re weren’t really fighting, just having a disagreement. But we’re good now. You have nothing to worry about.”

  “Can we still watch something then?”

  She made a face. “Sorry, but your dad asked us to stay here for now. Do you want to pick a book out while we wait?”

  He reached up to the nightstand and pulled down a thin paperback, handing it to her. Checking out the cover, Gabby’s eyebrows arched. “My Dead Goldfish,” she read aloud. “Won’t this give you nightmares?”

  His head angled back and he gave her an arch look. “I’m not a baby. They’re not even scary anyway. They’re supposed to make you laugh.”

  “Ah,” Gabby said with a nod. “Well, then, I’m intrigued. Do you think we should wait for your dad or just get started?”

  The men’s voices boomed with laughter and Gabby and Ash both turned their heads toward the door. It sounded like she had her answer. Whoever had come to the door clearly wasn’t a threat. She relaxed some, turning a bright smile on Ash.

  “It sounds like he’s going to be a while. Since it’s so close to bedtime already, what do you say we climb into bed and start without him.”

  Standing up, Ash pulled back the covers and climbed under them. “But what if Daddy gets mad ‘cause we didn’t wait?”

  “He won’t,” she assured him as she tucked the blankets in around him. “But how about this. We’ll read until he’s done and then he can help us finish. Sound good?”

  “What if we’re already finished?”

  “Then we can pick a new one.”

  Ash’s lips pursed as he considered this. “Okay, but if he gets mad, I’m telling’ him it was your idea.”

  Gabby narrowed her eyes and leaned in. “Deal.”


  Blake sat in the living room surrounded by his brothers, drinking beers, and generally having a good time. He couldn’t believe he’d been so wrapped up in Gabby lately that he’d completely forgotten he’d promised the guys they’d watch the fight on his big screen. He’d felt bad about having to tell Gabby and Ash that he’d have to raincheck story time, but, already halfway through a book, they’d assured him they were doing just fine on their own. Gabby sent him away with a kiss and a smile that had him hard in an instant, and he’d left her with a parting promise to return for more just as soon as he could.

  It was difficult being a single father, a true balancing act. Despite having a kid, though, he’d always made sure to make time for himself and his brothers. The guys understood, and even supported him whenever they could. Hell, Ash had a dozen uncles, didn’t matter if they shared blood or not, and any one of them would gladly step in front of a bullet for him.

  Say what you will about bikers, but how many people in the world could claim the same. Ash was one lucky kid.

  And now he had Gabby who, if he played his cards right, would fall under that same blanket of protection. From what she’d told him the other night, she needed it too. He was still pissed just thinking about it all. Some bastard had not only pointed a gun at her, but stabbed and threatened her? Blake didn’t know who this motherfucker was, but he was damned sure going to find out.

  Then he was going to make sure he paid. He and anyone else associated with him.

  There was blood to be shed, of that he was certain.

  As soon as he saw a window, he planned on pulling Country aside and asking him to employ his information seeking abilities. Every moment that ticked by was a potential death sentence hanging like a guillotine over Gabby’s head. He wanted that bastard found, and he wanted him wiped off the map. Yesterday.

  Glancing at the clock, Blake was hyperaware of the time. It had already been late when the guys arrived, anticipating Ash’s bedtime, but they hadn’t accounted for Gabby being there. How could they, when he’d kept a tight lip? And as she’d chosen to stick to the back end of the house, sequestered in his room, they still didn’t know. But they would have to soon.

  Things might have been moving faster than expected between them, but Blake wasn’t stupid. He was treading carefully. The last thing he wanted or needed was another Jodi in his life.

  So far, however, everything about Gabby pointed in the opposite direction—the right direction. She was far too kind, sweet, caring, and intelligent to ever be compared to Ash’s mother. Hell, she was too good for him, as far as Blake was concerned, but that didn’t mean he was going to back off.

  Far from it.

  After listening to what she’d been through and knowing the pitfalls that might lay ahead, he was more determined than ever to make her a permanent fixture in his world.

  He just had to convince her that it was what she wanted too.

  Gulping down the rest of his beer, Blake stood, feeling an inexplicable need to check in on her and Ash.

  “Hey, man, where you going? The fight’s just getting good.”

  Blake looked down at Taco—the Spartan’s road captain—and smiled into his grizzled face. “Gonna take a piss,” he replied as he stepped over booted feet. “Why, you wanna come hold it for me?”

  A round of laughter ripped through the room and some good-natured ribbing ensued. Blake took advantage of the distraction to slip away and peek in on Ash. The kid was sound asleep, all tucked into his bed with Turd curled up alongside him, tucked beneath his arm.

  Striding quietly to the bed, he bent down and kissed the crown of his head, whispering goodnight in his ear, and gave the kitten an affectionate pat. Before he left, he flipped on the nightlight to chase away any bad dreams.

  Sneaking out again, he closed the door securely then made his way to his own room. He found Gabby lying on her side, facing the door, with her arm clutchi
ng his pillow to her chest. One of her bare legs was cocked up, pinning down the bottom edge. It was as if she were trying to hold him, even in her sleep.

  His chest tightened.

  Blake soaked in the vision of her in his bed and couldn’t help thinking she fit there just fine. In his bed. His home. His life. As he stood there, he decided that no matter what her stance on the subject, she was going to stick around, because he wanted her to. From here on, she belonged to him, one hundred percent, and he was going to make damned sure that she wasn’t going anywhere.

  For the first time, Blake Mahone felt the burning desire to stake his claim, not out of duty, but of need.

  His thoughts screeched to a halt when Gabby shifted, her eyes opening and finding him standing there, watching her. A soft smile warmed her face as she said, “Hey,” in a sleepy voice. “The fight over already?”

  Stepping deeper into the room, he closed the door quietly and padded across the carpet to the bed. “No, just needed to see you for a minute. Sorry I woke you.” He traced a finger up the outside of her thigh, watching goose bumps rise in its wake.

  “It’s okay, I haven’t been asleep long,” she assured him. Her eyes followed his finger as it inched higher, her voice growing husky. “Shouldn’t you be out there entertaining your friends?”

  “They can entertain themselves for a few minutes.”

  “And you’re in here to…what, find some entertainment of your own?”

  A wolfish smile inched into place and his dick kicked at his zipper. “I had a craving for teacher.”

  She grinned, her eyes sparkling as Gabby rolled up onto her knees and crawled to the end of the bed to meet him. Sliding her hands under his shirt, she lifted the fabric and pressed wet kisses to his abs, climbing higher, kissing his chest, licking his nipples, then finally his mouth. “That’s good,” she said against his mouth as her fingers popped the button on his jeans, “because I’ve been craving sexy biker all night.”

  Blake’s heart pounded as he watched her retrace her path down, her lips hot and silky against his blazing skin. Shoving his pants down his thighs, she worked him free of his boxers, and Blake had to suppress his groan as she took him into her hand and stroked him.

  His fingers went to her hair, threading through the thick strands and creating a clear path for him to watch. Her soft, pink tongue poked out, sending his blood pressure skyrocketing, his cock kicking up to slap her chin. She laughed, pulling a small smile from him, before tightening her grip and licking the fat vein that ran the length of him from base to tip.

  Blake’s hold on her tightened and his hips pushed forward. Her gaze finding his, Gabby opened her mouth and sucked him inside.

  “Holy-fucking-shit, teach,” Blake gasped. His words fueled her on, and she went to town on him, working his cock like a pro. Her hand was a tight fist, pumping him up and down as her mouth followed, her cheeks hollowing out on the downstroke and her tongue swirling around the head on the up. The tight suction coupled with the blanket of warmth and her eager, hungry sounds was his undoing. Losing control, pulled her in, flattening her face against his abdomen. His cock forced her throat open, diving all the way down. She gagged, but instead of pulling away, her fingernails dug into the backs of his thighs, pulling him closer. With a curse and a grunt, Blake poured hot seed down her throat.

  His legs felt like rubber when he finally pulled back, easing his length from her puffy, red lips. Wiping her shining lips on the back of her hand, Gabby’s glassy eyes looked up at him worshipfully.

  “I think you’re time is up,” she whispered as she slid back across the blankets and laid down.

  A frown creased Blake’s forehead, but then the sex-fog began to clear and he heard one of the guys calling his name from the living room. His eyes narrowing, he glanced over his shoulder, then back to her, torn.

  “Don’t worry,” Gabby said as she slipped her hand inside her panties. Her head fell back, her breath kicking up as a moan spilled from her parted lips. “I’ll finish this.”

  “Blake! You gotta see this—oh shit! Yeah!”

  A rush of excited shouts filled the house, and Blake heard his name called again. If he didn’t get out there, they’d come looking for him. No way in hell was he letting his men see his woman like that, half naked, spread out like a buffet. Each one of her passionate sounds was for his ears only.

  “Fuck,” he spat, shoving himself back into his boxers and pulling up his pants. “This isn’t over, teach. When I’m done out there, I’m coming back to finish this.”

  Her smile was wicked. “I’m counting on it.”


  The fight went on for too long, as far as Blake was concerned. He’d always enjoyed time with his brothers—and tonight was no different—but he was ready to kick their asses to the curb and go find himself a hot little teacher to curl up with.

  “Uh oh, he’s got that look in his eye again,” Cricket announced, his tone teasing. “I think Prez has himself a girlfriend.”

  “Yeah, the five-fingered variety,” Taco jeered. He and Cricket bumped fists.

  Repo’s sharp gaze focused on Blake. “That true, Quick? You got yourself a female hiding back there waitin’ on ya?”

  “That’d explain the car in the driveway,” Moose remarked.

  Blake gave his men a cutting look. “So what if I do?”

  “Aw, shit, Prez has himself a girlfriend,” Taco chided, socking him in the shoulder. “I bet she’s hot as fuck.”

  “That’s a quarter for the swear jar, asshole.”

  Taco’s peel of laughter lasted only a moment before his expression flattened, his eyes darting around the group. “Serious?”

  “The kid’s got a collection goin’,” Country filled him in. “Guess he decided to clean up his old man’s vernacular.”

  “Sounds like he’s running a racket,” Repo commented. “How many jars you filled yet, Quick?”

  They all laughed at his expense. The answer was several. It wasn’t a secret that Blake had a dirty mouth. He’d grown up hearing worse, so he considered it an improvement. Still, Ash was determined to swindle every bad word right out of him. “Kid’s determined to go to Disneyland,” he told them. “He’s using my poor self-control against me.”

  “Gotta love that kid.” Country grinned, showing all his teeth.

  Blake would just bet Tucker was loving this, seeing the big bad president of the town’s notorious biker gang cowed by a six-year-old boy. But the joke was on him. Blake wouldn’t have it any other way.

  “So who’s the woman?” Cricket asked, tipping his chin up toward the hallway.

  Blake glared back at him. “What makes you think I have a woman back there?”

  “Shit, Quick, doesn’t take a genius to figure it out,” Repo’s gruff voice cut in. “You’ve been watching that hallway all night. When you’re not zoning out and practically jacking off your beer bottle that is.”

  Another round of laughter at his expense rippled through their group. Blake took it in stride, knowing it came from a place of love. “Her name is Gabby.”

  Wide-eyed recognition flashed in each man’s eyes.

  “You talkin’ ‘bout the teacher from the barbeque?” Cricket asked.

  “One and the same,” Blake confirmed.

  “Goddamn, you landed yourself the teacher?” Taco didn’t bother holding back his awe. He held his fist out.

  Blake leaned forward and pounded it. “Yeah, I did. And that’s another quarter in the jar.”

  “Again, you’re serious about that?”

  “Hell, yes, numbnuts! The boy wants to go to Disneyland. Now get your ass over there and make your donation,” Repo commanded. Grabbing him by the scruff of his neck, Garrick shoved him in the direction of the dining room with a light laugh.

  It was a damn good thing that they all considered each other brothers, or someone would have been shot by now, what with all the name calling and insult slinging. Never once did they feel the need to temper their words arou
nd one another. It was a kind of freedom that Blake relished.

  “All right, assholes, it’s time to get out of my house. Tucker, I need you to hang back. As for the rest of you, hit the road!” He pulled open the door and gave each man a hug and pound on the back on their way through it.

  “Ride safe,” he called out as his men climbed on the backs of their bikes and rolled quietly down the drive, only cranking the engines once they hit the street in order to dampen the noise.

  Country lingered behind, standing side by side with Blake, watching them go. Heaviness hung in the air between them, giving Blake the head’s up that something was on his sergeant’s mind. Which was just fine, because he had some laundry that needed airing too.

  He went first. “Gabby’s in trouble. Got some guy from her past who might be lookin’ to take her out.”

  “Old boyfriend?”

  “Old boyfriend’s bookie, dealer, whatever. Not sure exactly, but whoever he is, he’s bad news. Has a crew and everything. The boyfriend got in deep, ended up paralyzed from the neck down. That’s who she’s been visiting up in that nursing home.”

  “Shit,” Country cursed under his breath. “How’d she get mixed up in it?”

  “Wrong place and time.” Blake’s hands shook as he thought about what she’d told him. “They stabbed her, Tuck,” he said, his voice rough. “Some fuckin’ dick boyfriend makes a deal with the devil, and she got punished for it. I have a mind to go over there and slit his fuckin’ throat myself, but she blames herself for what happened to him.”

  Country’s eyes widened. “What the fuck kinda messed up shit is that about?”

  “Woman logic, I don’t fuckin’ know. All I know is whoever this guy is, he’s dead. I just need to find him first.”

  Country fell silent for a prolonged moment, studying Blake as if to judge how serious he was. “The club, our hands, they’ve been clean for ten years, Blake. Before I go diggin’, I need to know…this woman worth puttin’ our necks out, potentially givin’ all that up?”


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