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Choice of Submissions

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by Terri Pray

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  Choice of Submissions [Celeste's Captivity VII]

  by Terri Pray

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  Copyright ©


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  ISBN 978-1-60089-413-8

  All rights reserved

  Copyright © 2008 Terri Pray

  This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission.

  For information contact:

  Sizzler Editions/B&D

  A Renaissance E Books publication

  Chapter One

  Celeste turned away from the sight of the two ships and with it the two men who had arrived on the Island. Nothing could have prepared her for their arrival, and had she thought, even for a moment, that they'd be able to track her here, she'd have left within a few days of her arrival. Now she had no where to run to, no way off the Island until the next supply ship docked, unless she could beg passage away on one of the very ships that had brought the two men here.

  “I won't let them harm you.” Steven rested one hand on her shoulder.

  Her skin tightened beneath his touch. “You won't be able to stop them. Not Davien at least. Tearlach— him I don't know. It depends on how he reacts.” Tearlach. Angry. Unpredictable. Easy to push if she was careful about it.

  Davien was another matter entirely. He'd be angry, of course, that she escaped him during the party, but now he'd face not only Tearlach but everyone else on the Island. He would be outnumbered and that was something she was grateful for. The guards and Jamezen would offer some level of protection, unless she stepped outside of the boundaries of the protections she had on the Island.

  Which meant making sure she was never alone with Steven, Tearlach or Davien and that wasn't going to be easy, not with the way she knew all three men would stalk her. The agreement with Steven was another matter to deal with.

  Too much to think about and not enough time to prepare.

  “I have to return to my room and sort a few things out. I don't have much time. I'm sorry, Steven, but this must come first. If I am not fully prepared when they present themselves to Jamezen then there will be problems.”

  Steven frowned instantly, his jaw tight. “We had plans.”

  “Had being the appropriate word. Those ships and the passengers with them, have changed everything. I can't take a risk around Davien. He'll see the weakness and use it. He's done it before.” Cold sweat coated her breasts beneath her dress. “He'll do it again.” And again, and again until she had no choice but to surrender to him. She didn't have the strength to go through that again.

  Not with Davien.

  Not with anyone.

  “It won't happen. I won't let him near you.” Steven followed her back down into the belly of the fortress.

  “He's not that easy to stop.” She didn't even look back at the man. What did he know about such things? “Blood would kill anyone who got in his way. Tearlach as well. With both of them here it's going to be dangerous to be around me. Unless you like the idea of a musket ball between your eyes?”

  “He wouldn't— they wouldn't!”

  “Yes, without hesitation.” Men, what was it about them? They either fought their way through life, or they stumbled through it never quite believing that others could be so cruel? “They've both killed people. I've seen Davien kill a man in front of me as sport. I know he'd do it again and not even lose a minute's sleep over it.”

  “He'd be killed, or arrested.”

  “Maybe, maybe not. He's rich and powerful. Both buy men out of trouble on a regular basis.” She hurried through the fortress toward her room. The sooner she was there and safe, the better. Her heart pounded against her rib cage. She couldn't take the risk of being caught right now.

  “Let me help you.” Steven caught her arm. “Submit to me, become my bitch... ”

  “Your what?”

  “It's something Jamezen announced a day before you arrived. A new rule. Where a free can have a private slave... ”

  Celeste paled and turned to look back at him. She'd seen the ruling, but hadn't even thought of it. It hadn't interested her. Suddenly it all made sense. The way Steven had pursued her, the look in his eyes. Why hadn't she taken this into consideration? “No, the answer is no and please don't ask me again. I won't be a slave.” Not again.

  “And if you have a choice, be his, or be mine?”

  “I can't think like that. I have to— Steven, just let me focus myself please. Or you'll push me into his hands.” She pushed open the door to her room and closed it behind her before he could say anything else. She waited, leaning against the door, making sure he didn't try and enter her room.

  Only when she heard him walk away did she take a breath. Time. How much time did she have left? Not enough, but it would have to be enough. Her hands shook. Calm. Focus. I can't let them win before I've even begun to fight.

  What to do?

  Running wasn't an option.

  Hiding wouldn't be. They knew she was here, it was the only reason they would have come to the Island. What else could have brought them here?

  Calm, letting him get to me is not going to help in the long term. A drink might have helped, but it would have also dulled her mind. Not something she could risk. She had to get her thoughts straight, her mind calm and her emotions under control.

  Anything else would result in a mistake she couldn't afford to make.

  How had they traced her so quickly?

  Someone at the docks had told him?

  Had he known, or found out from a sailor that had been kicked off the ship?

  She'd never find out by staying in her room, but she wasn't ready to head out to the court room just yet. No, she had to get her thoughts in order and...

  And spend the rest of her days in hiding? No, she wasn't going to let them do that to her. She was stronger than that. So why was she shaking in her shoes?

  Fear. It ruled her still. Perhaps with good reason, but she wasn't about to let this take control of her, she couldn't let them win.

  His voice rang out somewhere from the courtyard. She couldn't hear what he had said, but the voice was one she recognized all too well. His. The one she had obeyed and knelt to for so long that she wasn't sure if she could ignore an order from him if he snapped one at her.

  I have to. I have to fight the compulsion.

  At least with Tearlach that compulsion wouldn't be there. She hadn't been with him long enough for it to work that way. He'd barely even used her before she had found a way to break free. All right, so that wasn't entirely true, but it was close enough.

  She had the strength, the ability, she just had be true to herself and accept it that she wasn't the type of woman who would give up and kneel to him again. No matter what he tried to do to her.

  She had the laws of the Island to protect her. As long as she didn't break them and didn't show any weakness there was nothing he could do to her. Nothing at all.

  * * * *

  Two hours, it had taken two hours but she'd finally left her room and walked down into the court room. But at least she had her chin lifted, her gaze calm and her body was clean of sweat. No trace of fear on her face, or in her eyes, she'd made certain of that before she'd stepped out of her room.

  They s
tood close to the Lord of the Island. Both men stared at her, following her path into the court room and over to the foot of the dais steps, the gazes never flickering away from her, a smile never touching their lips. Tension played through their shoulders and arms, their hands clenched at their sides.

  “Ah, Ms. Blue, it would appear that you have some visitors seeking to reacquaint themselves with you.” Jamezen smiled from his throne like chair. “I never knew you had such an interesting past.”

  “We all have an interesting past in one way or another, Lord Jamezen.” Celeste offered a slight curtsey. “As I'm sure you're well aware.”

  “Indeed, there is no arguing with that.” The pale faced man smiled, though it didn't touch his eyes. “So, you know these two gentlemen?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “And do they tell the truth, did they own you?”

  “Yes, they did, but that was in the past and you know the truth now. I am a dominant, not a slave. I proved that during my trip to the Island and in my stay here.” She was walking on dangerous ground and she knew it.

  “True enough.” The Lord of the Island gave a slight shrug. “So do you think them living here will be a problem to you?”

  “No, why would it be?” She flashed a smile. “They are, after all, bound by the same rules of the Island as I am. Or has something changed?”

  “No, nothing has changed.”

  “Good.” Relief washed through her being, though she wasn't about to let it show. “Then I shall make them welcome, within the rules of the Island, and hope that they enjoy the pleasure offered to them by the slaves here. I believe they might need the time with some of the pretty pieces of property that you have here.”

  “I am sure they are aware of that, but I believe they both wish to talk to you before taking their pleasures.” The smile on Jamezen's face never faltered and it didn't stop her from feeling uncomfortable around him.

  Celeste offered another slight curtsey and backed away before she sought out the comfort of the fire place. They'd come to her soon enough. She knew that. But at least she could be comfortable.

  “You've no idea just how long I've spent hunting for you.” Davien Blood rested one hand on the back of her chair. “You will pay for the time and the expense.”

  “And just how will I do that?” Celeste smiled calmly, her hands folded on her lap. “I'm not afraid of you anymore, Davien.”

  “A mistake.”

  “Perhaps, only time will tell there.”

  “She's mine.” Tearlach growled.

  “Under the laws of the Island I belong to no one but myself, and I plan on keeping it that way.” They could fight it out amongst themselves for all she cared. “If you break the laws here I have no doubt that the guards will deal with you. They have dealt with others who have attempted to break the laws that protect those who live on this island.”

  Tearlach growled.

  Davien's hand tightened on the back of the chair.

  “There's no point in getting angry over this, especially with me.” She turned and flashed a smile at both men. “It's wasted energy, but go ahead and rant, rave, growl, the only people you're impressing is me.”

  “You'll pay for this, bitch.” Tearlach spat the words out.

  “Oh, and you're going to do what, Raven?”

  “Shut up, now!” He snapped, his dark eyes flashing.

  “I'm not afraid of you.” Celeste shook as she tried to keep her voice calm. “So feel free to act in your normal, blustering, ignorant manner. It might work with my sister, it might work with others, it doesn't with me. If it had I wouldn't have run. However I broke away from you and I am now free.”

  “Not for long.”

  “It's surprising that you've managed to stay free for so long, Raven.” Davien mused. “Only a fool wastes his energy in such a manner. There are rules to this game and I suggest we both learn to play them. A way of learning who is the better man, perhaps? Unless, of course, you're afraid of meeting me head to head in such a game?”

  Tearlach stood up fully and walked around Celeste's chair, standing in front of her. He clasped his hands behind his back and looked over her, then back at Davien. “Challenge accepted.”

  “Within the laws of the Island, of course.”

  “Of course.”

  “Which means you might both find another, or others, attempting to foil you, or win the very same prize.” Celeste spoke softly, a smile touching her lips. If they wanted to beat each other over the head in an absurd game, then that was entirely their choice. She'd enjoy the show and feel all the safer for the waste of time and energy they displayed.

  “Others?” Tearlach snapped.

  “What others?” Davien moved to stand closer to Tearlach.

  “I'm sure you'll both find out in time.” Damned if I'm going to tell them who to watch for. They can find out for themselves. They'd caused enough problems for her, why should she not enjoy their discomfort now? She'd earned the pleasure.

  “She's enjoying this too much.”

  “Indeed, but that will change.” Davien's smile didn't touch his eyes. “She will learn and be corrected for her behavior, even if I have to return to the basics in her training.”

  “You're assuming that you'll win.” Tearlach's hand's clenched at his sides.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “It's not going to end that way. She was mine last. She ran from you and I... ”

  “I ran from you both and I intend to keep it that way.” Celeste turned to signal a slave, then sent the nude young woman for a cup of tea. “I suggest you become used to the idea that I am free and intend to stay that way.”

  “You won't have a choice.” Tearlach snapped and loomed closer.

  “Yes, I will. The only way I could become someone's property here is under the new personal slave, or bitch, rules. And that is not through force. So you see you are both fighting a losing battle.”

  “Interesting. I was led to believe there might be another way, but the source is— unreliable at best.” Davien shrugged, and rubbed his chin, his gaze thoughtful. “However this can still be worked with.”

  That sent a shiver down her spine. A part of Celeste had hoped he would simply walk away when he realized that she wasn't about to drop to her knees for him. It wasn't going to be that simple though. That much was now all too clear. “So, you are taking the challenge?”

  “I'd be a fool not to.”

  “You won't win her, I will.” Tearlach turned and settled into the chair on Celeste's left. “She knows that, it's why she won't look at me.”

  Celeste didn't hide the smirk as she turned to look at him briefly then shrugged and looked away. “I don't look at you because you're not worth it. You bore me. You're so full of yourself that you can't even see the world around you. Perhaps you should just save us all some time, and leave the island?”

  “You little... ” Tearlach half launched himself out of the chair, stopping only a breath away from where Celeste sat. He glanced up, seeing the guards, the way they watched every move both men made. He growled, then took a deep breath, standing up fully. “No. I won't lose control. You're not getting rid of me that easily.”

  Not yet at least.

  “She's intelligent, it's best to remember that when dealing with Celeste.” Davien flashed a cold smile. “Ah, yes, of course. You didn't have her in your possession long enough to learn anything about her. It explains why she escaped from you so easily.”

  “And your excuse?”

  “I turned my back at the wrong moment. Not a mistake I'll make again.”

  Chapter Two

  Celeste closed the door behind her and walked fully into her room. A dangerous game. If they won she lost her freedom. If she won then— then what? She could leave? Stay? She'd have to stay, at least here she was protected by the laws of the island. It wasn't much and it would confine her, but better to be free here, than a slave in England.

  Celeste sat down on the edge of her bed and rubbed her aching
temples. What in hells name was she going to do now? Sit and wait for them to give up?

  That might happen with Tearlach. Not with Davien. He wasn't the type to walk away. That's why he'd tracked her here. He wasn't weak. And if he found a way to take control of her again, she'd pay for everything that had happened.

  He'll destroy me.

  No, not if she could help it. She was stronger than that, she'd learned a level of self control that they would never expect. Davien had expected her to be afraid, as had Tearlach, that much had been obvious. They hadn't seen the fear that had been all too present.

  If she could keep it hidden...

  “Mistress?” A small voice called out from beyond the closed door.

  “Yes?” Celeste glanced over at the door.

  “You haven't eaten today, I've been sent with a tray, or an offer of a meal with Master Blood.”

  A cold shiver ran down her spine. It had begun. “I see, and if I am not interested in having a meal with him?”

  “Master Blood said he would let it be known that you act with the same level of fear as those who serve on the island.”

  Somehow she'd seen that coming. It was exactly his style. The start of a mental barrage to wear her down. She swallowed hard, weighing up the odds. “All right, please let Blood know I'll be there, but also inform the guards where I will be.” That should cut down the odds of her being trapped by him. Or that was the idea.

  “Yes, Mistress. He's expecting you there within the hour. His room is one level below yours, room fifteen.” The slave waited a moment then headed away from Celeste's room.

  Within the hour?

  Enough time to settle her nerves. Enough time to build the mask of ice. That would confuse him, or so she hoped. Celeste rose and moved to the long, full length, mirror at the far end of the room. She could use it to prepare, to build the ice and make sure her expression was one of cold disdain.


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