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Savannah Past Midnight

Page 7

by Christine Edwards

  My entire body burns in agony as I force myself up from the filthy ground. I do my best not to stagger sideways as I get my feet beneath me. Staring at him, I silently wonder where the hell this guy came from. I thought I knew all the toughest fighters in the southeast. It’s not that he’s particularly skilled; the sheer mass of him is a force to be reckoned with. I’m just shy of six and a half feet and he’s got several inches on me and at least eighty pounds of honed muscle. I know that there’s only one thing I can do to fire myself up enough to beat him and I dread going there.

  As he stalks toward me, knowing that he’s already put me through the fucking ringer, I force my mind to go back to that night, the night she died, the night he blamed me for it, for everything.

  A red wall of rage rises up as I attack, launching myself hard at my opponent.

  “Holy shit! Fuck yeah! Lay into him, Brennan!”

  Alex’s booming voice is like a distant echo as I go completely crazy, finding the strength I was looking for to savagely beat the man, imagining that he’s my piece of shit father. Using my last reserves of energy, I let my fists go into overdrive, slamming into him over and over without a scrap of mercy. His sporadic hits that come between mine hardly register; I’m too far gone for that. I haven’t a clue how I got him down to the ground and beneath me, but at this point his face is quickly beginning to resemble a large package of hamburger meat.

  I have no regrets; he knows the game and would’ve done the same or worse to me, given the chance. He nearly did. He stops resisting and I’m hauled away, still swinging. It’s over, and even though I’ve won, I feel sick. I push viciously past the onlookers to get outside of the warehouse, needing air because I’m about to puke.

  The boxing tape hangs in bloody shreds off my swollen, clenched fists held against my filthy Adidas track pants. I’m shaking from the aftershock of the adrenaline spike as I pull out my mouth guard, spitting out saliva and blood in the process. With my tongue, I check my mouth to see if the gigantic bastard knocked loose any teeth.

  A hand slaps down on my sweaty back, and I twist my head to see Alex standing there sporting a just-got-a-blowjob grin. “Damn, son! That was fuckin’ epic.” He hikes a thumb over his shoulder. “His pissed-off buddies are still tryin’ to haul him up in there. Scary as shit to see you like that though—possessed psycho motherfucker. I don’t know where you found that rage, my man, but it sure won you the fight of the year, not to mention paying out big time for your best buddy, who always bets double on your crazy ass to win. Hey, you all right, man? You don’t look so good.”

  No fucking shit. I was just about annihilated by a freak of nature.

  Bent forward and still struggling to breathe normally, I look up at Alex. “You know how to find people, right?” His brow furrows. “There’s a girl I need you to find for me,” I explain. “Tried without any luck for two weeks now.”

  “I can try, what do you know about her?”

  “Remember that night, down near your bar when the cycle pulled up?”

  “Yeah, the one that about gave you a hard on.”

  I clutch my throbbing side and grit out through clenched teeth, “Yeah, well it actually was the rider that got me hard, not the bike, smartass.”

  “You’re shitting me. That was a chick on that Ducati?”


  “Fuck. That’s so hot. What do you know about her, aside from her expensive taste in exotic cycles?”

  I’m only willing to share the basics, not that he would believe the rest of it if his life depended on it.

  “Name’s Cosette. No last name that I know of. Cycle’s rare, like I thought, a 1299 Panigale S. I’d be shocked if there were more than five of ’em in the entire state of Georgia. Lives alone, apparently. No address or place of work known.”

  “Got a cousin, Josh, works over at the DMV. He might be able to pull somethin’ up on the owner of the bike as a favor. That and I can ask around. Savannah’s not a big enough place to hide in for long, especially not when someone’s looking hard.”

  “Appreciate it, man.”

  “I’ll let you know. Hey, lemme give you a lift home. You’re in no condition to get on that chopper.”

  “Good call. Need to settle up with Mace first.”

  “Go get your cash from the little bastard. I’ll wait for you in the truck. I’m parked right around the corner.”


  “You got it, brother.”

  I’m walking back toward the warehouse, peeling the saturated wraps off my hands, when the sexiest voice on the planet says smoothly from behind me, “Next time you might want to have more of a say in your opponents, cowboy. That was a tight win. My call? You got lucky.”

  I straighten my shoulders and turn around slowly, a smile on my face. “Yeah, well I’m glad you liked the show, babydoll. And when it comes to fightin’, I always seem to be kind of lucky ’cause I’m that good. Surprised I didn’t see you watchin’—then again, he had me a bit preoccupied. You lookin’ for some company tonight, wildcat? I could definitely use an extra set of hands cleaning up these wounds—that is, if you’re up for it.”

  Her eyes track over my wrecked body, following the trail of cuts and multicolored bruises. She sighs, “I don’t know if I should be suspicious or flattered that you’ve been digging for intel on me. What in the world am I going to do with you?”

  I give her my best devilish grin. “Anything you like, wildcat, and hopefully it’ll be illegal in most states.”

  She laughs and shakes her head. Does she have any clue how gorgeous she is?

  “All right, you win, again. I’ll take you home. Go settle up and let your friend know that you have a lift.”

  “That’s all good, sugar, but your ride’s only a single seater, remember? Can’t fit a big man like me on there with ya.”

  “Who says I brought the motorcycle? I drove a car tonight, and by the way, my bike is registered under a false address. A necessary precaution against nosy cowboys.”

  “You’re a handful, you know that, princess?”

  “Better that than being dull.”



  “So I suppose that whatever you’re behind the wheel of has gotta be somethin’ straight outta The Fast and the Furious?”

  Whipping the black Audi R-8 to the curb about a hundred yards from his house, I glance over and grin at him. “Bingo.”

  “Sweet ride, wildcat. Never been in one of these before. Would ask what you do to be able to afford it, but not sure I wanna go there.” He glances down at the blood stains that his fresh injuries have left on the light-colored seat. “I’ll come back out later and wipe down the leather, promise.”

  “Thanks for the offer, but I think your focus right now should be on those nasty gashes of yours. Let’s get you inside and cleaned up so there’s no possibility of infection setting in. That place you fight in is definitely lacking in any concept of hygiene.”

  He starts to laugh and suddenly winces, his right hand flying up toward a particularly deep gash above his eye. “Stop making me laugh, woman. It’s fuckin’ cruel.”

  I shut the car off, reach back and grab the bag full of items I’ve just picked up for him from the twenty-four-hour convenience store two blocks away. Stepping out, I go around the back of the car, thinking that it’s witty banter like this that draws me perilously closer to him. I’ve had several physical relationships before, but nothing of real depth and never with anyone who made me laugh and feel so desirable. There’s an undeniable connection between us, a unique understanding this brusque, mysterious human offers me that draws me into his seductive web.

  I did my best to stay away. I really did.

  He tries to stifle a muffled groan of pain while unfolding himself from the low slung sports car. He’s still shirtless and his battered left hand is clutched tightly against his ribs.

  “Hand me the keys. Let’s get you inside.”

  “They’re in
the front zipper of my backpack.”

  “Got it.” I snag the keys, hand him the backpack, and step up to his front door.

  Once inside I set the bag down on the small island. I take out the Gatorade and Advil and place them on the wood. Within seconds I feel his heat closing in against my back, making me go still with nerves and raw lust.

  In his low drawl, he says quietly against my hair, “Don’t matter why you came back, just that you did. I would’ve found you, Cosette. I hope you know that. The time for runnin’ from me is over.”

  Ever so slowly, I turn around and stare up at him. The moonlight plays against his features, making him appear both handsome and fierce. For the first time in my life I have no clever response, and apparently he’s not waiting for one because his backpack drops straight down to the floor beside us as his hand moves up gently to caress the left side of my neck.

  His stubbled face is calm but his eyes gleam with a hunger that matches my own. He uses his thumb to trail lazy passes back and forth against my jaw line while his fingers curl possessively around the side of my neck. Everything about him—his measured control, his natural, all male scent, and his larger than life presence—overwhelms me with primal desire. I took precautions before seeing him tonight. I fed, hoping that it would help me to stay focused.

  His free hand closes around my hip and pulls me closer against his heat. He whispers, not a half inch away from my lips, “Thank you for coming back and for not fighting me. I want you so damn bad that just the thought of you drives me to the edge, you know that, baby? You know how you haunt me each and every sleepless night? Don’t know why, but I’m not gonna relent until I figure you out, and it all starts between us tonight.”

  My breath catches in my throat and my body responds, aching in hot need at the delivery of his possessive words.

  “Don’t be afraid of me.”

  “It’s not you that scares me, Colton.”

  “Good. ’Cause I’d never hurt you. But I’d damn near kill anyone who ever did. Any more wolf encounters, while we’re on the topic of your safety? Been worried about you.”

  A protector? Be careful, Cosette. He’s human; there’s no future with him. Whatever happens, enjoy it as temporary, but don’t get attached.

  “No. Things have been relatively quiet lately. Besides, you know that I’m exceptionally capable of taking care of myself, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I know that. Doesn’t mean I gotta like it though, so from now on, I’m your first line of defense. End of story.”

  “That’s chivalrous, but you can’t do that unless you take care of yourself first. Here, drink this and take these, please.” I reach behind me to retrieve the two bottles off the butcher-block island.

  “I can do that. See? We’re a good team, lookin’ out for each other like this. Mind putting two of those in my mouth? Sorry, but my hands are filthy, darlin’.”

  “Sure.” I open the cap and try not to appear as nervous as I feel. I tip them out and take one between my fingers. “Ready?”

  Our eyes collide the same moment his mouth opens and his tongue slides out.

  Oh God. He has to know how he’s unraveling me at every turn. Whatever few defenses I had left have disintegrated in his presence. The chemistry between us is so incredibly powerful.

  I do my best to steady my hand as I place a pill on his tongue and watch him take a long swig of the orange liquid. We go through the same motions once again, and just watching him swallow leaves me practically shaking with need. I want him to touch me. Anywhere.

  He turns, takes a few steps, flips the lock on the deadbolt and crosses back to me. His voice is low and has a gruff edge to it as he says, “Gonna take that mouth of yours now. Can’t wait any longer to taste you.”

  His hands wind urgently through my tresses as his face closes in, becoming a blur as those beautiful lips of his collide with mine for the first time. The pleasure of his hot, skilled mouth rolls over me like a warm wave as his eager tongue slips in, seeking mine. My hands twine around his neck, pulling him closer. I need more.


  I gasp as he roughly grabs my ass and hoists me up onto the island without uttering a word or breaking the contact between us. As we face each other eye to eye, things turn frantic. Our tongues lap and devour while our hands roam everywhere in greedy exploration.

  A rough, sexy sound like a purr rises up from deep in his chest, so sensual that it causes my fangs to drop. He immediately notices and pulls back a few inches to stare across at me.

  He’s breathing hard. In a low, wondering voice, he says, “Holy shit, your … your eyes. They’re black again, just like that first night … Jesus, baby, and those fangs ….”

  Damn it! There is nothing I can do about the natural change that happens when I’m either highly aroused or seriously pissed off and ready to draw blood.

  Suddenly shy, I look down. “This is what happens when I get really worked up. There’s nothing I can do about it. Do I look ugly to you?”

  “Hell no, nothing about you could ever turn me off. It’s really fuckin’ intense, that’s all. Not gonna lie, I didn’t know you, those black eyes would definitely shock the shit outta me. Open your mouth for me; lemme see those sexy fangs.”

  I open wide and tilt my neck back a bit as he curiously examines them.

  “Now those are hot.”

  “Oh yeah? How hot?”

  He whispers as if he’s sharing a naughty secret with me, “This hot.”

  His mouth claims mine once again and I can’t help but whimper with pleasure at the power of the connection. His hands are still wrapped around the back of my thighs as he grasps tighter, lifting me up into the air, pulling me tight against his strong body.

  I break the kiss to gasp, “Wait, what are you doing? Your ribs, Colton!”

  He’s moving quickly. My legs are instinctively wrapped around his waist and we’re already at the base of the stairs when he tells me in an all-male, very amused voice, “Hush up, woman. I’m not that injured. Now hold on and gimme those lips again.”

  For a human he’s undeniably strong and impossibly demanding. I happen to be turned on by both traits. Highly.

  I do as I’m told and seductively lick across the seam of his lips when his eyes flare in hungry interest. Tilting my head to the side I begin to softly explore his mouth with mine, kissing him slowly as we make our way up the staircase and then down the long shadowed hallway leading to his bedroom.

  I’m vaguely aware of him slowly releasing me as I slide down his body. Our lips are still connected as my heels touch the floor. His fingers trace across my forehead as he pulls back. “Damn, I’m a gross wreck, angel. Wanna keep me company while I shower?”

  I grin. Do I ever.

  “Lead the way.”

  A pleased look flicks across his face as he guides me through a door in the far corner of the room. Once inside the dark enclosure, he hits the light, revealing a pristine, pale gray and white marble bathroom that is first-rate in its construction. He releases me to turn the dual showerheads to the ‘on’ position as I admire his work.

  “You kept this from me on the tour, you know.” My voice sounds different—softer and distinctly nervous.

  How can being alone with a man have this effect on me? Get yourself together, lady.

  “Yep. I like the thought of constantly surprising you.”

  “I am surprised, but so far, I’m quite a fan of your taste and skill. It’s perfect.”


  I tilt my head, “No?”

  He turns around and rests both hands on his hips. His searing gaze begins at my feet and ever so slowly travels up until he’s peering down at me through impossibly long lashes. “Perfection to me isn’t this room or any other, sweetheart, but what’s standin’ right in front of me is.”

  My breath hitches. Never has a man ever made me feel so adored, so cherished. Especially in such a short period of time. It’s his honesty and sincerity that are so touching. />
  “Colton, I ….”

  He suddenly seems uncomfortable with his verbal display of affection and turns away again to check the water temperature. Swiftly changing the subject, he says, “Hush. Shower with me now. Thinkin’ I’m definitely gonna need some help cleaning these cuts on my back.”

  “Is that the only reason you want me to join you?”

  He turns back to face me again, his demeanor all business, “Fuck no.”

  “I didn’t think so.”

  “That a yes, then?”

  Without another word I begin to slowly undo the zipper on the side of my black silk skirt. I keep my eyes locked onto his. I wore the feminine outfit, along with the wicked Bordelle lingerie, just for him, knowing that there was a strong possibility we would wind up like this.

  As my skirt flutters gently to the floor right along with my modesty, his lips part slightly, and every muscle in his body tightens till he’s like a drawn bow. I see the outline of his thick cock, which pulses eagerly behind his black track bottoms, and I can’t help but swallow at its size—even more impressive than I had imagined. He looks like a savage whose one last thread of humanity is about to snap.

  I want it all.

  “Now the rest,” he says.

  His voice is gravelly and controlled as he grates out the command. I pull off my top and then kick off my stilettos. Moving slowly, I take a single step closer to him, immediately wondering if I’ve just made a colossal mistake, because now he’s towering over me and I’m left feeling exposed and nearly helpless in only my miniscule bra and panties. How can he make me feel like this, so feminine and delicate? As a vampire I’m aware that I’m exponentially stronger than he is, but that doesn’t change my urge to submit to the dominance that he exudes when we’re alone like this.

  “Your turn.” My eyes trail down to his low slung pants and then back up to his face.

  His lips press together and then tip up at the corners as both thumbs hook into the waistband on each side of his toned hips. Ever so slowly he slides the shiny black fabric down, revealing a pleasure trail of tanned male flesh while freeing his delicious length in the process. My eyes are riveted on his cock as he carelessly kicks the garment off to one side. He folds his arms across his chest and lets me look my fill. My mouth is already watering as dampness floods my scrap of silk panties. He’s nothing short of magnificent.


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