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Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series)

Page 20

by Danielle Rose-West

  “I know,” Kerry laughed. “I can’t believe its happening. And I have you to thank for it.”

  “Oh,” Laura waved her off. “You’d have got there in the end without me you know.”

  “No, I don’t think we would have,” Kerry said seriously. “And I have never seen Jake so happy either. I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you came to us.”

  Laura felt her throat close as she tried to hold back tears. She laughed through them as she said, “I have a lot to be thankful for too you know. I have gone from no family at all to all of you. I think I am the one who should be thanking you.”

  They gave each other a brief hug before Kerry took Laura to her own bedroom to use the full length mirror she had up on her wall to see herself in.

  Laura gasped at the change in herself. Her dress moulded to her waist, making it look tiny; the colour made her eyes stand out. Her hair was arranged in such a way that it framed her face, making it look small and delicate. She looked just like she’d stepped out of the past. Kerry handed her a pair of shoes to complete the outfit and she slipped them on. They were a bit snug, but she didn’t think they would cause her any trouble.

  “I can’t wait for Jake to see you!” Kerry giggled. “You look so beautiful.”

  “So do you!” Laura returned the compliment. They both headed down the stairs, ready to begin a day of enjoyment. They had all decided not to let the day before ruin what promised to be a fun day. Arm in arm, they headed out the kitchen door and walked around to where the small barn sat.

  There was a hive of activity taking place. Tables had been placed on either side of the area the barn raising was being staged. A platform had been set up where the band was to play, several of which were setting up their stools and stands for their music. All of them were in costume. Laura thought they looked wonderful.

  For a moment she could fantasize that she was in the past, at a real barn raising. It must have been an amazing event for the families in rural areas. A barn was so important to early farming life. It was a fantastic idea for communities to help each other with such a huge project and turn it into a social event as well. Laura was glad that Jake and Kerry gave such an event to celebrate that tradition. No wonder so many people wanted to come and enjoy it with them.

  Her eyes caught on Jake in the middle of a group of men as he issued orders for the smooth flow of setting up. Her breath caught at the sight of him. His shirt was hanging partially open, his deeply muscled chest peeking out from the gap to tempt her hands to dive in and roam freely. He wore old fashioned trousers that moulded to his legs like a second skin. Laura’s mouth went dry. She wasn’t sure how long she could keep up the going slow idea. Right now, if they were alone, she had a horrible feeling she’d cave in.

  At that moment, Jake looked up and their eyes met. His darkened in response to the desire he could see in her gaze. The world seemed to vanish for a moment and only the two of them existed. His eyes slowly took in her costume, running from her head right down to her toes. Laura felt every inch of his perusal, as if his gaze was an actual caress. Her insides melted like butter and her legs turned to jelly.

  “Wow, should I get the fire extinguisher?” Kerry commented with a laugh as she fanned herself with her hand, having caught the exchange between them. Laura’s cheeks went up in flames. She poked Kerry in the ribs.

  “I’ll remember that when Dan gets here!” she threatened good-naturedly.

  Jake finished with his conversation and headed towards them. His arms snaked around her, pulling her close. “You look beautiful,” he whispered in her ear, making her shiver. He tipped her head up and kissed her long and slow, the burn of desire sizzling between them. Kerry cleared her throat.

  “I am standing here too you know!” she laughed. Jake pulled back eyeing his sister in her costume.

  “You look very beautiful too Sis,” He said with a teasing smile on his lips and a twinkle in his deep blue eyes. Kerry held her breath, for a moment completely overcome.

  “What’s wrong?” Jake asked, seeing the expression on her face.

  “Nothing,” Kerry replied in a tremulous voice. “I just haven’t seen you look this way for such a long time. I can’t tell you how wonderful it is.” She sniffed, taking out a tissue to dab at her eyes. “Have you said anything to mum yet? About Laura? You know she’d want to know. She’s been wanting this to happen too.”

  Jake grimaced. “Not yet. I will, but knowing her she’d be on the next plane down just to meet Laura. I’m not ready to give up my time with her just yet. If mum’s here, I won’t get a look in!” Kerry laughed knowing that was probably true. She hadn’t told their mother about Dan yet either, for just the same reason.

  A loud voice drew their attention, announcing the arrival of Henry Blankton, shouting orders in his nasally voice, his balding head gleaming in the sunlight. He was dressed as a very affluent gentleman, complete with a walking stick. It was clear he didn’t feel he was playing a part. A short plump woman with dark hair and skin followed him. Laura assumed that was Rosalie.

  Several people trailed back and forth to the table set up for him, carrying various covered dishes and platters filled with food. Blankton’s small piggy eyes lit on her and a deeply smug expression filled his sly face. Laura couldn’t wait to see his expression when he saw the spread she was laying out for Martha. Her stomach rolled with nerves. More than anything, she wanted to show that man a thing or two!

  “You’ll do fantastic,” Jake assured her, kissing her neck gently. “Blankton doesn’t stand a chance.”

  “I hope not. I really want to do Martha proud.” She bit her lip, taking a deep breath to try to steady herself.

  “You will. Your cooking is something else. It won’t take people long to realise it either. I’d better get back to it. Give me a shout if you need any help.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you later,” Laura gave him a brief hug before letting him go. She wished she could keep him with her. His presence gave her courage.

  “I’m going to have to go too,” Kerry told her. “I’ve got a ton of work still left to do. See you later.” Laura waved at her, watching her friend weave her way through the chaos.

  A tap on her shoulder had her turning to find Martha and Alfie standing behind her, both looking charming in their costumes. “He’s really gone to town hasn’t he?” Martha commented, indicating the loud obnoxious Blankton.

  “It doesn’t matter Ma,” Alfie said reassuringly. “Our spread will knock everyone’s socks off.”

  “Well, only if we get it out here. Can you both help me please?” Laura asked. Nodding, they followed her back to the ranch house where they began to load up trollies to help them take the food out to their table. As they worked, people began to arrive. Jake had set up a ticket stand at the entrance to the ranch. A couple of nearby fields had been designated as parking lots for those who had travelled some distance to arrive for the day’s activities. Children were already beginning to run around, excitement driving some of them wild, while parents shouted to be heard over the noise.

  Many people had opted to wear old fashioned clothing, but some had stuck to modern dress. The atmosphere was full of anticipation. Laura tried to ignore the stony stare of Blankton, which had gotten increasingly more irate as she, Martha and Alfie had loaded up the tables. His gaze turning suspicious, she watched him as he marched over towards Jake.

  “I’ll be back in a minute Martha,” she called, heading over to Jake before she got a reply.

  Blankton got there first. He yanked on Jake’s arm to get his attention. Jake turned away from a couple he was greeting to glare at Blankton for his rudeness. Blankton took no notice. Sticking his nose in the air, he glared up at Jake with furious indignation.

  “What is the meaning of this?” he asked, waving his arm in the direction of Martha’s table, nearly taking Laura’s head off in the process as she arrived at Jake’s side. Jake looked over to where Blankton was pointing.

  “What is the mea
ning of what?” he asked, playing dumb. “You know both diner’s cater the event. That’s hardly news.”

  “You paid them more!” Blankton accused, his piggy eyes getting even smaller in his temper.

  Jake drew himself up to his full height, his expression turning dangerous. “How dare you accuse me of such a thing!” he snarled. “Martha has been paid exactly the same amount as you. I have never favoured one diner over the other. You should know that.”

  “Then how is Martha putting on a spread that size?” glared Blankton, pointing a pudgy finger at Jake’s chest. “There is no way she could afford that spread on what we were paid. You had to have paid her more.”

  “He didn’t Mr Blankton,” Laura stepped in. “I paid the extra money needed to do the spread we wanted.”

  Blankton sputtered like a landed fish for several moments. “How dare you!” he gasped. “That is not in the spirit of fairness. We are meant to use the same budget.”

  “Oh really,” she said sarcastically. “So if you produce receipts for everything on your tables, it won’t exceed what you’ve been paid? I hardly think so. You changed the goal posts Mr Blankton, you can hardly complain when we rise to the challenge and do the same.”

  His face turned a bright shade of red. “It won’t make any difference,” he stated. “Your little diner will still go down. Our food can’t be beaten.” He whirled away and stomped back to his table, talking furiously with Rosalie.

  “I hope he doesn’t say anything to Martha,” Laura said quietly to Jake. “She knows nothing about the problems with the budget. I don’t want her to find out.”

  “There isn’t much we can do about that,” Jake replied, giving her a hug. “Blankton has a big mouth. I doubt you can stop him from spilling the beans.”

  Laura grimaced, gave him a quick kiss and went back to Martha.

  “Was there some kind of problem?” Martha asked worriedly having seen the exchange with Blankton.

  “Nothing we couldn’t handle,” Laura told her evasively, getting back to work.

  Finally everything was in place and the barn raising spectacle began. Laura spotted Dan and Kerry in the crowd as Jake addressed his ‘friends and neighbours’ and thanked them all for coming to help him raise his barn. A cheer went up from the surrounding crowd. Four teams of men stood at the front, each team picked to raise one side of the barn in a friendly competition. The prize for the winning team was a large hamper, set out on a table to the side.

  The teams stood ready and as Jake gave the signal, they took off, each side spurned on by supporters from the crowd. Good natured teasing and much ribbing took place as the teams battled it out to raise the sides. Before long, one of the teams had managed to complete their task first and were pronounced the winners. The barn went up like a dream, just as it was designed to. Everyone clapped and cheered with the winning team taking several bows.

  Laura and Martha began to uncover the food as it was announced that the pot luck dinner was ready to be served. Streams of people headed to both tables, with the larger crowd heading for Blankton. Laura gritted her teeth, but kept on encouraging people to come and try their food with a wide charming smile, trying to ignore Blankton’s smug grin that he tossed in her direction.

  As the dinner progressed, slowly the tide began to turn. As people sampled Laura’s food, exclaiming over how good it was, more and more people headed for their table. Before long, they had a huge crowd clambering over the dishes. Many asked Martha about the location of her diner, with promises to come in and try her menu. As the end of dinner drew up, there wasn’t a single scrap of food left on their tables, in contrast to Blankton, who had a number of dishes with plenty left over.

  Laura felt very satisfied with the event. It couldn’t have gone better. She felt slightly sorry for Rosalie, when she caught sight of the woman receiving a tirade from Blankton, her cheeks burning with embarrassment as she tried to defend herself. But considering the woman had walked out on Martha and had been part of trying to shut her down, she couldn’t help think that she had got her just rewards.

  As late afternoon drew forwards, the band struck up a lively tune. Soon people were beginning to dance to the music and the noise of happy conversation filled the air. Laura tapped her foot in time to the music and wondered where Jake had got to. She looked over the crowd but couldn’t see his dark head anywhere. She caught a brief glimpse of Kerry and Dan as they whirled around the dance floor. She smiled at the happy expression on Kerry’s face, wishing she was out there with Jake.

  She felt the presence of someone at her side. Thinking it was Jake, she turned with a smile. Instead she was surprised to see Henry Blankton with a sickening smile attached to his face.

  “I must congratulate you on such a popular spread. I didn’t realise what a talent you are my dear.” His small piggy eyes roamed over her. Laura squirmed, wishing he’d go away.

  “What do you want Mr Blankton?” she asked abruptly.

  “I think your talent is somewhat wasted in that tiny diner of Martha’s. You could really spread your wings and explore your craft, given the right place to work.” He smiled again, oozing more oil than an oil slick.

  “Let me guess; your place would be the right place, is that it Mr Blankton?” Laura lifted an eyebrow in question. She could hardly believe the audacity of the man.

  His smile grew even oiler, a fact she hadn’t thought possible. “It would make sense. Your talent, my money. We would make an excellent team.”

  “I’m not leaving Martha,” Laura stated firmly.

  “Oh come now my dear. Loyalty is all well and good, but it doesn’t pay for life’s little luxuries now does it?” He leaned in closer, his sour breath making her want to heave. “I am willing to pay you double what Martha is paying you.”

  Laura laughed. She couldn’t help it. It just struck her funny that he wanted to pay her double of nothing.

  He looked at her irritated. “Fine, I’ll triple it, but I won’t go higher than that.”

  Laura tried to pull herself together. “Mr Blankton, it just so happens that double or triple what Martha pays me ends up the same since she isn’t paying me at all.”

  He looked shocked for several moments. “Don’t be ridiculous. Nobody works for nothing.”

  “She’ll pay me eventually,” Laura conceded. “But only when her place is back on track. Which after today should be really soon.”

  Blankton didn’t look like he knew what to say for once. He opened and closed his mouth several times, but no words came out. “You must have a price you’d be willing to work for me. Everyone has a price! Just name it.”

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t. There isn’t an offer you could make me that would tempt me away from Martha’s diner. I am truly happy there and that is something money can’t buy.” She almost felt sorry for the poor man. He didn’t seem to know what to do with someone he couldn’t buy. The thought had obviously never crossed his mind.

  Finally, he patted her arm with a muttered ‘if you change your mind’ and stomped off.

  “That’s my Laura,” came Jakes voice as he hugged her from behind, his warm breath tickling her ear. “Loyal and trustworthy. Martha and I are both very lucky to have you.” He kissed her on her cheek.

  She smiled, turning round in his arms. “I’m just as lucky to have you,” she whispered, kissing him gently on the lips. He smiled, his eyes twinkling.

  “Care to dance?” he asked. At her delighted nod, he grabbed her hand, twirled her around and headed for the dance floor. The band was playing a slow song. Laura settled into Jake’s arms, enjoying the feel of his body so close to hers. She nestled her head into his shoulder, sighing in deep contentment. This had been a day she would never forget for as long as she lived.

  The music flowed over her as her body moved in perfect union with his. He kissed the top of her head, his loving gesture making her heart swell. Laura began to wonder why she’d asked for time before they took their commitment to the next level. She bit
her lip, wondering if she could persuade Jake to come to her room tonight or her to his. Her heart tripped over at the thought, her body heating in anticipation. She was ready to commit completely.

  “Jake,” she said softly. “I’ve been thinking. How would you feel about……” she broke off as she realised Jake wasn’t listening to her. In fact his body had gone so stiff, she thought he might snap.

  Alarmed, she looked at his face. He’d gone white as a sheet, looking for all the world like he’d just seen a ghost. He was staring off into the crowd. Concerned, Laura gazed behind her to see an incredibly beautiful woman gliding through the crowd. Her auburn hair was piled on top of her head in cascades of curls that tumbled over her shoulder. Her dress fit her figure like a second skin, outlining her large breasts and small waist to perfection. Her skin glowed with a healthy tan, her golden eyes flickered from side to side as she took in the male attention she was receiving. A small half smile lit her lips, an imitation of the Mona Lisa if ever Laura had seen one.

  The woman obviously knew she commanded the attention of every male eye that fell upon her. Her eyes slowly scanned the crowd till they landed on Jake. She let her gaze flow over his body, deliberately sexy and enticing. She sauntered up to him, her smile widening.

  “Hello Jake,” she said in a husky, sexy voice. “Long time, no see.”

  “Victoria, what the hell are you doing here?” Jake looked floored. He ran his hand through his hair, blowing out several shocked breaths.

  Laura felt her heart miss several beats, dread flowing through her veins. This was Victoria? Suddenly she felt drab and unattractive in the face of this vibrant beauty. Her stomach rolled over as sick dread filled her. What was this woman doing back here after two long years? Laura had a horrible feeling she knew as she saw Victoria’s gaze lock with Jakes.

  “I’m here to see you of course,” Victoria replied with a sultry smile. “It’s been too long. I’ve missed you.” This last was said in a low suggestive tone. Laura gritted her teeth, trying to fight the urge to slap the woman.


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