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Refusing Excalibur

Page 32

by Zachary Jones

  “You saw it happen?”

  “No, but the freighter following me did,” Victor said. “I can transmit their logs to you now.”

  “Please do,” the high councilor said. “It seems Uther Solari wanted to make sure the emperor didn’t escape and return to the empire. Likely because Solari’s hold on Lysander isn’t very secure.”

  “Perhaps,” Victor said. “But that’s not all. The freighter also carried the emperor’s daughter, Princess Lysandra.”

  “Her?” The high councilor’s eyes went wide. “Did you take her prisoner?”

  Victor nodded. “Yes, she’s in my brig now.”

  High Councilor Quill rubbed his fingers together with almost giddy enthusiasm. “Oh, very good, Captain. I’ll pay a generous bounty for her. Dock with the Gryphon immediately.”

  Victor wasn’t quite sure what to make of the high councilor’s reaction, but he kept his face neutral. “That I can do. Can I also get docking clearance for the freighter following me?”

  “The freighter? Yes, yes, of course,” the high councilor said. “I’ll be waiting for you at the airlock.” The transmission ended.


  “Setting course for the Gryphon now,” Fara said. “We wouldn’t want to waste the high councilor’s time, now would we?”

  Victor nodded but was ill at ease. The high councilor’s demeanor and the Alliance fleet heading straight toward Lysandran space didn’t feel right to him.


  A metallic tapping on the bars woke Lysandra from her nap. Cradling her bandaged hand, she sat up and looked to see the mercenary captain standing at the bars.

  “This is where you get off, Princess.”

  Lysandra rubbed her eyes with her unbandage hand. “What? We couldn’t have reached Mustang by now.”

  “Did I say we had reached Mustang?” Victor said.

  “Where are we then?” Lysandra asked.

  “You’ll find out in a moment. Your hands please,” Victor said.

  Lysandra stood and tried her best to look defiant. “Maybe I’d rather stay here.”

  Victor was unimpressed. “I’m flattered you want to remain my guest, but, if you don’t cooperate, then I’ll have to turn in Lena and her crew for treason.”

  “Treason!” Lysandra said.

  “They provided aid and comfort to the enemy, namely you, during wartime,” Victor said.

  “They didn’t know a war was on at the time,” Lysandra said.

  “And maybe the court will take that into consideration,” Victor said.

  She approached the bars. “Lena said you were a friend. Are you the kind of man who would turn in a friend for treason?”

  “Do you want to find out?” Victor asked.

  She sighed in resignation and held her wrists before her. “Fine.”

  “Behind your back please,” Victor said.

  Lysandra hesitated, then turned around and placed her hands behind her back.

  The cuffs clicked on with surprising gentleness. The mercenary took care not to put them on too tightly.

  “There,” Victor said, opening the bars. “Come with me. You’re expected.”

  Lysandra walked from the cell, and Victor took hold of her left arm, leading her to the bow of the ship.

  When they reached the airlock, both hatches were already opened. On the other side waited several armed and armored Mustanger Marines and an older man in a business suit. It took her a moment to recognize the man as High Councilor Holace Quill.

  Victor led her through the airlock.

  When they crossed the threshold to the other ship, High Councilor Quill opened his arms and said, “Welcome aboard the Mustang starship Gryphon, Princess Lysandra.”

  “High Councilor,” Lysandra said, showing him her cuffed hands from behind her back. “I’d shake your hand, but, as you can see, my host has trust issues.”

  The mercenary grunted.

  “Well, given that your people launched an unprovoked attack against the Free Worlds, you can understand if there’s a deficit of trust,” the high councilor said.

  “I had nothing to do with that,” Lysandra said.

  “Then why were you trying to reach your father’s fleet?” High Councilor Quill asked.

  “I think you know why,” Lysandra said.

  Quill’s smile hardened. “So should I address you as Empress then? Now that your father has…passed.”

  A skillful deflection, she had to admit to herself. “No, by law, I’m still a princess until I am coroneted.”

  “Ah, I see,” Quill said. He turned to one of the marines. “Major, relieve Captain Blackhand of his prisoner.”

  “Yes, sir,” the marine said. She and one of her subordinates approached. “Captain Blackhand?”

  “She’s all yours, Major,” the mercenary said, giving Lysandra a gentle push.

  Lysandra offered no resistance as the marines took her away.


  Victor watched as the princess was led away. Then High Councilor Quill cleared his throat.

  “Join me in my office, Captain Blackhand? I’d like to discuss your reward with you, along with other matters. And I’m sure you have questions as well.”

  Victor nodded. “That I do, High Councilor.”

  “Well then, follow me,” High Councilor Quill said, turning to walk down the corridor opposite where the princess was taken.

  Victor fell in beside the high councilor, and four marines took escort positions around them, two in front and two in back.

  As they continued through the ship, the crew stopped and made way for their head of state. All of the crew stood straight and saluted as the high councilor passed. Victor observed a genuine respect behind the salutes, not just rote discipline.

  “The crew seems upbeat,” Victor said.

  “After their recent string of victories, in no small part due to your help, why shouldn’t they?”

  “I suppose,” Victor said, “winning two wars in the space of a few weeks must be good for morale.”

  “The war with the Lysandran Empire is not over yet,” the high councilor said.

  “True,” Victor said. “But I see little reason for this war to last much longer.”

  “Agreed,” the high councilor said. “I suppose you were surprised to run into the Alliance fleet on your way back to Mustang.”

  “A bit,” Victor said. “Though I guess I shouldn’t be. It makes sense you would try to capitalize on your victories.”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what we’re doing out here,” Quill said. “Ending this war now, once and for all.”

  Something about the finality of the high councilor’s statement bothered Victor. It continued to nag him when they arrived at the high councilor’s office a few minutes later. One of the marines opened the door, and Victor followed Holace Quill inside.

  The high councilor walked around his desk and settled into his chair. “You will pardon me, Captain Blackhand, if I say that you look a bit…disappointed.”

  Victor shrugged. “I didn’t quite get what I wanted.”

  “Ah, yes. You mean the emperor. I suppose the irony of him being killed by his own people is of little satisfaction to you,” the high councilor said.

  “If you recall, I agreed to work with you so that I would get the chance to kill him,” Victor said.

  “Did I not give you that chance?” Quill said.

  “You did,” Victor said. “But circumstances conspired to keep him from my reach.”

  “I hope you don’t hold me responsible for that.”

  Victor shook his head, “Of course I don’t, High Councilor. It’s just…”

  “I understand,” said the high councilor. “But I think the compensation you will get for delivering the princess to me will go a long way toward tempering your disappointment.”

  “If nothing else, it will ensure my retirement is a comfortable one,” Victor said.

  “You’re retiring?” High Councilor Quill asked.

ictor nodded. “The man who killed my homeworld is dead and his empire in the hands of a usurper.” He shrugged. “I’d say my work is done.”

  “When do you plan on retiring?” the high councilor asked.

  “As soon as I return to Mustang,” Victor said.

  “I don’t suppose I could persuade you to stay on? I could make it worth your while,” Quill said.

  Victor shook his head. “I was never in it for the money. And, besides, I’m already the wealthiest mercenary in the Free Worlds.”

  “True, but I thought you’d want to see things to the end,” Quill said.

  “What’s to see? You’re leading the fleet into the Lysandran Empire to extract concessions from Uther Solari.”

  “Is that what you think the fleet is out here for?” Quill asked.

  “I did…until you just asked that question,” Victor said. “If the fleet isn’t here to force a peace with the Lysandrans, then why are you here?”

  Holace Quill’s face hardened. It was a look Victor had seen on another ruler’s face five years ago. “To make sure the Lysandrans never threaten the Free Worlds, or anyone else, ever again.”

  Victor’s stomach tightened. “How?”

  “We’ll destroy the planet Lysander, as punishment for what they did to your homeworld,” Quill said.

  Cold, nauseating shock ran through Victor’s body. He stood, took a step back. Savannah, burning, flashed before him.

  Quill gave him a concerned look. “Are you all right, Captain?”

  Victor shook his head and then locked eyes with the high councilor. “You’re going to destroy Lysander?”

  “No, I am not destroying Lysander,” Quill said. “The Alliance delegates voted unanimously.”

  “All of them?” Victor asked.

  “That’s generally what unanimously means. Hard to believe, I know—the Free Worlds agreeing to anything.” Quill chuckled. “I suppose you can thank the Lysandrans for that.”

  “They’re afraid their worlds would be next,” Victor said.

  “Yes,” Quill said, “and rightly so, I think.” He squinted at Victor. “You don’t approve?”

  “Watching one world die was more than enough for me,” Victor said.

  Understanding dawned on Quill’s face. “Ah, yes. It didn’t occur to me that talk of destroying Lysander would conjure bad memories for you. I apologize.”

  “So what will you do with the princess, if you’re not using her to broker a peace?” Victor asked.

  “She’ll watch,” Quill said.


  “Yes, it seems appropriate, don’t you think? That the last member of the Lacano dynasty would be forced to watch as her world burns.”

  Cold horror crept up Victor’s spine. It was happening again, and he had helped make it so. “Appropriate? No, I can’t say it seems appropriate. Cruel, more like.”

  Quill tilted his head, giving Victor a curious look. “Odd. It almost seems you feel sorry for her.”

  “I’ve been in her position,” Victor said.

  “I see,” Quill said. “Well, clearly seeing Lysander burn would only cause you to remember Savannah’s fate. And causing you pain is the last thing I want to do to you after all the fine service you have given Mustang. I’ll not force you to stay.”

  Victor nodded but not from gratitude. “Thank you, High Councilor.”

  “By the way, that freighter you captured,” the high councilor said, “would you like me to buy it off your hands?”

  “The ship’s not for sale,” said Victor. “I’m returning her to her crew.”

  “I thought that was the vessel you captured the princess from,” Quill said.

  “It is,” Victor said, “but her crew wasn’t aware that they were carrying Princess Lysandra.”

  “I see. That is quite magnanimous of you,” Quill said. “Feel free to use the Gryphon’s ship servicing facilities to expedite the vessel’s repairs.”

  “I will,” Victor said. “If you’ll excuse me, High Councilor, I need to attend to my ship.”

  “Of course, but don’t be in too much of a rush,” Quill said. “The Gryphon's recreational facilities are open to your crew. I think they deserve to have some relaxation before they set out again.”

  “I’ll consider it. Thank you, sir,” Victor said. He turned and left the office.

  The marines who escorted him to the office awaited outside. They fell in beside him while he walked back to the ship.

  Along the way Victor observed the crew of the Gryphon, noting the grins and purposeful movements as they went about their duties. They knew they were on their way to murder two billion people, and they were happy about it.

  Victor’s prosthetic hand creaked as he balled it into a fist. The Lysandrans had destroyed Savannah after twelve years of brutal warfare. These Free Worlders were going to do the same in the wake of a crushing victory, simply because they were scared.

  He wondered if some of the worlds that the old man had showed him had ended up being destroyed this way. He suspected so.

  When he reached the hangar bay where the Alexander and Daisy Mae were docked, the marines said their good-byes and left him to go the rest of the way alone.

  Victor entered the airlock and boarded the Alexander. Cormac waited just inside.

  “Captain, I—” Cormac stopped when he looked Victor in the eyes. “Is something wrong?”

  “There is,” Victor said. “Get Fara and meet me in my cabin. We need to speak privately.”


  “What’s this about, Captain?” Fara asked when she walked in.

  “Close the hatch,” Victor said.

  She did, then crossed her arms. “Okay, care to explain why you have me and Cormac in here?”

  “I know why the Alliance fleet is out here,” Victor said.

  “I thought that was obvious,” she said. “They’re counterattacking the Lysandran Empire.”

  “It’s more than that,” Victor said. “They plan to destroy the planet Lysander itself.”

  Fara’s hands fell to her sides. “What?”

  “Why would the Alliance take such an extreme action?” Cormac asked.

  “High Councilor Quill convinced them. Apparently it was an easy sell,” Victor said. “They’re afraid, if they don’t destroy Lysander, then the Lysandrans will do to their worlds what they did to mine.”

  “Victor, the fact you took the trouble to tell me and Cormac this out of sight of the crew suggests you’re planning on doing something drastic,” Fara said.

  “I plan on doing something very stupid and likely fatal,” Victor said. “I want to give you two a chance to opt out.”

  “You’ll try to stop this fleet, won’t you?” Fara said.

  He shook his head. “Can’t be done. But we might slow them down and give the Lysandrans early warning.”

  “You’ll help the Lysandrans?” Fara said.

  “I know. I don’t really believe it either. But…I can’t let another world suffer the same fate as Savannah,” Victor said. “Even if that world is Lysander.”

  “I will assist you any way I can, Captain,” Cormac said.

  Victor nodded to the starchild, “Thank you, Cormac.” He turned to Fara. “I completely understand if you don’t want to get involved in this, Fara.”

  Fara glared at him. “Fuck you, Victor, if you think I’ll skip out on you like that. You think I would’ve stayed on with you for as long as I have if I was afraid of getting killed during one of your crazy acts of heroism?”

  “I’m sorry,” Victor said. “I just wanted to let you both know what your options were.”

  “Does Gaz know yet?” Fara asked.

  “No, I figured it would be a bad idea to discuss high treason inside the Gryphon’s med bay,” Victor said.

  “Okay, well, I’m pretty sure he’d be willing to help,” Fara said. “This is exactly the kind of thing he would find amusing.”

  “I suppose then it’s just a matter of—” Victor was in
terrupted by a loud knock at the hatch.

  Worried glances were exchanged while Victor got up and walked past Fara. He drew his pistol and opened the hatch. Gaz’s tattooed face was on the other side. “Gaz!”

  “Captain!” Gaz said, leaning in to look at Cormac and Fara. “What’re all you doing in here?”

  Victor grabbed Gaz by the shoulder and pulled him inside, closing the hatch. “How did you get out of the med bay?”

  Gaz shrugged. “They let me out. Almost all healed. And, besides, I overheard some of their crew talking. The ’lliance seems intent on destroying Lysander. I thought I’d let you guys know.”

  Victor nodded. “We were just discussing that.”

  “You all already know?”

  “The captain just told us,” Cormac said.

  “And now the captain is floating the idea of committing high treason in order to stop them,” Fara said.

  Gaz glanced left and right, then smiled, baring his spiked teeth. “Well, shit, sign me up!”

  Victor chuckled. “Good to have you back, Gaz. Now we just need to do two more things.”

  “Which is?” Gaz asked.

  “First, we need to get the crew off the ship. They’re all Mustangers, so we can’t rely on them to turn against their people,” Victor said. “Second, we need to enlist the help of Lena and her crew.”

  “That’ll be easier said than done, considering you took her prisoner,” Fara said.

  “I think she’ll be more than willing to help once I tell her how I plan on breaking out the princess,” Victor said.

  Chapter 29

  Getting the crew off the ship was easy; they had been cooped up in the Alexander for weeks, chasing one battle after another. The twenty Free Worlders were more than eager to take advantage of the luxuries the Gryphon had to offer.

  The next step was talking to Lena. Victor opened the hatch to the cargo hold. The thirteen merchant crewmen inside turned to face him, and the sullen redhead approached.

  “So what the fuck do you want?” Lena asked.

  “I need your help,” Victor said.

  “No,” Lena said immediately.

  “You haven’t heard what I need your help with,” Victor said.

  “I don’t care! You steal my ship from me like a common pirate and kidnap Lys…my passenger!” Lena leveled an angry finger at him. “I’ll help you with nothing.”


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