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Angels Among Us

Page 22

by C. E. Barrett

  “What ‘Test', Devany?” asked Seren. “I don't know what you mean.”

  Devany looked at her distrustfully then turned to Daffyd. His wide blue eyes regarded her levelly, comfortingly. “We really don't know what you're referring to, Devany,” he said. She examined his features for signs of deceit. She looked again at Seren. Finally, after some consideration, she decided to go along with what they were telling her.

  “Then what's happening?” she asked.

  Seren shook her head. “I wish I knew. We, all of us, were just transported here ... I don't know how....”

  “Or by whom,” Daffyd interjected quietly. “Or why.”

  Seren closed her mouth and stared at him. She had assumed they had been random victims of a series of hiccups in the space-time continuum; like people caught in a tornado. It hadn't occurred to her that someone might be behind their situation.

  Daffyd continued, “Whatever the reason, whatever the mechanism, the important thing is that we are here together. You should know that neither Seren nor I would ever abandon you, Devany. We won't leave you here alone, do you understand me?” He lifted her chin with a gentle finger. She nodded. “No matter what it takes, if it's in my power, I'll keep you safe. All right?”

  “All right,” she agreed hesitantly. She wasn't sure even Daffyd could keep her from falling through whatever it was that had brought her here. But she felt strongly that he would keep his word to the best of his ability. In many ways, he reminded her of Nanny512; he was capable, and knowledgeable, and in control. Even if he wasn't an Authority Person, he made her feel safe.

  “Now,” he said, setting her down and wiping her face with his shirttail. “I think you should go play for a while.” She looked at him blankly. “Run around, jump, swing ... that sort of thing,” he suggested.

  “But it's not sports time, is it?” she asked doubtfully. He exchanged puzzled glances with Seren.

  “Don't you ever just play?” he asked. She shook her head. “Well.” He was stumped. He wanted some time alone with Seren, to talk with her about some things but he couldn't think how to get Devany to occupy herself.

  “I have an idea,” said Seren. “How about if I get a bath ready for you? Would you like that?”

  Devany eagerly accepted. She liked bath time. When she was smaller, Nanny had always washed her but now she was old enough to bathe by herself. It was another of those safe places to use her imagination.

  Seren led her to the stairs. Devany balked at first. “I'm not supposed to go up...” she began.

  “But you slept up there most of yesterday and all last night,” Seren reminded her. Devany frowned. Seren was right. She could remember coming down the stairs this morning and nothing bad had happened. She followed Seren cautiously.

  In the bathroom, Seren filled the big tub with warm water, just about navel deep on the child as she sat in it. Seren set a big towel to one side and tossed Devany's clothes in the hamper. She was certain they would find something she could wear; she wasn't that much smaller than Rapsim. She turned off the water, and asked, “Do you want me to stay, or would you like some time for yourself?”

  “I'd like to be alone,” said Devany, amazed that Seren would offer her a choice. Seren nodded, and left.

  “I'll leave the door open a crack,” she told the little girl. “Shout, if you need anything.”

  Daffyd was waiting in the hall for Seren to return. As she descended the stairs, he said, “Could I talk to you for a moment?”

  She lifted her eyebrows at him questioningly and trailed after him back into the living room. He went back to the piano, and sat at it again, idly playing. Seren perched on the far end of the bench, half-turned toward him.

  “Before you tell me what's on your mind, can I ask what that music was that you were playing to Devany?” she asked.

  He glanced at her, and played a piece. His smile appeared briefly. “It's one of my compositions,” he said, and his hands dropped into his lap. She regarded him with delight. There is absolutely no end to the surprises you hold, is there, Daffyd? I could know you for years, and never reach the end of your layers, I'm sure.

  “However, that's not what I want to discuss.” He frowned, marshalling his thoughts. His lips pursed and relaxed, and he stared into Seren's eyes. His own were striking, Seren thought, wide, level and the clear blue of a summer sky. They were wonderfully expressive and right now seemed to be trying to convey a myriad of thoughts and ideas. At last, he took a deep breath and spoke.

  “I don't think that what has happened to us is accidental,” he said.

  She maintained a calm exterior. “Go on.”

  “I am utterly certain that someone, or something, is watching us and changing things to suit our needs ... our expressed needs.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked, already mulling over his suggestion.

  “I mean the way things suddenly turn up. It seems coincidental at first, but there have been too many instances. Yesterday, you wanted milk for coffee, and we found a cow. I said how much I like wine with supper....”

  “And we found a wine cellar.... “She looked at him. “The clothes, after we were talking....”

  “And not just for us, but for the others ... even Devany.” He smiled crookedly. “Last night I said out loud that Devany needed some, too. I checked her room this morning. There's everything a little girl needs.” They stared at each other. “I haven't told you the best part.”

  “What's that?” she asked, wondering if he had conjured up a way home, and then dismissing the thought. If he had, he would have used it by now.

  “Last night, I expressed a desire for moonlight, just before I went to bed.” His expression was almost disbelieving. “When I looked out the window, the clouds were just breaking up, and the moon broke through.”

  She looked into the bemused eyes. “I saw the moonlight,” she said. “I woke up in the middle of the night.” She did not tell him about her nightmare, or that she had come downstairs to check on him. She wasn't sure how he would react. “Do you think whoever, whatever, it is brought us here on purpose? Or were we randomly plucked and now being cared for like ants in an ant farm?”

  “I can't say,” he replied. “I can't see any reason to put us together unless.... “His voice trailed off.

  “Unless what? Don't fade out on me now, Daffyd. I think you're on to something, and I want to hear what you think.”

  He looked down at his hands, watched his fingers lacing and unlacing for a few moments then turned his gaze back to Seren. “I think we might have been brought here for Devany's sake.”

  Seren's eyes narrowed in thought. She considered Daffyd's idea, staring past his shoulder out into the yard. An odd shimmer, like that over a highway on a hot summer day, moved past the trees and was gone. She blinked and stared but it did not recur. Daffyd cast a quick glance out the window, wondering what Seren had seen.

  “Seren? Something out there?” he asked, looking back at her.

  She returned her focus to his face and shook her head. “No. It looked weird for a second. Probably just hot air or something. Anyway, about Devany—what are you thinking?”

  He chewed the corner of his lips briefly. “I think she has far too much potential to spend her life in the world she described. I think she would be so much better off in either your world or mine. I'm assuming that we will find a way home, or be sent home eventually, and I think one of us should take her with us. That is, if she can survive in our realities.”

  Seren smiled. “That is something you missed out on yesterday, when you went for your walk. Rap said that anyone from any reality can live happily in any other. The quantum vibration, or whatever, doesn't matter. So, yes, Devany could come with either of us.”

  “In that case, what do you think of my idea?” he asked.

  “I think she would love to stay with you, and that you would be an incredible father to her.” She smiled tenderly.

  “And if something happens that I can't take her?” H
is eyes pleaded with her to say she wouldn't let Devany go back to her sterile world.

  “Then I will do my utmost to bring her home with me,” she said. “I won't desert her, Daffyd. I promise you that.” And I won't desert you, either, dear Daffyd. If that dream looks remotely like coming true, I'll move Heaven and Earth to keep you safe, even if it's just to be friends. She reached out, squeezed his arm reassuringly, and drew her hand back. I wish I could bring you home with me, too. I'd like to keep you in my life. A twinge of sadness settled on her as she thought of them returning to their own worlds, and never seeing Daffyd again. As much as she wanted to go home, she wanted to keep him near. They sat together, wrapped in thought.

  * * * *

  Mykal's aura glowed golden with pleasure at the turn Seren's thoughts and feelings were taking. This was moving right along as he had hoped it would. Her nightmare had caused him some dismay. He was at a loss to explain it, unless it was some unconscious processing of Seren's, but he had not been able to detect any feelings in her that would lead to such violent images of pain for Daffyd. In fact, when it came to Daffyd, Seren's emotions were well on the way to the love she had felt in the dream, although she, herself, denied it. The rest of the nightmare smacked of interference, but there was no clear trail. His aura flickered unpleasantly.

  The mindless cruelty of the captors, those who had burned Daffyd alive, bothered him deeply. The mocking laughter, the hate, the violence, had left Mykal feeling uncomfortable, almost violated.

  Something impedes? Dommi's thought touched his mind.

  I believe so, Mykal responded. But there is no evidence. I fear for them.

  The Destructive Ones are sly, Dommi reminded him. Your project is worthy. You should expect them to try to sabotage it. Be wary and observant. Do you need reinforcement?

  No, not yet. But perhaps you could examine? He replayed Seren's nightmare. Dommi shuddered, his aura dimming at the evil that had touched Seren's mind.

  Be very careful, he warned. That was the work of the Destructive Ones, I am certain. Watch for them. But also know that you can turn their work to your own purposes.

  Dommi withdrew. Mykal resumed his monitoring of his scenario. Apart from the deviation of the dream, the rest seemed to be falling into place. Devany was developing trust and affection for Daffyd, and, although to a lesser extent, to Seren. Daffyd was genuinely concerned for the child's well being, and his respect and admiration for Seren were solidly in place. Love for her was growing, but, like Seren, he denied it, and fought it. Mykal was certain that it would win out in the end. If not, he would have to nudge them along. He preferred to have it happen naturally, however, so he would wait.

  He observed the other two prowling about the yard. That was good. He wanted them to go slowly before they found the portals and discovered how to use them. If necessary, he would keep them diverted until Seren and Daffyd were strongly attached. He didn't want them going back to their separate worlds.

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  * * *


  Rapsim sat on the dock and dabbled his toes in the water. He had been getting frustrated with the randomness of the readings, and was taking a break to let his mind reset itself. His boots were on the grassy shore, and his pant legs were rolled up above his knees. The multi was tucked into one of his boots, out of the way and out of easy reach. He sat and splashed, gazing out over the water to the far shore, watching the trees waving their arms as they danced to music only they could hear. Gerri Reznik, naked, floated on her back in the cool water.

  The sun warmed her exposed skin, while the lapping water made occasional cooling forays across her thighs and abdomen. She sighed contentedly. She was due for some ‘R & R’ after this current mission, or rather, the mission she was supposed to be on, and this, right here, right now was a very nice break. She hoped the powers-that-be had been able to replace her. It would be a serious problem if the mission had to be scrapped because of her disappearance. Her mind turned to her current situation.

  “Rap,” she called softly.

  “Mmmmmm?” he replied.

  “What do you think of Seren and Daffyd and Devany?” she asked.

  “Nice people.”

  “You are so incredibly unhelpful, sometimes, Rap!” She swam to the dock and e lithely out of the water.

  “Try not to drip all over me, Rez, please,” he said. She sat down beside him, hoping she wouldn't get splinters in her bum. Since joining the Recruits, she had developed a casual attitude about nudity she would never have suspected herself capable of a few years back.

  “Do you know their realities at all?” she asked, kicking her feet in the water.

  “I'm familiar with Devany's,” he said. “They do have some space capability, and a flourishing Science Fiction underground. Australia is the best place there—very open minded, friendly—a wonderful place. Shunned by most of the rest of the world.” He looked at Reznik. “There are a few pockets, in her reality, where Devany could shine like the bright little penny she is, but where she comes from.... “He shook his head. “I imagine she would be having her mind erased a few times before they destroy her imagination—and you know she has one, or she couldn't have processed any of this, even subconsciously. She's a treasure, that one. Daffyd and Seren know it, too. I can see that he wants to keep her away from her world; perhaps he'd like to take her as his own daughter. He wants her to be able to grow—really grow.”

  “Speaking of Daffyd, does he strike you as a bit ... odd?”

  “That homosexual façade, you mean?” His forehead creased and he gazed out at the trees again. “I don't know where that comes from, but he wears it like a second skin. It's become a natural part of him when he's around people. Unfortunately, we don't have any information on his Earth, so I can't say why he's like that. He's not sexually weird—I mean, he's not interested in Devany, or anything like that. In fact, he seems quite taken with Seren.”

  “You noticed that, too, eh?” She kicked harder at the water. “So why doesn't he tell her?”

  “He's afraid to. Look deeper the next time you see him, Rez. He's completely terrified to let his mask slip. As long as he thinks we think he's homosexual, he's all right. But if he thought we knew—or if he thought Seren even suspected the truth—he would be devastated. Why; I haven't a clue.” He looked at her. “It would be interesting to find out about his world.”

  She nodded. “Yeh. It would. He seems to be a very nice man; a real Good Guy, you know what I mean? You don't meet them like him very often. I wonder if I can get him to talk about life back home; his home, you know.”

  “You can try ... but you better put some clothes on first. I don't think you'd do him any good, turning up like that.” He grinned at her.

  She laughed out loud. “Ohmigawd! Could you just imagine? Poor Daffyd.” She snickered and chortled to herself while she dressed. “I'm going to go track him down. Later, Rap.”

  “Later, Rez.” He returned to his meditation.

  She found Daffyd in the barn, milking Dammit. His big hands were knowing and strong, yet gentle. Dammit stood quietly as Daffyd worked. Reznik approached with a cheerful greeting, not wanting to startle him. He smiled his quirky smile.

  Reznik patted the cow and rested an arm across her back. Daffyd glanced up at her, then looked back at what he was doing.

  “So, Daffyd. What are you missing out on at home?” Might as well jump right in.

  He shook his head. “Rehearsals. Nothing much else.”

  “I guess your family must be worried about you,” she said.

  “I suppose so,” he replied. “Yes, they will, when they realize I'm missing. I don't see them very often,” he explained. “I travel so much, and for such a large part of the year, that we don't spend a lot of time together.”

  “I see. You and your sister aren't too close, then?” She idly scratched Dammit behind the ear.

  “More than some, less than others,” he replied. “We've been getting clos
er the past few years. We had a ... falling out ... quite some time ago and were quite distant for several years.” He didn't tell her that it was because Rhiannon had been uncomfortable with her brother's sexual orientation.

  “But, Daffyd,” she said to him, the day she had found out. He had managed to hide it from her until he was in his mid-thirties. One day she had come to the city unannounced and had let herself into his apartment, only to discover him in bed with a woman. The woman, he didn't remember now who she had been, had fled. Daffyd had dressed and the arguments began. “I don't understand why you want to be like this? If Father ever finds out, it'll kill him!”

  “I don't want to be like this, Rhee,” he had said, over and over, in endless conversations, his words falling on deaf ears and a closed mind. “I would give my right arm to be like everybody else. But I'm not. I just don't find other men attractive.”

  “But what about Liam Sheeny? You and he were all over each other back in high school.” Liam had been one of his longer-lasting normal relationships.

  “I was trying to fit in. Besides, I liked Liam just fine. It was easy to fake it with him,” he had told her.

  “His sister told me that he told her that you were—how did he put it—dynamite in bed. That sure sounds like sexual attraction to me.” She glared at him in triumph.

  “Yes, well, I'm sure she didn't tell you that she used to walk into his room all the time, half-naked from the shower. You ever see Moira with just a towel around her waist?” He stared at her, and she flushed. He knew she had seen Moira with a lot less than that on. For a time, the Sheenys and the ap Owens had been quite the item. “Then you know how I felt. She'd come in, hair dripping, the water running over her naked breasts, which were practically in my face; say something pointless and then leave. Liam got lots of action from me that year, and it was all thanks to Moira's tits.”


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