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Savannah Past Midnight

Page 12

by Christine Edwards

Callused fingers brush the hair away from my forehead as he asks, “You get what you need?”

  “Mmm hmm, that and more. Thanks.”

  “Tasty?” There’s an edge of wry humor in his question.

  I push up and twist to look at him. “Oh yeah, cowboy, you’re definitely tasty.”

  His lips press together in a smug smile. “Good, come back anytime.”

  “Thanks for the invite. I plan on it.”

  “Excellent. I like that. A lot, actually. Stay with me tonight. I can’t say I’ll be much company … fuckin’ destroyed after that session. The things you do to me, woman.”

  “As much as I’d love to, I promised my uncle Severin I’d return before dawn. They’re busy following up leads on the latest attack. Until we get to the bottom of why someone wants me wiped from the planet, I’ve promised to stay away from my home here and closer to their protection. I’m not happy about it, but it’s the rational move, considering the circumstances.”

  He’s mulling over what I just said and says, “I’m gonna install those shades in here tomorrow. Next time we’re together I want you to stay wrapped tight in my arms, at least for a little while, before you go. Don’t like you taking off all the time.”

  “Thank you, Colton.”

  “No need for thanks.”

  I hope that he’s up for what I’m about to toss out. I begin casually, “So, I was thinking. I’d like for you to meet my family in Charleston. My last relationship put a major strain on our once close bond, and it would mean a lot for them to see me with someone like you.”

  “Someone like me?”

  “Yes, someone who is strong and intelligent, and most important, trustworthy.”

  His eyes glow at the compliment. “Yeah, all right, wildcat. You name the night and I’m there.”

  “Are you off this Friday?”

  “Nah, always scheduled to work the door on the weekends, but I got a buddy who owes me, can call in the favor to him, so consider it done.” He finishes by dropping a kiss on my forehead.

  Reluctantly I slide out of his heat and begin to get dressed. “It will be dawn soon. You’d better get some rest. This house needs your attention.”

  His gaze is hot as he stares at me. “House can wait. I need you more.”

  Caught off guard by his comment, I merely watch him watching me for a long moment before whispering, “I’ll pick you up at nine on Friday. Sweet dreams, Colton.”

  With that I trace away, already missing the intimacy.

  Chapter Twelve

  10:38 p.m.—Present Day

  24 Miles South of Charleston

  The red light on the overhead security camera blinks several times before the stately steel gate swings wide, providing us access to the eerie, oak-lined road.

  “Better slow it down to a crawl, wildcat,” I tell her. “This unpaved shit is gonna do some hardcore damage to your struts.”

  “Relax, cowboy, I’ve got it covered.”

  It’s her car, I figure, and if she wants to risk ruining the suspension, I don’t have much to say about it. I’m not used to being in the passenger seat. Used to being in control.

  “By the way,” I say to distract myself, “you never did tell me how you can afford the uppity lifestyle? Or is that top secret, super classified intel?”

  “Hardly. Wise real estate transactions and stock investments. When you’ve been around as long as we have, the interest tends to compound, if you catch my drift.”

  “Smart. I like that. So … what other non-adrenaline based activities get your blood hummin’?”

  “I love to travel. Any place new and unusual.”

  She glances over at me. Maybe we’re both a little nervous now that I’m about to meet her family.

  “How about yourself? Have you traveled much?”

  “Been to California twice with a buddy I served with. His parents live in Redondo Beach. Taught me how to surf. That was cool as shit. I was stationed all over Afghanistan, but that ain’t sayin much; place is a shithole. Only thing to do is either play cards, lift weights or watch for what might be comin’ to fuck up your day. I like Savannah: warm, laid back, and not far from the beach. The folks are friendly and the food is off the charts. More than enough for a simple guy like me.”

  “I like Savannah for those reasons as well,” she says. “In a way it reminds me of a smaller scale New Orleans.” We follow the circular driveway right up to the door. “All right, we’re here. Are you excited?”

  I glance over, grab her hand and give it a playful squeeze. “Hell, yeah. Although I admit that I wish I’d had a couple of shots of whiskey before strolling in there tonight.”

  “We can arrange for that once we’re inside. Relax, they’re all cool, and they’re going find you fascinating.”

  “Thanks for the reassurance.”

  Opening the door, I step out and a wave of humidity smacks me in the face. The derelict mansion has definitely seen better days.

  “Sure you got the right night? Nobody seems to be home.”

  There’s not a single light burning and the constant noise of swamp critters and grasshoppers coming from the surrounding woods noticeably ups the creepy factor.

  “Oh, they’re here; I can hear them. Follow me. You’ll see.”

  Hear them? What the fuck? I strain to listen but there’s nothing beyond the sounds of animal and insect nightlife.

  The battered stairs creak heavily under my weight as I climb to the top of the porch and enter the decrepit but once grand mansion.

  I whistle low between my teeth as we step into the foyer. The silver cast of moonlight illuminates some of the most stunning woodwork I’ve seen in my entire life.

  “Damn. This is amazing. When does this place date back to?”

  “It’s pre-Civil War era. I believe 1779. Come on, I’ll give you the cobweb tour later. We’re running late.”

  I open my arms and turn around in a circle. “So where is everyone?”

  She’s standing in a wide dark hallway with fifteen-foot-high walls. Much of the fancy textured wallpaper has peeled away. “Through here.”

  Before the question, “Where?” can pass my lips she’s stepping into a narrow passage that just opened in the wall.

  I admire the well-worn heart of pine floorboards as I rush to catch up. The space that she’s ducked into is pitch black inside and I hesitate before stepping in with her. I can’t see her at all and for all I know it could be an elevator shaft—missing the damn elevator.


  “I’m right in front of you. Here.”

  Her slim fingers close around mine, pulling me in.

  “Hidden entryway. Interesting. Kinda James Bond.”

  In the darkness a red laser light projects from a flat screen panel. It tracks back and forth three times, scanning her palm before the door slides shut.


  The floor begins to drop in a controlled descent and she whispers, “Easy there, cowboy. Just your everyday elevator. By the way, are you nervous?”

  “Shit no, woman. Lost that emotion years back after havin’ to look over my shoulder every five fuckin’ seconds to see if an IED was comin’ to blow my ass to shreds. After that I deal with whatever comes my way the best I can. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen, they all wanna eat me? Don’t think there’s enough to go around if that’s the case.” I am nervous, but I don’t see the point in admitting it. I’m not afraid for my life … only I do want ’em to like or at least accept me.

  I blink in the darkness as her full lips press against mine, her cool hands on either side of my face. “You amaze me, my sexy male.”

  We’ve just stopped and the steel door starts to slide open. The light streaming in makes me squint as I murmur to her, “Yeah, well, feeling’s mutual, and that’s sayin’ somethin’.”

  The low bass rhythm of Daft Punk is the first sound that greets us as we step into the clean contemporary décor of the room that lies ahead.

; “I see Alina’s busy playing DJ again.”

  She reaches for my hand and strides down the ultra-modern hallway.

  A feminine voice rings out, “Hey guys, welcome! We’re back here in the living room.”

  We round the corner into a massive lounge area, and before I have a chance to look around, four sets of eyes are drilling right into me. Fuuuuccck.

  I’m pulling in air through my nose, trying my damndest not to hyperventilate before the intros even happen. I’m hardly aware that Cosette’s hand is rubbing down and back against the sleeve of my Henley. It’s him, the one with pitch black hair and eyes exactly like Cosette’s, who turns the contents of my veins into arctic slush. Yeah, I’d so never want to step in the ring with that scary motherfucker. Intimidating seems to be a word invented to describe his deadly aura. He’s sizing me up for what seems like a hole he’s about to dig. Jesus Christ, if I make it outta here tonight, I’ll definitely have shaved a couple of years clean off my life span.

  “Sorry, guys, we’re twenty minutes later than expected,” Cosette says. “Everyone, this is Colton.”

  A leggy brunette wearing head to toe tight leather steps forward and greets me with a beaming smile, “Hey there, I’m Alina.”

  If it wasn’t for her elegant, refined looks the revealing outfit would land her right in a porn video featuring a lot of bondage. She continues on, “And this is my man, Ambrose.”

  She gestures over to a towering blond man who’s just landed a difficult right corner pocket shot. He straightens, rolls the pool stick between his hands and grins at me. “Nice to meet you. Quite a shiner you have on that eye of yours.”

  “Yeah, usually sportin’ one of those. You British?”



  “You drink, mate?”

  “Fu-, I mean, yeah.”

  “What’s your poison then?”

  “Whiskey or beer usually, but I’m not picky.”

  “Well that’s bloody marvelous. Tell me you can hold your own at pool and I’ll convince Cosette that she has to keep you. Choose your weapon.”

  His head tips to the pool sticks neatly suspended on a mahogany rack. “I’ll grab you a Boddington’s and we’ll have ourselves a quality match.”

  “Right on.”

  A gorgeous blonde woman wearing a short red dress steps forward. “Hi, I’m Calla. It seems like you’re fitting in already. I hope you’re hungry. Severin’s quite the chef.”

  She glances back at Mr. Vampen-creepy and smiles softly. He’s still eyeing me suspiciously, as if I might be capable of mass murder.

  I decide to cut through the tension and use what manners I’ve managed to learn, considering my upbringing. After all, I’m a guest in his place. I cross the room and stand in front of him, purposefully not getting too up close and personal. We’re eye to eye and I nearly lock up. His irises are so light that they seem to be frosted. The eyes of a detached, stone cold killer. One who’s posing as a French male model.

  I hold out my hand and will it not to shake. “Hey, I’m Colton. Nice to meet you.”

  He stares down at my scarred hand and I feel the first flame of embarrassment begin to lick up my neck, wondering if he’s going to let me stand here all night with everyone watching as he blows me off.

  He finally clasps my hand in a firm shake. His voice is deep and has a slight foreign accent. “It’s a pleasure to have you here tonight, Colton. Cosette has told me that she is quite fond of you. Make yourself at home.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  Jesus. Talk about breaking the ice. He seems to take note as I breathe out a long sigh of relief that I’m still standing and alive.

  “Hey, where’s Case and Kiana tonight? I thought they would be here?” Cosette takes a glass of wine from Alina and flops down casually on the winding suede sectional.

  “He planned a surprise for her weeks back—a trip to Morocco. He’s kept it top secret. She thought they’d be around tonight, but when she found out they were leaving she told me to tell you she’d make it up to you.”

  “The honeymoon is definitely ongoing with those two.”

  Calla and Alina exchange eye rolls and Alina practically snorts, “To say that Case has ‘stamina’ would be the understatement of the millennium.”

  The three women burst out laughing. Feigning disgust, Ambrose waves them off. “Come on, Colton, leave the ladies to chat about their rubbish while we suss out each other’s skills. Drink up before your pint gets cold, mate. Tapped a fresh keg tonight. Go on then. As our guest, you get to do the honors and break first.”

  I take a slow swig from the frosty glass, choose a stick and lean down to break hard and fast, all the while thinking that they aren’t all that bad.

  So long as they aren’t hungry, pissed off, or worse—both.

  I lean back in the oversized dining chair, absolutely stuffed to the gills from the tender filet mignon and mouthwatering sides that were generously served up tonight. I was surprised to see them eating real food. Everything I’ve read about vampires or seen in the movies or on TV made me expect I’d be the only one eating, but these vamps love their food, wine, and single malt. ’Course these vamps are real.

  From the opposite end of the table, wine glass in hand, Severin says, “Cosette mentioned that you are a fighter. Tell me about it, please.”

  I use the fancy linen napkin to wipe my mouth before speaking. “Honestly, not much to tell. Couple of times a month I fight MMA style for money. Fights are illegal ’cause of the gambling involved, not to mention there’s no license on the abandoned building where most of the matches take place, but that doesn’t stop the crowds from showin’ up in droves.”

  Genuinely curious, he asks, “And who taught you how to fight?”

  Shit. Don’t want to go there, but not gonna lie to him either.

  I can feel the inevitable frown on my face as I pick up my wine glass, drink deeply of the smooth Merlot and answer, “My father. I was a skinny kid who didn’t take crap off anyone. Trouble was, I didn’t have the skills or the bulk to back up my mountain of pride. My old man hung a boxing bag out in the barn and made it his mission to teach me how to fight.”

  “It’s admirable that he taught you how to defend yourself.”

  I huff out a laugh that makes his eyes flare in surprise. “Yeah, well, that wasn’t exactly his motive.”

  “Then what was?”

  “He was embarrassed that his kid was always seen in town and at school half beaten to shit simply because he was too weak to defend himself. So he changed that.”

  I shrug as all five vampires stare at me but stay silent.

  His next question catches me off guard. “Have you seen the wolves that have been hunting Cosette?”

  The tension is thick as I stare back at him. “Yeah, only once, but it wasn’t like any wolf I’ve ever seen. It was huge, like a hybrid or a wolf on ’roids or somethin’. And it was ferocious, like rabid level. Scary as shit, actually. Was about to shoot it but Cosette took it down before I had the chance.”

  “So, Colton, what is your take on why she is being stalked?”

  “My take? Personally, I didn’t like the look of that asshole ex of hers. Maybe he’s got somethin’ to do with it. What I can tell you, Severin, is that I’m all over it. She’s my priority and I know that you and your family can kick my ass with your superior strength and all, but Cosette’s my girl and so long as I’m sucking wind and still standin’ upright then any threat to her life is gonna have to get past me first, and believe me, I’m not gonna make it easy.”

  “Impressive. I think I’m beginning to like you, Colton.”

  “Thanks, man. I’ll admit, at first you scared the hell out of me, and that’s a pretty rare thing.”

  His smiles gravely, and says, “You’re wise to fear our kind. Amongst other things, we are first and foremost predators, Colton, killers at the highest level. I don’t know what Cosette has told you in regard to vampires, but weakness is
not a trait that bodes well in our race. It’s tantamount to a death sentence. I admire your human strength, your tenacity. It will serve you well.”

  “Serve me well for what?”

  “For keeping you alive, however long that may be.”

  He stares at me as if he’s definitely holding back intel and it shakes me to the core.

  Cosette gets up and looks right at Severin. “Enough of this intense talk. We came for dinner, not a self-defense seminar. I’m going to take Colton for a walk around the property now. We’ll come back in for a drink before I drive him back to Savannah.”

  As I get up from my seat, Calla chirps, “Gorgeous night to head down to the lake. The best things definitely happen by moonlight.”

  For the first time since we’ve met, Cosette looks mortified, and as the catcalls and snickers continue she half drags me by the forearm out of the impressive dining room and down the hallway back toward the elevator.

  I pull her into my arms and drop a kiss onto the tip of her nose. “Hey, look at me. I think things went okay, don’t you?”

  She brushes a strand of hair from her face and sighs, “You’re right. I just hate going ’round and ’round with no answers about these attacks. It stresses me out. I just want things to be how they were before I ever dated Tristan and this mess with my family began.”

  “Well, let’s see if I can change that.”

  The elevator door opens and I pull her in with me.


  “Two ways. By slowly rebuilding the bridges that dick ex of yours burned and by distracting you in incredibly creative ways, my sexy little wildcat.”

  I land her with a crushing kiss as the door closes tight and we begin to move up toward ground level.


  His body positively radiates heat as he claims my mouth with natural dominance. I can taste the wine on his lips as he pulls me deeper against him, one hand sliding down my back to give my ass cheek a possessive squeeze. I writhe hard against him, loving the feel of his rigid sex that’s straining hard against the confines of his dark denim.

  I’d planned on taking him down to the secluded lake. Now I’m not so sure that we’re going to make it that far. The car is looking like a damned viable option at this point. The seat does recline pretty far back … hmm.


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