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Her Vigilant Seal

Page 16

by Caitlyn O'Leary

  She turned to him as she sucked down the last of her milkshake and gave him a woeful glance.

  “What?” He gave her an unbelieving look.

  “Mine’s empty.”

  “It’s not my fault you have no self-control.” He suppressed a grin.

  “I’m still thirsty.” Her expression went from woeful to pitiful.

  “Did this ever work?”

  “It does every time Billy does it to me.” She gave him the cutest grin ever.

  “Come here.” She looked at him quizzically. He reached over and arranged for her to be sitting between his spread legs, and resting against his chest.

  “This is nice.”

  He put the straw against her lips and she took a small sip. He brought it back to his mouth, and could swear he could taste Sophia along with the chocolate, and it made the treat all the better. They continued in silence, watching the setting sun and enjoying the rest of the drink. When it was dark he had a sleeping Sophia in his arms. He hated to wake her but it was chilly.

  “Come on, honey, time to go home.”

  “I love waking up in your arms.”

  Now didn’t that make him feel like a million dollars? They made their way up the beach to his parked truck. Her phone rang on the way. She tensed up and pulled it out of her hoodie to look at the display. Then she pressed ignore.

  “That’s part of what we have to talk about, but that’s the last part, okay?”

  “Sure honey, just tell me things at your own pace.”

  He opened the passenger door for her, and once again she seemed surprised even though he’d done it every time they got into his truck.

  They talked about his house remodel, Pete, Margie, and her daughter-in-law, but when he asked how she was feeling about the upcoming court case she clammed up.

  “Have you talked to the D.A. at all, honey? I thought Mrs. Porter said she would stay in touch.”

  “Yeah, she called me. She said they set a court date for the end of July.” Sophia sounded like she was chewing on glass. He grabbed her hand. It was a tightly clenched fist. He quickly looked over at her. He could see the outline of her face against the passenger window and her jaw was rigid.

  “She brought me in for a debriefing or something while you were gone. It was horrible. She pretended she was their lawyer. She made it sound like I was a prostitute who liked it rough and that I actually agreed to have sex with them for money. Otherwise why was I there so late at night?”

  Mason looked ahead for the next exit and took it.

  Within five minutes he had them parked in a Denny’s parking lot. He lifted up the console and slid over, and then arranged for her to be straddling his lap. She gripped his shirt. She didn't cry. She made no noise at all. She just rested her head against his chest in defeat.

  “You know Mrs. Porter was doing that to practice with you.”

  “Sure, I’ve watched enough TV. But I also know at the end of July I’m going to have to be on the witness stand and somebody is going to say those ugly things about me in front of twelve jurors. What’s more, those same men and women are going to see pictures of me.”

  Huge shudders went through her body. Then he understood. The bruising on her torso, and on her breasts.

  “Ah fuck.” He rocked her back and forth but still she didn’t shed a tear. It was as if the pain went too deep for mere tears. “It’s going to be all right, I promise you. There is no way anyone will believe what those bastards are saying.”

  “I keep spinning around in circles. I can’t seem to stop my mind just chewing and chewing on this. Sometimes I want to scream that I was the one who was abused, and I shouldn’t have to be put through this,” her voice was a whisper into his sweatshirt. Then her head came up and she looked him in the eye.

  “Then there are other times I want to grind them into little pieces of dust. I want to get up there and have them do their worst. Show those pictures so they can see them for the animals they are. It doesn’t matter if I was a prostitute, they assaulted me. They were going to rape me. The one man…” She stopped.

  “What honey, tell me.”

  She pushed her face into his chest and shook her head.

  “If you won’t tell me then tell a professional. These dreams you’ve been having are debilitating. You’re not getting nearly enough sleep. I worry about you so much.”

  “I don’t want to see anyone,” her tone vehement.

  “Then can you tell me?”

  She was quiet for so long he thought she would never answer. He held her and watched as cars came in and left the restaurant parking lot.

  “If you hadn’t come the one man would have killed me after he raped me. I know it…” her voice trailed off.

  “I believe you, honey.”

  “You do?”

  “I do. You’ve got to remember what I do for a living. I’ve looked into the eyes of evil before. I know what it’s like to stare at someone who wants you dead.”

  She gripped the front of his shirt, her nails biting into his chest.

  “That’s it, that’s it exactly. He wanted me dead. It excited him. That’s what got him off—the idea of killing me. The other man wanted to violate me, but the first man, he wanted to kill me.” She started to cry. Mason could only pray now she had said the words, got them out in the open, her nightmares would begin to dissipate. He gathered her close and murmured words he prayed would bring her comfort. All the while his mind was whirling with the fact this bastard was currently out on bail.

  “Oh, God I’m…”

  He tilted up her chin she was forced to meet his eyes.

  “If the next word out of your mouth is going to be sorry, I’m going to be pissed. You have nothing to be sorry about. You’re not being needy. This would bring anyone to their knees. But even if you were being clingy, I would love it because I love you.”

  “I’m holding you to that because I’m not done.”

  “Okay, I’m listening.”

  “I’ve been getting these calls, they were just hang ups, and then yesterday they talked to me.”

  “Jesus, why didn’t you tell me before this?” Mason winced at the tone of his voice, especially when Sophia drew back.

  “Honey, I’m sorry.”

  “No, you’re right. I should have told you. I didn’t think about it. It was a nuisance, and then when it really started to escalate you were gone,” she said, her voice trembling. Mason pulled her back into his arms.

  “Shhh, the important thing is you told me now. How many calls do you think you’ve gotten? Did it start after the D.A. gave your contact information to the asshole’s attorney?”

  “I don’t think it’s them, it started after I had a run in with Brenda’s boyfriend.”

  “What kind of run in?”

  “He and Brenda were having some problems. He made a couple of pretty strong passes.” How had he missed this?

  “How long has that been going on?”

  “It started almost exactly the day you started coming to the diner. It was weird.” Mason snorted.

  “Honey, it’s not weird. He probably always had a thing for you, but it wasn’t until some other man was showing some interest that he knew he needed to make his move. You should have told me immediately. What do you mean by a strong pass?” Sophia blew out a deep breath.

  “One time he trapped me near the bathroom and kissed me, another time he caught me outside and grabbed my breast. I kneed him in the balls. Since then he’s kept his hands to himself.”

  “And you worry about being clingy. It just boggles the mind.” Mason pulled out his phone and pressed his speed dial for Clint, who answered on the second ring.

  “Can you come over to my house? It’s important.” Sophia looked at him like he had grown a second head. “Thanks, man.”

  He kissed the tip of Sophia’s nose. “Come on, let’s get you buckled we’ve got to get home.”


nbsp; Clint was waiting for them on the porch when they pulled up. He followed them into the house and Mason pulled out a beer for him. Clint set a small computer tablet on the kitchen island.

  “Sophia, can you give him your phone.” Sophia rifled through her purse. The whole thing seemed bizarre but she trusted Mason. Both men looked serious.

  “So what’s the deal?” Clint asked Mason.

  “She’s been getting a lot of hang-ups.”


  “Here.” She handed her phone to Mason.

  “Honey, I need you to unlock it first.” Damn, of course he did. She took it back and entered her password. She couldn’t see what he was doing but she assumed from his grim expression he was scrolling through her recent calls.

  “There have been fifteen times where I actually answered and someone hung up. Then there are the times when I just let it ring.”

  “Sophia, somebody has been calling you at least three times a day. Sometimes at two o’clock or four o’clock in the morning.” He handed back her phone and turned to his computer.

  “I know, that’s why I told Mason.” She saw both men’s jaws clench. The only saving grace was Drake wasn’t there.

  “Sophia, what’s your number?”

  She gave it to him.

  “Any suspects?” he asked Mason.

  “All of San Diego.”

  “Doesn’t he need my phone?”

  “Nope, I just needed your phone number.” Clint’s fingers started flying over the keyboard.

  “What are you going to do?” Sophia asked. Clint didn’t answer.

  “What would you like to drink?” Mason asked her. “Clint won’t answer, he won’t even talk for a while. He’s in the zone.”

  Sophia peered at the tablet and saw a bunch of code.

  “Are you sure he’ll be able to help.”

  “Oh, he’ll find out who’s been calling you.”

  “I don’t understand. How could he possibly do that?”

  “That’s what we do. We figure shit out. If one of us can’t do it, trust me, the other one knows how to get it done.”

  Sophia pulled flour and sugar out of the pantry and then got the butter out of the fridge.

  “What are you doing?” Mason asked.

  “It’s what I do. I bake.”

  Clint looked up from the computer. “Cherry pie?” he asked hopefully.

  Two pies later Clint had answers for Sophia, which left her scared and confused. Then Mason took her into his arms and she knew it was going to be okay.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Mason was exhilarated. It was a perfect day. The sun was warm on his face. He’d worked up a head of steam playing with Billy. Now the boy was on the beach with Sophia, Mason could really cut loose. He pulled himself through the ocean on his board, paddling even harder feeling the burn in his shoulders and chest. Out of the corner of his eye he could see a large swell coming towards him. He jumped up the board, balanced, and everything receded. Just this one moment in time existed as he concentrated and grinned like a madman.

  He balanced and flew, the water on his face felt glorious, the warm sky, the smell of the ocean and the cry of the gulls all coalesced together to make a perfect moment. He was in the tube, and it seemed to last forever. Even the crash into the water made him happy, today was nothing but joy.

  Mason continued on for another hour before hunger had him heading for the beach, eager to see what Sophia had packed for a mid-morning snack. Then he started at a faster pace realizing he shouldn’t have left a hungry pre-teen boy with the food as long as he had.

  “Oh my God, you should see your face.” Sophia laughed. He was thrilled with how carefree she sounded. It hit him, she was only twenty-two and she didn’t act like someone that young.



  “Now you’re staring at me. Before you were staring at the picnic basket with the most woeful expression. What is going on with you?”

  “Must be the sun.” He dismissed her concern. “Did Billy leave any food for me?” he asked, staring at the blond boy lounging next to his sister eating what looked like homemade strudel.

  “Are you kidding, Mase? Soph made enough for an army.” Then Billy sat up and peered into the basket. “Well maybe not an army.” He reached in, and Sophia slapped his hand.

  “You’ve had more than enough. I’ve seen you get carsick and I don’t want you throwing up in Mason’s truck.”

  “That’s when I was a little kid,” Billy protested.

  “Hell Billy, what’s a little puke between friends. But if you eat one more bite of this food I’m going to have to beat you.” Mason sat and put the basket between his legs, sorting through the contents. He found a bottle of water and he used it to wash down the breakfast burrito.

  “God, this is wonderful Sophia. It is better than my favorite food truck near the base.” He loved it when she blushed.

  “You eat at food trucks? That’s so cool.” Billy tried to reach towards the basket, and this time Mason slapped him away. Billy just grinned.

  Mason grabbed a huge breakfast sandwich that had thick slices of grilled ham. He thought he’d gone to heaven. When the hell had Sophia had time to make this? They’d gotten up at the ass crack of dawn. This he ate a little more slowly and washed down with a bottle of orange juice.

  “Wow, you’re fast. It took me almost a half hour, and you ate those in like five minutes.”

  Now he felt his cheeks heat. He’d obviously been out on missions too damn often, when he needed to wolf down his food and be on his way. But he sure as hell wasn’t going to tell either of the Anderson siblings that.

  “I guess I was hungry, plus you were eyeing the food too closely, Billy. I knew I had to eat or lose my chance.” Billy snickered. Sophia looked at him curiously. That woman was too smart for her own damn good. It was ten o’clock by the time they were making their way back to the house. His team was due to arrive at two.


  Sophia’s plan was working perfectly. By the time Billy and Mason got out of their showers it was eleven.

  “I want to get a couple of things baked for the horde before they get here. Can you and Billy do the Costco run without me?”

  “Sure honey, but you owe me for bailing.” He came over and ran his hand over her hair and kissed her. “Guess you finally get to sit in the front seat Billy,” he teased.

  “I’ll be right there, Mase.”

  Mason gave Sophia a quizzical look, but headed out the door.

  “What’s up, Billy?”

  “How serious are you and Mase?”

  Shit, she hadn’t been expecting that question.

  “We’re dating.”

  “Are you going to get married?”

  Yep, hadn’t considered this at all.

  “Billy, we’ve only been together for a little over a month. I can’t imagine Mason wanting to marry me.” She watched as Billy worked to digest her answer. He went over to the fridge and pulled out a sports drink. He put it on the island and fiddled with the cap.

  “Soph, I don’t want you to be sad, okay? I know you’re having sex. So if you guys aren’t getting married you’ll break up, and you’ll be sad. I don’t want you hurt.” He abandoned the drink and came over to her and gave her a hug. It was then she realized he came up to her chin. When had he gotten so tall? So smart?

  She kissed the top of her baby brother’s head and tipped his chin so she could look him in the eye.

  “Mason and I love each other. I’m not sure where we’ll end up.” Sophia’s gut clenched. She couldn’t imagine a time without him in her life.

  “I hope you get married. He’s a really good guy, Soph, you deserve someone really good.” He looked away and grabbed his drink and was out the door before she could say another word.

  “Billy Anderson, I just met another really good guy today,” she murmured. She pulled out all of the ingredients
she was going to need to feed the army of people who would be coming over. She didn’t have much time, since the DeLucas would soon be commandeering the stove and oven. She called Drake yesterday and let him know the time for the party was going to be two-thirty. Billy knew to stall Mason at the store so he came home at the same time. All of Sophia’s ‘food winnings’ should be here and ready by two o’clock. She had a cake and brownies cooling by the time the DeLucas arrived with their food.

  “Sophia, can you help us unload the car?” Frannie asked.

  “No problem.” When Sophia went to their station wagon she was amazed. There were four large pans for the oven, and five sauce pans. Then there were covered glass containers with tin foil. The entire back of the station wagon was packed full with food. She stood there.

  “We’re Italian,” Tony said proudly. He handed her a warm pan and motioned her towards the house. Soon Margie’s ride pulled up in a Mercedes. Sophia wondered if her friend might be a boyfriend. She had her answer, he was. He was about Margie’s age and he immediately saw the dilemma and laughed. He started to pitch in, helping to clear out the station wagon, while introducing himself at the same time.

  “I’m Mel,” he said to Sophia as he handed her another pan. “I belong to Margie.” Sophia was delighted with the way Margie blushed. He then handed Margie a light pan containing garlic bread.

  “Here sweetie, you take this inside and then rest up. I’ll take care of everything else. You’ve been cooking up a storm.”

  “I can help.”

  “Now Margie, please let me do this for you.”

  Margie opened her mouth to protest, but he planted a kiss on her lips stifling what she was going to say. By the time he was done she was looking a little dazed.


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