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Restless On A Road Trip: A Lesbian Romance

Page 12

by Nicolette Dane

  With one hand on my rump, Maggie drew her tongue slowly up, licking at my pinkness, up through my crevice, and then I felt the tip of her tongue touch my ass. I’d never felt anything like it before. I had no idea how sensitive I was back there and how unique of a feeling it was. And Maggie wasn’t afraid. She dove right in, tracing her tongue around my rim, quickly licking it, before returning downwards once again and kissing my soaked bloom.

  “I liked that,” I whispered.

  “Oh yeah?” I heard come from behind me between licks.

  “Mm hmm.”

  “Good to know.” Maggie’s finger then pressed against my ass, rubbing in a tender circle, as she continued to kiss my lips. I felt immaculate and I exhaled a pleasured moan into the pillow.

  Without missing a beat, Maggie popped up behind me, one hand running up and down my back, the other plunging against my sex. I felt two fingers slip into my wetness, while Maggie’s thumb touched my rear, massaging me back there as her wrist began pumping, fingers thrusting. As she leaned down against me, kissing my back, I felt her breasts touch my skin.

  “How’s that?” Maggie whispered and then kissed again. Her thumb gave an even more pressured push against my bum.

  “Good,” I said, nodding methodically. “Real good.”

  “I really love anal stuff,” she continued on in a low voice, like she was telling me a well-kept secret. “I don’t know why. It just really turns me on.”

  “Oh yeah?” I said in a pleasured sigh. Her dirty talk was really working on me and I arched my back as I felt her fingers push into me, her thumb continuing to caress.

  “Yeah,” affirmed Maggie. “Some people think it’s weird. But I think those people are weird.” She giggled happily and pressed harder against my ass. At that moment, I felt my rim dilate just slightly, her thumb tip coaxing me open.

  “Yeah,” I repeated, as though I were talking to her and not just simply moaning in enjoyment. “Mmm, yeah.”

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Mm hmm,” I hummed, nodding, fingers gripping into the sheets.

  “Okay.” I could hear the smile on Maggie’s face.

  I felt Maggie’s hand leave me and she sat up. While she indeed kept her palm resting on one of my cheeks, I felt trapped in anticipation for what might come next. Without her hot breath and wet licks between my thighs, I could feel a slight chill run over my sex. It was a nice respite but I was eager for more attention. I even caught myself reflexively whimpering as I waited.

  Then it felt like a bucket of loopy endorphins had been dumped all over my head. Some sort of levy broke, a fulfilling sense of desire washing over me. Maggie had unceremoniously pushed that purple toy we’d uncovered deep into me. She didn’t slowly ease it in, she didn’t wait for me to accept it, she just pushed firmly and in it went. I was drooling. It was incredible.

  “Oh my fucking God,” I moaned. “Oh shit.”

  “You’re so wet, Dana,” Maggie mused as she penetrating me with a steady flick of her wrist. I felt her finger rub against my pussy, caressing into the wetness, and drawing that moisture upwards toward my crack.

  “Oh, that thing feels so good,” I called, shaking my head, joy overtaking me. “Keep going.”

  “Can do,” said Maggie sweetly.

  The toy easily parted my lips and coursed inside of me, back and forth, measured and methodical, asserting just an awesome pressure against my cleft. My entire backside was feeling sparkly and magical, everything abuzz with aroused and satisfying awareness. But a certain lapse in my overall awareness left me open for surprise. Suddenly, without knowing what was happening, I felt my backside dilate and Maggie’s finger gingerly entered.

  “Fuck,” I said, pounding my hand on the bed. I clenched, feeling my rim tighten around Maggie’s finger. Then she started slowly moving that hand back and forth. Nothing forceful, just an indolent in and out in synch with that silicone staff that was penetrating my womanhood.

  It was an experience I wouldn’t soon forget. Maggie was probing both my pussy and my ass and I felt just fucking fine.

  It was my first time doing such a thing and it made me regretful that I hadn’t tried it before. I’d spent 35 years not knowing how much pleasure my body could take. But in that moment, as Maggie attended to my amusement, obviously also amusing herself in the process, I stepped through a new door and I kept walking.

  I knew I was whining and groaning, my knees grinding down into the bed, my belly clenching, each thrust from behind pushing me closer to the brink of beatitude. I would have most certainly been embarrassed to be in such a position with any of my past lovers. But with Maggie, she could do anything she wanted to me. I was completely willing to be her pincushion.

  “You’re so gorgeous,” cooed Maggie. “So, so pretty.”

  “Fuck me,” was all I could muster. In the heat of the moment, your mind and body go on autopilot. You get selfish. You just want to be loved hard and fast and without an intermission until you’re simply pummeled into submission, lying in a crumpled heap on the bed, shivering and shaking and gasping for air. Whoever or whatever, God or nature, designed sex for women did an amazing job. If you do it right, it’s not just a minute or so of grunting and thrusting. It can be a sustained and steady composition of complex and prurient thrill. You just need to open yourself up to feel it. You’ve got to let it happen.

  I was getting so close. I could feel it all bubbling up inside of me. I was reaching for it. I was ready. My breaths were fast and vocal, my knuckles were white as I tore into the sheets. Ass up. Maggie behind me pushing.

  Then confusion rushed over me as I felt the toy slip out. While Maggie’s finger remained in my rear, my sex was desperately missing the love it had been receiving. My hips were automatically grinding back and forth, as though they were searching for that tool.

  “Mm,” I groaned. “Mm. Mm.” I was whining again. I wanted it so bad.

  “Shh,” I heard come from Maggie. Her finger slowly eased out of my backside and I quickly felt like I was missing out. I felt empty. But soon enough, Maggie’s hand petted through my sopping mound and guided my own juices upward, coating my rear in it, sloppily messing it all around, slimy and sticky and hot.

  “Oh fuck, Maggie,” I said, my body shivering. “I’m so close. I’m so close.”

  “I know,” she whispered. “Shh.”

  My stomach dropped when I felt it. With an even compression, Maggie had positioned the dildo against my rear and was coaxing me open. I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe I was living in that moment. It was new and exciting and different and I didn’t want it to stop. I wanted to bottle that novelty and messily drink it. I was so relaxed and eager that it didn’t take much at all for my rim to expand and the toy to make it’s way inside of my ass. My arms were shaking as I tried to hold myself up. I whimpered and shook as Maggie penetrated me.

  “How does that feel?” she asked gently. The piece had disappeared inside of me and then Maggie began the long, slow pull out, only to press it back in again. “Does it feel wet enough?”

  “Mm hmm,” I whined frantically. I didn’t want to talk. I just wanted to be dominated.

  “No pain?”

  “No,” I pleaded. I was so ready to come, so ready to explode. I wanted it. I needed it.


  Then the thrusts began. Maggie’s movements were steady and deliberate. Slipping her other hand between my legs, she adoringly fondled my sore lips, drawing her fingers through my slit, caressing my inner pinkness, using her fingertips to diddle my little sticky pebble. I’d never been fucked so well in my life. I was hypnotized by Maggie’s assertions. If she had asked me in that moment to do absolutely anything, I would have agreed. I would have killed for her. I would have been her slave. I would have joined her cult and prayed to her all day and all night. It was just that spectacular.

  Inwardly, well, you know how I was feeling. Outwardly, I was drenched in sweat, I was gyrating, I was emitting a constant humming
moan. It was like I no longer had control over my body. Maggie had control. She was manipulating me like a puppet. It was a welcome loss of control.

  I could feel my body clench and release, trying to hold onto the toy as it entered and exited me. My clutching was reflexive, almost robotic contractions like my rear wanted that toy deeper and deeper inside. There was a mounting numbness moving through me, my fingers and toes, my thighs quivering. Maggie squeezed onto my pussy lips and offered a few firm tugs and it was magic. I moaned and squirmed, my hips bucking. Physically, I could go nowhere. It was my mind that was on a trip.

  “Oh God,” I cried, feeling my eyes water. “Mmph!” My hands slithered up into the pillows and searched for something to hold tight to. My body was shaking. I felt a rawness in my nerves, a tickling, like they were all standing at attention and so ready to be knocked over.

  Maggie pressed her palm to my pleat and I could feel the tacky warmth. As she pulled it away, I just knew — I could feel — a humid creaminess between my pussy and her hand. It was like I had this heightened sense of awareness. Everything felt specific and nebulous at the same time.

  “Oh God,” I said again, my backside pumping. “Oh God, oh God…”

  Suddenly my body began jerking uncontrollably. Like just flopping around, limbs flailing. I could no longer sit up on my knees and I just collapsed down into the bed. Although I no longer felt Maggie’s hand guiding the toy in my bum, the toy was most certainly still there, burrowed inside. I could feel my rim clenching hard to it, my butt bouncing, hips reflexively thrusting down into the bed. I was impossibly sweaty, feeling it on my brow, my neck, my back. As I writhed there into the sheets, it was almost as though I was trying to climb up the bed. Knees moving up and down, arms back and forth.

  “Let it take over,” I heard Maggie say behind me, her palm kindly rubbing my rump.

  And I did. It was like a higher level of orgasm. It just wouldn’t stop. And every time my ass clung to the dildo, a brand new electric shiver began its wave through me. I was sobbing like a crazy person, but it was a joyful clamor. Turning to my side now, my hand plunged between my legs and I furiously began petting my throbbing middle. Slowly, steadily, the toy in my rear inched itself out until it flopped down onto the bed behind me. I felt wide open. As I focused on my breathing, my backside opened and closed and opened and closed until it calmly started to return to its tightened form.

  “Holy fuck,” I said, opening my eyes and looking up at Maggie. She was smiling down at me adoringly.

  “Not too bad, huh?”

  “I feel like a rag doll,” I admitted. “Floppy and loose.”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty good.” Maggie grinned knowingly.

  “Why have I not tried that before?” I mused, still touching myself. I was returning to full consciousness but every so often I’d experience a sporadic shiver or shake.

  “Oh, probably because you thought it would be weird or something,” said Maggie, stroking my leg reassuringly. “But I figure, you only get one go at this life. Why not get weird with it?” With that, Maggie giggled.

  “Yeah,” I agreed, laughing along with her.

  “I’m going to get some water,” she said with a smile. “You want some?”


  “Don’t move a muscle,” she said, giving me a light smack on my thigh where she’d been rubbing. Maggie leapt up from the bed, her small naked body stretched out. She blew a kiss at me and turned, making her way to the loft stairs. I watched as her cute little bum swayed. Then I could only see the limber curve of her back and up. Then just her blonde locks. And then I could only hear her footsteps.

  I sighed happily and rolled over onto my back. Underneath my butt was a damp spot on the blanket. But I didn’t care. I smiled wide and brought a hand to my chest, leveling my breaths, relaxing, dissolving, unwinding. As I lay there in that supine repose, I was absolutely suffused in love. I felt unchained, unburdened, free. The shackles had been cast off and I was entering a brand new light. This was where Dana Darling belonged.

  The next morning I woke up with a smile on face, watching as Maggie groggily crawled out of bed, stood up and stretched, slowly walking around the room with her hands on her hips, stretching out her back. I felt my heart melt as I gazed upon her. I knew what was coming. Immediately upon waking up, Maggie would have to run to the bathroom to pee. It was a constant and something I had grown to expect.

  She caught me looking at her and she smiled, pushing a blonde tress out of her eyes and tucking it behind her ear. I was so enamored with her. Her lovely nude body before me, lissome and supple, her breasts full and inviting with perfectly round nipples punctuating each of them. And I loved the way her blonde fur covered her down below. Manicured and sculpted, the grain of the hair curving in and pointing directly at her cleft. I’d never found another person more lovely in all my life.

  “Morning,” she intoned sweetly.

  “Morning,” I said.

  “I have to go pee,” said Maggie. “I’ll be back.”

  “I know.” I couldn’t stop smiling at her.

  After an endearingly short wave, Maggie turned and bounced down the stairs. Just as I’d seen her do the night before. Oh, the night before. I could still feel it in my soul. I wanted to feel like that for the rest of eternity.

  Once she was gone, I missed her terribly. But I relaxed into the fact that I would soon see her climb those stairs once more, bobbing back and forth, breasts bouncing, and she’d jump back into bed and we’d cuddle and kiss and everything would be right with the world.

  But as played this future moment out in my head, my phone began to vibrate on the bedside table. Rolling over once, I took hold of it, unplugged the white cord charger, and looked into it. It was my mother calling.

  “Mom?” I said into the phone. She knew I was on vacation. It was very strange for her to be calling me so early.

  “Dana,” she said. I could tell something was wrong. “Dana… Granny died.”

  My grandmother. She had been hanging on but barely, wasting away in Hospice care. It’s sad that that’s how it happens for so many. It’s sad that that’s how peoples’ lives end. But it made me feel powerless. It made me feel like just throwing up my hands. If I could afford my grandmother the best care possible, if I could throw money at the problem to attempt to make it better, I would. But I couldn’t. I visited her whenever I was back in my hometown, which was only a couple times a year. I tried to talk to her, but she barely remembered me. God damn it, I was crying.

  “Mom,” I said through some tears. I brought a finger up and wiped my eye. “Are you okay?”

  “It’s difficult to lose your mother,” she said. I could tell that she was also crying. “We knew this was coming. We’re prepared. But you’re never completely prepared for something like this.”

  “When is the funeral?” I asked meekly.

  “It will be in two days,” she said. “Where are you now?”

  “I’m in Utah,” I said. “Salt Lake City.”

  “Well,” my mother said with a sigh. “Please don’t feel like you need to rush home to attend. I don’t want you and your friend to drive crazy or anything. Granny will be cremated and we’re just going to have a small service. It’s fine.”

  “Okay,” I said, slowly nodding. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure,” she said.

  Although on one hand I felt obligated to attend my grandmother’s funeral, no matter how small it might be, I also felt this weird sense of relief wash over me. It had been her opinions that had held me back for so long. And even though she had basically been living an incapacitated life for the last year or so, now that she was gone I felt like a weight had been lifted. Maybe that’s messed up to say. But life is messed up. That’s just how it happens sometimes.

  As my mother and I spoke about more specifics, I saw Maggie bound up the stairs just as I’d imagined her to do. Hair swaying, tits hopping, a spring in her step. She was smiling but as soon as she saw
me on the phone, a sour face, tears in my eyes, her visage changed to one of concern and she rushed over to my side. I offered a weak smile back to her and reached out for her hand. We threaded fingers and squeezed.

  “Thanks Mom,” I said. “Send everyone my regards. I wish I could be there. I know I should be there.”

  “I love you, dear,” said my mother.

  “I love you, too.”

  “Text me once you’re back in Chicago.”

  “I will.”

  “Goodbye, Dana.”

  “Goodbye, Mom.”

  I hung up the phone with a long sigh and replaced it on the nightstand. I looked up at Maggie who had a pleading look in her eye.

  “Dana…” she mewed. “Is everything okay?”

  “My grandmother died,” I said, issuing a sustained exhale.

  “I’m so sorry,” Maggie said through a grimace. She crawled back in to bed next to me and wrapped her arms around me. I gripped tightly to her and absorbed her into a much needed embrace.

  “It’s okay.”

  “Do we need to go?” she said softly. “Do we need to drive back this instant?”

  “No,” I said. “We’ll never make it back in time and my mother doesn’t want us to rush.”

  “Okay,” said Maggie. She was determined to simply be agreeable and give me whatever I needed. Maggie leaned her neck down and kissed me on the shoulder.

  “I mean, I knew this day was coming,” I said. “It’s a weird feeling. It was expected but, you know, it hits you…”

  “I know,” said Maggie. “All of my grandparents are gone.”

  “This was my last one,” I said. “It’s surreal.”

  “Very surreal,” she said. Then, after a beat. “Don’t feel embarrassed to cry if you want.”

  “Thank you,” I said, a fresh tear haphazardly streaking down my cheek.

  “I love you, Dana,” said Maggie. “I really do.”

  “I love you, too,” I said, holding tighter to her. We hugged so close in that moment it was almost as if we were becoming one. I could think of no better place I could be to absorb this news. A comfortable air conditioned condo rental in Salt Lake City, naked and pressed up against my new beautiful lover, nothing on our agenda but to just be here now. I might have lost it otherwise. But no, even though I was silently crying in Maggie’s arms, I had never felt so grateful in all my life. And that was truly comforting.


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