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Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series)

Page 13

by Danielle Rose-West

  “I don’t remember much of the night it happened,” Dan confessed, looking away from her and gazing out to the park, his eyes not really seeing the scenery. “I was drinking at the time. I don’t normally drink like that, but the occasion seemed to call for it.”

  “Because it was Jake and Victoria’s wedding the next day?” Laura stated it more than asked. He nodded, his face grey with strain.

  “I really thought I’d fallen for her too.” He closed his eyes in agony. “Do you have any idea how awful it is to love someone the way I love Jake and to fall for the person he wants to marry?”

  Laura could only imagine how painful that must have been. She didn’t really know what to say but Dan didn’t seem to need an answer.

  “It tore me apart every day. Seeing them together was torture. She was a beautiful woman. It was hard not to notice her.” The expression Laura had come to expect flitted across his face. “Victoria didn’t seem to notice my feelings at first. But then she started to have feelings for me too. Or so it seemed. She’d touch me fleetingly every chance she got. She’d look at me with longing over Jake’s shoulder. She would say things to me about being confused. She didn’t know what she wanted. I got sucked in to her act. I dreamt about her nearly every night, desperately yearning for her in a way I knew wasn’t right.”

  He shook his head regretfully. “I didn’t act on it. Not once. She pushed and pushed, but I didn’t.” He said it so vehemently, Laura couldn’t imagine he was lying. “Then she came to me the night before her wedding. Crying prettily, she claimed she couldn’t live without me. Begging me to tell her what to do. To be honest, I can’t remember how it happened but somehow we were……..well you know what we ended up doing.”

  He hung his head in shame. “I don’t even recall how Jake got in. I can barely remember the fight we had. I felt so angry at the time, that’s all I can remember. When I woke up the next day; well all I can say is I’ve never had a hangover like it! When I found out what I’d done, I was horrified. I tried to apologise to Jake, but he wouldn’t see me. I can’t imagine how I could have turned on him that way.”

  He looked Laura deep in the eyes, trying to show her how he felt. “I’ve not drunk a single drop since that night,” he told her earnestly. “I vowed never to drink again and I haven’t.”

  “Thank you for telling me.” Laura could barely get her voice out from her tight throat. She tried to clear it. “Where does that leave you now? If you don’t mind me asking, but you do have feelings for Kerry, don’t you?”

  Dan gave a small shout of strangled laughter. “Boy, you don’t hang back do you?”

  “Are you going to deny it?” Laura challenged.

  Dan hesitated.

  “I won’t tell her if you ask me not to,” Laura finally conceded, wondering how they both expected to have a relationship if they wouldn’t admit their feelings for each other.

  “Yes, I have feelings,” Dan finally admitted. “How ironic that I should realise too late that what I felt for Victoria wasn’t real love, more blind lust and infatuation. The person I really wanted was under my nose the whole time. If I’d only seen it sooner, this would never have happened.”

  “Hind sight is a great thing,” Laura agreed. “The point is we can’t change what happened. What we need to do now is figure out how to make things better, if you’re ever going to have a chance with Kerry.”

  “Do I have a chance?” Dan asked. “Does she have feelings for me?”

  “You’ll have to ask her,” Laura said firmly. “You can’t expect me to say nothing to her about what you’ve told me if you want me to tell you anything she may have said to me.”

  “True,” he conceded. “You don’t hate me do you?” He asked, turning to look into her face, his expression haunted. “After all you’ve heard.”

  “I don’t know what to think of the whole thing,” Laura told him honestly. “But I don’t hate you. You’ve made a very big mistake, but I do believe you’re sorry for it. I do feel you’ve suffered enough too. You and everyone involved.”

  “Thank you,” Dan said simply. “Where do I go from here? With Kerry I mean.”

  Laura sighed and patted his hand. “I’m not sure. Leave it with me and let me think on it.”

  With nothing left to say, Laura hurried to pick up her dress. All the details of Jake and Dan’s story floated around in her head. She was sure an answer lay somewhere, but for the time being, it alluded her. How sad that one woman could destroy so many lives. Laura desperately hoped it could be fixed.


  She arrived back at the ranch and took her dress up to her room to hang it safely in her closet. She was thrilled beyond words with how well it had turned out. The dress was now clean and mended. She couldn’t even see where the tears had been. She was excited to dress up and look her best in front of Jake. Her heart skipped several beats as she thought of spending the evening with him, her mind drifting off into a happy daydream, in which she spun around in Jake’s arms as they danced and then he’d sweep her off somewhere private, just the two of them where he’d declare his love for her.

  She laughed at herself. She was still a sappy romantic at heart. She still believed people could find a happy ever after. It was why she’d picked the Fairy Tale Match after all. She now hoped she could find that happy ending for all involved.

  Deciding to get a breath of air, Laura went downstairs and out the kitchen door. She’d walked aimlessly for several minutes when she heard her name being called. Turning round she spied Walter heading her way. She waved at him in greeting.

  “I’ve not seen you since our conversation the other day,” he puffed out as he approached with a slow jog. “I’ve been worried about you. You seemed so upset.”

  “I’m fine Walter. Please don’t worry about me.” Laura felt touched that he cared so much.

  “I couldn’t help but be concerned. I’m sorry if what I said caused you any pain. You must know how much I care for you.” He took her hand in his. Laura felt uncomfortable. She simply didn’t feel that way for him.

  “I care for you too,” she said carefully. “You’re a very good friend.”

  “Is that all I am to you?” Walter asked, his face dropping. Laura felt like she’d just kicked him in the guts, but she couldn’t pretend something she didn’t feel.

  “I’m sorry Walter, but yes. You are a friend; that’s all.”

  “I thought, well since you now realise the situation with Jake, I thought you’d be more open to other relationship possibilities.” Walter looked almost angry.

  “Actually Walter, Jake and I had a really good talk yesterday. I think he’s more open to the possibility of a relationship than you thought. At least, I am very hopeful after everything we talked about.” Laura didn’t want to hurt him, but she didn’t want to leave him with false hope either.

  “Laura, surely you realise you are wasting your time? Jake Carter won’t change. Given the first opportunity, that man will break your heart. Won’t you at least give us a chance?” he pleaded.

  “I am sorry Walter, I just don’t feel that way about you.” Laura tried to pull her hand from his, not happy with the direction the conversation was going.

  “How do you know? We’ve never been on a date. We haven’t even kissed.” Walter tightened his grip on her hand and began to pull her to him, lowering his face towards her. Laura moved her head away, feeling his lips brushed against the side of her face. But her heart beat didn’t increase. She felt no desire for him the way she did with Jake. She liked Walter well enough, but not romantically. She wished he’d get the message once and for all!

  “Please Walter. You’re not listening to me!” she exclaimed. “I just want us to be friends. Nothing more. Won’t you please heed my wishes?” He immediately dropped her hand and moved back from her, his face contrite.

  “I’m sorry Laura. Please forgive me? I just lost my head for a moment.” He ran his hand through his thick hair, making it stand up in messy spikes.<
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  Laura wasn’t sure what to say. She hesitated, confused by him. She’d been so sure he wasn’t serious in his pursuit of her, that it was simply a fun game for him. He’d always seemed like the kind of man who could never settle for one woman and yet, he seemed to be indicating to her that he wanted more from her. He seemed to pick up on her confusion and broke into a charming smile.

  “Take no notice of me. I’m just not used to having my heart broken for a change.” He laughed at himself. “I’ll just have to admit defeat where you are concerned and be content to be your friend, if you’ll still have me.”

  Laura smiled, feeling relieved and pleased that he was finally getting the message. She really didn’t want there to be any funniness between them. She never coped well with bad feelings and much preferred to get along with people. “I’d like that.”

  “How about I give you a riding lesson to make things up to you? I’m free right now and I’d like nothing better.”

  “You have nothing to make up for, Walter,” she assured him.

  “But I do,” he insisted. “I tried to push the boundaries of our relationship and that was wrong of me. Please, I would really love to help you learn to ride. I am, if I say so myself, an excellent teacher.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.

  “Well, I don’t know.” Laura wasn’t sure she wanted to get on a horse without Jake around. She’d not been on one since Daisy.

  “I’ll take very good care of you.” His eyes pleaded with her. “Please say yes, so I know you’ll have truly forgiven me.”

  Laura didn’t feel like she could refuse when he put it like that. She agreed and went to change while he saddled up a horse for her.


  Fifteen minutes later, Laura sat on the huge black horse Bill had been feeding the day before, wishing she’d said no. The ground was a very long way away and she couldn’t help thinking this horse was much more lively than Daisy. It didn’t help matters that his name was Charger. She just hoped he didn’t live up to it. She’d asked Walter where Daisy was, but apparently she was being used in a lesson for a five year old beginner. Lucky thing!

  Gripping the horse with her knees as well as her hands, she tried to take in Walter’s instructions, but somehow she couldn’t hear over the terrified beating of her heart. Really, she should just tell him she wanted to get down and forget the lesson. She was about to say just that when Charger snorted, stamping his huge hooves impatiently. She stiffened with a small shriek.

  “Relax Laura,” Walter said his hand sliding over her knee and up her thigh. “I’ve got you safely in hand.”

  Charger choose that moment to turn his head sharply and attempt to take a bite out of Walter. Walter jumped back, narrowly avoiding the sharp teeth. He threw several curses at Charger, which the horse seemed to take exception to. He immediately reared up at Walter, pawing the air in anger.

  Laura gave a scream, certain the horse was going to take off with her like the last time. Suddenly strong arms came out of nowhere to grab Charger’s reins. Laura turned her head to see Jake’s angry gaze. Sobbing and panic stricken she attempted to get down from the horse, but Jake was already grabbing her by the waist and pulling her into his arms.

  He held her close as he turned on Walter. “What the hell is going on here? Why is Charger with you and what the hell is Laura doing on his back?”

  Walter shrugged casually. “Rob asked me to exercise Charger for him. I had already offered Laura a riding lesson, which I told him but he said it was an emergency. I was only trying to help him and not let Laura down at the same time.”

  “You should know better. Charger is not a riding school horse, he is our prize stallion. He should never have an unexperienced rider on his back. You know how temperamental he is. Especially not Laura after the experience she had with Daisy.” He stroked her hair as he spoke.

  Walter’s eyes followed the movement, an angry gleam flitting across his features. Then he moved forward, taking her hand from where it rested on Jake’s chest. His expression immediately took on a concerned look.

  “I am truly sorry Laura, if I have caused you any distress. It was not my intention. I was planning on riding double with you to show you how to manage the reins. We simply didn’t get that far.” He kissed her hand, lingering far too long for Jake’s liking. He didn’t like the way Walter was manipulating Laura. It was obvious to him that Walter had been staging a full on seduction using fear tactics. She seemed not to see it as she stepped out of Jake’s embrace and squeezed Walter’s hand in reassurance. Jake gritted his teeth.

  “It’s okay Walter. I am sure you didn’t meant any harm, but please don’t ask me to do any more riding lessons. I never want to get on a horse again as long as I live,” she shuddered.

  “As you wish Laura. I am so grateful you forgive my error.” Walter moved to take Chargers reins. Jake quickly let go of Laura and interceded.

  “Leave him.” He grabbed hold of Charger, piercing Walter with an icy glare. “I don’t want you anywhere near my breeding stock ever again.”

  “I was doing you a favour Carter!” Walter snapped. “Don’t you think I have better things to do than take care of a job one of your stable hands should have been doing?”

  “Believe me, I will be having words with Rob. This is never to happen again.” Jake was shaking with rage as Walter walked away. He wished he could just sack the bastard, but they had too many riders that would walk away and follow him. It would cripple their business.

  He turned to look at the white faced Laura. She’d moved several feet away to get space between herself and Charger. He knew the work he’d done with her on their ride back after Daisy’s run had been all but undone. He held his hand out to her and beckoned. She shook her head.

  “Laura,” he called softly. She looked up, her eyes shone with fear. “Come here.” She shook her head again.

  “That horse bites,” she informed him. “I’ve seen him try and bite both Walter and Bill. I’m not coming any closer.”

  “Horses are like people Laura,” Jake informed her. “They all have their own personality. This horse has a very strong will. You have to show him who is boss. He comes from a very long line, right the way back to the very first stallion my great, great grandfather started with. Did Kerry ever tell you why this ranch is called the Twisted Tree?”

  “No.” Laura was intrigued despite herself.

  Jake gently moved towards her with Charger, talking the whole time to distract her. “There was a stallion in these parts that was legendary. He was black as night and as smart as a man. Everyone in the area wanted to catch him. He was sought after for his strength, speed and intelligence. There wasn’t another stallion like him. My great, great grandfather wanted him too, in order to start a horse ranch that had always been his dream.”

  Jake stopped by her, enjoying her enraptured face as he told her the story of his heritage. He brought Charger nearer, stroking him gently to calm him as he continued.

  “For years my great, great grandfather tried to catch that horse. It kept on outsmarting him, but he never gave up. Then one day, he managed to put a rope around the horse’s neck. The stallion wouldn’t be tamed so easily. He fought back, managing to break loose. My great, great grandfather almost gave up. But he searched for the horse one last time. And to his astonishment, he found it. The rope had become caught around a twisted tree’s branches, trapping the animal so completely, he could barely move.”

  Jake took her hand gently in his, guiding it to Charger’s soft nose. He placed her hand on the soft muzzle, continuing the story as she tentatively stroked Chargers nose.

  “He spent ages sitting by the stallion’s side. Earning his trust as he freed him from the tree. After that, he was able to bring the stallion home and start his ranch. He named it the Twisted Tree, after the tree that finally helped him catch his prize stallion.”

  “That is amazing,” Laura breathed as she began to relax, touching Charger gently in awe. “And this horse is from that
stallion’s line?”

  “He sure is. Precious and irreplaceable. He knows it too. Charger demands respect, but he has got a soft side too. He never actually bites Bill you know. It’s a game they play. They love each other to bits.”

  “And Walter?”

  “Walter he meant to bite. He also has very good taste!”

  “Jake!” Laura burst out laughing. He joined in. Charger whinnied as though laughing too.

  “He isn’t meant for riding lessons, but would you care for a short spin around the paddock? I don’t want you to live in fear of such incredible animals.” Jake got up onto Charger’s back, leaning down and offering her his hand. She hesitated, fear clogging in her throat. She had all but decided she was never getting on a horse again. However, this was with Jake, not on her own. Did she really want to miss the opportunity of being this close to him?

  Gathering her courage, she put her hand in his and let him pull her up in front of him. Shaking, she took the reins Jake handed her, his hands resting over hers. He nudged Charger into a slow walk, all the time guiding Laura in how to sit, steer and take charge of the horse. Slowly she began to relax and enjoy the ride. A sense of accomplishment flowed through her.

  As the lesson progressed, it started to dawn on her that she could feel every inch of Jake plastered up against her. The experience was highly erotic with the rhythm of the horse below her and the feel of Jake’s hard chest against her back. He blew hot breath into her ear as he gave her instructions, making her shiver with sensual awareness. Letting go of one of her hands, he moved his hand to rest against her stomach, making butterflies erupt at the warmth of his touch.

  Her breath caught in her throat as desire rippled through her every fibre. She struggled to follow his words, nearly dropping the reins when his hand slipped under her t-shirt and stroked the soft skin of her belly.


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