A Book of Horrors
Page 37
Evelyn laughed. ‘Is that what you call it? No, Moira was very pretty, all the boys liked her. But she was a tomboy, like us. Ant was the one who was boy-crazy. Me and Moira, not so much.’
‘What about when you saw Robert Bennington? When was that?’
‘The next day. Nothing happened – I mean, he was very nice, but there was nothing strange like that night. Nothing untoward,’ she added, lips pursed. ‘My aunt knew who he was – she didn’t know him, except to say hello to at the post office, and she’d never read his books. But she knew he was the children’s writer, and she knew which house was supposed to be his. We told her we were going to see him, she told us to be polite and not be a nuisance and not stay long.
‘So we were polite and not nuisances, and we stayed for two hours. Maybe three. We trekked over to his house, and that took almost an hour. A big old stone house. There was a standing stone and an old barrow nearby, it looked like a hayrick. A fogou. He was very proud that there was a fogou on his land – like a cave, but man-made. He said it was three thousand years old. He took us out to see it, and then we walked back to his house and he made us Nutella sandwiches and tangerines and orange squash. We just walked up to his door and knocked – I knocked, Ant was too nervous and Moira was just embarrassed. Ant and I had our copies of The Second Sun, and he was very sweet and invited us in and said he’d sign them before we left.’
‘Oh, sure – “Come up and see my fogou, girls”’
‘No – he wanted us to see it because it gave him an idea for his book. It was like a portal, he said. He wasn’t a dirty old man, Jeffrey! He wasn’t even that old – maybe forty? He had long hair, longish, anyway – to his shoulders – and he had cool clothes, an embroidered shirt and corduroy flares. And pointy-toed boots – blue boot, bright sky-blue, very pointy toes. That was the only thing about him I thought was odd. I wondered how his toes fit into them – if he had long pointy toes to go along with the shoes.’ She laughed. ‘Really, he was very charming, talked to us about the books but wouldn’t reveal any secrets – he said there would be another in the series but it never appeared. He signed our books – well, he signed mine, Moira didn’t have one and for some reason he forgot Ant’s. And eventually we left.’
‘Did you tell him about the lights?’
‘We did. He said he’d heard of things like that happening before. That part of Cornwall is ancient, there are all kinds of stone circles and menhirs, cromlechs, things like that.’
‘What’s a cromlech?’
‘You know – a dolmen.’ At Jeffrey’s frown she picked up several of the snapshots and arranged them on the side-table, a simple house of cards: three photos supporting a fourth laid atop them. ‘Like that. It’s a kind of prehistoric grave, made of big flat stones. Stonehenge, only small. The fogou was a bit like that. They’re all over West Penwith – that’s where Zennor is. Aleister Crowley lived there, and D.H. Lawrence and his wife. That was years before Robert’s time, but he said there were always stories about odd things happening. I don’t know what kind of things – it was always pretty boring when I visited as a girl, except for that one time.’
Jeffrey made a face. ‘He was out there with a flashlight, Ev, leading you girls on.’
‘He didn’t even know we were there!’ protested Evelyn, so vehemently that the makeshift house of photos collapsed. ‘He looked genuinely startled when we knocked on his door – I was afraid he’d yell at us to leave. Or, I don’t know, have us arrested. He said that field had a name. It was a funny word, Cornish. It meant something, though of course I don’t remember what.’
She stopped and leaned towards Jeffrey. ‘Why do you care about this, Jeffrey? Did Anthea say something?’
‘No. I just found those letters, and—’
He laid his hands atop his knees, turned to stare past Evelyn into the darkness, so that she wouldn’t see his eyes welling. ‘I just wanted to know. And I can’t ask her.’
Evelyn sighed. ‘Well, there’s nothing to know, except what I told you. We went back once more – we took torches this time, and walking sticks and the dog. We stayed out till 3:00 a.m. Nothing happened except we caught hell from my aunt and uncle because they heard the dog barking and looked in the barn and we were gone.
‘And that was the end of it. I still have the book he signed for me. Ant must have kept her copy – she was always mad he didn’t sign it. Did she still have that?’
‘I don’t know. Maybe. I couldn’t find it. Your friend Moira, you’re not in touch with her?’
Evelyn shook her head. ‘I told you, she disappeared – she ran away that summer. There were problems at home, the father was a drunk and maybe the mother, too. We never went over there – it wasn’t a welcoming place. She had an older sister, but I never knew her. Look, if you’re thinking Robert Bennington killed her, that’s ridiculous. I’m sure her name came up during the trial, if anything had happened we would have heard about it. An investigation.’
‘Did you tell them about Moira?’
‘Of course not. Look, Jeffrey – I think you should forget about all that. It’s nothing to do with you, and it was all a long time ago. Ant never cared about it – I told her about the trial, I’d read about it in the Guardian, but she was even less curious about it than I was. I don’t even know if Robert Bennington is still alive. He’d be an old man now.’
She leaned over to take his hand. ‘I can see you’re tired, Jeffrey. This has all been so awful for you, you must be totally exhausted. Do you want to just stay here for a few days? Or come back after your meeting in London?’
‘No – I mean, probably not. Probably I need to get back to Brooklyn. I have some projects I backburnered, I need to get to them in the next few weeks. I’m sorry, Ev.’
He rubbed his eyes and stood. ‘I didn’t mean to hammer you about this stuff. You’re right – I’m just beat. All this—’ He sorted the snapshots into a small stack, and asked, ‘Could I have one of these? It doesn’t matter which one.’
‘Of course. Whichever, take your pick.’
He chose a photo of the three girls, Moira and Evelyn doubled over laughing as Anthea stared at them, smiling and slightly puzzled.
‘Thank you, Ev,’ he said. He replaced each of Anthea’s letters into its envelope, slid the photo into the last one, then stared at the sheaf in his hand, as though wondering how it got there. ‘It’s just, I dunno. Meaningless, I guess; but I want it to mean something. I want something to mean something.’
‘Anthea meant something.’ Evelyn stood and put her arms around him. ‘Your life together meant something. And your life now means something.’
‘I know.’ He kissed the top of her head. ‘I keep telling myself that.’
Evelyn dropped him off at the station next morning. He felt guilty, lying that he had meetings back in London, but he sensed both her relief and regret that he was leaving.
‘I’m sorry about last night,’ he said as Evelyn turned into the parking lot. ‘I feel like the Bad Fairy at the christening, bringing up all that stuff.’
‘No, it was interesting.’ Evelyn squinted into the sun. ‘I hadn’t thought about any of that for awhile. Not since Ant called me last March.’
Jeffrey hesitated, then asked, ‘What do you think happened? I mean, you’re the one with the advanced degree in structural engineering.’
Evelyn laughed. ‘Yes – and see where it’s got me. I have no idea, Jeffrey. If you ask me, logically, what do I think? Well, I think it’s just one of those things that we’ll never know what happened. Maybe two different dimensions overlapped – in superstring theory, something like that is theoretically possible, a sort of duality.’
She shook her head. ‘I know it’s crazy. Probably it’s just one of those things that don’t make any sense and never will. Like how did Bush stay in office for so long?’
‘That I could explain.’ Jeffrey smiled. ‘But it’s depressing and would take too long. Thanks again, Ev.’
They hopped out of the car and hugged on th
e curb. ‘You should come back soon,’ said Ev, wiping her eyes. ‘This is stupid, that it took so long for us all to get together again.’
‘I know. I will – soon, I promise. And you and Chris, come to New York. Once I have a place, it would be great.’
He watched her drive off, waving as she turned back onto the main road; went into the station and walked to a ticket window.
‘Can I get to Penzance from here?’
‘What time?’
The station agent looked at her computer. ‘There’s a train in about half an hour. Change trains in Plymouth, arrive at Penzance a little before four.’
He bought a first-class, one-way ticket to Penzance, found a seat in the waiting area, took out his phone and looked online for a place to stay near Zennor. There wasn’t much – a few farmhouses designed for summer rentals, all still closed for the winter. An inn that had in recent years been turned into a popular gastropub was open; but even now, the first week of March, they were fully booked. Finally he came upon a B&B called Cliff Cottage. There were only two rooms, and the official opening date was not until the following weekend, but he called anyway.
‘A room?’ The woman who answered sounded tired but friendly. ‘We’re not really ready yet, we’ve been doing some renovations and—’
‘All I need is a bed,’ Jeffrey broke in. He took a deep breath. ‘The truth is, my wife died recently. I just need some time to be away from the rest of the world and …’ His voice trailed off.
He felt a pang of self-loathing, playing the pity card; listened to a long silence on the line before the woman said, ‘Oh, dear, I’m so sorry. Well, yes, if you don’t mind that we’re really not up and running. The grout’s not even dry yet in the new bath. Do you have a good head for heights?’
‘Yes. Vertigo? Some people have a very hard time with the driveway. There’s a two-night minimum for a stay.’
Jeffrey assured her he’d never had any issues with vertigo. He gave her his credit card info, rang off and called to reserve a car in Penzance.
He slept most of the way to Plymouth, exhausted and faintly hung-over. The train from Plymouth to Penzance was nearly empty. He bought a beer and a sandwich in the buffet car and went to his seat. He’d bought a novel in London at Waterstone’s, but instead of reading, gazed out at a landscape that was a dream of books he’d read as a child – granite farmhouses, woolly-coated ponies in stone paddocks; fields improbably green against lowering grey sky, graphite clouds broken by blades of golden sun, a rainbow that pierced a thunderhead then faded as though erased by some unseen hand. Ringnecked pheasants, a running fox. More fields planted with something that shone a startling goldfinch-yellow. A silvery coastline hemmed by arches of russet stone. Children wrestling in the middle of an empty road. A woman walking with head bowed against the wind, hands extended before her like a diviner.
Abandoned mineshafts and slagheaps; ruins glimpsed in an eyeflash before the train dove into a tunnel; black birds wheeling above a dun-coloured tor surrounded by scorched heath.
And, again and again, groves of gnarled oaks that underscored the absence of great forests in a landscape that had been scoured of trees thousands of years ago. It was beautiful yet also slightly disturbing, like watching an underpopulated, narratively fractured silent movie that played across the train window.
The trees were what most unsettled Jeffrey: the thought that men had so thoroughly occupied this countryside for so long that they had flensed it of everything – rocks, trees, shrubs all put to some human use so that only the abraded land remained. He felt relieved when the train at last reached Penzance, with the beach-front promenade to one side, glassy waves breaking on the sand and the dark towers of St Michael’s Mount suspended between water and pearly sky.
He grabbed his bag and walked through the station, outside to where people waited on the curb with luggage or headed to the parking lot. The clouds had lifted: a chill steady wind blew from off the water, bringing the smell of salt and sea-wrack. He shivered and pulled on his woollen overcoat, looking around for the vehicle from the rental car company that was supposed to meet him.
He finally spotted it, a small white car parked along the sidewalk. A man in a dark blazer leaned against the car, smoking and talking to a teenage boy with dreadlocks and rainbow-knit cap and a woman with matted dark-blonde hair.
‘You my ride?’ Jeffrey said, smiling.
The man took a drag from his cigarette and passed it to the woman. She was older than Jeffrey had first thought, in her early thirties, face seamed and sun-weathered and her eyes bloodshot. She wore tight flared jeans and a fuzzy sky-blue sweater beneath a stained Arsenal windbreaker.
‘Spare anything?’ she said as he stopped alongside the car. She reeked of sweat and marijuana smoke.
‘Go on now, Erthy,’ the man said, scowling. He turned to Jeffrey. ‘Mr Kearin?’
‘That’s me,’ said Jeffrey.
‘Gotta ’nother rollie, Evan?’ the woman prodded.
‘Come on, Erthy,’ said the rainbow-hatted boy. He spun and began walking towards the station. ‘Peace, Evan.’
‘I apologise for that,’ Evan said as he opened the passenger door for Jeffrey. ‘I know the boy, his family’s neighbours of my sister’s.’
‘Bit old for him, isn’t she?’ Jeffrey glanced to where the two huddled against the station wall, smoke welling from their cupped hands.
‘Yeah, Erthy’s a tough nut. She used to sleep rough by the St Erth train station. Only this last winter she’s taken up in Penzance. Every summer we get the smackhead hippies here; there’s always some poor souls who stay and take up on the street. Not that you want to hear about that,’ he added, laughing as he swung into the driver’s seat. ‘On vacation?’
Jeffrey nodded. ‘Just a few days.’
‘Staying here in Penzance?’
‘Cardu. Near Zennor.’
‘Might see some sun, but probably not till the weekend.’
He ended up with the same small white car. ‘Only one we have, this last minute,’ Evan said, tapping at the computer in the rental office. ‘But it’s better really for driving out there in the countryside. Roads are extremely narrow. Have you driven around here before? No? I would strongly recommend the extra damages policy …’
It had been decades since Jeffrey had been behind the wheel of a car in the UK. He began to sweat as soon as he left the rental car lot, eyes darting between the map Evan had given him and the GPS on his iPhone. In minutes the busy roundabout was behind him; the car crept up a narrow, winding hillside, with high stone walls on either side that swiftly gave way to hedgerows bordering open farmland. A brilliant yellow field proved to be planted with daffodils, their constricted yellow throats not quite in bloom. After several more minutes, he came to a crossroads.
Almost immediately he got lost. The distances between villages and roads were deceptive: what appeared on the map to be a mile or more instead contracted into a few hundred yards, or else expanded into a series of zigzags and switchbacks that appeared to point him back towards Penzance. The GPS directions made no sense, advising him to turn directly into stone walls or gated driveways or fields where cows grazed on young spring grass. The roads were only wide enough for one car to pass, with tiny turnouts every fifty feet or so where one could pull over, but the high hedgerows and labyrinthine turns made it difficult to spot oncoming vehicles.
His destination, a village called Cardu, was roughly seven miles from Penzance; after half an hour the odometer registered that he’d gone fifteen miles and he had no idea where he was. There was no cell phone reception. The sun dangled a hand’s-span above the western horizon, staining ragged stone outcroppings and a bleak expanse of moor an ominous reddish-bronze, and throwing the black fretwork of stone walls into stark relief. He finally parked in one of the narrow turnouts, sat for a few minutes staring into the sullen blood-red eye of the sun, and at last got out.
e hedgerows offered little protection from the harsh wind that raked across the moor. Jeffrey pulled at the collar of his coat, turning his back to the wind, and noticed a small sign that read PUBLIC FOOTPATH. He walked over and saw a narrow gap in the hedgerow, three steps formed of wide flat stones. He took the three in one long stride and found himself at the edge of an overgrown field, similar to what Evelyn had described in her account of the lights near Zennor. An ancient-looking stone wall bounded the far edge of the field, with a wider gap that opened to the next field and what looked like another sign. He squinted, but couldn’t make out what it read, and began to pick his way across the turf.
It was treacherous going – the countless hummocks hid deep holes, and more than once he barely kept himself from wrenching his ankle. The air smelled strongly of raw earth and cow manure. As the sun dipped lower, a wedge of shadow was driven between him and the swiftly darkening sky, making it still more difficult to see his way. But after a few minutes he reached the far wall, and bent to read the sign beside the gap into the next field.
He glanced back, saw a glint of white where the rental car was parked, straightened and walked on. There was a footpath here – hardly a path, really; just a trail where turf and bracken had been flattened by the passage of not-many feet. He followed it, stopping when he came to a large upright stone that came up to his waist. He looked to one side then the other, and saw more stones, forming a group more ovoid than circular, perhaps thirty feet in diameter. He ran his hand across the first stone – rough granite, ridged with lichen and friable bits of moss that crumbled at his touch.
The reek of manure was fainter here: he could smell something fresh and sweet, and when he looked down saw a silvery gleam at the base of the rock. He crouched and dipped his fingers into a tiny pool, no bigger than his shoe. The water was icy-cold, and even after he withdrew his hand, the surface trembled.
A spring. He dipped his cupped palm into it and sniffed warily, expecting a foetid whiff of cow muck.
But the water smelled clean, of rock and rain. Without thinking he drew his hand to his mouth and sipped, immediately flicked his fingers to send glinting droplets into the night.