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Worlds Without End: Aftermath (Book 2)

Page 31

by Shaun Messick

Right then, Kevin knew what he had to do. He had always been an overprotective father, but that statement he had just told his daughter continued to repeat through his mind. Turning to face his daughter, he gently grabbed her by the shoulders and looked into her stunning baby blues. “Stay, Ashley. You need to stay.”


  “You love him. He loves you. Like I just said, sometimes you have to sacrifice your own feelings for the happiness of the one you care about. That’s what I’m doing for you, Ash.”

  Ashley shook her head as tears began to pour down her face. “No, Dad. You need me. Adam’s gone. You’re all alone.”

  “No, Ash. Adrian’s back. I now have a chance to go with him back to Terrest, be reunited with Jake, and maybe help him defeat the Gnols.”

  His daughter still shook her head as the tears continued, and she looked down to the ground.

  Pulling her in close in a comforting embrace, Kevin continued, “This is your chance to fall in love, maybe get married, and start a family. Who knows if you’ll get that chance on Terrest? Besides, you’ll be safer here. The Gnols, as far as we know, are gone from Earth. And I’m putting your protection into the hands of one of the military’s finest.”

  Ashley looked back up, the tears in her eyes glistening from the small rays of sunlight that had managed to make their way through the thick grove of trees. “But, Dad, I can’t. I—”

  Her reply was quickly cut off from the pop and then boom of the sound barrier breaking again. They looked up and watched the shuttle that Adrian was piloting descend to the Air Force base below. It seemed that the test flight was successful, which meant that Kevin would be leaving for another solar system in a few short hours.

  Ashley looked back at her father and flung herself into his arms, burying her head into his chest. “I love you, Daddy.”

  Kevin ran his hand through her blonde hair. “I love you too, Ashley. Just remember that no matter how much we are apart, we will always be together – you, Adam, your mother, and me … Forever.”

  * * * * *

  Rebel airstrip near Talead. Terrest . . .

  “Everyone buckled in and ready to go?” Jake asked as he punched in commands upon his computer console directly in front of him. He then heard a series of roger that’s from every member of his seven-man crew, which occupied the medium-sized Gnol battle cruiser.

  The cruiser wasn’t as large as the Gnol war ships. It contained a bridge where he, Celeste, Sean Gibson, and Nateal Runa sat. It also contained a small living quarters for crew to sleep, bathe, and relax during their five-day journey to Gnolom. In addition to a cargo and weapons bay, it contained a deck for the nuclear reactor that provided power to the ship. In all, the technology and the ship reminded Jake of the Mars I and II space shuttles. The only difference being the Gnol modifications, wings tilted slightly downward instead of upward and painted all black, so that the ship would be difficult to spot in space.

  “Skip, is everything secure in the cargo bay?” he asked one final time, referring to Colonel Sage Merrok, who was buckled into a seat and still had his hands and legs shackled together. Skip had managed to convince General Hauler that Merrok would be important to the mission because of his familiarity with the golden tablet that he had discovered within the temple of Terrest before it was destroyed. Celeste and Nichelle had even testified to General Hauler that Merrok had indeed changed his loyalties. But General Hauler was still suspicious and wanted Merrok secured until they reached Gnolom so that he would not sabotage the mission.

  Skip responded from his position in the cargo bay where Nichelle was located as well. “Everything’s a go, Jake.”

  “Roger that,” Jake replied as he turned and looked as his new bride, sitting in the copilot’s seat to his right. Celeste looked at him with a twinkle in her own eye. He smiled, thinking back to just a couple of days ago, their wedding night. It was an experience he would never forget.

  Celeste returned his smile, seeming to read his thoughts. “Are you ready, General?”

  Jake nodded and then turned to look upon the gigantic viewscreen in front of them, which gave them a perfect three hundred sixty-degree view of everything surrounding the ship because of small cameras embedded on the exterior. The airstrip they were located on was small, but well hidden from the Gnols in a tiny valley just outside of Talead. They had to use an airstrip because the battle cruiser was too big for the underground rebel base.

  Jake squeezed the controls. “Rebel 1, this is General Palmer. Gnolom 1 is ready for takeoff … Over.”

  General Hauler’s voice crackled back through the comlink. “Roger that, Gnolom 1. Take off when you are ready.”

  “Copy that.”

  “And remember, Jake,” Scott said with concern in his voice. “Find what you need to find on Gnolom and then get out of there. We need you and everyone else on that ship back here safely.”

  Jake and Celeste looked at each other, questioningly. “Is there a problem, sir?” Jake asked, sensing General Hauler’s concern.

  “Negative, General. It’s just that this mission is dangerous and we are running out of good men and women to help us defeat the Gnols.”

  Jake nodded, completely sympathizing with General Hauler’s concern. “Understood, sir.”

  He then looked one last time at Celeste and punched the thrusters. The ship hovered a few feet in the air for a few seconds and then darted off into space and toward the planet that held all of the secrets they were looking for.

  * * * * *

  Koroan’s Palace. Chast, Terrest . . .

  Koroan sat within his office, staring out of the gigantic window that overlooked his magnificent city. Within his grasp was the Terrestrian gold tablet. He looked back down and traced his finger along the grooves of the symbols etched into the precious metal. As he did so, he wondered what kind of tool could make such precise carvings. His scientists had told him after analyzing the artifact that the engravings made upon the gold plate were perfect. There were no flaws. Moreover, there was no tool that could cut with such precision. He also wondered what the symbols meant. Not being able to decipher the symbols frustrated him. After all, he was as near to a god as possible. And wouldn’t a god be able to decipher and read any type of language? The fact that he couldn’t infuriated him.

  He clenched his jaw and stared back out of the window. He knew that he needed to get to Gnolom so that his goddess could decipher the symbols, but he couldn’t leave Terrest at a time like this. His forces had just suffered a humiliating defeat on Earth. While his forces were split between Earth and Terrest, he had ordered that all attacks on the rebel forces cease. It was a direct order from the goddess herself. He could have easily crushed the rebel army by now, but the goddess told him that Celeste and Jake needed to remain alive and free for the time being. He didn’t know his goddess’ intent, but she had her reasons and he trusted her implicitly. Another problem was that he wouldn’t be able to leave the planet for at least another week because his most prized command ship, the Raqel, was in the process of receiving new modifications and repairs.

  The thought of his daughter and the human known as Jake sent shivers down his spine. Pure hate and rage flowed through his veins. Every part of his body wanted to lash out. Closing his eyes, he took in several deep breaths. He had already destroyed his office enough as it was. And with morale being as it was within his ranks, the last thing he wanted was to lose control again.

  There was a sudden buzz within his office, indicating an incoming message. Koroan turned his seat around and pressed a button on the comlink located on his desk. “What is it?”

  The Gnol’s voice on the other end came through scrambled and difficult to hear. “My … ord. This … ammander Teariot from Eagle Eye 2.”

  Eagle Eye 2 was the second space station that orbited Terrest. Their purpose was to monitor all outgoing and incoming spacecraft. “What is it, Commander?” Koroan asked.

  This time the signal came in a little clearer. “My Lord, we just
spotted a battle cruiser leaving the atmosphere of Terrest.”

  Koroan furrowed his eyebrows. He had strictly prohibited any spacecraft from leaving Terrest. “Did the commander of the ship say where their destination was?”

  “Negative, my Lord. All hails to contact the ship were unsuccessful. The ship left orbit. I ordered two space fighters to engage, but they were no match for the battle cruiser. We don’t have any war ships or battle cruisers in orbit because of our losses on Earth.”

  Koroan cursed. They were caught off guard, and he knew it. “What is their trajectory?”

  “All indications point toward Gnolom.”

  “What?” Koroan bellowed.

  “What are my orders, my Lord?”

  Koroan was about to speak when the secret signal of the goddess went off upon his comlink. He cursed again. “Do not let any ship enter or leave the atmosphere. Inform Commander Ovoult from Eagle Eye 1 to do the same. And send a squadron to prevent anyone from going or coming through the wormhole.”

  “Understood, my Lord. Commander Teariot out.”

  Koroan slammed his fist down upon his desk, just enough to not cause any damage. He then secured the gold tablet into his safe and made his way up to the top floor. His goddess needed to speak with him and it was urgent.

  A few minutes later, he stepped upon the pad. The holographic image of the goddess of light appeared. Her eyes glowed red and her face told him that she was enraged.


  Koroan immediately knelt down to one knee. “What is thy bidding, my Queen?”

  “You must get to Gnolom immediately!”

  He stood and looked up. “Yes, I understand, my Queen, but the Raqel is undergoing repairs at the moment, and—”

  The goddess’s image exploded into her full height, nearly up to fifty feet. “Then find another way, Koroan! Celeste has figured it out! They locked on to my hologram signature. I don’t know how, but they are on their way!”

  Koroan couldn’t hide the surprise on his face. “The battle cruiser.”

  “What battle cruiser?”

  “My commander from one of our space stations just detected a Gnol battle cruiser leaving the orbit of Terrest. Their trajectory tells us that the ship is heading for Gnolom.”

  The goddess lowered herself to within inches from Koroan’s face, her eyes still glowing red with fury. She seethed as she spoke. “It is Celeste and Jake. They are coming, Koroan. If they discover what we have hidden here, then everything is lost. You must find a way to leave for Gnolom immediately!”

  * * * * *

  Gnol shipyards. City of Ciminae, Terrest . . .

  Every worker and soldier knelt in reverence to his or her savior and master as he walked through the massive shipyards within the Gnol city of Ciminae. The complex was magnificent. The one thousand-square-acre campus was dotted with hundreds of buildings and hangars each designated for the construction and repair of his war machine. Every gun, cannon, hovercraft, space fighter, and ship was built within this complex. Because of its importance, it was also the most heavily fortified Gnol base on Terrest.

  Koroan seethed with fury as he stomped toward the hangar that contained his command ship, the Raqel. He knew that he could have easily called his commander in charge of the modifications and repairs upon his ship, but he wanted to speak with him in person.

  Koroan arrived at the hangar’s entrance. The two guards, guarding the entrance, dropped to their knees, crossed their right arms over their chests, and bowed their heads. Koroan ignored them and placed his palm on the scanner. The scanner scanned his palm, and the Omutx door slid open. As he walked into the massive hangar, he managed a small smile. No matter how many times he saw her, he was still astonished with her beauty and intimidating presence.

  The landing stands of the Raqel rested upon the concrete floor of the hangar. Scaffolding had been built all around the ship to allow workers, engineers, and painters to work. They were busily working as Koroan stepped further into the hangar. “Where is Commander Slade!” he boomed.

  Everyone within the hangar froze. Most of them had never met Koroan Chast. He never visited, so every single one of them dropped in reverence to this honorable visit.

  “Where is he?”

  Out of the corner of his eye, Koroan saw a short Gnol rise to his feet with hesitation. The Gnol stood nervously next to banks of computers and a hologram table that had the image of the Raqel hovering above it.

  “I-I am he-here, my Lord,” the commander said with fear in his voice. “To what do we owe the honor of your presence?”

  Koroan ignored Commander Slade’s politeness and charged toward him. The short Gnol stepped backwards in terror as his master stopped within just a few inches from him. Koroan felt his face flush purple with rage. “I need the Raqel finished by tomorrow!”

  Commander Slade stammered. “M-My Lord. I-it can’t be done. The eng-engines have been taken out and are being modified with the new hyper drive technology. They-they have been disassembled.”

  Koroan knew about the modifications the engines were receiving. His scientists had discovered how to hold the wormhole open and with that knowledge, they had designed modifications for his engines. He could only imagine the possibilities and the worlds he could conquer with this new hyper drive technology. But this wasn’t his concern right now.

  He leaned in closer to Commander Slade. The commander averted his brown eyes away from the brooding presence of his master, and sweat began to drip from under the black hair on his forehead. He looked back into the fiery orbs of his savior. “I-I don’t see how that can be possible, my Lord. At best, I can have the engines ready in eight days.”

  This was not the answer Koroan was looking for. “Unacceptable,” he said as he grabbed Commander Slade by the throat and lifted him into the air. The assistants and aides standing within striking distance of Koroan’s vexation all gasped and stepped backwards out of the way. Slade grabbed Koroan’s hands and kicked his feet, trying to scramble free, but Koroan was too strong.

  “If you don’t have the engines and the Raqel ready by tomorrow, you will suffer a death beyond any horror you could imagine,” Koroan said with wrath pouring from every word.

  Slade’s eyes widened with fear just as Koroan dropped him to the floor. He gasped and choked for air. “Bu-but—”

  “No excuses!” Koroan howled as he raised his fist for a blow that would surely knock out the commander.

  “My Lord, wait!”

  Koroan quickly turned his anger from Slade to the young Gnol no older than twenty years of age who had stepped in. The young Gnol was kneeling down with his head bowed in reverence. “Pl-please, if I may, my Lord? Commander Slade is the best aerospace engineer you have. Without him, we simply cannot complete the modifications you wish for the Raqel.”

  Koroan’s anger almost began to boil over, but he quickly put a damper on the fire that was about to erupt. This young Gnol was brave enough to stand up to him, and this impressed him. He eyed the young Gnol with a mix of regard and suspicion. “And who might you be?”

  The Gnol still had his head bowed and avoided eye contact with his master – a demonstration of his reverence for his god. “My Lord, my name is Lieutenant Iera Yount. I-I am Commander Slade’s assistant.”

  “Rise, Lieutenant.”

  Koroan watched as the Gnol rose to his feet. He was a tall Gnol, almost as tall as Koroan. His gray fatigues were grease stained and covered by a clean white lab coat. His green eyes glanced quickly at his master, but just as fast, turned away from him. Koroan continued to eye him suspiciously for a few seconds longer before he continued. The rage within him began to dissipate and he spoke a little softer. “Is what Commander Slade telling me, Lieutenant, true? Can the engines not be completed by tomorrow?”

  Lieutenant Yount shook his head. “I am sorry, my Lord. Maybe if we would have had advance notice, the engines could be completed at best within three days. But if you kill Commander Slade, we won’t be able to fin
ish the engines at all.”

  Koroan clenched his jaw tight, almost crushing his teeth. This was not the news he wanted to hear. He needed to get to Gnolom immediately and Celeste already had a head start. He couldn’t take a battle cruiser or a war ship because he had already used those resources to defend the planet and the wormhole.

  He then turned back to Commander Slade, who was now standing and rubbing his throat. Lieutenant Yount was right, and Koroan hated being proven wrong. He knew that he couldn’t kill Slade. He was the best engineer he had. He kept the war machine running, and killing him would only make things worse. He softened his gaze. “Eight days, Commander?”

  Slade nodded. “I am sorry, my Lord. We will work nonstop to have the Raqel ready, bu-but the best estimate I can give you is eight days.”

  Koroan turned and gazed upon his ship. She was beautiful. “Very well, Commander. I will give you eight days,” he said, turning his stare back upon the commander. “But if it takes longer than that … well, you don’t want to know the consequences.”

  The commander gulped and shifted nervously on his feet. “Understood, my Lord.”

  * * * * *

  Scott Air Force Base, Earth . . .

  Adrian and Kevin stood at the foot of the ramp of the transport that would carry them across the galaxy to another solar system. The entire military personnel of Scott Air Force Base and the remaining civilians surrounded them and the ship, all offering their thanks and good-byes. Lt. Colonel Christopher Peterson, Ashley, and John all stood in the center just a few feet in front of Adrian and Kevin.

  Ashley stepped forward first. She hugged her uncle, squeezing him tight, and said, “Take care of my dad, Uncle Adrian. Keep him safe.”

  Adrian embraced his niece in a tighter grip. “I will, Ashley. I promise.”

  Ashley then kissed him on the cheek and then moved to her father. Kevin grabbed her, holding her in a tight embrace. Adrian could tell that his older brother didn’t want to let her go. But Ashley had decided to stay with Chris, and both of them knew it was the best decision that would keep her safe.


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